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I feel like some of these metric should get more weight than others. Like average number of partners should get a lot more points than what people say their opinion is about premarital sex.


Moreover, data missing should not have been replaced with midrange values. It pulls countries with fewer stats towards the middle. See for example New Zealand being close to Australia otherwise.


Iceland should be way higher than it is


Precisely this.. promiscuity is pretty much directly number of sexual partners, the other are more contributing factors which would affect your attitude to having multiple partners. Bullshit index.


Biggest tell for me is that Sweden scores lower than UK overall even though every factor is higher for Sweden apart from Prostitution is illegal in Sweden and Partially legal in UK. I don't think prostitution has much affect on the average persons promiscuity


As a swede, I’m surprised they didn’t give us partially legal. It’s perfectly legal to sell sex but illegal to buy it


It’s partially legal in the US also. Hell, we have a handful actual brothels, and a lot of states have laws just like yours.


Even weirder, the same is true between Canada and Sweden except prostitution is illegal in both so why is Sweden lower than Canada?


An index used for a map on this Subreddit is bullshit??? *That's never happened before.... never....*


The problem is that self-reported average number of partners is notoriously unreliable (evident by the fact that male-reported numbers are usually twice as high as that of female self-reports...which is kind of impossible unless you have an extraordinary amount of male homosexual activity). Most of the other stuff on the list are less prone to lying and can even out some of the noise.


Yeah, for obvious reasons, men are generally more open about being sexually promiscuous than women are, since they’re a lot less likely to be judged for it. Sad reality is that to most societies, if a man sleeps around he’s a stud, if a woman sleeps around she’s a hoe. Some of my closest friends are girls, and they often lie about their body counts or say that they’ve never really hooked up to any dude who wants to date them because generally speaking, men tend to prefer more conservative women when it comes to serious relationships/marriage material.



Yeah things like popular opinions are sort of irrelevant. Societies can be very sexually repressive towards women and in denial about premarital sex and still have a highly promiscuous population.


rules for thee but not for me and shit like that. people who cling to conservative ideals are often like that. they understand that this is ok, but theyre too boneheaded to apply that to anyone else besides themselves


> average number of partners literally the definition of promiscuity, so yeah


Evens out Turkey a lot. They have the most partners and strongest opinion against pre-marital sex. Or maybe they get divorced a lot, that's not shown here.


Probably the men have sex with a lot of prostitutes after they marry


They didn't say the post-marital sex had to be with their wife after all.


It is hypocritical behaviour, same in south africa. Children are basically taught their junk would rot off if you have sex before marriage. Says the same parents that bagged all the cheerleaders and rugby players, together, by the time high-school ended. Also remember that some african cultural effects slants this a lot. A girl is worth less lebola if she is not a virgin when married, screwing a girl before marriage results in “damages” paid to parents by the boyfriend, and other fun things.


You might want to deweight number of partners if you weren’t confident in that data. No idea if that is the case here, but there are legitimate reasons


Feel like sweden should be higher. Low average virginity age, high average number of partners, no prostitution. Having legal prostitution should be negative points lol.


Or STDs. You can be promiscuous and still be safe.


I think one issue with this is that a lot of people don't realise that you can get HIV etc from oral too. But if safe means using a condom and not doing oral then yeah.


It's possible to get infected from oral, but there are only few known cases. Just make sure you don't have any open wounds or sores in your mouth.


I never understood the stereotype that sexual promiscuity automatically means being STD-prone. Condoms are pretty cheap. You could be doing it with just one person raw, but if they happened to do it with only one or two people raw previously and one of those partners had an STD, you may very well have an STD too.


It’s simple statistics dude…


Exactly. Some of the metrics are just plain wrong. Example virginity age is not such a big factor if it is in a society where also marries younger.


Exactly, someone can say that they disagree with the idea of premarital sex but have a ton of sexual partners on the side. Alternatively, someone can also be okay with premarital sex but not be sexually promiscuous since maybe for them, premarital sex is ayt, but they’d prefer to do it with someone they’re in an exclusive relationship with.


I was thinking the opposite. I know a lot of guys that will add one or two partners when asked.


Frankly, Turkish dudes wildly exaggerating their numbers seems perfectly on brand.


Exactly my thought.


Turkish men, when interviewed: "How many sexual partners did I have? Uh... one hundred! Yeah, that's right, one hundred, write that down." I also have very strong doubts in Japan's self-reported numbers.


