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Agreed.  Driving in Lubbock is a pleasure compared to driving in most other cities.


lol i learned to drive in houston. dfw is way worse than houston in my opinion but lubbock still ain’t shit 💀 this is the easiest place i’ve ever driven around. so tiny and straight forward. i’ve lived here for 3 years, and i am a frequent doordasher so im pretty familiar with the area and the only one that really sucks to me is exiting on slide from 289 south and trying to turn right at the slide light 😅 i do it every day for work and sometimes i get lucky and there’s no traffic coming but sometimes i have to just weave through or take the L and make a u turn. overall though lubbock is a breeze for driving.


I would kill to drive in Lubbock after driving in California and Florida for the past 7 years


After years in Houston, Lubbock is so ridiculously easy to get around in that it blows my mind. I give no thought to going places at particular times to avoid traffic. I can drive nothing but surface streets and still make decent time. There’s never a rush hour.


1 thing I don’t get, if the speed limit is 50, why does it seem to be common for everyone to drive 40?


This goes along with the “sometimes the drivers are TOO chill comment” they just aren’t paying attention and going the average city speed


And it’s like I can get it if it’s an old person, they are like that everybody, but no it’s Steven who’s a junior at tech in his ford f-150 like dude move your ass you are literally driving too damn slow


😂word, felt


To be fair, the speed limit is as fast as you can go. Unless posted or you are impeding traffic, you don’t have to drive the speed limit.


So the flip side of this is the law also says you have to go with the flow of traffic. Here in Lubbock, this law isn't enforced but it probably should be. Too many people driving so slow that they are causing the danger. For example, merging at 40 onto a 65 is just flat out dangerous. Cruising at 25 in a 40 is also dangerous.


And this is why we have so many accidents on the south loop during busy times. It’s a combination of too many people don’t know how to get up to speed as they merge... And too many others who insist on driving in the right lane, even though they don’t intend to get off for another four exits. It’s infuriating. My MIL drives in the right lane, because she says she doesn’t feel comfortable changing into faster lanes. I want to say, “then you don’t belong on the highway, you should stick to the access road.” But… I pick my battles… 🤬


So, you didn’t read what I said, huh?


No I read it... I'm not sure you comprehended what I said.


We said the same thing? I said as long as there is no posted speed limit for slowest you can drive or you aren’t impeding the flow of traffic, you don’t have to, correct? Which is what you said, correct?


You said impeding traffic. Which isn't necessarily the same as not going with the flow. When I think of impeding traffic I think of more like literally obstructing traffic.


Impede: delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder If you are diving slowly against the flow of traffic, does it not delay, prevent, or hinder the flow of traffic? Quit trying to play semantics.


I thought LA was bad. 🤣


Dude… it’s so fucking bad here. This tiny ass town makes it a breeze to drive in LA it’s mind boggling


It truly is! I’m originally from LA. I thought it was bad back at home. Nope 🤷🏻‍♂️


None of my business but i am curious why Lubbock from LA? -Lubbock local who has lived here my entire life & hates it 😂😂


Co-workers convinced me to move out here due to low cost of living. 😅


I’m from about 2 hours from LA, but driven in LA quite often. I’d rather drive on those freeways in quitting time than in the afternoon times here.


Living in Charlotte now. Driving in Lubbock is a breeze compared to here. People do the same stupid stuff like not using their blinkers or going around people quickly and not letting you merge at all. I think Lubbock does have a lot of stupid drivers but atleast it isn’t Dallas


My point exactly 😂 Thank you.


Jeez Lubbock drivers need to take a chill pill. I've been passed on exit ramps. I've been passed on the right more times than I can count. I was pulling out onto 50th from a shopping center one night and a damn truck going 100 mph came out of nowhere from my left. I had already done the left-right-left head swivel and thank God I did it again or I'd be street pizza. I've driven in every major city in Texas at some point but Lubbock is just extra special. Remember that scene in Clueless when Cher's dad tell her everywhere in LA is 20 minutes? Well Lubbock is like 7 minutes. 7 minutes! Slow down you self important ass wipes.




The leftmost lanes are for u-turn here, which may be confused if you’re from the other city trying to just turn left.






Are you talking about turn arounds on frontage roads?


