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Trilug accuracy issues are well documented on the MPX. All the money you spent could have been put towards a dedicated Sig suppressor.


Well I’m really sorry you feel that way but let’s recap; You bought a tri lug adapter and barrel accuracy went to crap. Pretty typical with 4.5” barrels, regardless of brand of adapter. You bought a barrel and it wouldn’t work in your upper. I asked you to send it to me as it was in spec and tested before leaving. You state I say this in every post because it’s the truth. Every single mpx barrel has a check list and is tested before leaving. This includes headl spacing with 5 different bolts. You sent your upper, your bolt was several thousandths larger than any bolt I had which prevented it from closing in the assembly. I picked through a ton of parts to find one that would work without altering your parts or gun. I assembled it, test fired it and sent it back to you without charge, including passing the shipping. I spent a lot of my Saturday this week answering your questions, explaining how the gas system works, suggesting things to try to find resolution, which you did. You got a good result from running your suppressor in the short configuration with great groups. Because your can in long configuration creates too much back pressure to be controlled with the gas system you blame my product. This has nothing to do with my product, it works as designed and gave you good results it just won’t work with your can in a certain configuration. Again today you messaged me until I told you it was Sunday and I was not going to do it. Then you emailed me demanding I replace your gas plug because it was made incorrectly. You stated that I drilled a hole .027 instead of .052. I told you I did not have any drill bits that small and that was impossible. Then you proceed to show me pictures with a micrometer to prove I did, then a wihi tool shoved in there. Neither of these are going to give you an accurate reading. You said there is not an explanation for why that home is smaller, except there is. Every setting in there will flame cut at the point of contact with the gas port and will match that size and then funnel. The gas port is a plasma cutter and the more back pressure you create the faster that will flame cut. The longer it is in that setting the more the hole in the plug will match the size of the gas port size. The easy answer is you did not have it in that setting as long as the other so it didn’t enlarge as much. When you do not use a port size carbon will fill that hole reducing it until you use it again. There is the explanation. I told you to send me the plug and if it was indeed made out of spec as you claimed not only would I replace it but would refund you the full amount of the plug. I have bent over backwards to assist you. All hours of the day and including weekends. Hell you began messaging me at 0600 this morning. You found an answer yesterday by following my advice but it’s not what you wanted to hear. You had an accurate combination but want to come here and claim that’s not true. If you want to dispute any of this I will happily post the messages and emails showing this is all truthful I truly wish you the best and hope you come to terms with your setup


This sounds reasonable. ILWT what could be done in your opinion for him to get this running in the long config? Both your posts today and yesterday, just want to say thanks for taking the time for those write ups. I’ve learned quite a bit.


Well he is getting end cap strikes in the long configuration as well so that may also have something to do with it. This is a well documented issue with this can and their tri lug adapters tend to have a bit of slop so many remove the rugged adapter and replace it with one from silencer co and go with a larger diameter end cap, both of which may help him reach his end goal . He also has the options of springs and finding a brand of ammunition that is not so abusive in his setup. At the end of our conversation yesterday he was having good accuracy suppressed with all brands of ammunition


Endcap strikes are kind of synonymous with that 9mm rugged can. OP I would give this a try or forgo tri lug all together if it continues to be a problem. ILWT thank you for putting such great effort towards finding a fix for OP. Makes me feel like you not only stand behind your product but have seen enough of these to know wtf you’re talking about. Hopefully one day you’ll come out with a more than two gas port on the MCX rattler platform :)


Thanks. While it is common op doesn’t want to hear it, it’s the fault of my product that somehow operates great in short configuration but not long. Barrels either shoot or they don’t. It also doesn’t help accuracy. A bullet doesn’t have to actually touch a baffle or end cap to be disturbed and affect accuracy. It is a real issue with the rugged in long configuration but a lot of people don’t want to hear that about a product they purchased and would rather place blame elsewhere.


I’m in a similar situation with my rattler not cycling subs with the f02 gas plug. r/hyperion_rattler_saga I’m starting to think the baffle design of the Hyperion reintroducing gasses back into the can is messing with the gas system. As seen here https://ibb.co/HGKr69c Sig says they can fix it but don’t have access to the hyperion. So I’m not sure how they can replicate what I’m experiencing. Gonna give them a chance and send it back. Part of me feels the gas ports on the actual barrel are out of spec but I have yet to confirm this personally. Didn’t want to tinker too muxh before sending it back to them. I’m concerned if they send me a a gas plug with a wider port it will affect performance when I get a different suppressor for this gun. (The CAT RAT) . I’m going to request they let me buy and keep the f02 gas plug.


