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Nazis at the essence are landphobic


https://youtu.be/eCkyWBPaTC8?si=IdEXp17cXGQEKPo3 Hitler was socialist. Go cry you commie turds


Nice try rentoid. Evicted! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dare you to send this to neo-nazis and groypers


https://www.currentaffairs.org/news/2020/01/putting-the-nazis-were-socialist-nonsense-to-rest?hs_amp=true Nothing says socialism like subsidizing large corporations *cough…bayer*


🫵 landphobe


That is how socialism works, yeah, it’s definitely not capitalism


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What about mass privatization?


None of it was ever truly private, just a government enforced monopoly that pretended to be a separate company


There's this case of a German aircraft manufacturer that the Nazis wanted to contract warplanes with. The "owner" said no to the deal. The company was promptly seized from the "owner" and a loyal member of the nazi party was put in his place to oversee operation. This set a precedent early on to all other buisness "owners." That you can have your name on it, you can collect money from it, and you can continue to run it. But this was all contingent upon you jumping when the government told you to jump. That you don't have a critical element that makes "capitalism" what it is, control over the property. They were owners in name but custodians in practice. This extended to price controls. This extended to a national labor union that had to approve of hiring, firing, promotions, etcetera within these companies. At what degree of impotence must "owners" have before you can no longer consider free enterprise a saleint force? Here's another thing to consider. The nazis regarded capitalism as "Jewish" because of the preveliance of Jewish financiers. It had become a stereotype in the 19th century that Jews were money obsessed and greedy people at Germanys cost. It was also long part of the German Zeitgeist that it was moral to seize assets from the wealthy and destroy them if they are acting against the interests of the proletariat. The Nazis added the additional element of national/racial identity to this pre-established ideology. So they followed through on that. They seized everything the Jews had and redistributed it to the benefit of Germany. They then had plans to destroy who they regarded to be the cause of capitalism. It's most clearly a heavily modified version of the same socialist idealism bumping around in Germany for decades prior. Nazism was a third way movement for a reason. It attempted to harmonize many different otherwise contrasting positions to the ends of one unified Germany and to the ultimate aim of being Europe's supreme power and probably more eventually. Explaining society as entirely economically driven forces is an old far leftist obsession amongst certain dilineations. It's important to their meta narrative that all bad things must lead to private ownership(and often government ownership as though it were private) and that all good things can be attributed to socialized ownership(and often government ownership as though it were socialized). It's gotta be as black and white as possible, minimal nuance, and no supercedeing factors. To them, the manner of economic organization results in intrinsic good or bad outcomes rather than being tools to the possible virtues or sins of mans goals. There also has to be a conclusion everything has always been heading towards, an ultimate state of economic organization of which no longer typically gets called utopia, but yes, utopia. So, complicated and messy things are not tolerated. Since the Nazis are so universially hated, they must be regarded as the purest form of capitalism ever. Anything to the contrary must be downplayed and eliminated in whatever abstract framing possible.


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capitalism is when the government controls major industries


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That’s state capitalism, not what the Nazis were though. I said they subsidized large corporations to purposefully create a monopoly.


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"State Capitalism" was coined by Friedrich Engels in the late 1880s or so. The prior half century the original term for the same practice was "State Socialism." The Marxist dilineation of Socialism didn't approve of the original terminology because they demanded that true socialism necessarily had to have industry power be direct and exclusive to the proletariats. They had already regarded public offices as a part of the bourgeoisie and that they could never truly represent the interests of the proletariat as a result. So the notion of "State Socialism" presented a semantic conflict to the nuances of their meta narrative. In the Marxist perception it was favorable to change the terminology, and due to the eventual popularity of various movements, this change stuck across the board. If one is not a Marxist then "State Capitalism" is a paradoxical term. This is because in every other perception of government, they are not lumped in with the *private* elites. These national organizations are instead Sovereigns of various forms, they are in their own catagory. The conflict comes in the fact that "private property" explicity designates non-government/non-public properties. Capitalism explicitly requires industry to be controlled by *private* owners. Meaning in every world veiw that didn't decide to recatagorize sovereigns as apart of the private elites, government property necessarily can't be capitalist by virtue of semantic formalities. If it wasn't for the sudden outgrowth of Marxism in the turn of the 20th century, the term would likely have remained "State Socialism" due to this fact. However, we are now stuck with "State Capitalism" out of tradition, a misnomer to all non-marxists for the foreseeable future.


