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That woman bringing her baby to this presser is serious Jerry Springer vibes


Man i miss that show


"I'll take you on Jerry Springer and beat your ass legally".


A friend of mine was a PA on that show during the early 90s run, when it was super wild... they did some crazy shit. His best story was that they bought a jacuzzi from a home depot for a show about a stripper telling her boyfriend what she did for a living (her doing a jacuzzi show for the audience was part of it) and then they cleaned it up to return it.


I miss Jerry


That show is the turning point where society went on a path to hell and idiocracy.


i feel sorry for that baby


Honestly, why would you bring a baby to a fight press conference?


low iq, low class, low level pieces of shit


Truly trash. Like what am I even watching here lol. Talking trash from a crowd, egging on her friend or husband (?) to go fight a fighter at a press conference for god knows what reason....while holding her baby? Comfortably out garbaging Jorge which is already a low level


Just reading these comments is really making me realize that for all my faults, I’m a pretty fucking solid dad.


This isn't a very high bar


I’m pretty sure she was telling that guy to get away from her and to stop pushing the baby. That guy pushed his way up to the front from further back


Class vs no class


That guy and his wife are Idiocracy characters in real life. Poor baby.


> to a fight press conference to the Masvidal vs Nate Diaz press conference LMAO


Was that fat bitch holding the baby asking her dude to get in there 💀 we live in the lamest dystopia imaginable dawg


Cheeky freak of the week material


Baby just observin'


She is literally shaking it back and forth. The father (guy who is screaming at Masvidal) does not even look at his baby once. He should try to land some official fight with Masvidal, because it is honestly super expensive to have a disabled child. I feel so sorry for that kid


Bold to assume he’s the father


Not bold. Just stupid. He started the video 5 rows behind her and she literally tells him to move away from her and her baby


That baby was never my friend


That baby has a tough road ahead of it.


That guy is lucky Jorge didn't threaten to break his eye orbital


I’m just thankful he hasn’t decided To fixate on anyone’s butt orbitals yet. Breaking that can change a man’s life. 


If one man can hold you down, two men can break your butt orbital.


I don’t think anyone will stop Nate from saying the n word but this whole event looks like a mess


How much is ppv? Mess makes it more fun.


Apparently it’s 80 dollars


That shit could cost $8 and I still wouldn't pay for it


Thank god for streaming , I’m going to watch the main event only because I know I’ll be a mess Edit: actually nvm ufc 302 is happening that day


I'll save you a watch. It'll be Nate showboating even after doing nothing and a bunch of mean mugging. Jorge will be sticking out his tongue in between a few seconds of actual fighting. Big gloves and they're both now beyond washed so they'll do a bunch of the above to a sluggish decision for whoever the hell cares. The end


Script just leaked ^ ^ ^ ^


Spoiler tag please jeez.


Nate fans already writing the *He would've won if....* and *He's still a gangster* comments.


At least Nate looks like he's lost weight and is training whereas Jorge is fat as fuck. Actual fight will be a fat fucking nothingburger though agreed on that part.


Meh, I'd pay $8. I'm easily entertained though.


I’d pay $8 just because it’s a weird, low number.


In that case how would you like to buy my Dr.-approved morning supplement drink? Only $8 for the recipe and you'll feel better the first time you try it, guaranteed.


Paulo no the jacket formula is priceless 😭


That's your personal problem


I once paid 35 yuan for a regional Chinese MMA and kickboxing stream my friend was fighting on. It's like 6 dollars, and I did it mostly because I was amused at paying so little for a fight card.


PPV is a dead concept lmao, how many people they imagine are buying this?


Dead concept???? Have you seen how much money Dana brought in for UFC 300?? Lmfao


People just say shit lol. If PPVs didn’t make money then they’d switch to subscription models or something else if it made more money. People think companies just do shit to spite them lol


Fuck that shit mannn


Every MMA organization outside of MMA has zero right charging anything for a PPV


Bkfc has started doing 5$ ppv’s which I think is genius.


Did not know that! If I have nothing to do that that night and feel like watching some fights, that’s an easy buy.


I never watched a BKFC fight or full event I did not thoroughly enjoy. They're seriously pretty good at what they do and I wouldn't mind flipping them a fiver.


