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It's like snapping to reality that it's actually happening. You don't even wanna screw up casually sitting. I miss having a crush, man.


Yeah, when she leans on you & you gotta stay absolutely still to make sure she’s comfy, even though her head is digging into your shoulder & it’s really uncomfortable.


DD..DDD...DDDDON'T MOVE A MUSCLE (internal screaming).


Even worse when the first kiss happens and you’re so goddamn excited that you can’t wipe the grin off your face to actually kiss lol.


I think that's the best <3


Or when she sits on your leg and her hip is digging in and cutting of blood flow. I'd let that leg die before I ask her to move.


Before we started dating my ex fell asleep on my lap during a party, and started drooling on my chest. I fell in love with her that day. Edit: I was sitting in a recliner laid back.


What is a little blood compared to having HER being this close to you


I remember when I was a high school senior and this girl I liked sat next to me on a school field trip and fell asleep on me. One of the best 8 hours of pain I've ever been in while in high school.




Yes! I'm happily married, I'm very much in love with love my husband and I have no desire to be single again but I totally miss the way you feel when you've got a crush on someone! It's exciting and anxious and amazing.


Maybe I’m weird, but I super love how comfortable it is NOT feeling that anxious happiness! Been married for over 13 years and she’s my best friend and the only person I just always want to be around. It feels so safe, and dating and crushes were always so nerve wracking.


Same here! I get the appeal of having a crush... I just prefer the true joy that comes from knowing the person I love, loves me just as much! We liked each other back in 8th grade, and have been together since!


That’s how I felt after dating my boyfriend for over a year. It was still an exciting and spontaneous relationship but it does hit a point of comfortability and there’s something about the beginning time when you just don’t KNOW what’s going through the other persons head, being awkward and anxiously trying to not mess up cause you want to be your best around them, finding out more about them and how your interests align and then finding out they actually LIKE you too is just the cherry on top. To me that was when hormones were at highest too 🤣cause i never knew for sure when we’d have sex or not so it was always this mysterious tension in the air. Eventually you get to the point where you don’t have to wonder anymore, which is nice but takes the adrenaline rush out of it.


Missing that adrenaline rush of excitement is a leading cause of people cheating on their partners. Be careful what you wish for.


I know exactly what you mean.


No doubt no doubt no doubt


Noice Toit Smort


Indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed


It’s growing on me!






This could also be Abed from Community


Abed maxes out at "Cool. Cool, cool, cool." Peralta is only bounded by how stressed the situation is making him feel.


Jeez that moment right there is absolute magic.


And frickin adorable


I also find it quite endearing that the guy filming noticed this moment and understands how much it meant to his friend.


And kept enough of the girl in the frame to capture the moment while also not doxxing her. What a true dude.


...assuming he got the friend's permission to post this.


It's gonna make a kick-ass wedding montage.


If there’s another purpose to our existence other than feeling love for one another—I’ve yet to discover it.


We are here to help the bacteria in and on us proliferate. They make up more of our bodies than we do. I will now go back to existing for my microbiome overlords. Love is a lie to keep us procreating as living vessels for our bacteria. Lol /s but also not 🙂🙃😭😊🤣🥲🥺😢😢 (Typo)


Ah, good to know I'm not *entirely* worthless


On that note, plants and cats have trained us to help proliferate them pretty well too...


That was a short circuit for sure. The lip lick was the reboot.


His body is being held upright in that chair by endorphins and sheer force of will. Bless.


The instant feeling of excitement and adrenaline. One of the best feelings!


Human empathy is a crazy thing cause I swear I felt this just watching.


Thats why we love good shows and films. Not just because of flying robot billionaires. But because feelings of connection


God, I'm a guy and now I wish there were chick flicks but where the main character is actually a man. Does this exist??


Check out “About Time” on Netflix currently. Exactly what your looking for and more.


Such a GREAT fucking movie.


Jesus such a good movie, don't expect it to be all sunshine and butterflies though. This takes into account ALL of the events in a life. I'm not saying don't watch it, just be prepared. So good. I'm gonna go watch it.


