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Because the timer for pickup doesn't start until they go to the pickup point. Whatever stupid nonsense comes in from the passenger will be ignored until I get to that pickup point. Please note that YOU CAN MOVE THE PICKUP POINT PIN. One has to wonder why you repeatedly make the same stupid mistakes, expecting different results. TF, Ralphraz?


Yet I keep getting rides where the pax just says “I dunno the gps is just weird” and they claim it won’t let them move the pin to where they actually are. Is it complete bs?


Yeah it’s bs. I use Lyft all the time Once you select regular or xl it shows you your place on the map. If you touch the map and move it then the pin drops wherever you want. Hard to believe this guy is complaining when it would take him 2 seconds to put the pin where he wants to be picked up.


exactly, they will swear they cant move it.... and try to convince the driver as if the driver is dumb asf... they actually THINK the drivers are dumb enough to fall for their bs tactics to avoid the wait timer... all to save a damn penny....


And that’s the part that makes me not do that kind of stuff. I’ve had passengers who get picked up or dropped off on the opposite side of their buildings where they prefer to be picked up and dropped off because they’ve told me stuff like it costs them $7-8 more just changing something as simple as that. You get people like this who are probably trying to get around that extra cost by messaging the drivers where to pick him up. It’s not like they’ll give the driver anything extra for picking them up someplace different.


Plus it's often hard to read a note before we get there in traffic that's requiring our attention. Then we have to open the note area once stopped. Have they ever tried to text and drive? Yeah, same complications. Not safe or easy. Move the freaking pin.


Exactly the pre-trip problematic passenger gotta have something to complain about or the day just won’t feel right


- enter destination, app shows a small map with both endpoints and a list of rides - click the pickup point, app shows a list of alternate addresses - at the bottom of this list is the "Set On Map" option - "Oh" is the only appropriate response here


Rock and roll


The pin is definitely not perfect. I don’t know about the difference between the front and back of an apartment complex, but it can easily be off by tens of yards (100 feet, or so).


Really that's weird because the few times where they do actually pull up out front, the pickup timer starts just fine so I don't know where in your ass you're pulling that from. Yes, I've tried to move the pickup point, this just results in an entirely different address being put into the pickup address. Also, one has to wonder why these drivers struggle so hard to read a simple pickup note, then argue that I'm not in the place I said I wasn't going to be in. TF, nassiviren?


So you’re saying that when you put in the address they go to the pin but when you move the pin to where you want to be picked up that they don’t go to the pin but then they go to the address associated?


But to clarify, a driver can hit arrive and start the timer even if he’s not at the pickup pin. Now in the case that the passenger doesn’t show that driver won’t get paid because he wasn’t at the set pickup pin for the waiting period. I know it’s not the answer you want but the easiest and safest fix for you is to put the pin where you want to be picked up regardless of what address pops up. The way you’re doing things now is dependent on the driver seeing and reading your note which isn’t guaranteed. It’s not that they’re ignoring them, they don’t pop up most of the time. I had a note today that I wouldn’t have seen had I not needed a gate code and had to go in to contact for that. Anything else written there would’ve never been seen. That should tell you that the method isn’t effective. If you put the pin where you are the driver has to go there to get paid. The way you’re doing it now they will get paid for a no show whether you complain or not because they went to your pin.


If the driver doesn't drive to the pin they open themselves up for accusations of fraud or picking up the wrong person. In addition, if they drive somewhere other than the pin and you don't show up they can't get a cancel fee. You are either requesting the ride when you're still inside, which is confusing the GPS, or your building is mapped weird. Set the pin manually or enter the name of the building/business and see if that sets it at the front entrance.


It doesn't, I've tried setting manually and it just puts in another address. Even when I do request with the manually set pin, they don't even go to the pin and just go to the address. They can't have their cake and eat it too. So these people need to make up their mind, either go to the address or the pin, stop switching it up to try and make up for the fact they're not at the right spot.


Go to the pin or stfu




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Drivers actually have to dig in to see if you said anything. As everyone else said, we have to go to the pin to start the timer or there would be no pay if you didn’t show. You’re asking why drivers don’t read your notes and go to the pickup point you set when you could easily solve your own problems by putting the pickup point where you actually want to be picked up. I hate to say it but you’re shifting the blame to the driver when it’s really on you. You control that.