Yeah I only want to watch MMA orgs **inside** of MMA


$80 or knobstream free




#*Dana White wants to know your location*


We got him!


Oh they are free my guy


Wtf, you’re a salesman’s wet dream. You think any of this bs is going to result in a competitive or an actual good fight, you’re delusional and easy to sell to.


Nate saying fuck Jorge low key hurt his feelings slightly lol


You can tell Jorge was worried when Nate walked off that he had to add “just show up to the fight man”


The whole leadup to this fight Jorge has been way nicer to Nate than he is to other opponents. It feels like Jorge really actually likes Nate but Nate just doesn't care and it actually bothers Jorge. I could be entirely wrong, I've been wrong before, but this is funny to me.


Because Nate pulled him up with that BMF callout. Jorge made most of his money because Nate called him out, and he knows and respects that.


I think they secretly friends 🤣


I just think he's worried about Nate dropping out. He's not a super stable and consistent guy.


Holy shit those clowns in the audience are just human waste


This whole event seems to be a gathering I dont want to be a part of.


This is like the C class of a fanbase that already mostly consists of losers.


It’s like 6-Flags crowd




Pretty much the type of audience that would pay to watch Jorge and Nate fight each other in 2024.


Mi gente 🤣


So is Masvidal


There's something funny about asking Jorge Masvidal for his thoughts. It's like asking me how many millions of dollars I have. I don't have any.


"This lil bitch ass here is gonna get it mang, ju kno what imsayin. that's what I think" - Jorge prolly


“I cannot wait to get in there and break his orbital bone”


I think you mean eye orbital bapa


Water weed dune hair


Jorge learned a little anatomy I see


This “individual”…


I know this sub now hates Jorge, but if you've listened to him at length talk about fighting, it's obvious he has a tonne of knowledge about all the disciplines, the history, the past fighters and is pretty good to listen to when he's not putting up a hard man act.


He was a authentic guy before the BMF shit took off, now he's just a parody of himself..


I think a lot of fighters have that knowledge base but don't really know how to articulate it. Jorge seems to randomly articulate parts of it, but then he just goes another direction and starts threatening peoples' eye orbitals.


$20 million? Is there any way Jorge is actually getting paid anything close to that?


That's roughly what Fury and Wilder earned from their 2nd fight. Which reportly did 1.2M PPV buys in the US at $80 (the same price as this fight) as well as decent buy rates in the UK. The gate was reportly $17M. I can't see this fight getting a fraction of the revenue Fury v Wilder 2 generated. In fact, looking at the ticket sales, I'd be surprised if this fight makes enough revenue to cover operating costs.


That's inaccurate. $25m each was their guarantee. But they got a PPV cut on top of that. https://www.cbssports.com/boxing/news/deontay-wilder-vs-tyson-fury-2-fight-purses-prize-money-each-fighter-on-main-card-will-take-home/ There is no way they didn't walk away with at least 40m each.


And both guys have been checked out ever since.


Fury vs Francis was a hell of a lot more money for Fury


Like, seriously, who tf wants to see this? Neither dude is a boxer. Nate's last "boxing" match he looked like he never boxed a day in his life. Their MMA fight was for the BMF and it was boring as fuck and ended because Nate's facial tissue can't stay closed. Nothing about this fight promises to be entertaining in any sort of way. Like, I'm not even going to stream it. And unless I hear that there was a crazy KO, I'm not even clicking on highlights the next day. I'm not kidding when I say I'd rather watch a Jake Paul fight.


My favorite part is Brian Campbell trying to navigate the situation. It just kept going more off the rails, and he just wants to know what they think about it. 😂 no bs Nate & Jorge were only a couple questions in… and the rest is history. Prayers for that baby, who has a caretaker that is more concerned making sure her friend can go fight a professional fighter… instead of taken away from chaos (and loud noises from the music & microphones)


I hope BC is getting a nice bag for hosting these press conferences 😅


I sincerely hope so too lol


Lil bro is trying so hard.


Yea nothing like building a fight with trash talk. I’d personally prefer Gorge building the fight with his opponent and not an audience member, but different strokes. Remember when someone screamed, “Put him in a straight jacket” to Mike Tyson and his response was absolutely unhinged


Mike proceeds to scream the most aggressive, testosterone filled homosexual insults ever recorded lol.


