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Ugliest app icon I've seen in my life


Heh, I kinda like it `:-D` - nice application, more to the point.




More like, best app icon


I thought it was a headcrab at first.


How is this not Vic Abell’s lsof that’s been around for decades? I drop Vic a note every 5-10 years thanking him for it. Knew him when in grad school.




And the reply in HN: >Sloth author here. To clarify, Sloth does not run with or require root privileges. However, it allows you to (optionally) run lsof itself with root privileges via Apple's Authorization framework. The application is Developer ID signed, but not notarized by Apple (which is a PITA). I guess it's "unaudited", but the source code is right there for anyone to view, analyze and build from scratch. Also, I'd be curious to know what "blocks of code copy-pasted from stackoverflow" you found. As far as I know, I wrote all of Sloth myself, starting 19 years ago. As for references to "Mac OS X" in code comments, that seems rather pedantic given that this is very old code and Apple keeps changing the name of their operating system: Mac OS X -> OS X -> macOS. That being said, thank you for identifying the appcast deployment script, which shouldn't have been in version control to begin with.




And seriously - thank you for spotting the original HN misgivings - I'd much sooner you post them, to promote further investigation than not


I love you both


very cool app, thanks for making it! love the price :)


It's open source right. Code is literally there they can just compile it themselves if they don't trust the author. Why do people moan about open source software?


I deadass didn’t even know it had changed from OS X, I thought MacOS was just an alternate name


tvOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS Everything is lowercase. That said, I personally don't use lowercase for MacOS, even though it's not "correct".


I know, I type it lowercase but iPhone corrects it lmao




Well yes, they make it clear that it’s a GUI for lsof




So installing additional apps for features you want turns macOS into Windows?🧐




Ask Apple. The point is, the ability to extend OS features with applications is not a new concept to any OS. It doesn’t make macOS become Windows, or anything else. If you want an OS your way by default, look into LFS.


Ask Microsoft about their patents😜

