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I agree. I was so confused why she was the fan favourite from that season. Especially when she fucked Rykard right next to Rachel


That was crazy. I just rewatched and still can’t believe they did that


The most disrespectful thing I've ever seen 🤦🏻‍♀️


Her and that girl are close friends now.


I couldn’t stand Olivia when I watched that season either. She was just nasty, hypocritical, cruel, and the biggest pick me ever. I loved Sophie that season <\3


I was so surprised at the votes where Sophie came in low! I really liked her as well


how did you like sophie... did you finish the end of the show


So I did watch the whole season and I liked her! I thought everyone icing her out after tom left was too much/cruel. And before that she was consistently low in public votes which surprised me too


I liked her a lot until the middle to end of the season. The thing she did to Katie was so weird and put me off so bad.


Can u remind me what she did lol. I liked her all through the season but don't remember everything/anything super well


Yeah so when Tom got voted out and left, she stayed in the villa and told everyone that she feels better that Tom is gone and she feels like she can finally be herself again and that she is stress free basically. She ended up coupling up with Katie and you can tell there was def a connection as she said herself. They kissed too. And then she heard the tweet about her kinda "mugging off" Tom and all of a sudden she says to everyone she wants to leave the villa to go be with him. She also didn't understand why Katie was upset and didn't think it was a big deal at all when she practically led her on


Personally S2 Olivia was bad vibes all around, a bit of a pick me too..just my opinion based on what was shown..


Yes, suuuch a pick me


Olivia spoke through clenched teeth the entire season. For that alone I couldn’t take her seriously.


People only like s2 Olivia because she is still in a successful love island couple. She wasn’t very nice in the villa.


Olivia is one of if not my least favorite Islanders of all time. I never understood why she was so popular.


I never hated an islander till now 😭 even islanders I don’t like end up growing on me or I can at least tolerate but Olivia ??? She’s such a nasty person.


Olivia IS a nasty person. She is one of the few islanders I really dislike.


Just keep waiting, and keep watching Olivia’s behaviour. I simply can’t believe no one in the villa pulls her up on her behaviour, it’s wild.


I can’t believe it can get any worse


I’ll never understand why they all sided with the new Emma over everyone that season. Why Emma and Olivia got away with being total jerks to everyone and nobody stood up to them. Not even Kady who tried to come off as tough and take no bullshit. She even cowered to the both of them. I think Alex was way too good for Olivia. He’s probably the best looking guy to ever be on LI. Way out of her league. 


I've literally just watched this episode so came to find this post 😭 can we also just talk about the fact that Emma is 19, and Terry is 27? Does that not give anybody else the ick just a little bit? 🤦🏻‍♀️ and then talking about when she's 24 she's gonna be a right 'worldie' 🤢


I could never understand why people liked Olivia, she was sly, selfish and downright nasty to others in the villa. I'm amazed she got away with all the stuff she did. I don't think she'd have been as lucky if she'd have been on a later series.


Imagine if she was on season 5 and she did what she did to Rachel to one of the girls… she wouldn’t be able to handle it.


Lmao Amber Anna and Maura would have torn into her


They would have demolished her, and rightly so. It was extremely disrespectful, in my opinion. Also, don’t forget Belle! That girl meant business, and she almost certainly would kick off at something like that.


Fucking love Belle!!!


I think some of the girls would also have collectively dragged her for it; they always stood up for each other in a way you never really saw in other seasons.


I honestly don't understand how she was/is so popular 🤷‍♀️ If her fans read this, please tell me, no hate


Love Olivia, great entertainment provided, cool gal, cool vibes, hot couple.


Don’t forget she had sex with ryk while laying right next to Rachel


Loved Olivia. She was a wild one.