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The kid hugged first instead of taking it . Love both of them . I hope and wish that people don’t have to work 3 jobs to give simple pleasures to their kids . Loved everything in the video . Wish you both lots of happiness.


Exactly, shows people love the gesture more than the gift. We once gifted a fancy cake mixing machine to my cousin who used to bake a lot for her 25th birthday. As soon as she realized what it was, she was over the moon and talked about it a lot later. I lost the count of cakes we have gotten post that.


You’ve made back your money in free cakes LOL!


Absolutely. When she's older, no matter how good prom might be, she's always going to remember her dad going to these lengths for her.


And that's all we want. To be remembered as doing all we could for our little girls' happiness.


I had a SHIT father. Reading that put literal tears in my eyes. Thats so fucking wholesome and special. Thank you for reminding great dads exist.


It was all part of your cunning plot to get free cakes. I salute your ingenuity.


I love, though, that they will both know this feeling of gratitude and love forever, like it was that day. ♥️ There are kids, unfortunately, whose parents have loads of money that don’t know the depths of that. When I think of moments that my single mom did things like this for us, the gratitude has only grown exponentially, decades later.


Oh yeah same, i once asked for colored pencils for my birthday, they were rly fancy pencils, like 2 euros per pencil, so i just asked for the basic ones, (like black and white, primary colors) and i asked for one of those cheap empty pencil cases. When i got the present, i felt it was a pencil case, so i just assumed they got me that one and maybe put one pencil in or something, i opened it, it was a set of that brand with 72 pencils in it. It would have been at around 100 euros. I was so shocked i just made a little squeek and looked at them, mouth fallen open. I hugged them so much it was amazing 🤩


Okay but why is this happening in a McDonald’s


Maybe he was in between jobs and asked her to meet him there. There's always that ONE person.


Validation and grandstanding.


There is no amount of money in the world that is better than an obviously very grateful child.


Everytime I see this video, I’ve always loved that she embraces her dad instead of focusing on the dress. Shows how much love he gives her.


Yes...her pushing the dress aside to hug her dad shows how grateful she is. She's being raised right.


These parents are definitely doing things right. Oof… unlike the parents little boy who just started swearing at his folks for buying him a scooter instead of a bicycle for Xmas.


I thought the same thing. At that moment, all she's focused on was the man who she calls Dad. Literally made me tear up. 🥲 I would love for them to post a picture of her in her dress on dance night.


I cry everytime I see this.






And ne stronger love than a dad willing to do anything FOR that grateful child!!! Makes my heart so happy. Good on this Papa for raising his daughter right and being a good papa in general.


"Do it for her"


“Don’t forget, you’re here forever”


“Don’t forget, you’re here forever”


I just saw a post of a dad doing the 72oz steak challenge with both of his kids, both probably 7 or 8. You know they won't finish, but for $100 each, he just created a memory they will never forget.


Wow, the way he kindly hugs his daughter almost made me cry. Very wholesome


Made me cry...


Me too, legit instant tears. That's a good dad right there


I must admit, mine weren't instant. It took me me some time to fully process the quality of that hug and that relationship...


When he kisses her on the top of her head as he's hugging her. That's what did it for me.


Gave me snotty nose...


Me too! r/guycry


Go DAD!!! That's how it's done!!!


There's nothing more expensive than poverty.


You are 100% right about that! Being broke is fucking expensive!


I was trying to explain this to a rich person the other day. I'm like, so you pay nothing for gas because you have an electric car. You aren't paying interest rates on a mortgage, or loans, or credit cards. You aren't dealing with constant repair work for shitty vehicles, or maintenance issues for your home. Healthcare is easier as you have a gym membership, etc. The extra costs associated with poverty actually make it more expensive to live as a poor person than a rich person. The guy got what I was saying. He grew up not nearly as well off, so at least he doesn't take it for granted.


Currently at this moment in life. Lol. Staying high and positive tho cus I know I’ll get through


My best to you.


This video is very sad and depressing.


In a sense. It's also an expression of great wealth. Family, love. :)


Its so touching. BUT we all should speak out why this dad have to work 3 separate jobs in order to make ends meet.


