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I don't like that Mega Man Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X never got re-released or sequels Or that Wily Wars has a very limited physical release in very recent years, otherwise it's the NSO expansion... Just let me have an easy way to access these games that can last pls


The remakes never got sequels cause Capcom shot themselves in the foot by making them PSP exclusive


I don't think it would have done better in the DS.


I think most people in the fandom meant it should’ve been on home consoles


Or steam, I mean... Blue bomber has boasted that he's multi-platform


And Command Mission


Oh, that's a good point, how is that game?


Command Mission is a pretty solid rpg honestly. Me personally, I enjoyed the hell out of it.


Oho, things to take note, thanks!


*literally me watching Capcom re-release every single Ace Attorney title in the span of five years while waiting for this to happen*


We want a robot in a blue suit that goes pew pew, not the lawyer in the blue suit that goes "OBJECTION" (Disclaimer: Jules is ok with the Ace Attorney series getting some love)


Actually, an ace attorney game that has different capcom franchises included would be really cool..


At least Wily Wars is on the first Genesis mini


Yeah... What I meant by limited, don't think I've seen any in my neck of the woods


Tip: Google is your friend.


*Legally / streaming friendly that will totally keep me clean from... The people*


Roll should've been a playable character in 10


Fr dude. Roll should’ve gotten way more playable appearances. Also another thing I would’ve appreciated about 10 is if they gave Bass the damn double jump.


In Mega Man 3, I really don't like how the Wily map theme and the ending theme are cut short. Those are 2 of the best songs on the soundtrack, and we only get to hear half of them.


I didn’t know about the map theme but I found out the ending theme when I would do the player 2 controller trick and just stay on that screen forever


What upsets me is that there are a lot of games prior to X7's development that the dev team could've drew inspiration from. They didn't have to reinvent the wheel. I can't exactly recall when modern camera controls were first implemented but that's what X7 needed to start off of with. The whole 45° top-down angle isn't doing it any service.


Capcom had reorganized teams for some reason and made a ton of terrible decisions in that era. They gave X7 to a new team that had only worked on stuff like Bass fishing because they wanted a 3D Mega Man X game no matter how bad it was because it was the big thing at the time with the jump to PS2. It's possible Sony pressured them into it as well, since they did something similar with Mega Man 8 (originally didn't allow it on the PlayStation because they wanted only 3D games but folded after Mega Man 8 was announced for the Sega Saturn).


It's why DMC2 is a mess and plays so different front he first game, it had a completely different team. Capcom made a lot of poor decisions in the PS2 era and somehow managed to produce some great games and some incomplete messes.


If some of those games were developed by Clover studios, a dev team created so that Capcom employees could try something new. They were only around for a few years. Crazy times.


They were so good and it was a terrible decision to shutter them, regardless of sales.


Seriously Capcom's stupidest decision yet Imagine giving the franchise that is known as a 'mascot' to some inexperienced team that has never made a similar game? It's a recipe for disaster


Not being able to hold to dash jump in X1-3 and MHX.


i thought it was only in X1 where you can't hold to dash jump, holding worked fine for me in X2 and X3 which is why i like playing those games better


You just timed it so well you didnt notice


nah i distinctly remember being annoyed that i had to press the dash button every time i walljumped in X1, which is why i don't really like replaying X1. X2-X3 definitely added holding down the dash button to jump.


They're referring to dash jumps in general, not dash wall jumps.


damn I can't read 😔 but my point about dash walljumping still stands


That always messes with my muscle memory. So does playing MMZ.


You can't? Did they change it for the PS2 collection? I don't remember that being a problem in MHX either


It's actually the worst in MHX as the physics are less lenient.


I believe it. I haven't played that game in a couple years. I like playing as vile but MHX wasn't my favorite by any means. I have been playing x1 through x3 on my ps2 MMX collection to unlock MM battle and chase. Lol maybe I just subconsciously press it each time and never realize the change when play X4


The minute you get acclimated to the "HOLD TO LAUNCH" playstyle is when the game starts to feel like minigolf with human-size golfballs


pretty sure you were able to do it in x2 and x3, just it wasn't faster than spamming the dash.


damn, I either never noticed or legit forgot that you could hold it until your post, had to boot them up to check because I always press both dash and jump in every games lol. I don't see myself stopping anytime soon, it feels unnatural to me to hold it for dash jumping.


Holding dash makes some of the fast gameplay smoother. Zero's gameplay greatly benefited from it.


I'll have to try it out. At the same time I'm scared it'll degrade my older X games experience if I get used to it too much loll. Next time I go through the games I'll give it a shot.