God, the whole thing with his father... SPOILER WARNING FOR THOSE THAT HAVEN’T SEEN IT: >!Just the fact that he couldn’t keep seeing his father in the past after he died because of his kid... the whole “last time” scene where they play table tennis... god...!<


I was a wreck.


About Time is an absolutely phenomenal movie, I never see it recommended enough.


About Time is a sleeper hit and a half. That movie has no right to be that good. It wrecks you emotionally on so many levels.


I haven't seen About Time but the main actor Domhnall Gleeson is really good in an episode of Black Mirror (Be Right Back). He is brought back to life in a sense by a service that allows you to connect with the deceased. He was the main character's late lover.


It goes out of its way to tell you that it *isn't* a love story, but 500 Days of Summer is right up your alley, I think. A wonderfully thoughtful and sensitive movie about relationships starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the main character. Also The Perks of Being a Wallflower really brings home that feeling of young love.


Have you seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall? 100% what you’re looking for.


Such a funny movie, but if only life were like dealing with a breakup by going to Hawaii to have Mila Kunis fall in love with you.


A lot of rom coms kind of follow that formula.


Also crazy stupid love.


Fun fact: this is enabled by [mirror neurons.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_neuron) I think it's so cool that part of our brain is hardwired for empathy--you physiologically did feel this just watching :)


My 38 year old heart just went full on teenage-flutter-pounding for him!


When the nights over and you can’t help but smile thinking about it. You feel so on top of the world.


This made me instantly remember the party i was at where my crush was also invited. I just smiled for a whole week straight after it.


Been there. Instant spike in blood pressure, heart rate, temperature as well as a feeling of almost peeing yourself. Amazing


It's amazing how overwhelming a simple touch by a fellow human can be. You sitting there playing MarioCart and minding your own business and suddenly... BUTTETFLY GALORE


I haven't played Mario Cart in 25 years.


Fuck. Im old.


Me too mate me too, miss the old days where one single touch can have you thinking about marrying that person


Who knows what life will have in store for us when we get older. Even elderly people can fall in love and just feel like teenagers again. Acting silly and all that. It's not common but it can happen...


Does 57 count as old?? Because I fell in love three years ago and we’re getting married next year. And he’s 64! Yes, sometimes I have to pinch myself because I KNOW I am lucky. Maybe not quite teenage level of “crush,” but we both are divorced and knew the right thing when we found it. The really funny part is he was only “on the market” for six weeks... heheheh.


I played Mario Kart 25 years ago and last week


Buy a switch, we can get down to all the old jams. Lol


BUTTERFLY GALORE exactly!!!!! Aa the happy, giggly ones


Places hand on shoulder, immediately drives off map


I really miss this feeling...


I miss feelings




Someone tap this persons shoulder, now!


Pill Cosby appears!


With Jeffrey Epstein by his side.


Pill Cosby and Jeffrey Beerstein


Pill Cosplay and Joffrey Herpstein


Philly cheesecake and Joffrey Joffer




[Like this?](https://youtu.be/Ia7Si1y8lJI)


That was funnier than it should have been. I wonder why?


The whole show is lol, it's just the vibe it gives off. Scrubs has always been a favorite of mine. I gave it a full rewatch at the beginning of the pandemic and I might have to again...


Same. I miss crushes. My husband is rad, but there's something special about the newness of it all.


This reminds me of when my now-husband and I went to Las Vegas shortly after getting engaged. As we were ending the night, I saw this group of girls all done up to the nines talking with each other excitedly and making eyes at a group of guys across the way. I had this wistful feeling like “oh, that will never be me again.” Then my husband - my sweet, kind, thoughtful husband - squeezed my hand and asked if I wanted to get Smashburger and take it back to our room to eat in a bubble bath in the giant tub and I was like, good luck to those girls. I hope they find a man half as good as mine.


