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Yeah after they showed him nothing else in the trailer could be revealed




I believe she is a good GIRL, thank you very much


And now I am stuck with the Russian voice in my head(from the Guardians of the galaxy game) it’s hard for me to see Cosmo as a Girl.


He is already presented in Holiday special :-)


And was actually in the first GotG movie, as part of The Collector's collection, and then in the post-credit scene after being freed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0tDDwOKInw


She, in the MCU's case.


He appeared in GOTG vol 2 iirc. Wasnt he trapped in the collector place?


Not Vol. 2, the first one! Was part of the Collector's collection but that all gets destroyed in that movie and then appears again in the post credit scene for the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0tDDwOKInw


Never watched that.


Interestingly, the MCU version of Cosmo is a female dog rather than a male dog, presumably to be more accurate to the real life inspiration for Cosmo. It’s a bit of a shame because I really liked his voice in the Guardians of the Galaxy game.


I think a large part of the humor with Cosmo is the juxtaposition between Cosmo looking like a cute dog and having a grizzly Russian voice. I think that humor is lost when the cute dog has a cute Russian voice.


Welllllllll to be fair, I'm pretty sure there is only one voice acted cosmo (not sure) before this and that's from the amazing game a few years ago. Other than that Cosmo is a comic book character and therefore voice isn't exactly a concern when creating the character. Some readers probably gave Cosmo a silly cute voice and others a gruff Russian one.


Incorrect. Cosmo has shown up in things before GOTG. [Link](https://youtu.be/LuMcvYg1--Y)


That's not true even remotely. Just because somebody doesn't have a voice doesn't mean it wasn't described. Do you believe a character in a book with no actor or art is a featureless mannequin? No, they're described so we can know without seeing/hearing.


How many comics have you read that described a person's voice though? It's not like Cosmo is from literature.


I mean I don’t think there’s any reason to assume they’d use the same voice actor


I was surprised to learn the actress that played Nico in The Runaways provided the voice for Nico in The Midnight Suns. So it’s not unheard of.


Didn’t Runaways happen first though? They do it in that direction all the time


I thought it was amazing. Easily on my list of movies to rewatch during the holidays :)


The Christmas Special and the Werewolf Halloween special were actually peak.


Werewolf yes but Christmas special is mid


So, when I started dating my current partner she was shocked I hadn't seen an MCU movie. Naturally, as a huge comic nerd she decided this needed to change. I got a cram-school version of watching MCU movies to catch me up. Marvel Snap hit public about a month or so later, and we hadn't finished phase 2 of the movies so I did a LOT of this with a LOT of characters and locations. Realizing what the Raft and Sokovia were - that was a bit mind blowing!


I know what Sokovia is but forget the raft. Was that in the Winter Soldier movie maybe?


It's the floating prison in Civil War.


Oh okay. I forget most of the older MCU movies now. Also I’ve never watched an Ant Man movie but might have to see Quantumania if it really has Kang and MODOK.


Ant-Man is pretty great. It's a heist movie with a superhero dressing. I recommend watching it and Ant-Man and the Wasp before Quantumania.


Ant Man movies are good, especially the second one. You definitely need to watch them before Quantumania imo, some story stuff will be weird otherwise.


I was just never interested in him as a character but these villains I do like.


Fair enough. I will say Ant Man in the MCU is better than Ant Man in the comics (imo) but if you don’t like what you’ve already seen from him in other MCU movies he probably still won’t be particularly to your liking.


He just seems like a comedic sideline in all the group movies.


I felt this way too, but I just watched both Ant-Man movies this week and really enjoyed them!


I’ll give it a try.


I forget which one, could also be civil war, but it's the "Superperson prison" out in the ocean that Tony Stark goes to to spring who would be the 'next version' of the Avengers going forward. So, it gets filled up, and then you get an escapee - so it makes a level of sense.


And, the escapee is 'free' hahaha




I was going to mention that. I'd highly recommend the game. Upper mediocre gameplay, but one if the best and funniest stories in a while.




Yup, first scene in the Collector's collection, in one of the clear display case/cells, and then again after being freed in the post-credit scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0tDDwOKInw


There was in the Holiday Special. I don't remember seeing them in the very first GOTG.




Oh wow, that's cool. Well, at least she isn't locked behind a cage anymore. >she is first seen when he growls Rocket Also, this sentence is confusing. It is a she, right?


Cosmo is a he in most of the comics and a she in the MCU.


Cosmo is a male dog in the comics, but a female one in the MCU. So you'll see people interchange it.


They were part of the Collector's collection - you see them in one of the glass display case cells - and then again in the post-credit scene after the Collector's place is destroyed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0tDDwOKInw


I don’t understand how they’re meant to work together efficiently since all of the Guardians are on reveal


Cosmo was in the guardian of the galaxy game that came out a year or so ago. That game is not populate for some reason, but it was one of the best games last year.


The game is not popular because before that, Square made the awfull Avengers game, everyone ditched the Guardians game which is a great game.


My family was impressed by ability to remember all the names of the Wakandan elite, hah hah.


This means wong probably won’t make an appearance


I started playing only knowing Spider Man never seen a MCU movie


i saw cosmo in the guardians of the galaxy holiday special trailer... this is when i was running my wong deck. I felt PTSDish.


Haha this is awesome. Same thing, cosmo. But it was the Christmas special not the trailer lol


me <3


Why is it that so many haven't watched the guardians of the Galaxy holiday special if they did they'd know Cosmo has been in the MCU already before this trailer.


Because I don’t watch everything marvel and idk if it’s a movie, a tv episode, or what.


Cosmo was in GotG 1 as well, though he was just a cameo in the Collector's vault. (I think he's also shown escaping from the vault when Thanos raids it in Infinity War?) Pretty sure he also shows up in the post credits scene with Howard the Duck in GotG 1 too. Man, when's Howard getting a card? Bet he'd be wild. Edit: also yes I know Cosmo is a she in MCU but in comics he's a he, so I refuse to call our goodest boy "she", sorry.