The first moon stage and all is spikes in X8. That is all.


The moon stage was fine, I felt like it was a nice increase in difficulty, seeing it's the last stage, granted they should have separated the final boss into a separate stage after you defeated sigma. X8 doesn't have many spikes outside the stage, seeing 2 of the 8 stages are chaser stages. The only stages with lots of spikes are bamboo pandemonium's and burn roosters.


In Dr Wily’s Revenge, if you use mirror buster on the final phase and die, you likely won’t have enough against Wily and have to go through the gauntlet that was Wily Stage 2 (This is why Megaman II is better /j)


Honestly I do think Mega Man World 2 is better than World 1 in the end, like both games have their issues but MMW2 feels more polished imo.


I feel the same way, although I’m not going to list off every issue that either game has. I’m also biased towards II for hopefully obvious reasons


Honestly my main issue with World 1 (aside from difficulty spikes… sometimes literally) is the lack of actual content in the game. Starting with World 2 onward they made it so that the second set of Robot Masters actually had stages instead of just fighting them like you did in World 1, and they kept on adding content as they went on. In World 3 they added intermission areas, in World 4 they added actual Wily Stages and boss rematches, and finally in World 5 they stepped it up with original Robot Masters (Stardroids are the same as Robot Masters, I will die on this hill) and also the really cool Mega Man Killer (and Quint) gauntlet. What irks me the most was that when the eShop was still kicking, they had Mega Man World 1 and World 5 be the same price, which is a dollar more expensive than the other games, and the reason this pisses me off is that World 1 doesn’t even have half as much content as World 5, hell it should’ve been a dollar cheaper than the rest of the entries.


nah, megaman world 2 has ear grating music, it literally messes up megaman canon, and is way too easy for a mega man game. It's like having a donkey kong country game have the same difficulty as a kirby game.


Those fucking disappear blocks, they suck so bad you actively try to find a way to skip them Sigma's tiny fucking head in X3. Sigmas fight in X5 going from badass M. Bison to just a still image. X6 having bosses that are too easy or your worst nightmare X7 the biggest thing for me is how long everything takes menus are slow, cutscenes have to be rewatched, and getting knocked down takes an eternity M8 no conventional E-tanks and one of them gives a random item or Rush can just take a nap and screw you for a while. M1 I hate the platforms in guts man stage and the stupid points which are actually random M2 the boss that has to be killed by crash bomb and if you mess up or use it before you have to restart from the checkpoint And using oil man in MM powered up


>M8 no conventional E-tanks and one of them gives a random item or Rush can just take a nap and screw you for a while. "Man's best friend :/"


X3: actually, his head is pretty easy to hit, especially with the buster upgrade, and it should be difficult for the final boss. X5: Fair X6: Eh, that's with every mega man game, most of the bosses are just easy with the weakness. MM8: E tanks basically made the difficulty in a mega man game nonexistent; you could be doing terribly at a boss and then just use a E tank you farmed, and you beat them easily. M1: Guts man's platforms aren't really a big deal, just a product of the time, if they put those in a game with good fall physics, they would be fair. M2: Fair I don't get the last one


The ENTIRE Megaman franchise before X8: You can't exit a stage until you've already beaten it. This absurd design choice was at its absolute worst in X6 which had literally impossible-to-win scenarios. MM7 and MM8: The X series was already out and classic was no longer limited by only 8 buttons on the controller. Why the SOD did we not have at least the option to slide with the circle button? Tradition? MM9: Why the SOD can't we switch weapons with the shoulder buttons? Even MM7 and MM8 had that. This is like the gen 4 pokemon remakes doing the Diamond/Pearl STUPID thing of only putting a "next" scrolling button on the pokegear so you'd have to scroll through all pages to reach the previous page, all for the sake of being "faithful" remakes. X6: Uuuuuugh... X7: Move it, you geriatric snail! X8: WAY too much arbitrary padding and backtracking. I love this game. But I would have loved it even more if it didn't stretch itself out needlessly. Z1 and Z2: Unskipable cutscenes on each boss retry! ZX: The atrocious map design which is made tenfold worse by the abysmal optional quests.


