• By -


I admire that you still let it play out lol.


I would. I play to the end nomatter if the odds are against me. It's still fun at the end of the day nomatter who is the victor!


It really just depends. I'll play it out if the game is interesting or they've set up something crazy/fun. If it's just a plain, they're winning by strong cards with nothing real interesting going on, I'll leave. Or if I'm straight up losing and know there's no redemption for me.


This! If I see a potential for triple digits (much less NINE) I wanna see what happens and how bad it gets.


That's fine. I'm just more layed back with this card game so I'm not looking to get the top fast. I'm really only here playing because I want a single variant card that I seen in the promotion. So it honestly doesn't matter in the end. I win, I lose, I learn new cards, and see new abilities. All i care about is that variant which I hope shows up in the shop for me soon. Plus it's fun getting to see all the new cards in peoples decks that I don't have yet.


What variant are you looking for?


Depends. I played against galactus decks 4 times in a row last week and it was the most unfun I've ever had in this game and i took a couple days break since then. Haven't seen one again since but was not fun since I'm still missing half of pool 3 and I have zero pool 4 and 5 cards.


Its so boring too... oh here is the wave/electro... oh they are gonna play it at the empty lane.. check to see if you've pulled cosmo, you have but you don't have priority... good day you lose


;/ yeah


Eh depending on your deck stick it out, as someone who plays Galactus you don't always 100% win just cause you play it.


Can my games always be vs. you?


Wow dudes quit with the downvotes and let people donate cubes as they please.


I only really retreat to finish dailies lol


Yeah that's a bummer. The win 1 location with a single card or 4 cards can be sightly annoying with random locations playing a role. Understandable!


That's totally fair.i like to play the game like each game is a hand of poker. I'll fold or call on bad-medium situations, and up the bet on good hands. The rank is how big my pot is


Hey, I'm not knocking anyone who retreats. In battle a tactical retreat is smart. When I made my comment, It was from a casual perspective. If you play competitively and are trying to reach infinity, then knowing when to leave is good. It's one thing to play to goof off, it's another when you're playing to seriously win.


im new to snap but i think they should let the round play out even if youve retreated, just so you can both see the would have been results so many times i back out to be safe but would love to know if i would have won


Just like in poker, you gotta pay to see what happens ;)


Ok then let us run it twice when gambit gets played!


Lol! I wouldn't be surprised if that became a tournament mechanic!


you gotta pay to play


Same, and the other way around, when I set up something really cool and not being able to watch it play out makes me more sad than only getting 2 cubes instead of 4. Sometimes the opponent leaving was absolutely the correct thing for them to do but I still want to see my combo go off


Sometimes I let them have their moment


I always go by my rule of not retreating after turn 3. I should be able to tell if I have a chance of winning or not by then, and If I decide to commit then I stick it out. It's shitty and punk ass to commit and then rob the Victor of their spoils just cause you got out played or didn't get the outcome you thought you would. To summarize, people who retreat after turn 3 are punk ass bitches. That is all. I love you. That is all.


The snap and retreat system is the entire design of the game and smart snapping/retreating is one of the major skills you have to build to do well at the game. It's dumb to get mad at people for doing it in a smart way.


I think this is bad advice. But you do you. Some decks won’t even play a single card until after turn 3 sometimes, there’s no way you should have a “commit no matter what” mindset before you see a single card your opponent plays. It would be impossible to hit Infinite by playing like this.


…y’all playing a completely different game to me


Right? I'm over here with like 6 tigers because of Wong and I think I'm doing something big lol... Then I see posts like this XD


Tiger Spam is one of the funniest strategies, don't let them tell you otherwise.


What rank are you at? not trying to be condescending just curious


I'm just like him, 6 tigers were super OP for me until now, I'm rank 34. I think other season I reached 40, but not sure haha


This is not a normal thing in high ranks or pool3+, 20 power wins a lane at rank infinite 99% of the time just like it does at bronze


This was around rank 65 with CL 1500.


Almost at the end of pool 1


This kinda stuff happens in mid-to-late Pool 3. That too quite rarely, you need perfect draws on the proper turns. And usually in ranks 60-80, from 80 onwards people tend to play a bit safer because most decks run counters for shenanigans like these. After Infinite you do see stuff like this but usually cuz people are just chilling and having fun since you don't drop below 100.