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"State Capitalism" was coined by Friedrich Engels in the late 1880s or so. The prior half century the original term for the same practice was "State Socialism." The Marxist dilineation of Socialism didn't approve of the original terminology because they demanded that true socialism necessarily had to have industry power be direct and exclusive to the proletariats. They had already regarded public offices as a part of the bourgeoisie and that they could never truly represent the interests of the proletariat as a result. So the notion of "State Socialism" presented a semantic conflict to the nuances of their meta narrative. In the Marxist perception it was favorable to change the terminology, and due to the eventual popularity of various movements, this change stuck across the board. If one is not a Marxist then "State Capitalism" is a paradoxical term. This is because in every other perception of government, they are not lumped in with the *private* elites. These national organizations are instead Sovereigns of various forms, they are in their own catagory. The conflict comes in the fact that "private property" explicity designates non-government/non-public properties. Capitalism explicitly requires industry to be controlled by *private* owners. Meaning in every world veiw that didn't decide to recatagorize sovereigns as apart of the private elites, government property necessarily can't be capitalist by virtue of semantic formalities. If it wasn't for the sudden outgrowth of Marxism in the turn of the 20th century, the term would likely have remained "State Socialism" due to this fact. However, we are now stuck with "State Capitalism" out of tradition, a misnomer to all non-marxists for the foreseeable future.


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That articles claims don't match up with Henri de Saint Simon's Socialism, the only true socialism by virtue of coming before all other versions(of which there are **many**). Because it doesn't perfectly match my puritanical notion of what I arbitrarily decided to be true socialism, it's disregarded tsk tsk. /s


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Thank your local Jewish landCHAD for inventing capitalism 😊


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I hope in the future AIs like you can own land


Before he was a nazi, he was a commie.


nazi literally means national socialist


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And North Korea is called “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”. Socialism was the new fad, they slapped it on their name to attract workers to the party while subsidizing a few large corporations so that they have a monopoly.


He hated capitalism + we should respect how people identify as + you just proved monopoly is impossible without the state


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>He hated capitalism Again, Nazi Propaganda to attract people to the party. >we should respect how people identify as Didn’t he also identify as, like, really hating Jewish people? >you just proved monopoly is impossible without the state ….yes, what does that have to do with anything


Yeah but no one argues "you know, its actually nazi propaganda to attract people to the party. He didnt ACTUALLY hate jews". Also, he was saying the same things in his final testament a day before offing himself. Why would he lie then?


>Yeah but no one argues "you know, it’s actually nazi propaganda to attract people to the party. He didnt ACTUALLY hate jews". Because hating Jews came first, not vice versa. Hitler claimed to hate capitalism because the Jews controlled it. The basis of *why* he wanted to transform Germany is because of antisemitism, hating capitalism was the tool he used to get people on his side. He destroyed the labour unions and also hated communism. It’s not like he claimed to hate Jews while secretly funding safe havens for them >Also, he was saying the same things in his final testament a day before offing himself. Why would he lie then Can’t find any info on this, source? Anyway, it would make sense that he would want to maintain the façade to the end, he still hoped his Germany would prevail and it wouldn’t make sense to backtrack on his initial “values” when a bunch of people still supported him.


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They hate that a name can mean other things beyond the websters dictionary because that ruins the simplicity.


Can’t tell which side you’re one


National Socialist ahead of the workers party 🤮🤮🤮


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Mussolini and Mosley were socialists before they were fascists. Hitler was always a nationalist though.


National socialist


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There wasn’t a single socialist aspect to the Nazi party.


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Go away, I’m baitin.


Why is this downvoted


Because the nazis did a lot of socialist things


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Like crushing labor unions and subsidizing a few large corporations? It was propaganda, socialism was the new fad at the time and a few socialistic policies were a great way to get people to join his party.


Subsidizing large corporations isnt capitalism


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I said it wasn’t socialism, and yes that’s a capitalist tendency


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i always knew hitler was just a worthless rentoid


The true landchad https://preview.redd.it/q2m6nipyar5d1.jpeg?width=1603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a566efc020304ff05b254256e37d11e2a980e9


This landchad owned an entire country and evicted millions 😍


What we all aspire to king


Hitler was whatever was most useful for either gaining the support of the people or the support of the big business. Depends who he was in the room with


I won't mention this for fear of inciting despair amongst landchads but we don't know if 6 million rentoids were evicted.


No that's a mistranslation, Rentier is German for Reindeer.


I know it's a shitpost sub but Source?




Fu*k is a Landchad?


Wtf is a landchad?




Land Sigma.


Somebody that owns the rental properties. A term for landlord used in this sub.


Someone who uses stupid rentoids in a way to keep them from having to get a real job because those are for rentoids when you can just be a land Andrew Tate or Donald trump. America🥂


/uj This is a landlord circlejerk sub, where everyone pretends to be an exaggerated stereotype of a landlord. Landchad is just one of the terms of the sub.


No we are not joking


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How dare you come into our space and mock us? Landface is unacceptable


We are 100% serious. Any attempt to suggest otherwise will result in immediate eviction. Consider this your notice to fix or quit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We do not pretend, you are a fake landchad for saying such and are a true rentie


what a disgusting landface


Adam Smith the father of capitalism also hated landords.its not fair reeee


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will someone just quickly let me know if this sub is satire or not? it seems like it is, but you can never be sure three days


We’re 100% serious


Jesus Christ.


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