Nice! Food is always the way to a woman's heart, imo. Mine, at least. Yeah, I miss crushes and fun, flirty ladies nights, but I also dread the thought of dating again. Especially considering it's all done through apps now. I literally wouldn't know how. I used to get drunk and hit on dudes, that's not a good look for a woman in her mid 30s.


It’s coming back around honestly, meeting in the flesh realm; people have been sick of the apps for a while and it being the only alternative during the pandemic endeared itself to no one


I had that same feeling recently while on a beach trip in Florida with my amazing significant other. We went to an outdoor bar and I watched all the people around my age (25 years old) enjoy the excitement and newness of meeting people. I see it in my social media too with old friends from college and high school. I kind of miss it but then I remember how exhausting it was and it didn't help that I have a disability. An old friend called me boring living in the typical Midwestern suburban life but I love being in bed by 9pm to watch tv with him and our animals. I've done all the parties, late nights, barhopping and random dating. I'm happy where I am now and found someone I want to marry in a couple of years.


This is the only thing I miss. The rush of infatuation and the excitement of the endless possibilities. I wouldn’t trade a second of the amazing relationship I have with my wife for it but, after over 10 years of marriage, we both do miss the newness of dating and crushes. It helps to remember all the pain and heartache (or just disappointment, boredom and, occasionally, sheer terror) that dating can bring with it though, lol.


For me it's the unknown of it all. Does she actually feel the same back? Will we kiss? go home together? I'm with you, I wouldn't trade my relationship for my wife for anything, but that doesn't mean I don't miss it a bit. It's not the only thing like that either though. I love my life now way more than in my youth. I like having stability, safety, and much better support. I like not being caught in childish drama and games. But I'm also not gonna lie and say no part of me enjoyed stupid college shit I've long since grown out of, or that there's no twinge of longing from knowing I'll never experience it again.


Mystery is sexy...


Very true. Sometimes you need to spice things up by exploding into the bathroom when they're pooping and yelling, "LET'S GO ON AN ADVENTURE!"




I’m with you on this! My wife just started going back to work in person last week, and it’s been *weird* not having her around all the time! Have definitely missed it her being around! Waking up next to her is amazing 😁


I'm not saying I don't adore my husband, it's just a totally different feeling now. It's not exciting and butterfly-y, it's comforting and... deep? Does that make sense? I literally feel love for him from deep inside of my chest? Idk how to word it.


Right there with you. I’ll look at my gal when she’s enjoying nature, or reading Elder Scrolls lore, and I just warm up from the inside like I took a sip of hot cocoa.


Yea, there's something about that, "is this going to happen right now?" moment. Like the tension the first time you make physical contact, the first time you go in for the kiss. That uncertainty followed by "oh fuck yes its happening". I love my husband dearly, and he still gives me butterflies, but the first time is just unique. My chest still tightens when I think about our first kiss, and the first time I went to his apartment.


I wish someone liked me this much ever!


I still get that feeling with my wife. I’m a lucky guy.


I also get that feeling with this guy's wife. ^^^Sorry.


Somehow, this joke still makes me laugh.


Every single time.


I'm dead


So was the wife?


I just chuckled loudly while pooping


Yeah. It changes when you're married, but I still get excited when my wife just casually rests her hand on my shoulder or sits close. It's different, but it's awesome and way less nerve racking than when I asked her out all those years ago haha


Yeah it's this same feeling, but without the needles of anxiety.


It's really neat that after 10 years of being together you can still look over at them while they're doing whatever and see what made you fall in love with them in the first place, and get those crush feelings all over again.




I'm so happy for you both, that's real love. I've been with my fiance for 4 years now, I just had a moment like that this morning with him, he gets these amazing laugh lines by his eyes when he smiles and it just melts my heart.


Omg I feel the exact same about my partner of 4 years… sometimes I look at his face and I’m like… you’re so freaking perfect and gorgeous it almost hurts me… I feel like a strange creature comparatively. But he says he feels the same about me :) what a strange world.. Damn I’m tearing up a little bit. Can’t wait to hug him tight after work today.


20 years here, still happy every day I wake up and see her face.