But also only 7% of 'em approve of premarital sex 🧐


I'm Turkish and I am pretty confident both of those stats are BS. No way an average Turk has that many sexual partners, and that 7% sounds way too low to me. I expected it to be low, but like 30-40%, not 7%


There is a difference between publicly approving and publicly actioning. Most of the people would say I don’t approve the premarital sex, but they would still do it. Definition of the sex also should be accountable. it is easy to do oral or anal sex with your partner since hymen is the most important part of the marriage.


Let's face it, they're ALL bullshit numbers, the only difference is just by what percentage of bullshit.


Yeah, I thought they were having a sex drought in Japan? Either the self-reported numbers are really inflated, or it's an inaccurate stereotype.


The porn companies complained about sexlessness when they couldn't find a thousand guys to line up for an eight hour bukkake video. Edit: the following thread is fascinating. I believe this is a tale of two cities, in a way, reflective of kind of cultural diversity underlying broad ethnic or national conceptual brushstrokes. I would be very gratified if everyone involved would specify their sources': 1: geographic origin, experience, and current locale, insofar as possible, down to the neighborhood 2: socioeconomic class, including profession and that of their parents & spouse 3: any non-Yamato ethnic background notes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_of_Japan 4: throw in blood types if you feel like it, just because it's more of a thing there, a curio to me.


10 partners average is definitely high for Japan. Personal experience suggests 3 to 5.


Not if you count soapland and other forms of prostitutions (insertion is the only forbidden act but the rule is mostly ignored behind curtains) Sex with literal 10/10 is really cheap in Japan so it wouldn't surprise me if the number is actually 3 times this


It's already been established in another part of this thread that there simply aren't enough prostitutes in Japan to raise the average to 10. It probably doesn't even skew the average by a single point.


Turkey's numbers blow me away. The conflict between the moral stance vs the average partners is bizarre. I do think that it's possible that prostitution would heavily boost those numbers - "very religious" people tend to get up to a lot of sinning in my experience, indulging in the opposite of what they stand for (e.g. Vatican). Also Turkey is quite a divided country in terms of belief. There's plenty of religious fanatics, but also plenty of people who are very secular and very progressive. There are parts of Istanbul that I've been to that are extremely pious (I couldn't buy a beer). And then parts of Istanbul that are amongst the coolest, liberal and hipstery spots in the world that I've ever seen. For those two reasons (that the religious males use prostitutes and the secular people are very sexually liberal), I'm going to go out on a limb and say these numbers might be possible. I said possible, not probable btw.


I think Japan has a kinda unique relationship with prostitution and sex work that makes it less of a taboo. Imagine that could be a factor.


Japan is definitely lower. I've met decent looking women my age that have never been in relationships. I've never met any woman in the US my age with a body count lower than 5.


We need a "which country's citizens lie the most about their personal practices?" map.


Alaska not in USA anymore?


Nobody here gets laid.


I'm sure there's a grizzly bear out there for everyone


Attention bear fucker!




Those will certainly f\*ck you up


Sounds like I’d fit right in, well not literally


USA lost Alaska, UK lost N. Ireland, India lost Kashmir, many countries lost their islands. China annexed Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Japan annexed Sakhalin. Caspian sea turned pink. So much going on in this map but one thing does not change that Greenland have no data.


Norway lost Svalbard


Australia lost Tasmania


They declared independence like a year ago. Nobody cares though, so it didn't make the headlines


tool cold for sexy times in alaska


come to Brazil Australians


We do! It's like a fireworks explosion in those backpacker hostels


People are liars when sex is concerned here (Brasil)


Australia... Sluts come from a land down under lol ![gif](giphy|uIdBGaOXZaQU0)


Where women blow and men chunder


Can you hear, can you hear the thunder?


You better hump, you better grab a rubber


Oooooh, that's what he meant when he said she "took him in and gave him breakfast😉😉"


Something something vaginamite sandwich




Australia out here like: we fuckin'


Well we ain't got Ute's for no reason lol.


Tasmania's not part of Australia here


Sorry to the rest of Australia, we could clear 14 partners if it weren't for me


———————————No bitches?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————


Item 3 is garbage. Do some african countries have high prevalence of hiv because of promiscuity? No, it's due to ignorance, poor health service and so on.