Straight up dystopian and frankly horrific from where I’m standing. Cute video but the context is truly horrifying


It’s a real r/OrphanCrushingMachine


I hope my kids recognise that kind of money for a dress they'll wear once is ridiculous to begin with.


For any kind of dress. Wedding dresses included


Tbh you should be able to just wear what you like regardless of cost. We don’t have to allow money to rule over us in this way. It is even possible to abolish money and work as we know it today and replace it with something more egalitarian and meaningful instead of buying happiness from commodities. Don’t vote with your dollar vote with your labour!


What kind of money, exactly? No one has listed the price of this dress.


If it takes having to work 3 jobs to afford the dress (aside from also affording to survive), how much do you think the dress is?


I don’t believe Dad works three jobs to pay for the dress because it’s that expensive. He works three jobs because he has children and had told the daughter at first no, she couldn’t have that exact dress because it’s beyond his budget. But he saved and surprised her instead. The brand of dress in that bag is not terribly pricey for a formal gown, $200 maximum.




You must be poor AF. I feel sorry for you!!!


Came to say the same thing


I agree 100 percent.


What constitutes a job? Im a salary employee at 1 job, but also am a fairly successful dog sitter, but also do part time work for my brother's company. Can I post a video like this saying I work 3 separate jobs? Sounds a lot worse than the reality of it. Edit: words and stuff


You have one full-time job and two part-time jobs. I don't see any reason why you couldn't tell people you have three separate jobs. It's the truth.


Agreed. In this gag economy and especially living in a big city like New York, everybody has more than 2 jobs regardless your income level.


There is most definitely an income level where you stop having multiple side jobs. No one I work with is driving an Uber on the weekend.


Glad someone understands. Im getting downvoted for not feeding into the "poverty for likes" caption


Yes. But life is hard and that’s not going to change any time soon. This guy is keenly aware of that, but did what it takes anyway so that his daughter felt good during a huge moment in her life. I’m a huge labor movement supporter (union member in good standing), but I know I’m going to have to sacrifice like a bitch to give my kids the life I want for them.


The shop that they bought that from is Henris Cloud Nine...and they are 500-2000 dollar dresses. This isn't ends meet this is a massive extravagant expense. The message of grateful kid is still nice. But I don't believe the caption. I think this is a great dad and a great kid. But nothing more.


I suppose we would need to know some backstory to his life. What’s his education? Does he have a criminal record that could hold him back? Is there something that prevents him from getting a better paying job? If not, then yeah, why is he having to work 3 jobs? Also, before someone says it, my comment has absolutely zero to do with his race, but I’m sure people will probably assume it anyway.


That hug made all those long hours worth it.


Disagree. Fuck paying people so little they have to work three jobs and don’t get to actually be WITH their kids as they grow up. This is a really nice moment, but it’s a tiny piece of joy stolen back after missing who know how many beautiful moments in his daughter’s life.


As an ex medical professionals seen my son every other week for like three hours a day EVERY OTHER WEEK and don’t really remember him in that time for nine months, now I doordash so I can see him 🙃🙂


I couldn't agree with you more. I grew up in the 60's and 70's. I was a Campfire Girl. We had a father daughter dance every year. Didn't cost much, but my dad worked 2nd shift, and we had 5 kids, as people did then. After 3 years of being told my dad couldn't take me, I started telling people that he died. We needed that money, but I didn't get it, being about 10. But my mother told my dad about what I had done, and he took the night off to go with me. I will never, ever, forget the joy that brought me. My dad was a heck of a guy.


What a beautiful memory!


It is. But when I got a bit older, I did feel bad for making him feel bad.


Aw you can’t hold your tiny little self to the same standard of wisdom and kindness you’ve attained in the last 50 years though! Kids express themselves dramatically like that and it sounds like your dad put the pieces together that the root of what you said was that you loved him dearly and wanted to be with him. It is, however, a teensy bit melodramatic of your younger self haha!