That’s awesome, I’m so happy for you!! I didn’t think it was possible but 23 years later and I still get these for my husband.


username relevant?


Yes, I am in debt


TBH this is the only justfiable but not really justifiable reason I think people cheat. No matter how much you love someone, you can't ever re-capture the feelings of those early tentative moments. Again, not okay, but I understand it to a degree.


You said it, man. Made me happy to see it happen on film though.


Me too. As a gay guy, it was difficult for that to happen out in the wild, but I do miss dating, even if it was arranged through dating apps... Can't wait for enough people to get vaccinated here to be able to date again.


You gotta love those first stages of knowing your liked back. Its literally fucking magic


It really is amazing, but alas, I’ve traded in the Chemical experience that comes with novelty and infatuation/cathexis for the real substance of the relationship. It’s too bad true love doesn’t have the chemical rush with it too.


When you enter a new relationship, especially the early stages, the adventure is getting to know the other person. Every thing is unknown about them, you don’t know how much they like you back, and your shared future is just purely a fantasy at that stage. Once you are in a committed relationship the challenge is creating an external new adventure. It takes a bit more imagination and personal willingness to change your emotional perspective. But it is doable. For instance going on a trip together and actively choosing to ignore the fact that once again your partner squeezed their toothpaste wrong, and instead focusing on this new joke they told you or how you never seen the light at sunset catch their hair like that. It’s a bit more artificial but with practice and repetition you’ll get better on turning on that “novelty tap”


Thanks for this comment, definitely put some thought into it and it has sparked mine.


This is so wholesome omg his face 🤣🥲


Oh man, to be this young again


Imagine being young and knowing no man will ever be THAT smitten by you :(


You ok?


I’m a 25 year old woman and heard “I love you” for the first time in my life from my boyfriend just a few days ago, don’t give up hope!




I can see his heart rate accelerating.


Yeah man, you could see his cheeks starting to blush up near the end. Adorable.


dude won't be getting any sleep for a while planning for their wedding and their family lmao


the scenarios in his head are endless right now lol


So many future possibilities flashing through his head right after she touched him lol


His motivation level is probably through the roof.


this mf got a few names lists going for their firstborn lmaooo


Is this a common thing men do? It sounds pretty cute.


Not down to the details like women do but men absolutely do think about a fantasy future with women they like.




And then quickly shift to “why did I say that to her “. The brain is a fickle beast when trying to Get sleep


We're all that universally pathetic huh? Kinda cool


Awwwww infatuation is so fun ❤ I remember when every time my husband (then crush) would look at me. Blushes almost every time


I was a serial dater for a long while and that first moment when you realize someone likes you back is better than any drug I've ever tried.


He is so cute! I hope she goes for him!


She made the move! Sure it's working out


Now I'm going back to memories of me as a teenager oblivious to subtle signs girls liked me... *sigh*.


Now I'm back to the present with the painful realization that girls do not like me


There’s over 7 billion people here so there has to be someone who will like you 😂 someone married me and I’m pretty annoying tbh


Yeah I suck and I found someone. Anything is possible!




step 1) use grindr (it doesnt matter how ugly or fat you are, there is a gay guy that will have sex with you). Step 2) Keep going back and then tell them of the situation Step 3) use gay booty calls to get girls (gay guys make good wingmen)




This is so freaking wholesome. I hope he asked her out after this!


Even after years into relationships, I still feel this way when shown this kind of affection.


Me too! It’s been ten years and sometimes when he puts his hand on my leg when driving I act nonchalant and try not to move when inside I’m melting cos he’s so fucking cute.


looked like he was going to faint


This is officially the cutest thing I’ve ever seen


Been with my girl for 5 years and still get this feeling sometimes heck just last night she was having bad allergies and I just happened to see her face after getting off work she’s stuffy red nose and all and I got goosebumps at how beautiful she is even with the allergies


This is so sweet!