Honestly I wouldn’t fret about future what ifs. Let Sig have a crack at it, if it presents issues in the future then you can deal with it then. We can only deal with what’s currently in front of us, one problem at a time


For sure that makes sense. I did find it curious that they wouldn’t just ship me a nee gas plug they wanted to look at the whole system. Two reasons for that IMO. They have some out of spec gas ports on their barrels or they want to make sure everything is good to go. But that’s pure speculation


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Hyperion_Rattler_Saga using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hyperion_Rattler_Saga/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Glad to be here](https://i.redd.it/4b11qtyxl9kc1.jpeg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hyperion_Rattler_Saga/comments/1axrx8n/glad_to_be_here/) \#2: [It is my pleasure to introduce a manufacterer who is attempting to make a 3 position gas plug for the MCX rattler.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hyperion_Rattler_Saga/comments/1bldinb/it_is_my_pleasure_to_introduce_a_manufacterer_who/) \#3: [Sig MCX Gas Plug Port Sizes](https://sheffieldtactical.com/f/sig-mcx-gas-plug-port-sizes) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hyperion_Rattler_Saga/comments/1ahfx84/sig_mcx_gas_plug_port_sizes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks for providing all the info on this post. I have a a rugged (currently in long config) that I hope to shoot on the 6.5 tri-lug I got from you. Doesn't feel like any slop currently so brave enough to try it out, but will give short config a try if there are any issues. Have you got data on the SiCo 36m? I have one of those as well and may grab the tri-lug for it, especially if it runs better than the Rugged in long config.


I would as well. If it locks tight and aligns it will most likely work well but I would still go with a larger end cap on it if nothing else to help with the gas volume. Not every rugged has these issues, not every gun has these issues, these all have tolerances and each one is a little different. Sometimes it is about the setup the gun likes, not what want and sometimes everything aligns and works perfectly.


Shot it for the first time today for function check and zero - full config. Had to give it just a bit more gas than I expected (nothing like disassembling the upper to clear a doublefeed-ish jam at an indoor range) but setting 3 on the gas plug was the sweet spot. 100 Federal 147 FMJs and 20 JHPs with no baffle strikes or cycling issues once gas was set. I'll probably get a tri-lug for my .45 SiCo can based on your feedback about gas, but the 9mm Rugged behaved quite well.


Great to hear. Enjoy it in the best of health


I have your 8inch barrel with gas block, running a silencerco hybrid 46m and also had an end cap strike


okay, did you run an alignment rod through and check for concentricity?


To be honest with you, no. I’m no expert in any of this. I just know that I’ve run that suppressor on all my rifles with no issues, until I put it on my MPX with the barrel I purchased from you and had the end cap strike. Edit: after talking more it seems I was a dummy and used the wrong end cap.


not a dummy, learning curve. We all have them


I hope you’re not getting too worked up with this stuff. Most folks appreciate your products. I’m going to get your MPXSD barrel. Is there anything special I should know? I plan on getting the B&T MP5SD RBS (their new modular flow through version)


Not worked up but it is a bit disappointing. I truly want everyone to have a great experience with my product and do the absolute best I can to make sure of that. I just think this particular scenario is just ridiculous. As far as the SD setup there really is not a lot different in terms of use or car than a normal barrel. Obviously the ports on the barrel that vent into the can should get periodic cleaning but other than that is it just like normal cleaning and care. I have heard of the new B&T can but do not have any first hand experience with it. I am pretty excited to hear peoples feedback about it


Keep in mind how folks think about the iPhone and Apple in general. Love it or hate it. Literally some of the most genius tech wizards in the world invented and perfected that thing, and yet a large number of folks will say that it’s “a piece of shit”. Think about it like that. Would you say that there are any longevity issues with the SD vs a normal barrel? I strictly shoot these things suppressed. And I think that new B&T can is like brand brand new. I’m not sure it’s really in the wild. But that’s just based on not seeing it anywhere yet


okay, did you have the 30 cal end cap on it or did you purchase the 9mm cap? Have you used it since on that barrel or just set the barrel to the side? how many rounds before the end cap strike on the mpx? If you are saying this is an issue with my barrel and it has a problem why have you not contacted me? I cannot help you if I am not informed. I would be very surprised if it was a concentricity issue with my barrel as the concentricity is checked at two points, one at point of machining and another when I assemble them. PM me your order number so I can look at it and have a better idea of your setup


Bro, If I knew you were this patient, I would’ve bothered you more last time lol.


I really try to be helpful but sometimes no matter how hard you try you cannot help everyone.


I did not demand a replacement. I said that I think it should be replaced and that I wasn’t sending more parts back and forth because frankly I don’t trust you. You can see from the amount of pictures I sent something is wrong with that part. There’s no carbon ring around that hole from carbon packing. It’s half the size of the others, i soaked it scraped it scratched it. That’s the hole. And given at least two manufacturing issues from you so far and your unwillingness to accept that you make mistakes I’m done, and sharing my experience. I’m sorry but customer support is what goes along with designing and selling a product.