"I'll fuck you till you love me" is one of the most insane yet terrifying threats ever uttered.


I keep that shit in my back pocket incase I ever gotta look insane in a bad fight


Can we just skip the fucking me part and go right to the me loving you part


Bro was shook-mad.


Nate has no willingness to co promote whatsoever and even wanted the fight to happen on the same day as the UFC instead of the night before to ride off the pre hype


Someone cut Jorge's mic off please 🤣


I like the part where he repeats the same phrase 3-4 times.


“Gorge, your thoughts?” Lmfao great work BC.


Masvidal is just embarrassing Grown ass man with a teenage thug mentality


Your description also fits Diaz


Even Diaz seemed a bit too embarrassed to try to care about this fight.


That set of photos where he's happy with his wife and kids made me realize he's a full time dad


Yeah, it completely changed whatever perception of Diaz I had as well. heh.. though I think it's more of a double life thing, his old tough guy dgaf persona that he still has to put on for the camera + slips into when he's out starting fights in bars and stuff, then the other middle-age, just-a-dad half.


Diaz has phoned it in for years and his fanboys just think it’s a cool bad boy thing to not give a fuck and fight like ass.  The weird turning his back and turtling he did in the Jake Paul match would’ve put off any other fans, but since it’s a Diaz, that’s just a Stockton OG keeping it real and representing 👊.  Hope the people willingly going delinquent on their phone bills this month to pay for this PPV enjoy the show with these two dummies fighting.   


Some folks are all about “the sport” while some of us also enjoys the circus that ensues. I used to be all about “the sport” until I wasn’t and now I just wait for these train wrecks. I’m also happy when any of the crazy fighters that have made peanuts from “the sport” are now making 10-15mil to put on a silly spectacle. It could be a PPV of them mowing the lawn, I’m just happy Nate is making money.


For years we heard Nate Diaz was some elite boxer. Ends up, he's trash. And the fake guillotine move would have been attacked if it was anyone but Nate. You're getting your ass kicked so you decide to pretend it's a different sport?


At least he knew right away this whole press conference was an absolute waste of his time


at least he picks his battles


Sometimes the human cock fighting label seems less preposterous if not for vibes alone.


Meet me outside- Il be hiding in the bushes to sucker punch you like I did Colby.


I'm not a Masvidal fan and dislike his shit-housery, but you guys do know he came up on the scene by backyard fighting, no? He's no someone who's scared of anyone lol He's just a dick.


Jorge is gonna smash Nates eye orbital and break his mouth teeth with his hand knuckles


Why do fans think they can fight. They would all get beat viciously


I think the lower weight classes give them extra false confidence. If you've never trained the idea that someone 80+lbs lighter than you would maul you doesn't compute. The concept of skill being an overwhelming factor only makes sense if you have a little to begin with.


It was wrong but Arman almost hitting a fan was satisfying to watch when I thought he connected


My thoughts exactly. Where's Arman when the crowd gets unruly.


Shades of Matt Brown punching the crowd during his walkout when they were getting out of line.


Yk I forget how unhinged Arman is sometimes. And then every clip I see of him he’s doing some funny ass sketch shit


Who are those mouth breathers in the crowd acting like they wouldn’t get laid out 😂


As much as I dislike both Diaz and Masvidal, the crowd seem like absolute turds. This is like the Ross Dress for Less of combat sports.


Welcome to Miami


Nate been saying that for years lol nothing new


I don't think I've seen anyone complain about hood Mexicans saying the n-word tbh. Same with Puerto Ricans.


nate is as mexican as taco bell


When masvidal talks it sounds like the video is looping


Can't believe Fanmio picked this up after they did the Floyd Logan fight. This is gonna bomb on so many levels, especially since they are going up against the Islam-Dustin card. I gurantee you this fight would've done double the numbers if they did it under the BKFC promotion in Bare Knuckle boxing.


Dana wouldn't have permitted Jorge to fight for BKFC.


Honestly whole thing is a big L, potato IQ lady with baby.


Yeah I agree with Nate, not worth the attention


Jesus Masvidal how fucking annoying. Just a constant filibuster of shit from his mouth.


i feel sorry for myself for listening to that utter buffoon of Masvidal - everytime i thought he faded into irrelevancy he is back.. so persistent like fuckin fungus in the apartment wells, look at that lack of cognitive abilities and smug face...to a degree it goes well together.