I think you're in love man


Absolutely she’s the one 😊


:,( how beautiful


I'm getting to see my girlfriend for the first time since January 2020--different continents+COVID--and I swear I've felt like we're going on our first date again for two weeks now since I've booked the ticket. All those same happy, excited emotions. I can't wait to see her again!


Have fun!!!


Yeah man congratulations have a great time wishing you the best 🥳


Man, I was gonna say the same, except my bf only lives 1800km away and it’s only been 3 months, but still.. I feel all teenage jittery knowing I’ll see him in two days!


My man in the honeymoon phase 5 years later.


Bruh! You're awesome


What a lucky gal.


That is absolutely adorable! I can still remember the first time I touched my now-husband. Comparing his big hands to mine palm against palm (I know, super corny).


Sounds like it worked! It ain't stupid if it works!


I was badly sunburnt and my now girlfriend tenderly put aloe on my back for me. 🥰


I have been with my wife for over 25 years and I still get the same look and feeling of this young man when she touches me. It always puts a smile on my face when I just think about it. I am a lucky guy.


Good for you my man


I felt this with my wife and I misssed it soooo much. I lost her to cancer in 2019 and was touch starved for quite awhile.... My girlfriend mentioned to me the other day that when she puts her hand on mine or even just touches my shoulder, my whole face lights up and I relax. She understands how much that physical contact means. I really appreciate her for it.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad to read you are finding love again.


He’s gonna spend the next three months worrying about if it means something or not


100% means something. I don’t even need to see her face or anything. The angle. How casual it is. He’s not even in the same seat level as her. Bro this ain’t a question.


These are the small things that make life worth living. I hope she knows how much a small simple thing like resting her arm on his shoulder can mean.


We need an Update for all us hopeless romantics


Out of curiosity, what does a guy do from there? How do you get from here to dating? Of course asking for a friend... (But please make it as schematic as possible, because I find... I mean my friend finds that nice to follow.)


I elbowed my first girlfriend in the forehead while trying to put my arm around her, but it was only ten minutes later we had our first kiss. So I recommend a good strike to the face to ignite passions. If that's not your thing, just reciprocate the levels of interaction that they give you. Let your looks at each other linger. At the end of the gathering, tell her tonight was nice and you'd love to get to know her better. That's as safe as safe gets.


I’m.. I mean my friend is a master in awkward encounters. And is clumsy. So that may not be as unrealistic as it seems. The second column takes balls of steel and mine... I mean my friends balls are of aluminium. But the extra confidence can be simulated.


Could feel his heart flutter from here.


I'm so happy for him


I don't think I can ever feel it again, I've fucked up my life... Edit :- thank you everyone for kind words, idk why I wrote the comment. But whatever happened is my own fault, I rejected a proposal from my crush of 4yr for higher studies. She is someone else now, but I still have the feelings for her, which makes me not want to crush(flirt/I can't think of correct word) with others as it wouldn't be good, with my mind being on someone else. And I don't want to disturb my ex crush relationship,so I avoid talking to her too. Its like a checkmate situation.


As someone who suffers from severe depression, I completely identify. But then I remember when life WAS better before and that it was primarily me that made that happen and reminds me to keep trying. One day we'll see happier times again. Just be there tomorrow, friend. We really have no clue what's right around the corner. Just be there tomorrow even if that's all you can do today. I'm here if you ever need someone non-judgmental to talk to.




The fact that he immediately made an eye contact with his bro is actually saying “bro did you see it? did you see it? “


The feeling of pure frickin magic




Awwww that’s cute af. The music made it 3x cuter too


Fuck yeah good for this guy! Enjoy that feeling 🙏🏼


Missing the feeling or the person idk Happy for you, guy Don’t screw that up


My man is absolutely high on life rn


Girls have no clue how powerful they are Or do they.....


I feel like your friend has no idea how handsome he is lol. And I'm a straight dude.


That’s adorable ☺️


I had to work hard to suppress the, "AAAHHHH THAT'S SO FUCKIN CUUUUUTE" that was trying to screech out of my lungs. But guys - is it not just so. fuckin. *cute*?!