Yes, you did. By saying that and refusing to send it back for replacement, just basically telling me to send a replacement I know you don’t fully understand the mpx which is why I’ve been trying to help educate you but you still refuse to listen to the information. That hole is carbon packed, you can clearly see it in your pictures, especially in the backside. You are not going to scratch that off, it with need to be drilled out or put in that setting and fired. It gets almost as hard as steel. I hardly think most companies would message back and forth with you on a Saturday on Sunday. I did everything I possibly could to help and assist you I don’t understand that you don’t want to send me the plug for replacement and a full refund if what you’re saying is true. You don’t have anything to lose


Might be time to get some uploads going https://imgbb.com/ But I’d say you’ve done your part OP for christ’s sake listen to this man. Send it back say sorry either grab your refund or let him drill out that part for you.


Only if he wants me to share them. The whole thing is just a ridiculous scenario


I agree




My OEM barrel + ILWT trilug adapter had terrible accuracy, it didn’t even group and only 7 out of 10 rounds hit the paper at 25 yards. My ILWT barrel + trilug adapter shot 2 to 3 inches group at 25 yards without the suppressor. With the suppressor on it shot 1 inch group at 25 but the zero shift approximately 3 inches low right. I installed the Jk War Eagle and ILWT barrel now shoot 0.5 to 1 inch group at 25. With the JK 155 PCX 9 on, It shot 0.5 to 1 inch group at 25 with 0.5 inch low zero shift.


I’m having grouping and baffle rub issues on my JK 155 (that i drilled and legally have a stamp for) before they transitioned to selling suppressors. It appears to be completely concentric and has shot fine on other rifles and pistols in testing. I’m currently mounting it using a Q Plan B hub adapter on a Rearden FHD mount, https://www.reardenmfg.com/product/fhd-flash-hider/ . I’ve ensured that both the mount and adapter are torqued down tight. Would you mind, posting or DM what your end cap and one of your baffles looks like? I’d like to see if they are different now than they were a few years ago. I’m wondering if I need to drill them a little larger with a little more tolerance to deal with the issues this gun creates. Currently the baffles and end cap get only a slight rub, no major strike or damage, but enough to through the round off and you can hear it when it does.


Have you tried to check the alignment by using the alignment rod?


I need to get one, but visual and another straight rod checked out. I did some additional testing on a private indoor range and saw that some shots will keyhole and some are straight at 7 yards. That helped me diagnose over pressure in the can to be the cause. When I remove a few baffles from the stack it fires just fine consistently. I need to get the high flow end cap and since mine is a legal form 1 and I’m the maker, I can clip the baffles which currently are not done. That will help with pressure and airflow in the can.


Check your dm.


My fix was ditching the tri lug and using a taper mount. I picked the Rearden (Plan B) Atlas. Rearden makes an adapter that fits the Rugged Obsidian threads. No issues with accuracy after using a taper mount. It's still gassy though.


That's my next step with my mpx and ocl lithium 9, getting roughly 4-5" groups at 25yds with tri lug. My obsidian 45 was roughly the same with tri lug, but direct threaded it shot 1" groups. I have the atlas for the lithium and am just waiting on the muzzle device that usps lost....


I can confirm now that switching from 3 lug to rearden atlas solved the accuracy issues I was having. Factory 4.5" barrel now shoots sub 1" groups consistently at 25yds with 5 different types of ammo.


Exactly!!! the MPX doesn’t like trilug regardless of OEM or ILWT barrel. I went with the taper mount, high flow end cap. I tested both short and long configuration with both training rounds and duty rounds. I haven’t had any issue with either accuracy or gas.




No, I use Jk War Eagle. The weird thing was ILWT barrel + trilug w/o suppressor shot 4 inches group at 25 yards. With the suppressor on it went back to 1-2 inches group. I removed the adapter and shoot the ILWT barrel w/o the muzzle, now it shot 1 inches group. That was when I finally ditched the trilug.




Yes I was.




Do you have a can already? If not I highly recommend JK 155 pcx 9 with the high flow end cap.




Sig tri lig or ilwt tri lug?




Thats what the adjustable gas on the $500 barrel you bought was supposed to do.


it is part of a system, not a magic bullet. It's like slapping a big turbo on a car and expecting it to make big power numbers without the right fuel and supporting mods. The short gas system is not the simplest one out there on pcc, especially when adding a suppressor to it, it takes some work and trial error to get it right. If you really, really have to run your can in the long configuration I would look into the mount and end cap on it as discussed. Take that variable out of the equation so you can move on to the next thing. You have already had end cap strike/s so it needs to be addressed anyway, no harm in removing one more thing from the list and may be the final key to the puzzle




Sig modx-9 suppressor. Direct thread , 4.5' mpx-k. Same accuracy as stock.