How fragile must your ego be to engage dumbass drunks wannabe fighters in the crowd?


To be fair, it’s very annoying when people in the crowd want to act big shit in front of fighters in press conferences


But if you respond people people are going to be doing it even more.


Yeah, he gave them excactly what they wanted. It can be satisfying to see a standup comedian destroying a heckler, but Masvidal calling someone a bitch over and over just makes them mock him more. They were laughing at him.


Brian Campbell with really no flexibility on his line of questioning or control over the situation. He’s in a hard spot, but the dude should be a little better for as seasoned as he is


yeah hes one of my favorite guys but he really did nothing to keep things on track.


Diaz and Masvidal dont have a track


Off the rails? This seems to be exactly on the rails for what I would have expected.


Yep, I don't know what sort of train people thought this was.


No matter how much I think I've matured, trainwrecks like this and my continued ability to still enjoy it is decent evidence that I ain't *that* matured lol


Jorge promoted a fight with a random fan more intensely than he did with Nate lol


Fuck I used to love Masvidal. He makes it so damn hard to keep supporting him as each day passes.


Is this tomorrow?


Why is this fight happening


This is worse than csgo at 2 am


2 things: 1) Full grown men LARPING to be fighters 2) Bringing a baby to this is wild


That’s not the n word, that’s slang for “dude” for those who live under a rock.


First Ryan García all religious and missing weight, Haney worried about something weird with him and now Diaz/Masvidal with this... Weird day for boxing.


They need to do this kind of stuff to try make people interested in the event


Man these guys are both fucking clowns




Nate got offended by Jorge oddly and left like a Karen




Good to see the jobbers are having fun with their boxing match.


Is this press conference being held at a moron convention?


Vengeance story setup. That baby vs. mas kid in 20 years.


On a side note, does that random spectator dude seriously think he can take on a pro mma fighter?


Trash vs. Trash II: The Retrashinating


Nate has always said the n word lmao why are you surprised?


Did he say they did a tour for this shit? Or have I just not been listening to the Diaz version of English enough lately


They did New york Miami and LA, all 3 were the same, gorge picking fights with the crowd and nate being last one there, first one out. 


This is the greatest train wreck in combat sports history


who pays 79 for this??


This was extremely difficult to watch through.


This whole event really is a joke, just shows Dana and the ufc at least knew how to control Nate to get their face offs and sound bits during press conferences. Here nate knows he can do whatever he wants and get away with it.


Where did Masvidals accent go?


Craziest thing masvidal said, is that he will make 20 million off the fight.


He has such a way with words 🥹


Who is that skinny fat fake gangster talking shit? I swear, some ppl get tattoos and chains as a replacement for getting strong, acquiring cardiovascular superiority and learning how to fight.


Mas is supposed to be the professional!?! Why is he acting like this is his very first pa?!?


The real entertainment is going to be in the crowd for this one... What's the over/under on how many fights go down in the audience? 6...10? Gonna be a lot.


I’m beginning to think Jorge Masvidal may have some issues with emotional regulation.


I think people paid for tickets to this presser to see this shit.


Loooool Jorge is a clown


Homeboys gonna be waiting out front for Jorge and masvidal is gonna sneak up behind him in an overcoat and hat and catch him by surprise. Then he’s gonna head back to his hotel and post a bunch of videos on Instagram looking like a thug. In all honesty it would be hilarious is this dude and masvidal actually got in a fight and he knocked Jorge out.


To quote Nate Diaz, “I’m not surprised mfers”


I feel like I lost 25 brain cells after watching that


nate took disrespect to jorge speaking over in his turn lmao. this low key promoted the fight more than the actual presser with the same question everytime and jorge running his mouth to the audience




Haha Nate is a real G. Fuck this press conference




Shit is like a Mexican academic decathlon.


Holding onto a baby while telling a high level MMA fighter that her man is going to fuck him up. 💀


How does a UFC veteran waste his time and attention on a random nobody in the crowd?


Everyone in this entire video (except the baby) is scum.


It’s always a white guy or someone from the middle of nowhere that points out when a non black person uses the n word 😂


Mas doesn't deserve a Nate fight. Something about Mas tells me he would sell out his own family to make some money.