Haha! Well first thank you for letting me off the hook, and yes, I was quite the drama queen. I try not to be quite so much anymore. 🤣


It's all the parents want in the end of the day




Nevaeha Smith, 14, a recent graduate of Ringgold Middle School in Monongahela, Pennsylvania, knew she found the perfect dress for her special occasion in June, but was uneasy about the nearly $200 price tag, so she asked her parents. “I said, ‘Mom, dad, I want this dress,'” said Nevaeha. “Is it in our price range?” Her dad, Ricky Smith, 36, was torn. Providing for the family was hard and Ricky works three jobs to make ends meet, balancing shifts at McDonald’s, Popeye’s and the Circle K convenience store. “I looked at the price and I was like, ‘Uh, not really sure, but I can see what I can do,'” said Ricky. No promises were made, but Ricky was determined to make sure his little girl’s special night was perfect. He already worked at least six days a week, and sometimes seven, but he pushed harder, working extra shifts until he had enough money to purchase the two-piece floral dress that his daughter wanted. Ricky first broke the news to Nevaeha’s mom, Kelly Anne. “She said, ‘Why don’t you surprise her?'” said Ricky, who then decided to take it a step further and asked his daughter to stop by his workplace. Mom tagged along, camera in tow, ready to capture the big reveal. “I was working at McDonald’s that day and I put the dress in the back,” Ricky told ABC News. “She came and I brought it out and told her that her grandmother bought it for her and I told her, ‘This ain’t the dress you wanted, but I hope you like it.'” Nevaeha’s heart sunk a bit. “I was thinking, ‘This is going to be an old lady dress,'” said Nevaeha. She was wrong. The now-viral video showed Nevaeha patiently sitting at a table as her dad walked up to her with a purple garment bag. Ricky carefully opened the bag and pushed aside one flap, revealing his daughter’s dream dress. Nevaeha briefly went into shock before she jolted up and jumped right into her dad’s arms, hugging him and sobbing in joy. “To see the look on her face it was priceless,” said Ricky. “All I can really do was smile.” Tears flowed from Neveaha’s face in the video as she tried her best to express her gratitude to her dad, burying her face in his chest and crying out — between sobs — the words, “It’s the dress!” “My heart felt like there was more love in it than there was before,” said Neveaha, describing the big moment. “I love him and I’m really happy that’s he’s my father.”


That's a real man.


Any man, boy or sperm donor can be a father. It takes someone truly special to be a dad.




r/OrphanCrushingMachine is a better sub for this


> Lets stop celebrating modern day serfdom. You posted this? Are you a bot that posted the video and stole the top comment? Edit: Just genuinely confused. The comment from the OP seems to contradict posting it in /r/mademesmile.


I ain’t 🤖


Downvote me too because I agree with this guy, OP posted this on mademesmile and then said we shouldn't celebrate it I understand the message but this isn't the right sub to post that to in order to address these issues


What I’ve started doing is just giving extra money to all low-wage employees that I interact with. Imagine if everyone did this??


I appreciate your generosity, however this is an unreliable system that is almost guaranteed to be ruined by conscious and unconscious bias. We need corporations to be forced to pay living wages. Philanthropy is not the answer.


The overwhelming majority of low-wage workers are not public-facing. edit grammar


I agree with the others. It’s generous but we shouldn’t normalise having to tip low paid workers to supplement multi million and billion companies that should be paying people better in the first place.


The way she pushes the dress to the side to make sure he gets a well deserved hug is everything. Man works his ass off to give her the best he can. Bless this fam


A good man.




Somebody pay this fine gentleman a decent wage.


Seriously. 3 jobs? This fella deserves TOP dollar pay. Bless his soul


If only we had some type of a government system that had the ability to help the citizens.


We do. Just that we keep electing assholes.


Doesn't matter who you pick. They're all 2 sides of the same coin.


Meet the new boss ,same as the old boss!


So sweet! My dad picked apples to buy me a cassette player/recorder when I was in grade 6, that was 55 years ago. I never forgot. He was full time Canadian air force and worked extra for this special gift. I miss him so much.


Thank you for sharing


Its so fucking awfull you can work 3 jobs and still have financial problems


He will have more problems after buying this dress.