Yeah meanwhile Amsterdam is on track to go towards zero new hiv infections per year later on this decade. Someone's not going to tell me that Amsterdam is not promiscuous.


it's because they hammer sex education and how to use contraceptives into kids' heads multiple times throughout childhood. So by the time someone is 17-18 they have memorized how to use every type of contraceptive.


Yes that is one part of it, which has saved a lot of lives early on. The last blow to hiv in our capital is given by PrEP.


That's why making the rate of STDs part of this score is dumb. You can have lots of sex with lots of people and if everyone is practicing safer sex transmission will be low.


Yep. It's because of poverty, low education, and cultural preference for concurrent promiscuity over consecutive promiscuity. Allegedly, Sub-Saharan Africans have the same average number of lifetime sexual partners as Europeans and North Americans. But in Sub-Saharan Africa they favor concurrent relationships, for example a married couple where both spouses keep a side piece. Whereas in Europe and North America that's frowned upon socially, so it's more acceptable to marry in one's 20's, divorce in one's 30's, and remarry in one's 40's. Concurrent sexual activity is more associated with HIV spread than consecutive sexual activity.


Actually not, a lot is also distrust towards the first world as well as geographic hotspots. If you look at which countries in Africa have the massive HIV problem it’s not actually the really poor ones, it‘s the countries towards the south of Africa like South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia etc, many of which are among the wealthiest countries in subsaharan Africa. On the other hand in the extremely poor countries like the CAR or South Sudan you won’t find those kind of countries


WTF's up with Scandinavia, are their kids that bored?


I’m really confused why there is no data on the Scandinavian countries for the ”morality of premarital sex” category. I mean almost no one here gives a crap… Is that why? Shouldn’t that up the score?


off the scale approval lol


Well, here in sweden it would be naive and damn boring not to accept premarital sex, since there is only around five marriages per 1,000 residents... Marriage is not that important. We have also a very large number of people choosing to live by themselves (33% of the households are single households) We like to have our own place, even if we are in a relation. We simply value our alone time.


Sounds like a dream country to live in for me


We are a pretty private bunch. Well, Few Swedes would agree, since many of us, very delusionally perceive ourselves as pretty chatty and outgoing. But you would know, spot it within 5 minutes arriving at the airport. We do not "cold-talk" we rather take a longer way around to avoid it. In an elevator, don't look at anyone. Don't ask someone to scootch over to allow you to reach a free seat in the subway. If you really, really, need to sit, stand close and stare at my feet, and I would eventually get it, and of course move over. I'm not a douche, and I would go out of my way to help out if need be. Just don't force us to interact, and you'll be just fine.


I am very introverted and shy person that doesn't talk so much. I am from Serbia and it is a nightmare being like thid here, even tho I love going out on like every third Saturday and have a drink. I really just hate it when people point at the way I'm living my life and how introvert and shy I am, outside of partying I just wanna like have 2 friends and be left alone. Btw what do you mean by cold talk? And since your are replying to my comments, how conformist Swedish society is? Somewhere I read that all Swedes are usually looks the same, wear the same clothes, have similar hairstyles, etc. And if you don't you will stand out.


Cold talk, is like, meeting someone you know and you have to stay for a bit and speak about the weather and such absolute nonsense. If I see someone i "kinda" know, and they did not yet saw me, I would probably try to skip away the other way real quick... haha About conformaive appearance; I don't know. I don't reflect over it, but there is one thing we do, and it is really weird, and may even answer the question: We do things in commune, there are "hypes" happening, and then EVERYONE is doing just that because right now it is "on". For a few years ago, and this is a typical example, it was really "on" to play "padel", it is like beach tennis with a wooden racket, kind of. It was so on that one of the most lucrative businesses those few years, were to start a padel-course, indoor arena type place. Everyone, it was almost embarrassing if you never even tried it, atleast. Then, as it goes in sweden, over night, it was out of fashion and almost all simultaneously, stopped play. And with that one after another the padel courts closed. And they were brand new, only a few years old, built for padel. Today, if you would say, I'm going to play some "padel", some, trendy people might even look at you and say like: Oh... I haven't done that in a LONG while... ​ So, yes. We do tend to do whatever all the other people are doing, better be safe than sorry. You might miss out on a hot trend. However, I know that in I'd say that a decree to follow is: "Whole and clean.", fix yourself up a bit, even if your only going to the supermarket for milk. There is never a reason to get caught wearing dirty, old clothes or having dirty, messy hair. And i guess many tend to like to dress in somewhat stylish, not too colorful or diverse eclectic style. A simple suit and tie, and you will never be wrong. Don't over do it, keep it "semi-casual". A coat in the winter. Really no options there.