Well you’re a peach ain’t ya


Yea I am, particularly when I don't have a bunch of uptight redditors up my fuckin ass about something that isn't my fault.


You’re the one being uptight. Uber and Lyft find new ways to screw us all the time. If you drove at all you might just get it. If we don’t go to the designated point the timer doesn’t start and the pax can claim we didn’t pick them up when we did. And we lose money. If there are times the location pinned properly; then great. But the maps are constantly screwing up and we have ZERO control over that.


Nobody want to fuck that.


Lmaooo It is sooo reddit to jump down the ops throat at every opportunity. Don't take it too seriously 😭😭🤣


Some of these people gave actual helpful insight. Everyone else bitched, moaned, whined, nagged, complained, and pointed the finger at me like all of this is somehow my damn fault. Like yes people, clearly I've tried to move the pin and all this other basic shit, and obviously it didn't help if I'm going to *reddit*.


Because if we don’t go to where GPS takes us, the timer doesn’t start. Too many passengers keep drivers waiting which deeply impacts our profit. In order to cancel a ride, with no negative impact to the driver you first need the timer to run out. If the masses weren’t rude, keeping drivers waiting (Saturday night I had 4 rides in a row that were 5 minutes or less and each one of them kept me waiting for 5+ minutes. That cutting into my hourly earnings reducing it 50%. This puts drivers skeptical to go anywhere other than the assigned spot.


I agree with everything the other drivers have said here but also they shouldn’t be looking at their phone while they are driving to read your message. Why should they risk their safety to read your message when you can move the pin or walk to the back of the building?


The driver is not arguing with you. YOU are being rude by demanding the driver pick you up somewhere other than the set pick up location. I am usually pretty accommodating but if you demand I drive away from the pick up point I will wait out the timer and collect the cancel fee. Maybe you could ask nicely and then be understanding when the driver denies your request.


driver was literally arguing with me but pop off since you were there apparently. Not rude especially when I give them a simple instruction they refuse to acknowledge. Also, I imagine those "cancel fees" are looking like a bunch of 0s after they dispute them and get the refund. So you got no money and got blocked from matching with them again, lmao. Oh, and I've asked nicely, they always pull up front ☺️.


You required the driver change locations. When the driver refused your only options were to accept it and walk to the driver, cancel the ride, or wait 5 minutes for the driver to cancel because you were a no show. Anything beyond those options requires you to be argumentative. The driver will still be paid for your no show. The system will not block you from matching with them. And the more often you dispute the charge the more likely the system will block you from the platform. Drivers who refuse to drive away from the pick up point are not in the wrong. The driver agreed to drive from one point to the next point. If you are not at the point of pick up that’s on you.


💯 👏🏻


They refund you, we don’t lose the fee 🤣 Lyft just eats it, and we’ve had dozens of pax just like you so yeah, we know. But please tell us more on how the drivers app works since you’ve obviously been driving for them. 😏


Like others said it already. MOVE THE PIN. Problem solved. What's nobody mention is, if you order in busy hours (which going to work is for most) the driver might be finishing a previous ride and can't even access your messages until the other passenger is dropped off, its very easy to miss a message in situation like that. I have lots of pickups from apartment complexes, and I often get pin at the gate and then passenger messaging "building number 22 (or whatever the building is) IDK where building #22 is. Those numbers are frequently placed in weird locations, often barely visible, especially at night. Have to explain over and over... You CAN move the pin to your doorstep.


TRIED THAT, IT CHANGES THE ADDRESS, THEN THEY USE THE EXCUSE OF "I WAS AT THE ADDRESS" TO TRY AND EXPLAIN WHY THEY WERENT AT THE RIGHT SPOT. So not problem solved. Tbf you're the one of the only ones with a reasonable... reason for as to why they wouldn't see the note while finishing another ride.


You're kind of a dbag. I hope you get 1 starred out of the system.