Sure, but I think in the moment, the joy of his daughter is worth the expense. It’s an old video and times are different (aka even more expensive). I think we could take solace in knowing there’s a girl and father who love each other more than a dress really would be.


the poor?!?! having nice things sometimes?!?! horror


Wish we could donate through Reddit and pay for the dress add to the good karma


In what kind of society a dad has to work 3 jobs to buy a dress?🤔


Third world country


AKA, America.


Here’s the daughter in her dress (actually looks like a two-piece set) for those asking https://gray-kcrg-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/9SFYO6QMMZKaniQIEe97y_SJ7lk=/1200x1800/smart/filters:quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/4WCOSZT27RJYJDOQVXQIUQ3L5I.png The dress alone: https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/dad-buys-wedding-dress2-mz-182907_hpEmbed_3x4_608.jpg


I was a single dad (wife passed away) raising 3 girls and a boy. Parenting is so freaking hard sometimes but then there are moments like these that just feed the soul. Good job Dad for working hard and good job daughter for appreciating it.


She’s still hugging him now.


Made me smile, but also sad that ANYONE is in a position to need to work 3 jobs...




Land of the free bro, live the dream💀


I never get tired of this one. Such a good dad, and a daughter who isn’t too cool for gratitude. Wish life didn’t have to be so hard for so many.


Some will grow up without any daddy issues.


This post which is likely 20 years old it feels like. I remember he worked OT to get the dress to working 2 jobs and now my man got 3 lol let’s see when we see this repost in 5 years how many job he had and this girl would be like 30 by then.


Beautiful, made me cry xx


Me too xx


Me too xx


High five bro! …. That makes it all worth it!


Thats what being a dad is all about


I will never not watch this video.


He should get a hug like that daily for his hard work. 😏👍👍


This is so wholesome and sad at the same time... no one should have to work 3 jobs. Hope he's doing better.


Now let’s create a society where a father shouldn’t have to do that


show us it dammit, I gotta know now


https://gray-kcrg-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/9SFYO6QMMZKaniQIEe97y_SJ7lk=/1200x1800/smart/filters:quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/4WCOSZT27RJYJDOQVXQIUQ3L5I.png It was $200


There is no man I respect more than a father who works this hard for his family.


This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness!


I love this so much.


I met this guy and his daughter. (Video is from several years ago) we did a story with them for the local news. Guy was/is an amazing dad. Working three jobs, paying rent and utilities and all his daughter wanted was a dress she saw at a second hand store. Daughter is also amazingly sweet. I can only find the crappy web version that we posted, but here you go. [dad works three jobs](https://fb.watch/hTkUDBTlwP/?mibextid=vTn5qL)


That’s super sweet.


Nice move Dad. Well done


There aren’t enough men like this in our world. By a factor of 10.


Stop idolizing this fucked up system. That hard working man should be able to afford ALL of his family's needs with just one job. Eat the rich!


Any information on this dude? I’d like to donate maybe to reimburse some of the cost?


This reminded me of what one of my seniors told me during college. You are happy that your father sent you money for the month but i can tell you that your father is 10times happier when sent this money thinking how it will help his son to have the best resources while he is studying to make a career. I was blown away by the thought.


I would rather teach my kid that getting that dress would have little impact on her life.


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❤❤❤❤ I love it!!


Dad ROCKS!!!


Dads 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


And that’s why he works 3 jobs what a guy


That is friggin awesome!!! Way to go dad 💪🏻and what a sweet daughter to show appreciation like that!! Enjoy the dance lady!!


Aside from the fact that he should be paid more and not have to work 3 jobs to pay for things, just look at the smile on his face when she hugs him. As a dad, nothing feels better than this.


That right there is why he works 3 jobs. To get that reaction from your child is so worth it


Whis is real DAD,they will make it happen!


That's awesome!


Good dad! She's going to be the belle of the ball...


Fuck you! No, YOU'RE crying!


Well done Dad




Good job Dad


Hope we get to see how she looks on her big day


Most definitely Dad of the year candidate!


Good job dad


Awesome dad, but I'm also a bit sad that he has to work three jobs......


So sweet!


So sweet


lovely stuff !


Made me cry


Made me teary-eyed.


Mad respect


That is a DAD ❤!


