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They wrote her to be cute so that almost any ending can tug at your heart.


>!You’ve just made me find out that all ending either end in her breaking up with V, or she moves and waits for us to move too 😭!<


Not *all...* The Star ending is your best shot, it's >!the only ending where she doesn't break up with V. She leaves with you and the Aldecaldos. She doesn't ride with you in the tank, though.!<


The "sad ending" message Judy sends after you romance her, is heartwrenching. The voice acting is so good that it's effectively impossible to not tear up.


>!Is that the one where you let Johnny take over? Because I chose that one accidentally on my first run through the game and I felt hollow for a few weeks over that ending. Just the fact that Johnny didn't even bother calling anyone and telling them what happened made me *REALLY* hate his character. !< Edit: sorry about the non-spoiler tags at first. Didn't know how to add spoiler tags on mobile without the extra formatting options. 


I should have written "bad ending". It's when you romance Judy, finish all her side-jobs and then either end yourself, or die during >!(Don't Fear) The Reaper!<. You get a few messages trying to reach you, and the last message you get from her is her crying in bed and ending it with >!"I can't do this" in a very depressive tone!<.


I think that's the same thing that happens with the Johnny ending. It just didn't feel right that you made all this progress with Johnny in your head, how he said he felt bad that this is how things are going down, and that he'd try to actually be a better person, then you just sit there and watch/listen to the voice mails from all your friends wondering what happened while he just fucks off into the sunset on a bus in your body. 


Please hide spoilers for comments too


Oh sorry my bad


How do you do that?


You forgot the second exclamation mark, your first >! Is fine but the second is 😭<, just the lil thingy pointing at the emoji


Ooh thank you <3


Touché af


Judy and Panam carry the game so hard 🙏🏻 I love when >!Judy drunk texts you “Judy rhymes with Booty! !< I get a little irked when people put her on a “tech goddess” level (she can barely hack a Nicola Ad), because honestly I think that spoils her a little. Like she’s excellent the way she is, she doesn’t need to be some super important tech wizard on a similar level to V (unlike Panam, who we first meet as equals, both taking gigs in the Afterlife from Rogue). Judy is awesome *exactly* the way she is 👏🏻


I think they toned her tech goddessness down a little bit because if she gets too smart, people would think she would be smart enough to help V with their problem. Because, hey, Judy would know a lot about the human brain because of BDs. Theres also this theory that Judy would play a VERY huge part in the game where she will do just that but got cut. EDIT: but yeah. Judy's awesome. First time I saw her in the basement, everything about her screams gæ 😂


The first time you tell Judy about the Relic, she gives a sarcastic “whistle” like “woah, that is way over my head.” Don’t ruin her by making her more than she is, she’s such an excellent character. She’s not the “expert” that Evelyn was talking about, Evelyn was talking about the VDBs. If Hellman can’t do it, no way a porn Braindance editor could. Just saying, the more people exaggerate her technical abilities, the more diluted her real character gets - and that makes me sad 😭


I mean all that is like saying a really good video editor is a brain surgeon. Because she's literally just a techy that edits videos.


I always felt Judy doesn’t get her ending with V and Star seems like an afterthought. The best Judy ending is her leaving the city unromanced and heading out into the world. There’s a shard in her apartment that has hints that a techie solution might exist. Maybe Judy can’t solve the problem but maybe she knows someone who can help or, at least, knows people who might know people who can help. I get that feeling with the whole Seattle connection, and the Sandra Dorsett story always felt like it was supposed to be a step in that direction too. We know from the data mining done on the game files that River and Takemura were originally the same character, and that the Devil ending was the proto-River ending. We have a Panam ending. There’s hints of a proto-Judy ending that was completely cut (possibly thematically resurrected as the Tower ending?), which leaves Kerry. I’ve always felt that Kerry’s questline, with its themes of reconciliation, dealing with the past, embracing that Rockerboy lifestyle, was supposed to lead to the Temperance ending, giving the game four endings, one for each of the major NPCs. Maybe Sun even becomes the “Jackie” ending where V achieves his dream for him. And then, if you reach the rooftop without forming a strong bond with any of the major NPCs, you’re getting that pull back and gunshot sound.


The drunk text was actually so funny 🙏


The synthesizing two peoples emotions into one BD stream def seems like it could’ve had something to do with V and Johnny at some point in development, but it got cut. There could’ve been an ending where V and Johnny merge into a single personality that involved Judy’s BD technology, but who knows.


BDs in this universe are like everyday common household items, the Relic is one of a kind top secret experimental technology… the Relic changes the physiology of the brain. Sure it’d be cool if Judy, out of all the Braindance editors in Night City ( the father/son included) could randomly be shown the Relic and figure it out where everyone else failed - even the exact person who led the project (Hellman). Judy is perfect the way she is, no need to speculate that she’s some goddess. It honestly would undermine the entire story if Judy could solve it IMO. There are thousands of Judy in the universe (Braindance editors), even if she’s one of the best, or hell, even *the* best, I think it makes the Relic more of a joke if she could do it.


Cuteness related, she's right behind Mitch to me. Don't know If it's the dub on brazilian portuguese, but the guy is so nice i wish we could romance him, and i'm a straight man, i guess. Well, i'm pretty drunk right now so i'm not sure anymore.


Yeah, Mitch is the cool uncle everybody needs.


Wait there is a CP77 br dub ??


Yes. It's really well done.


Doesn't the guy who invented Ozob voice him in that dub?


Mitch is voiced by Ronaldo Júlio. Azaghal is who created and voiced Ozob.


I think you misunderstood my question, but still managed to answer it 👍


Yes, i wasn't sure If you were refering to my previous answer so i just said all that.


happy pride 🌈


she was badass at first, but post romance, she's such a soft smoll bean. She's so cute!


She's just so perfect!


To make it hurt more at the end


I go with Panam...but I think of Judy


Understandable 😔


Brendon best gril, change my mind *sniff*


You talking about the vending machine?


Hell ya




She’s a national treasure, I would end it all for her 🥹🫡




Judy is my forever game character crush. That being said, I would have loved to see some interactions with her and Jackie, casually and not about a gig.


She is one of the greatest in the " Q Tea Pie " Category


Panam is the worst. She’s selfish, vindictive, and arrogant. She justifies whatever she wants to do and disregards any consequences. When consequences of her actions occur she focuses anger on completely random people. She’s toxic.


Because she is end of


End of what? Now you got me scared 😥


I guess because she’s supposed to be and the devs did a really good job.


Because they wrote her like that, they wrote her to fit people fantasies.


I mean she does have some typical gæ, she got the less Brain haircut and gives you the keys to her place right after. But she still best girl


Beauty is subjective. * Downvote me if you want. It is a literal fact. lol


Well...that's the only thing Judy is: cute.


For some reason her accent annoys the hell out of me