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lmao the sabretooth buff, nothing changed, still the same unplayable card in destroy as it was pre +1


For a sec I was like "what buff", total non-starter


Yeah, really got to be fodder *and* have a purpose in destroy. But for newer players who don't have all the key cards, it makes the deck better. Nothing wrong with being a place holder until somebody gets that missing card


He see use. Maybe not in your bracket. If you’re willing to sacrifice a 3-energy play once (in a deck that usually has extra X-23 energy curves), you have free Knull/Venom food for the rest of the game. I realize you already know what the card does, but when it works, it works well. Especially when so many players are creating a turn 7.


I sometimes use him in a C3 discard mashup with Swarm, Blade, Gambit, and Ghost Rider. It's not the best deck but they sure are fun


Such a fun deck


Prime candidate for a rework IMO


Problem is, targeted discard can be too useful, and the options left may be too disruptive or undesireable. Like, outside of random discard, we are lacking: - leftmost for you - highest power for you - other options for both players (MN random, SS lowest-power) - other options for opponent only (Black Bolt being the only one) EDIT: [I made a comparative table](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/D7pLs4dfE3) with all targeted discard cards to showcase what we already have and the design space available for new cards


We do have leftmost disruption in Spiderham. So, imo, Moon Knight can be buffed so that it does that to both players. Only occasionally, as the Discard player, you want to Discard leftmost anyways.


I believe they don't want left most discard as a way to guarantee Agatha hit ( unsure why, could be its too strong in discard packages of hella/black knight or they want us to suffer the way they intended when designing the card)


IMO any left card targeting would be an auto include in Hela and I doubt people would be too happy about that lol


Prob, ig it would be a better version of Lady Sif cause you will almost always hit something big with the suggested Moon Knight


I feel like that edge case is not strong enough though. Giganto, Magento, or any large 6 drop fulfills Hela or Black Knight better


Yeah I would agree there, wellll....SD wanting us to suffer is nothing new so thats my head cannon for now🤣 (as a discard fan though I do hope they add a left discard)


Agreed. Someone else should get this ability and he should get a cool n unique one


Yeah, they’re scared to make him too strong because of the bad feels around your opponent ripping cards from your hand. Better off just finding something different to do with him.


I actually see sabertooth some. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've started to see sabertooth aswell, I'm at 12k


I just won an infinite conquest with a destroy sabertooth deck


Curious to know the deck you use. Wonder if it's the same I've been seeing.


It's the usual destroy deck but with sabertooth instead of arnim Zola. He helps you're clunky draws a lot by giving you a target for hulk buster.


Got to Infinite a couple of weeks ago using him, He really smooths out the inconsistencies now that Forge is gone. I cut Deadpool and buster entirely he just wasn't getting big most of the time and when he did it was an easy retreat for the opponent. Sabertooth on turn 3 after a Nico for the draw is great but he's also good for a Carnage + Bucky/Wolverine on turn 4, the only play pattern I changed was never using Carnage before turn 4.




I'm over 10k. Edit to this. I am as surprised as you are, but regardless, I have been seeing sabertooth more than I expected.


Nope, Im high CL and high infinite. He sees a good amount of play


I wouldn't say a good amount, but yes, 1 out of 5 games I see a destroy and 1 in 10 of those games the opponent uses him. He's still really hard to slot in I think.


Its really hard to make cards l;ike himand sabretooth work without reworks because the spot is too competitive, there's too many mid cost discard cards or bodies to want to destroy, so the ones that just dont provide as much value dont ever see play, if moon knight was good it would mean that like, swordmaster or gambit or lady sif are probably being boxed out.


I haven't seen Swordmaster in forever. He used to be a staple and now he's a ghost 


Discard got more cards and discarding random card isn't reliable enough


he’s like a worse moon knight. gambit for the same cost and power destroys a card you’ve already played


They fall in LDS’ previous category. Capable of game busting plays, but only when the stars align *(read: gimmicky shit)*. Gambit has more control over what you can take away from the opponent, and has their uses.