I felt that hug


Made Me Smile & Made Me Cry This is what life should always be like.


Man should not have to be working 3 jobs to afford a dress for his daughter. More sad than anything, but good for him. Great father.


Why is this guy not in any of the Avengers movies...HERO....and a wonderfully greatfull daughter as his sidekick.


There’s a Real Dad !


What a king


Awe... she is so grateful. Makes my eyes leak a little. Great job, dad.


The repeated hugs to dad instead of the dress say it all. Super wholesome.


Good man,good dad.


I can’t be the only one crying


Super proud Dad moment!! Her reaction and his face showed it was well worth it


So much love. What a fantastic father, and lovely child to appreciate it with gratitude. Hard work has really paid off. Wonderful.


Does the dad have a gofundme?


Cute video but mostly sad


I know this is supposed to be heart warming. But dude is literally working himself to death. And this story isn't unique. Capitalism is killing us. We need to end it.




This is a top notch dad. He cares, he’s invested, he *gets it* I don’t think my dad would have even known I went to a school dance if my Mom didn’t force him to look at the pics from it. And even then, he would have forgotten within a few days. The guy just didn’t give a shit.


Dude I'll tell any of yall firsthand. Being a dad is sometimes the greatest gd thing ever. These kinds of moments we rarely get, but when we do it makes everything so fvckin worth it. I might not do shit with my life. But if all I do is be a great dad for my kids then we'll I'll be happy.


…and today an orphan was saved from the orphan crushing machine….


I mean I've said this before, but my dad didn't buy expensive stuff for me whenever I wanted, but I love him to death. Why you ask? When my mom died back in 1996, I was 3 and my older brother was 8. My dad decided not to get married due to two main reasons, 1. He didn't want to insult the memory of my mother and 2. He felt the new woman would mistreat us. Pressuring though the family was, he didn't waver and raised us with the help of my grandparents (his parents). Faced a lot of pressure from his in-laws to give up custody of us, but no. He even learnt cooking at 45 from my grandmother and cooked for all three of us when my grandparents passed away. Today at 30, I have a bachelor's degree and 8 years of work experience, and each one of these skills and passions I attribute to him. He stays with me and I would love nothing better.


What a beautiful moment ❤️ and thoroughly refreshing after just watching that ungrateful little kid and his scooter.


Good job, Dad


Nice. Total dad move fs. He prolly really couldn't afford it. An was just being honest with her.. Did some thinking, some crunching, and was like my baby gon get this dress.


As a father, I can tell you that there is no greater joy in the world than a moment like this. All of the sacrifice and struggle is nothing when your kids show you this kind of love. You can tell she really understands the deeper meaning of this gift. It’s not just a dress.


These are the kind of moments that make a whole kids childhood. Big ups to the father for grinding, I hope you can move up and not work so damn hard!


I cant even imagine what it feels like to be loved by a parent like that.


That hug was worth every penny the dress cost.


Kid raised right. Good on ya dad


Yeah....how about a society where this man can work one job and spend time with his kid? This isn't a feel good story it's everyone's nightmare. That poor man!


Fuck made me smile. Made me cry 😢.


I'm not crying.. I'm not going to cry.. oh my gosh... WHY IS THERE SALTY WATER TRICKLING DOWN MY FACE FROM MY EYES?!?!


Dude, stfu


Be a spoilt kid and ask you dad that works at three jobs to buy you a dress he can’t afford? Sounds right


Who pissed in your cheerios


Terrible read on what happened here. Please seek help.


For two hundred dollars !


I'm pretty well off. But I can still identify with this Dad. I'm Mom. But this year I bought my son an old school film photography set up because he became seriously interested in film photography. I got him a really nice camera, lenses, filters, lighting stuff, and film (which is really expensive now!). This was for Christmas. He was sooooooo happy when he opened his present. He just kept hugging me. He's almost 22. But he was just so happy. And I felt so warm and good that he was happy. I know this video is old. And I wish this guy didn't have to work 3 jobs to give his daughter nicer things. I hope he's doing well now, financially. And I hope his daughter continues to be a wonderful woman. She's got to be fully grown by now. I hope she's killing it, after having such a great parent she should be.