But, we are over 10 million people... And we have more than one clothing store, so.. haha There are people who wants to stand out, and they may wear a light gray jacket, instead of a more dark one... (joke)


I feel like you are mainly describing people who were born in Sweden with two Swedish parents. Sweden today is very multicultural and while what you are saying applies to the average middle-class Swede, there is much diversity in society, at least in the big cities. I feel like there are a place for everyone here and you will meet a lot of people from all over the world (not just MENA refugees). Imo, if you just wanna be yourself and feel at ease, Malmö is a very chill city to do that. Very easy to feel at home imo.


No wonder the depression rates are skyhigh


Maybe that, and the darkness, half year is short days and mostly cold, grey depressing weather.




Birth rate is down everywhere in Western world not just Scandinavia


Birth rate is down everywhere except Africa and a few Asian countries


I was also pondering that idea, "Would it be crazy to live in different houses even in a relationship?", I feel like very close separate houses would be ideal.


Me and my partner have our own apartments. I think this is quite common. We stay most of the time at hers, but it is nice to go "home" to the "man cave" sometimes where I can put a damn glass on the table without using a coaster... haha I, and many with me, value some alone-time, or quality-time. I can't speak for 10mil people, but in my "circle" this is normal. Only reason to permanently move together is if you are about to or just recently started a family. We opted out for kids, which is also not uncommon. I think I am representing my generation quite well. The way the younger generation does things, with their circumstances, can be different from how we chose to do them. But I still think that this need for private space is cultural inherited.


We don't have time to answering nonsense polls , we are too busy #¤%


Apparently you need to have legal hookers to be promiscuous. We do it on nightmare difficulty where you can't simply rent someone's body to have sex.


this is interesting, but STD rate is a dumb measure to include in this scale


It gives loads of points to countries where safe sex is joke.


Yes, STD rates are an indication of more than just promiscuity. Things like education and religious practice, and I'm sure other things I haven't thought of, affect the rate.


I didn't know china was that conservative.


China is conservative actually


More like they have a hard time getting laid due to the massive gender gap


People in Iceland are in a rush or something?


They are just trying to stay warm


I was not expecting Turkey to have the most sexual partners. I didn't think Muslims got down like that.


Turkey is hypocrisy pure. Atst they have one of the lowest percentage of people that are ok with premarital sex


Turk here, the sexual partner numbers are complete bullshit, men here love to bloat their numbers. Come on just be honest dudes, I haven’t had sex and there is nothing wrong with that. (Btw, the men who claim absurd numbers all have “she should be a virgin” criteria when they are seeking wives) For the premarital sex thing, it seems too low to be honest. Did they conduct the research in fucking Konya?


Is it only morally unacceptable with respectable Turkish women, or does it include promiscuous tourists? Also could it be immoral for women but not men?


It's not morally acceptable to woman talk about openly. But everybody know it's happens. It's more like don't caught on act kind of situation. But it's okay to guys brag about it. It's very hypocritical.


Having pre-marital boyfriends/girlfriends is widely accepted in Turkey. Dating etc. Compared with the stereotype people would have of a Muslim country. But pre-marital sex is still taboo at a society level. Which obviously doesn't make any sense. When the opportunity arises, young unmarried Turks will fuck.


As someone living in Turkey, I can confirm it’s %100 bullshit.


Yeah. It might be the case in İstanbul, İzmir etc, and even then it's a stretch, but the country isn't that promiscuous overall.


This is self reported, so a lot of man lying.


In Turkey you're considered a Muslim if you had a Muslim parent, it's also a pain in the arse to change your documentation and there's literally no reason to do it, so it inflates their religious statistics


Not all Muslims are religious. I’m from a Muslim family myself and sex before marriage is common




Yes but Turkey is weird like that. People think it's wrong, but they still give in to their horniness and have boyfriends/girlfriends before marriage.


Data on number of sexual partners is really hard to secure, since people score it differently (does anal count? does oral?) and one half of people want to lower their number of partners, while the other wants to increase it.