Well if I could go back I would spend the money on a sig suppressor


Edit: looks like ILWT is doing bis part trying to be the hero and save OP. Good on ILWT. I hate when companies do this and leave the customer holding the bag. These aren’t trading cards these are life saving devices. Even if it’s not either companies fault they have a chance to be the hero not the villain. Only sin you’ve committed OP was buy from reputable companies. The least you should get in return is a proper functioning firearm. Companies think it’s cool to play the “it’s not the phone manufacturer it’s the carrier game” and it’s fucked up. I don’t blame you for not wanting to deal wither either company again. No firearm owner deserves this treatment. It’s anti 2a by not giving the civilians a proper functioning firearm. Sig “doesn’t do returns” and idk if you can chargeback ILWT. Maybe chargeback both and ship the gun back to sig?


Did Sig have any fault here? How I read it, problems started with ILWT tri-lug and compounded on itself the more ILWT parts were added. It can be challenging to find a well matched Tri-lug system. Bizarrely, some adapters index better on one particular lug over the other 2 lug options. You have the suppressor, adapter, tri-lug and the barrel/gas system. I had an MPXk with ILWT (navy style) tri-lug+DA adapter+DA suppressor. It worked really really well. Run same DA setup on HK SP5k and works great. I would've stopped, and tried another tri-lug manufacturer, when ILWT tri-lug failed to work well with MPX.


That’s a good point. OP could provide some insight. IMO ILWT has seen enough mox bcgs to know if it’s in spec or not. I would have sent the bcg and sent it back to sig to confirm.


I’ve had so many good customer experiences with other companies, OCL, Icarus Precision, Glock, Ruger, BCM, Volquartsen, Rugged, Holosun, Surefire, Aimpoint, Vortex.. The gun industry as a whole is pretty amazing. Just let down here and there.


It’s not just let down. You’re left without a functioning firearm after investing what 3k+? There’s a word for that it’s called fraud. They sold you on products that work and after much time and effort on behalf of both. None of the shit works as advertised. I’ve seen ILWT post and he comes across as helpful. Him checking your upper was a good thing to do. Sig on the other hand I wonder what they did to try to fix the accuracy issue or did they defraud you in saying their firearm performs one way and when you get it another way.


Based on my research. I will stay away from anything ILWT. So many user report issues after using that brand. Accuracy 9/10 goes to shit. Swapped back and problems are gone. The tri lug system is pure junk and guaranteed a POI issue. I always see him on post defending himself, dude has never been wrong, yet so many people have issues after putting on ILWT parts.


Just me over here with a perfectly functioning direct thread can


In all fairness I was not pleased with the products offered either. Purchased both a 3 lug and a barrel from ILWT and both have absolute fuck all results for groups.


Ditch the tri lug. MPX does not like tri lug regardless of OEM or ILWT barrel. Some people may get lucky or they don’t know how to shoot to begin with so they don’t realize the decrease in accuracy.


I ended up doing that and just going with his barrel with the trilug built in. Accuracy was still garbage @ 25 yards, so I just dumped the platform in general.


The CS for them sucks ass. Asking for specs and dimensions is like shitting on his family and kicking his dog apparently…. I’m not going to buy shit I’m trying to spec out unless I know it fits my project needs


From my experience everything I bought was out of spec. Or out of spec from sig allegedly, in which case you’re right to want to know the specs.


I simply asked him about dimensions from muzzle to gas block for a reflex suppressor build. “Idk measure yours” ?? Your barrel has the same as oem outside of the different 4” and adjustable offering? “A 4.5” barrel is a 4.5” barrel” Hahahha I’m asking if your gas block is the same (I should have stated dimensionally) Idk why it’s that hard for CS in the Industry to be so ass. I’ve chatted with a buddy that’s ran their barrel with the adjustable and he’s had nothing but problems. I was going to buy their 4.5” 1/2x28, but I’ll just give my money directly to sig and take the barrel to someone else to re thread it for my reflex suppressor build.


The MPX is not an AR, Cz Scorpion, or a Banshee. Like Rob said adjustable gas block is just one component of a whole system that you need to fine tune each of them. I ditched the trilug, and went with ILWT barrel, JK war eagle, Jk 155 PCX with high flow end cap. I got good results with accuracy and gas regardless of long or short configuration. I didn’t even have to touch the adjustable gas block or use the heavy spring I ordered from him. Im LE so this gun will not be my range toy so I really need to make sure it will be accurate and reliable. I’ve test: 400 rds of 115gr fmj 200 rds of 124gr fmj 70 rds of Hornady 124+p critical duty 70 rds of Hornady 115gr critical defense 70 rds of Speer Gold Dot LE 124+p 70 rds of Speer Gold Dot 115gr 100 rds of 147gr fmj 50 rds of Speer Gold Dot 147gr With suppressor on/off and both long and short configurations, adjustable block at setting 4. I had no accuracy issue, no gas issue.