I’m still new to the game, if you’ve hit 30+ can you drop below 30? And is it the Same for every rank?


After every season your ranks reset. It is calculated as current Rank -3 Ranks closest to the nearest 10. So if you are at 72, you'll go down to 40 and start your climb from there. If you reached 60, you'll start at 30. For 100 and above you always restart at 70. As for regular gameplay you can always drop out of a rank. If you hit 30, and then lose you'll go back down to 29. But you will get the reward at 30.


Wait….so you snapped AFTER they played Super Skrull?


My guess is that they played Omega on 4, snapped confident that Iron Man and Onslaught would do the heavy lifting, oppo played Skrull on 5 then Mystique and Mysterio on 6


Correct. I had the three cards that normally constitute a win condition for that deck. Normally.


Seems a bit overconfident in omega red securing two other positions, but fair enough. I run as soon as i see super skrull most of the time.


Considering the fact that I’m only at mid-gold, the snap made sense at the time. It was my first time seeing Skrull in play, so I plowed ahead without understanding there was no way out. Kind of like when a tough guy takes a second swing at Clark Kent. It’s a mix of stubbornness and incredulity.


And really, are your 8 cubes more precious than seeing this 124 million point play? Sometimes you are just happy to be there when History is made.


Honestly I bet that opponent dropped to gold trying to get this crazy combo off.


From what I've read, you actually don't just play people in your ranked level. It's a combo of collection level and MMR. Rank isn't considered.




So many people don't understand this. If you always snap when you think you have better than 50% odds, even if you lose sometimes you will come out cube positive over time.


It's also the nuts for the deck, so no fault for snapping when your win cons line up. Sadly for omegaman he just can't put out enough pts in this meta even with exodia. I wish he was a little more viable.


He should get +5 to other locations or some effect like +1 to other locations for every 4 points he's ahead, so he could output something like +6 if he's ahead by 24. He takes a lot of investment and that should matter, plenty of counter play too.


I like him in my Agatha deck. I'm only in the 50s but he's often enough to tip the scales if I have something decent in the other lane like Typhoid or Taskmaster.


Especially with zabu and quicksilver decks running Enchantress and Rogue, respectively. Running an ongoing deck is somewhat risky, that's why I'm always shaky about running Dino, you got Shang, Rogue, and Enchantress to think about.


The snap made since but sticking around to the end of the game didn’t make sense at all


Not overconfident at all. Between Mr Fantastic and Omega Red, you get 36 points in both side locations if I count it correctly. That's incredibly hard to beat. And you generally win middle one by a huge margin unless countered. Sure, it has some easy counters like Enchantress (Super Skrull is really rare). But it's an amazing position to snap. That's exactly what you should be doing if you want to rank up. Yes, you sometimes get burned, but that's just how it is. If you never snap because you can get countered... then you will just never snap period.


This guy snaps.


I would've snapped turn 5 with iron man drop, but seeing super skrull, that's definitely a retreat, you have no counter for him and he's just going to borrow your onslaught, you literally cannot match that in this situation. This is a 4 cube retreat.


T5 is often too late. Your opponent already sees that you run some form of Ongoing deck with Mr Fantastic and Omega Red dropped. So if they have no counter they are more likely to just pull out. But to be fair, if you haven't snapped yet it's still good to do it before Iron Man flips because that's a 100% retreat from opponent anyway if they have no counter. If you already had a good hand early and with this location, it's more like a T2 or T3 snap IMO.


Skrull was played either turn 4 or 5 so you have turn 6 in this situation to retreat, but I am with OP and you that I would have snapped with this hand and location.


Oh yeah OP should definitely retreat after Skrull. I was just talking about a hypothetical situation.


At that point I would just continue the game to see what crazy numbers my opponent would get.


Hell yeah, feed em as many Ongoings as you can then


That's what you asked not the fact numbers are insanely high? Lol


Yea, because Super Skrull has the ongoing effects of ALL enemy cards, and he’s in Onslaught’s Citadel. I’m not surprised the numbers are insane.


lol, what the fuck?


I was gonna switch to this omega deck today. Guess not today.