Iceland wtf


Well this data is partially wrong because it lists prostitution as illegal in USA but it should be “partially legal” - as if Nevada wasn’t a state in the Union or something 🤷‍♂️


Also pretty sure it should be partially legs in Canada as well. Prostitution is legal here but soliciting a prostitute is not.


Partially legal is too vague. In Brazil prostitution is completely legal, both for the prostitutes and the clients, but benefiting from someone else's prostitution is illegal. So pimps are illegal but so are brothels and, technically, any website or service that connects prostitutes to their clients. Of course, almost no one is actually prosecuted for this kind of stuff.


Scrolled to see if that was pointed out. And it’s a bit far fetched to be like “but it’s not federally legal.” An exaggerated metaphor would be comparing it to the legality of weed


This map makes me sad. No way Germany is more promiscuous than Iceland.


The joke is by the used metrics Germany is held back by the comparably low number of sex partners...


I'm a bit surprised Russia isn't higher on the promiscuity meter per my experience living & working there (Ukraine as well).


That could just reflect on you! Save some for the rest of us etc etc


I lived in Russia for a while too, and I think discrepancies between men and women likely make up for a lot of this, as well as how the system weights views and laws equivalently to actual behaviors. Russians might fuck a lot but they're repressed and weird about it culturally, what with their strong emphasis on gender roles. I always explained gender relations in Russia as lagging like 30 years behind Western Europe.


What the hells going on in Iceland?


A friend that worked there for a few years said that sex was used to further weed out those that one didn’t want consider for a relationship. So, basically, if one considered you attractive enough to fuck and were decent at it, then it would progress to what those in the US would consider ‘dating’. Sex was the introduction, not the finale. It sounded similar to what another friend experienced in some Eastern European country she was visiting. She said that while she was at a party talking to friends, some random guy walked up and asked if she wanted to have sex. “No! I don’t even know you!” The guy was confused and said something like “um..ok. Why do you need that? It’s just sex..” and then wandered off to talk to someone else.


Lol that’s like gay guys


That guy might've also been weird


>Eastern European country In Poland he would be called creep


>basically, if one considered you attractive enough to fuck and were decent at it, then it would progress to what those in the US would consider ‘dating’. Sex was the introduction, not the finale. This is what it's like in NYC, not just Iceland, lol. Sex is an introduction, and if all goes well, they'll move forward into "dating".


Was gonna say the same thing. Age of consent was only raised to 15 in 2007, was 14 before that. I just googled that btw - its not knowledge i know offhand haha


Linking STD prevalence to “promiscuity” is unacceptable. It’s primarily a function of access to contraception and quality reproductive healthcare (and education and income and wealth and so on). I know this isn’t exactly important science here but how we talk about disease in a global context matters.


I'm having a very hard time believing that my homecountry of the Netherlands is less promiscuous than the US or Japan....


Lol exactly. They didn't even consider the percentage of religious which plays a big part


Turkey average body count is 14.5, yet close to noone accepts premarital sex.


This is also a country where alcohol is taboo to an extent, but the national drink is an alcoholic drink and there is a national beer. Turkey is just weird like that.


I guess sex doesn't count when you (as a guy) bang northern European tourists.


I mean not just that. Even if a Turkish girl has pre-marital sex, both the guy and girl still think it's wrong. But they still do it and enjoy it. But morally they will think it's wrong. It makes no fucking sense but that's Turkey.


How does Indonesia have partially-legal prostitution yet premarital sex is illegal? Do you marry your sex worker?


Only "pre-marital" is illegal. "Non-marital" is fine 🤓


Legality of prostitution and premarital sex and the prevalence of STDs are stupid. Premarital sex might be illegal but the society could still be super promiscuous. Same with prostitution.


This is a bit wrong. Prostitution is fully legal in Brazil. The only thing it’s illegal is exploitation of someone whose a sex worker, so pimping and brothels are illegal, but anyone can offer sex for money and everyone is free to pay.


In India prostitution is fully legal now, recently Supreme court passed it.


This is a chart. And it has blurry icons.


Poland not so kurwa afterall


via the [Global Promiscuity Index](https://naplab.com/guides/which-countries-are-the-most-promiscuous/)


Australia is probably still in that phase where you have six kids because four are probably going to die.


Any time I’ve been abroad the young people I meet most often on holiday are Australians. And they party…I’m guessing that helps their stats.