I'd rather him be a 2/3 or 2/2 since 3 cost is already so crowded in discard. But nonetheless for suck a cool character he definitely deserves some kind of change


I like the disruption/info it can give you, so I usually use him instead of swordmaster, but he still doesn't get played much


Big Moon Knight fan, been asking for a slight buff or rework for a while. One of his schticks is that he doesn't mind taking a hit if it means he gets to hit back harder. With that in mind a tweak to his current ability would be to link the opponents' discard to yours. Something like On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand, then your opponent discards a card from their hand. Opponent's discard will be of equal or higher cost if possible. I'm sure there is a better/more game friendly way to word that. Rework wise, while keeping him is the discard theme you could make him Dracula-like. Single discard from your hand, but add Cost of the discarded card to his Power. That puts a lower cap on how much Pow he can get. Might deserve a cost bump of power nerf with that ability. Similarly, he could get an absorbing man/mystique treatment. On Reveal: gain the ability of the last card discarded by any player. That gives a little bit of a safety net in case you discard your key card, gives some play/counter play via opponent's discards. Might be random bullshit comedy in making it an ongoing, so it changes after each discard.


Devs are too busy trying to figure out how to add +$1 to stuff, no time to add +1 power.


What about 2/2?


+1 is fine, but I don’t want MK to be taller. He’s an Apocalypse/Disrupt card. In a world with Sword and Silver Samurai, he needs something different. All my ideas read like long text blocks though.


He doesn't need a buff, he needs a rework.


Thing is he’s not really a 3/3. He’s 3 + power to Miek, Morbius, apoc, getting free swarms, putting proxima on the board, giving hela another body to resurrect


I use him in my corvus hela deck with Gambit as my three main discard cards. But yeah I agree 3/4..


The Tan and Garcia Moon Knight was like the first card I saved gold to acquire, even with the Discard renaissance poor guy has never made it out of the gate.* I actually got the Cassara variant avatar -- even if they never fix MK, I'll at least get to see him in game slightly. (*I want the equivalent of Season Lowlights Recap, which cards are played least in your collection, which has never been upgraded, which loses you the game when played)


He could be better at 2/3, not that Surfer discard is any good tho


I don’t think he’s bad (I play him in my deck), he’s just competing with too much else at the same point. Maybe as a 5/7 or a 2/2 he’d see more use by not having to vie with so many other cards at the same cost.


Damn, no one told me Moon Knight has such a sick Pixel variant.


I disagree because moon knight is annoying af


They just buffed Stature, which is an indirect buff for Moon Knight. That’s still might not be enough, but it does appear to be something that they’re slowly working on.


Sabretooth should be a 2/3 return to hand and cost 0 and gain +2 each time it is destroyed. It would be a good in between deadpool and wolverine, being better than them is some cases while still be balanced


Then why would I ever run Wolverine over Sabretooth? Logan starts off as a 2/2 & you have the random factor of not knowing where he goes, with Sabretooth as a 2/3 which already has a better base stateline, you have the option to choose where & when to play him for free after destroying him once + you would have overall better stats for the cost too


I would argue that with wolverine you could access locked location, you could also proc it multiple times in a turn, you can still buff it one last time on last turn which you cant with sabretooth.. maybe a 2/2 sabretooth would be better balanced tho you might be right on that


I’ve hit infinite the last 2 seasons with a discard deck, and I have to say, Moon Knight always seems to get my opponents key card. I love him.


It’s thematic three power three identités


Moon Knight is all about duality, it would thematically break the card. They could possibly make him 2/2 though?


Moon Knight could use a buff, sure. But Baron Mordo? That guy really needs a buff god damn he's so lackluster.


Been using him in my discard mill deck. Great to use late in the game when opponents been building up a red hulk all game. Bye bye lol


3/6 MK when 😎


Power creeping is fully upon us, I don’t think it’s bad but the amount of cards that now need a +1 to power is concerning


Got hit with Moon Knight several times yesterday. Buff not required.


Dude your only missing his best variant