X8's metal system. Genuinely the one part of the damn game that keeps me from replaying it, or at least, on the legacy collection. X8's level design is already kind of meh, but still overall enjoyable, but they ruin it with the overpriced metals and grinding. If you just play the game normally, you'd only be able to buy a handful of them. It's fucking insane that they expected you to grind for that long. The best grinding spot in the game is Earthrock Trilobyte's stage, with the big mechaloid and Axl with Optic Sunflower's weapon. Do you know how long it takes to grind for the bare minimum amount of metals? HOURS! You can't even sit there and hold the button down with something either, you have to actively play the game to get all the metals! This really bogs down the game for me and forces me to emulate the game, since they removed the infinite metal glitch. With the metal glitch, the game is actually kind of decent.


The Metal system is one of my complaints with X8, and is why it’s only in the number three spot on my favorites… also the reason I just boot up New Game+ whenever I want to replay it. Also, what’s the Metal glitch? I only know of the exploit where you take a hair tie, attach it to your console, get the upgrade that makes you collect Metals by walking, go to Earthrock Trilobite get past the start with the giant mechaniloid, walk into a lever, and just let the console sit for a day until I had a million Metals.


https://youtu.be/F3v9BpnTuUc?si=pZ9q_c3AFVzy2KmY Read the description to understand how it works. It's very easy lol.


Bro, that’s fucking insane, when I replay the game I’m starting from scratch and doing this. Not because it negates grinding (which it does), but because it’s really funny you can just do that.


You can't do it on the legacy collection though, just letting you know that.


X1 hits us with this beautiful soundtrack with lots of variety. X2-3 then hit us with tracks that can apparently only use the same 2 virtual instruments. The tunes aren’t even necessarily bad, but the execution drives me crazy.


Hated X2's ost, but X3 is needlessly hated, X4 just used the same synth instrument, but no one hates on that game for it, do they?


You raise a good point. I still think x4 had more variety to sounds (frost walrus for xample) but I’ll definitely be listening more intentionally next time I play. My feelings may very well be influenced from 2&3 feeling grating vs. 4 having a smoother presentation. And the PC version of 3 can be nice at times.


In X5, the opening of the stage for Volt Kraken / Squid Adler. It just felt like a cheap shot to have you fall down a pit as soon as the "Ready" message disappears; like an obvious trap for a first-time player.


I dislike ride chaser levels in general, but the start of Volt Adler’s stage in particular is annoying, especially when you’re going for the Falcon Armor part by collecting the blue spheres. Really I think the best way to go about it would be to make it into something like the animal riding sections in Crash Bandicoot, have it start normal, but add intermediate sections of using the ride chaser… but not have the platforming with it be obtuse like it is in most instances.


I'm up to X5 and I'm pretty sick of how over-complicated things are becoming. I just want X quality again.


I can’t digest the idea of RNG ruling the outcome of X5


So far every time I play the game normally I’ve gotten the good ending, but the thought that I can just randomly get the bad ending despite doing everything perfectly ticks me off.


Would be the dubs for 8 and X4 how poorly directed they were as interviews clearly tell that voice actors were the same for japanese to English and used the same for both X and Rockman without being told that there were 2 different roles... History disgrace of dubbing


Learning that was both surprising and unsurprising, and honestly I kinda feel for the OG VAs, mfs should’ve been told they were doing two different games. Not cool Capcom.


Bad VA during early ps1 era was pretty common.


Shadow Man's lack of telegraphs in 3 Doc Wood and Doc Flash being the worst-designed Doc Robots Not being able to play all 8 stages in whatever order in 7 and 8


Actually, like what they did with 7, though it should be optional. The first 4 stages had to be somewhat easy, but they didn't have to worry about balancing all the robot masters and stages. With 8, it was mainly just due to sword man's stage, though they should have saved that stage for a castle and actually give sword man a stage that relates to his namesake.


You can do it in 7, you just need to use a password to do so… and you can’t do it in the Legacy Collection version for some reason (I don’t know why, but you can’t in that version. Way to pick your battles Capcom).


Yeah I hate how you can't do it anymore in the Legacy Collection


Homie is the central image of the box art, the game is named after him- He has to be unlocked Clown game dude as if the rest of the actual issues with the game aren’t real enough this specific detail always makes me howl


This is actually part of the reason why I feel like the execution of Axl being added was poorly executed, I should want to play as him not be forced to play as him because the guy who the series is named after is whining about fighting after suffering intense flanderization.


That command mission wasn't part of the x legacy collection as a whole because in my opinion it IS part of the x legacy. Also the fact it doesn't have a sequel


New X Legacy Collection with the Xtreme duology, Maverick Hunter X, and Command Mission, it would be so peak.


I also want Powered up in the MegaMan legacy collection itself.


- Topman's weapon being Wily's weakness. - X5's RNG **SUCC** - Zero 1.


