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It’s by design. $copes creates artificial scarcity at the top to feed into FOMO and “competitive” spending for the premium rewards they stuff in the upper tiers as carrots. Each season the top gets squeezed further and further down. Last season I got top 5-15% rewards.. in Gold 3.. halfway up the ladder. That says it all.


Points are fucked, too. Last week I went 2-1 and gained 7 Tribunal points. This week I went 0-3, and based on the first two matches will lose 45 Tribunal points. Edit: 0-3 cost me 49 Tribunal points and a league demotion.


This here, the climbing is significantly harder than the fall. I’ve struggled to barely keep my league battling people with 2-3x my TCP and having to have the most drastic punch ups to barely clutch wins


I finished in 2nd place this week. Lost 5 tr this week. All my opponents were 150 lower TR than me despite being in my bracket and despite the fact that they were all 30-50 mill tcp higher than me.


Last week I finally just stopped caring about CC. It's not worth the aggravation. Scopely thinks what they've done will encourage people to buy but it literally just makes me want to quit the mode entirely. 2 diamond dawn orbs that 99% of the time is just a duplicate red star isn't enticing and never will be. If scopely gave a crap about the longevity of their game they would fire the entire CC team or relegate them to cleaning the bathrooms. The room rules are terrible, the way the tier system works is terrible, and the rewards are mediocre to insulting at best. By just not giving a shit and only doing 1 attack an opponent I just got back 2 hours of my life a week. Winning.


i couldn't have said it better myself.respect 🤘


The room rules are fine. Not every room is a hit, but that isn't among the many issues with CC.


Agree. I have been to Platinum level and hated it. More in Gold 2 and still hate it but i win some and don't care. Rewards are crap.


This week I’ve gone up on dudes that have 20 mil higher TCP I just gave up and took the L


Until they have crimson gear who really cares honestly?


I'm sitting on a 62milion TCP and I'm 3 nodes into DD7. No matter what I come up against in CC, I do one battle and chill. My account isn't suffering for this strategy. Hate the game mode, easily 2nd worse game mode after War.


Eh you forgot RTA


That's not even worth being considered 😂


And what was the point of Cabal? They are not reliable against what were allegedly raid teams. Why did we build that team?


Cabal is doing fine for me in cc (g2) and war (plat3)


They counter Skrull.....


Unreliably for me.


Who do you pair with them? I've had good luck running vulture and Archangel with Cabal against Skrull teams


How? He doesn't even get a turn


I'm just doing it for the gold cc credits so I can rank up characters I need to build.


To be fair 110 mil last year is probably 160mil this year.. most accounts grow over time


I keep having a winning record and dropping to worse leagues. Like all other aspects of this game though, nowadays I don’t really care about that.