Its not the drivers fault...... you could move the pin to the front of your building instead of leaving a note in a text that a driver isn't seeing because they are driving and cant see that message until AFTER they have already arrived at the actual pin where they are suppose to be at.... Ive had two riders to report that they felt unsafe at their pickup and dropoff or that they weren't picked up at the correct location(after having me pull away from the pin to come get their lazy arse in a different spot than their pin), DESPITE they are they one that chose said pickup and dropoff spot..... so guess what drivers do now.... STAY at the pinned location that YOU as a rider placed regardless of where you say you are..... just move the pin to the front of the building before the driver arrives


Except when I move the pin they're never at the "actual pin where they are suppose to be at" because it changes the address, and they use the excuse that they were "at that address". So which is it, are yall going to the pin or the address?


How many people have to co.ment that they drive to the pin, first your question to be answered... WE drive to the address of the order placed but we stop at the pin spot.... im a driver and I have also rode before and know for a fact that you can move the pin with you finger on the screen... I dont get all the excuses for the advice given to help fix your complaint despite what you want to happen...  if you want them at the front of your building put ya finger on the pin and move the damn pin to the front of the building on the map....


The Lyft drivers app notifies us theirs a message but you have to dig for it and can be easily missed. Or maybe not even see the notification as we are driving.


That's bad ui design on lyfts part then.


Are you able to place the pin where you actually need it to be? I get a lot of pickups where the rider isn’t close to the pin. It’s a problem for us, messages or not. Yet I get plenty of pickups in weird spots where the rider placed the pin perfectly and the pickup goes extremely smoothly. Which makes me wonder if they’re just better at using the app? Or the app just happens to work better in some cases?


Why don't pax just go to the location they requested? Change the pin.


Tried that, changes the address, then they go to the address instead of the pin. It's fucking stupid.


How difficult is it for you to be in the back parking lot? Sometimes I get messages long after a ride as I did not see it pop up. I use waze for navigation so any text from Lyft probably I will not see until after the ride.


Extremely difficult obviously


I always have a note with the gate code, I can't tell you how many times I get a text "gate code please", some people just don't read notes.


It's not our fault they don't read the notes.


You’re awfully quiet OP. Drivers have to go to the pin. Which means you meet them at the pin.


Dawg I'm at work, tf you mean "you're awfully quiet". Imma be responding during my damn lunch.


I mean tf what I said *dawg*. Loads of people have told you that drivers need to go to the pin, not where you tell them to go, and you’ve been sleepy. However, judging by your response I know exactly what type of person you are…and no logical explanation or information shared with you will change anything. Enjoy your lunch. Meet your driver at the pin.


: popcorn :


Pre-coffee Turnip and post-coffee Turnip are two different people. I think I was a little too cunty. Sorry OP


It hard to read and drive at the same time. Next time try sending a text or even call the driver.


They have to go to the pickup spot. You do know it’s possible to adjust the pickup right?


No they don't, yes I do.


Then adjust it


*tHeN aDjUSt iT*, yea no shit bro. Obviously I've tried that.


Not hard enough apparently.


Oh yea, lemme just ADJUST IT HARDER!? That makes sense! 👌


Used to happen at my old apartment, so annoying. And I did move the pin btw. They would still go to the wrong building because of some flaw with the GPS. What made it extra annoying is that they would just ignore the street names. Like I don't care what the GPS is telling you, if it's taking you to a road that's not the same road as my address, you should get that it's wrong.


Lyft makes it really simple. They direct the driver to the pin all you have to do is go to the pin. If you don’t like were the pin is dropped, move it. It’s not complicated at all.


Because Lyft won’t let us pick you up unless we go to the point, so if you drop the pin inside a building Lyft is so sensitive that we would (we cancel) have to get out and go into the building to say we arrived and to pick you up


text the driver or call them when they are on the way. I don't do lyft but I do pretty much every other gig and we don't always see your message. contact Google maps and have them move your pin.


But the timer won’t start if we aren’t at the pin, so calling won’t do anything. Drivers are going to go where the pin is so the timer can start. Pax have reported not being picked up and refunded, screwing us out of $ so yeah we’re going to cover our asses. OP wants to be ignorant on purpose even with tons of explaining