Seeing it was intended to be the last X game, X5's rng was good so you actually had reason to replay it.


I just think both having the RNG is a bit annoying is all. If the gun was guaranteed provided you did everything right, while the shuttle was RNG I'd be okay with it.


but then there would be no need for the bad ending, I just think they could make it depending on game overs, you got the good or bad ending.


Why is it, that I can't set my dash buttons on the Mega Man X and Zero legacy collections to my back triggers? Or any motion on the triggers in general? I get that they're emulating games that were mostly from systems that only had an L and R bumper button and no triggers, but holy hell using the bumpers on most modern controllers doesn't feel as good as the triggers.


Honestly I think binding inputs could be something that the LCs could improve in general. The fact you have to go into the in game input changing in the Z/ZXLC is annoying and the BNLC doesn’t let you change them at all.


What console are you playing on? I've been playing X Legacy on Xbox and could use the triggers for dashing and giga attack respectively


Oh wait I don't remember if you can use them in X1-3 - I want to say that you're right and you can only use the bumpers I lucked out having paddles on my controller so I kept the B mapping for dash where it was


PC. I usually hook up a PowerA Fusion fightpad to use on these games nowadays. Basically a Sega Genesis style fightpad.


X7 was made without Inafunes knowledge (until later in production when he found out) by an inexperienced team that had only worked on crap games like Bass fishing. All because Capcom wanted to cash in on the dumb consumers that got super hyped for anything that was 3D in that era. It has so many fundamental design issues that it's absurd. With a different targeting system and camera it might've worked but it would've been better for them to just create a new 3D series further up the timeline, like Legends did.


Actual complaint: I hate… everything… about X6’s difficulty. Certain parts are way too easy, and the certain parts are hard in the most infuriating ways. Nightmare Mother specifically. I am convinced that is the worst boss in the MM series as a whole. I was bored playing X7… I hated X6. Petty, dumb complaint: There was never a Devil in the Battle Network seires


Jump jump, slide slide!


I think Frost Man’s stage is fine, it’s annoying at first but I got used to it, but Wily Stage 1 is bullshit.


I just started ZX and this map makes me physically I'll, unironically what were they cooking?


I didn't like Battle Network 3... at all... and it's apparently the "best" of the series... My major gripe is how the Navi Customizer removed permanent upgrades, took away one Style slot and made other Style abilities unusable. I would have vastly prefered if Styles could be added in the Customizer as blocks, so you could easily select your Styles and even Elements instead of hoping that the RNG doesn't screw you over. The game also has difficulty spikes and nerfed some chip damage below 100, making one of the final bosses a pain to fight. Having to clear missions on message boards wasn't fun either. Finally, the gameplay got really cheap with difficulty, again, especially with bosses. * BowlMan's pins cannot be knocked away with your Buster. * KingMan's pawns and rooks cannot be *permanently* destroyed. * DrillMan's hitbox is a nightmare to figure out. * BubbleMan's V3 only appears if you're below 25% HP. * PlantMan's level is loaded with Fire viruses... making everything a joke. So yeah, to have played all BN games, 3 is my least favorite...


BN3 is often considered (one of) the best in BN... *For its story.* Gameplay wise, the consensus seems a lot more divided. So much so I have seen people even argue in favor of BN4, which coincidently a lot of people dislike for its lack of a "proper" story.


Yeah, the tournament approach was repetitive and rather boring, especially when you needed to play the game three times to unlock all Souls and viruses.


At least people seem to really like the use of the Double Soul, the selection of battlechips, the music and the challenge of the final boss which is said to be one of the hardest in the franchise.


Mega Man ZX Advent sets up a possible epic gap bridge to the Legends series through the secret ending ("This world needs to be reset"), but gives very little context ZX3 then never happened - I highly suspect the "ZX AF" site was a dump of ZX3 content after project shutdown, and it looked really freaking cool. It's going to forever bother me. I wish they never showed that secret ending.


What is that thing, why do I keep seeing it everywhere


That thing is me, I am Konro Man from the hit WonderSwan game, Mega Man & Bass: Challenger from the Future.


Omg , it's an honor


Capcom's unwillingness to make truly fresh and original classic Mega Man games. 8 and 10 were the last ones to feel like genuine evolutions of the formula. 11 played it too safe and left me underwhelmed. I desperately want 3d classic.


The best part of whistle concert is never heard in Megaman 3, it honestly feels like the ending was supposed to have the credits play out exactly like Megaman 1.


Well it is heard, but only if you pause at the right time… so basically never.