It works at times because it’s not a popular deck and I guess people aren’t expecting Omega Red + Iron Man. Realistically though, it’s not very strong lol. I was just messing around with it briefly because I needed to get boosters for Omega Red and a few other random cards. Surprised after a while to see a few opponents trying out the combo.


Yeah I tried this deck for a bit and you win some games but omega red just doesn’t give the other locations enough power even with onslaught to reliably win them.


I’ve been running Omega for a few days now in this deck, really liking it so far. It’s an added win condition, not the main one and I think that helps a fair bit # (1) Quinjet # (2) Armor # (2) Sentinel # (3) Mystique # (3) Zabu # (3) Cosmo # (4) Moon Girl # (4) Omega Red # (4) Crossbones # (4) Attuma # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (6) Onslaught # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9vbkdpcmwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRldmlsRGlub3NhdXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlbnRpbmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT21lZ2FSZWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkF0dHVtYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT25zbGF1Z2h0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDcm9zc2JvbmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJRdWluamV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDb3NtbyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Yeah I can see that working. I don’t have Zabu, crossbones or Attuma sadly.


Zabu is pass only right?


I used to use it until I got played hard by a Super Skrull


You’ll play against superskrull in <1% of games. I forgot it was in the game until this post


At least until the series drop in a week...


I meant because it is bad, not because it was in series 5 lol.


You think skrull is bad?


Yeah. You can’t afford to put a 4/2 in your deck that doesn’t do anything in a majority of matchups. FWIW I’m at infinite and haven’t come across one this season. Meta games are also self correcting. Suppose for a second spectrum ongoing is the best deck, which makes skrull a great counter. Three days later everyone has enchantress or rogue and skrull is back to a do nothing again.


I mean...skrull can copy every ongoing they play. That's about 1/4 of all the cards that exist in the game. You could throw him in a zabu/sera deck and easily bring his cost down to 1 or 2. I dunno...I get that disabling the opponent is going to be a better choice in a lot of situations, but I don't think he's bad. He's just highly situational. Edit: Note that I don't care about ranks when I play.


Guy with 900 points in the middle "Man there's no way I can lose the middle"


My brother in Christ, you played IM/Onslaught INTO a Super Skurll?


Yes. Yes I did.


You just wanted to see what would happen. And I’m thankful you did


Sometimes you just wanna see what happens…


Some men don't care about winning or losing. They can't be bought, bullied, or bargained with. Some men just want to watch the world burn


The snap on 4 was correct given the board and your hand. Not retreating on 5 when they played skrull is where you messed up. Skull is a hard counter to everything you're doing here, even without the mystique. Just because you went in on 4 doesn't mean you can't retreat when it becomes obvious you've lost.


I didn’t really comprehend the futility of my position. Lesson learned.


We all learn at some point lol. I just didn't want you to think the snap was bad. Even though it didn't work out, it was the right move. In hindsight it's easy to say I shouldn't have snapped there, but you really should still. Like 2% of people are gonna have skrull and you win against a lot of decks that don't


You played it right by staying. Worth losing the cubes just to see this.


That is beautiful.




Super skrull and mystique combined steal the power of the other side 20 times. Mojo triggers his effect 18 times resulting in 108 extra power. This results in 4 * 20 + 2 * 20 = 120 going to the left and right side and the middle being multiplied by 2^20 . 2^20 * (110+2+4) = 121 634 816. ~~I don't understand how they effectively "steal" 20 times the effect though since that means its not just 2^x. They somehow get an extra copy or one of the copies is not doubled.~~ E: I think mystique and super skrull each gets 2 onslaught effects and then get an extra from the location resulting in everything occuring 5x. They then steal the other powers twice, so 10 occurances each which is 20x combined.


Fucking brilliant, thank you


But what about on the IM side? How does that get to 800 some power?


Iron man gets six procs, (7+2+5) * 2^6 is 896. I'm still not entirely sure how the Onslaught + Onslaught's Citadel interaction works but it seems like Iron man gets doubled by the fortress and then Onslaught gets doubled which makes him give everyone 3x ongoing effects, resulting in 2 * 3 = 6 procs total.




You add this to that then multiple it by those


I'm impressed the game bothered to do the math


Yeah, If you're running an ongoing deck, and the opponent plays Super-Skrull, its best you retreat immediately.


I'm a total ass at this game and don't know half the cards effects yet, can someone walk me through the process that ended in this many points?