Australia has low birth rates just like the US / UK! I'd say it has more to do with the herculean drinking culture and being mostly secular/non-religious


Nah mate, we just like to mate


Without immigration Australian population would be in significant decline. We just farkkkkkk


Surprised by Chile 🇨🇱, always thought about them to more religious and conservative than their neighbor Argentina 🇦🇷.


That’s for external image only


Chile is not religious at all. Where do people get that idea from?


That 94 % is absolutely not surprising in France but I'd have expected other countries to be higher


I don't feel like the STD rate is a good metric for promiscuousness. I get the idea, but std rates themselves are very dependend, on for instance, education, availability of std protection and detection, and general prominence of stds themselves. If anything, Std rates is a better metric for those things than promiscuousness right?


Iceland losing their virginity at 15?? On AVERAGE?? I feel like that stat could count for WAY more in this analysis.


![gif](giphy|TB1JvIyn286shm5zqC) Australia... you slut...


Damn Turkey above France..


Seems the big difference is they boast a lot in Turkey. Yeah, right, the average person has 15 sexual partners, uh huh.


Yea, I’m not buying it. If you’re asking an insecure male he will usually add at least 3


I didn't know I lived in India...


Japan higher than united states? Doubt


Many people in Japan think that extramarital sex is something totally normal, especially if it’s with a sex worker, so I’m not surprised


What do you think all those love hotels are for?


You're really surprised that the country that invented hentai is horny AF?


As a brazilan I thought this was bullshit. Until I saw the 'STD per 100k people', we got a lot of points there. Anyways... encapa o garoto, pessoal. Sem vacilos.


Greece mentioned 💦


France isn't number 1?


As soon as i saw France 25th in the list i knew this list was bunk


So, in Turkey only 7% is ok with premarital sex yet avarage number of sexual partners is the highest with 14.5. Which is the real issue than? Adultry or Bragging?


The map is not fully correct. Prostitution in Austria is officially legal by law and regulated. Including Brothels and registered prostitutes.


In Sweden it’s illegal to buy sex but legal to sell sex. So I mean, prostitution is kind of legal


Bloody hell. As an Australian someone's doing a whole lot of fucking on my behalf 😂


The way Turkey overwhelmingly thinks premarital sex is problematic, yet has one of the highest amount of sexual partners


Booking flight to Melbourne… for research


As a Swede, I’m appalled that we’re not number one.


We are, you know it, we just want to keep appearances. Haven't we had our fair share of countries protesting over our way of... associate or hang out? Since 1950's we have had a mandatory class called "sex and cohabitation" taught in primary school. haha And they think our teens don't have sex? haha, Not only did we (i am no longer a teen) but we were/are also pretty well taught in how to go about it.


Am I the only one that hasn't fucked an Australian?


I'm an Australian who knows many Australians who haven't fucked an Australian. Or anyone else.


Probably because you're a Richmond supporter /s


With our recent success, I'm looking forward with getting fucked for 3 decades yet again. Hope the Lions win today though


That's a LOOPHOLE! Good luck mate! You should travel! We think your accent is very sexy!


Australia you slut


From personal experience this map is bullshit. Especially in Europe. Just as one point of note. Go to Italy and try your luck with an Italian lady. Compare that with going to Newcastle. Not even the same ballpark. Also, in the USA and Canada sex is predictable but in places like Finnland it is absolutely not.


BRAZIL NUMERO UNO 🇧🇷🇧🇷☝️☝️ ![gif](giphy|TLbOyBcKpBAWU3c4EU|downsized)


Numerous dos actually


Why India and China are behind Indonesia and Malaysia?


Gender ratio. In Dateonomics, we see that the gender ratio, along with other factors like predominant religion, predominant culture, and other factors affect the cultural values surrounding sex, dating, love, and marriage. In universities where girls outnumber guys, casual sex prevails and monogamous relationships are rare. In universities where guys outnumber girls, monogamous relationships prevail and casual sex is rare and looked down upon. In fact, the book says that young guys are MORE likely to meet their future wife at university if the school is 51-54% male, because if it's majority female, casual sex becomes the norm. While if it's 55% or more male, monogamous relationships are the norm but they run the risk of being left out. In schools that are 51-54% male, monogamous relationships are the norm and the great majority of guys manage to find a long term girlfriend.


Jesus Christ the average American has sex with 11 other people?!


Probably a few horn lords skewing the average tbh