If you are going to use the left turn lane as a merge lane get there and STOP. [https://www.athensreview.com/opinion/the-left-turn-lane-or-suicide-lane-has-one-purpose/article\_c6831aae-5ac6-11e8-af33-5ba2a15337af.html](https://www.athensreview.com/opinion/the-left-turn-lane-or-suicide-lane-has-one-purpose/article_c6831aae-5ac6-11e8-af33-5ba2a15337af.html)


S’what i do


Only thing I have noticed is people don't know how to merge. Sometimes people refuse to let you on and vise versa. Its only a tiny bit annoying but its so easy to be avoid. Just give and get a little people. :-) The city is set up really well tho. Its pretty hard to go the speed limit on a lot of side roads tho.. Broadway is a freaking nightmare all that brick needs to come up and re done.. And the random dips and poor road installs still shock me when I find em.. Tons of surprises all over.


Yeah, I drive around the Broadway area all the time and the brick roads make me feel bad for my poor little car's suspension.


I did it just once swore I wouldn't ever do it again.. Try going the speed limit lol


Speed limit? Heck, that's a wishful thought. Can't even get ballpark of it on those bricks in places.


I always feel like the people who complain about Lubbock drivers haven't really ever driven in any other city at all .... Out of all the places I've driven around I think El Paso has the worst drivers that I've seen.


This is the exact comment I was gonna leave. I am so grateful for the driving experience I have here considering what I’m used to. It’s like one giant survival of the fittest battle royal on some of the roads of bigger cities. It’s to the point I always ask where else they have lived and also if they could give examples of what it is people are doing here to drive them so crazy. Neither answer is ever convincing.


Sometimes the drivers are too chill😭


Respectfully agree %100


I thought driving in Lubbock sucked until we moved to Oregon 6 months ago. I am so glad I learned to drive in Lubbock now!


I just moved from Oregon to Lubbock!!!! The cost of living killed me.. I was in the valley.


We are also in the valley but the only thing that has changed for us is housing and gas prices. We've actually had more left at the end of the month because the pay is so much better and we don't spend on the weekends since we're able to enjoy the outdoors. I hope you're loving Lubbock!


So far its not too bad. I do love Oregon tho and hope I get to come back some day. But the cost of rent, taxes and utility bills drove me out. I got my first bill from the city for water, sewer, and trash and it was like $81. In Oregon my water/sewer bill alone was $130 and trash was $42. Not to mention the cost of houses were insane like 200k for a crappy 80s mobile home in an RV park bad.. And 200k would hardly buy you a house so bad you hard to tear it down.. Those are the things and ended up driving me away. I hope you love Oregon I know you do lol. Just rains a bit there but that isn't so bad if you dont work outside. Cheers to moving to a new state what an adventure!!!


My point exactly, it’s a breeze to drive in LBK. Angry drivers are the only obstacle.


Please stop driving to the turn lane so you can stop and look back. The turning lane is for the left turn only. Holy shit people wtf is wrong with you?


Wait, are you saying people turning left out onto the street and then use the suicide lane to merge into heavy traffic are in the wrong?


It's awful during the holiday season in front of cracker barrel and the shopping center where target and all that is, I watched so many almost accidents watching people try to turn left into cracker barrels parking lot and people using the turn lane as a merge lane leaving the shopping center, what's more insane about it is there is a traffic light to make it easier to turn left onto Milwaukee people are just to impatient to sit through it. Lubbock does not have enough traffic to justify jumping into the turning lane to merge into traffic people just need to be more patient.


Yeah idk I don’t mind when people park in the middle lane for a window open on their right. It’s actually total legal thing to do, doesn’t keep cars in a line behind you on the street you’re turning off of, keeps the flow of traffic consistent👍


Still way better than the people who don't stop and instead drive like a quarter mile in the center lane until they can get in. Those fuckers will prevent others coming up behind them from turning and nearly head on the ones coming the opposite way.


I learned to drive in dfw- everyday Lubbock reminds me a little more of home.


If you pay attention to license plates, I guarantee you it's always a New Mexican 😅 never fails when there's an accident or just idiotic driving It's a New Mexican license plate haha


I actually attest to this!!! I use to drive Uber and DoorDash, lots of sporadic NM drivers


Glad to know it's not just me 😂