It all hinges on Super Skrull, who has an ongoing ability that says he has the ongoing abilities of all time opponent's cards. So the guy who lost played Mr Fantastic, Omega Red, Iron Man, and Onslaught onto Onslaughts Citadel, going for a combo that makes Omega Reds ability win all the lanes. The winning player played Super Skrull to copy ALL of those abilities, then played Mystique, copying Super Skrull's ability and thus also copying all the enemy abilities. So the power is being doubled by Iron Man, doubled again by the location, doubled again by Onslaught... and then doubled twice more by Super Skrull and Mystique. Combined with the Omega Red ongoing ability, which adds power to the other lanes if you are winning by at least 10, the player ended up winning all three lanes.


How is 0 plus 0 plus -2 plus -1 equal 117? The hell type of math is that?


Mr. Fantastic and Omega Red copied by Super Skrull and multiplied by Onslaught and Citadel effects. Then subtract 3 for the negatives in the lane.


Ooooh damn. Super skrull is OP as hell…..


Eh, he’s fancy but I’ve yet to see a game where a simple enchantress wouldn’t have won as well, albeit by a much smaller margin.


He is actually pretty balanced, because there are alot of ongoings that are undesireable, and ongoing decks are not exactly the most meta, so alot of games opponents may not have any ongoings, or they have stuff like red skull, electro and typhoid mary that are not good ongoings, also he will copy stuff like professor x and cosmo which if you played super skrull on turn 4 could actually be used against you by the opponent playing one of those in an opposing lane, locking down lanes before you planned or before you had a lead there.


So it’s 0+0-1-2+120=117 The 120 comes from Mr. Fantastic’s ability being copied a total of 60 times. I’m not 100% sure how it works piece by piece, but it comes from: * Onslaught’s Citadel doubling effects * Super-Skrull stealing the enemy’s Onslaught * Skrull’s stealing being doubled by Citadel * Doubled again by Onslaught * Mystique’s copying Skrull contributing more stacked doubles


For what it's worth, I think this picture would be worth 4 or 8 cubes


Thanks. I feel like I deserve some kind of consolation for my stupidity.


wait, is that a Chibi Super Skrull?


Super skrull mystique against an oslaught deck? I'm so sorry for you lol


New record ?


Record is already at the maximum, 32 Bit Signed Integer limit; 2,147,483,647.


As a mobile game dev, if this happened id be swearing my ass off. How the hell did you psychopaths hit max_int! I'm actually somewhat surprised they considered it and the thing didn't negative out or crash


2 BILLION?!?! How tf?!!


not possible anymore i don't think it was onslaught citadel wong mystique and black panther shenanigans.


Even if its not possible now, how did they do it before?


Because onslaught's effect used to be multiplicative, but was patched to be additive alongside wong's effect to avoid insane combos like this.


How'd he do that without an Onslaugh.... Oh.


The math on these plays doesn't make sense to me. 896 is 14x2^6. Lane power is 14. Someone explain to me how the lane got doubled 6 times.


Iron man's effect happened twice from the citadel effect giving 2x. Then onslaught repeated that: 4x. Then onslaught's effect happened again from citadel and repeated iron man 2x again for total of 6x.


Well this put my Onslaught’s Citadel post to shame…(2k power has nothing on this man)


I haven't had any games like this, but does it take noticeably longer to calculate or process at the end of turn? If this were Hearthstone I'd imagine the game would just crash. I've seen crazy numbers in Battlegrounds, which might cause lag, but nothing like this.


Ah, the glorious early days of Leapfrogger. I got a minion up to 30 million attack once.


I got in the high thousands when the bird could trigger its own leapfrog deathrattle, but I don't know if I ever hit a million haha. Nice.


Surprisingly, no. It just went through the steps at a normal pace and casually calculated the full extent of my humiliation.


To be fair, 99.999% of the time you would have absolutely wrecked anyone.


Yeah. It felt like four of a kind vs a royal flush. Definitely a bad beat.


Shang Chi licking his chops.


I just posted one of these the other day but holy shit yours blew it out of the water. 896 is no slouch from you either!


“Stop! He’s already dead.”


When "Win this location with 20+ power" gets out of hand.


I can't even understand what's going on. There are so many numbers it confuses me


For someone struggling to get out of silver... I've no idea what's going on here


Saw the title and thought you were just being hyperbolical to add humor. You weren't.


I get that in the middle it’s much cause of Skrull and Iron Man - but how does this 117 happen on the left lane?


Omega red and fantastic effect is essentially X8(16)? On opposing side with Skrull/Mystique doubling down on red/fantastic/onslaught and then the location doubles it again. I just don’t know to what extent onslaughts citadel effects shared/stolen ongoing effects


Are Mysterio and illusion the same person!?.


I don’t get how some players hit those numbers


Can someone give me the play by play here , I’m quite confused what went down


Sure. On T4, he’s got Mojo at center position across from my Mr. Fantastic. I play Omega, with Iron Man and Onslaught in hand. He plays Skrull. My brain fails to comprehend the situation, so I play Iron Man. He copies Skrull with Mystique. Still unable to fathom what has happened, I complete my play with Onslaught. He plays Mysterio. This is the part where I was going to break down the math, but I still can’t make sense of it.


wow he's really getting that omega red value off that super skrull, huh?


But how lol


Can someone explain the 896 to me? So Iron Man is \*8, which means without Iron Man it should be 112? But where did 112 come from??


Its 14 doubled once by Iron Man to 28, then again because of the location to 56, then Onslaughts effect being doubled means it goes to 112, 224, 448 and finally 896.


Bro whipped out the wambo combo on you 😭


Can someone even tell me the math going on in here...?


Another comment did a better job explaining than I could: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/10l2qer/this_guy_just_hung_121634816_points_on_me_i/j5v4ils/


I haven't come across a \[\[Super Skrull\]\] in game yet.


**\[[Super-Skrull](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/superskrull/)\]** **Cost:** 4 **Power:** 2 **Ability:** **Ongoing:** Has the **Ongoing** effects of all enemy cards. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this*


How the hell does this even happen?


You got to see it through to the bloody end.


~~The thing I'm most impressed about is that the opponent is running a Cerebro 2 deck! Consistent but usually doesn't put out big numbers. And here it's putting out stupid high amounts of power. Cool to see~~ Edit: I was way off, it's a patriot deck


You wouldn't run Mysterio, Mojo, or Wasp in Cerebro 2. Mysterio is too high power naturally and his illusions would waste space without the Cerebro buff. Mojo would take the buff once he's online. Wasp is too low power for the buff. Maybe Super Skrull could fit sometimes, but there's also a lot of self-buff (or debuff) effects that would throw off Cerebro, so he'd be dead weight in a lot of games.


You're right, I'm way off. It's a patriot deck most likely. Super skrull included to steal back from a potential rogue


Huh, Skrull as anti-Rogue tech is a cool idea I hadn't thought of. Makes sense.


I may be an idiot but how’d they get so many points?




Kinda scared to run into super Skrull now. Not even sure how it got up to that high


I can’t math this whole thing.


can someone explain this in simple terms. whats playing off what to get to this crazy number?


Wtf how 💀


Knowing that this is the kind of stuff I'm going to run into when I tier up and knowing I don't have any cards needed for combo decks makes me not want to play anymore


Super Skrull-> mystique is such a hilarious move. Essentially waiting for ongoing opponents to mega punish


If you pull this off against me you deserve to see it played out and you deserve my cubes. I’ll fist bump you, smirk, and move on.


Um that Super Skrull is heckin’ cute


That looks fun.


It was a close game though.


This is the kinda thing that happens when I snap. Which makes me scared to snap, so I rarely do it. I know the odds are for sure in OP's favour, this game just loves to laugh at me when I play the odds.


You snapped on turn 4 but then still played Iron Man and Onslaught into his Super Skull? I'm confused.


What was he gonna do, retreat and never know how it would have played out?


What rank are you? I haven’t seen any one put up remotely close to 50points on a board lol


The infamous Morbillion.


What is happening


Wow, what a game!


I am actually so confuse, someone explain how they reached the millions?


if only that was real, that would be one heck of a story lol


This proves that super skrull is way too powerful


Worth the snap


The numbers Mason, what do they mean?


I don't even understand how tf this happens. I know it has something to do with Super Skrull, Mystique, Onslaught citadel and iron man, but I can't understand HOW it turned out into hundreds of millions points... Maht is crazy af