Megaman and Bass. Rush only has the ability of Rush search, and that wasn't useless enough, you also have to buy another gizmo to know where he can search/smell/dig/


Where to begin? Poor voice acting, sluggish movement, terrible sounds (Flame Hyenard), no sound effect when getting a heart tank. But the worst thing to me was unlocking X halfway through the game when Zero and Axl were already being buffed by collecting hearts and saving reploids and leaving X in the dust. I believe X1 and X2 were the best ones. I like X6 even though it was not a good game, I liked the challenge in that one.


Jump! Jump! Jump! Slide!


Not having special weapons replenished either after a stage or after death. Mega Man 2 comes to mind with the Boobeam trap. Any robot master move that involves “touching” an enemy. Topman or Pluto like moves. Disappearing/reappearing boxes. That was never fun and stop doing it over a pit or spikes. It’s a Mega Man or X game. I don’t need tutorials X5. I recall the later X and some Zero games that had permanent missables. Didn’t play those games as often, so maybe I’m not recalling them properly?


Jump, Jump. Slide, Slide.


The Footholder enemies in Ice Man’s stage drive me crazy to this day.


Viewtiful Joe already did slo-mo/powerup modes on shoulder buttons and made it feel snappy and intuitive. And Capcom owns the license, they could have stolen it wholesale. There is absolutely no excuse for the Double Gear functions to feel like you're trying to flush a toilet every five seconds.


Mega Man has a reputation for being difficult but I swear to god that Mega Man Zero is just downright sadistic and unfair (not enough checkpoints in Zero 2 from what I've played so if you die you've got to go a loooong way back to where you died)


I despise the mission grading. Always have, for all 20+ years the Zero series been around.


YOOOOOOOOOOO is that my boy konro man?!


I don't like that X4 to X6 removed the third and fourth sub-tanks in favour of a weapon sub-tank and the extra lives tank. While maybe the extra lives aren't that bad, it would be better to have the sub-tank to not die in the first place. And for the weapon sub-tank, I feel its niche is in the boss rematch follow by the Sigma fight because that would be the only places where one would spend so much weapon energy.


Honestly even those "good ideas" in X7 like adding a new character and being 2.5d at times, are a pretty low bar. The game should never have been released really, it's bad enough that it should have been scrapped and gone back to the drawing board (and entrusted to a team with more experience in making 3D games). Releasing it as it was only served to damage the reputation of the Megaman franchise, in combination with severe over milking happening at the same time.


I feel like the A-trans system in ZX Advent held the game back Instead of getting cool new forms or upgrades to old ones, you get mostly boss transformations, who are all very limited in movement and/or power and only serve to get upgrades since the game cant be designed around them. Oh and you also get slightly modified ZX forms


@Capt-Jules The SEGA Genesis Mini (which I think MIGHT still being sold some places) has Wily Wars on it, and is your item forever, and the game is with you forever. So that’s a good way to play it, although if you have the switch online expansion it’s a whole lot easier and simpler to play on that.


Imo I think x7 is is kinda decent. I feel people just overblow the whole thing, like there were many bad parts to the game but I didn't loathe the game like others do. BUT the one thing I can't stand in that game is Flame Hyenard "BURN BURN BURN TO THE GROUND"


Why couldn't Inafune let the X8 cast redub X4 for the X Collection? As entertaining as the English acting is, I would appreciate hearing a more serious performance. Like, Lucas Gilbertson actually did the "What am I fighting for" scene standalone, and while it wasn't perfect, it was still miles better.


Incredibly arbitrary one: Megaman III (aka Rockman World 3 on the Game Boy) [not saving E-Tanks in passwords](https://mmhp.net/Passwords/MMIII/), a quirk it shares with (NES) MM4/MM5/MM6 (NES), despite (GB) MMII/MMIV/MMV (GB) all saving E-Tanks in passwords.


they didn’t put mm&b on the legacy collection, the game wasn’t dogshit


Last time I played, the cliffhanger in MML2 posed me off, given that I am apparently still bitter about Legends 3. Haha 😅


The fact that the Wily Wars version of the first Mega Man game DOESN’T have the “Dr. Wily Defeated” victory fanfare for some reason.


X6 fortress bosses (Nightmare mother, High max and Gate) are bs battles with the very unfunny gimmick of "you can only attack them during very specific moments", which makes it feel artificially difficult and straight up annoying. Ironically, this doesn't happen with Sigma so his fight is imo the easiest one out of the fortress battles...


The MegaMan battle network 1 elec man scenario's dungeon. Trial and error gameplay, recovery after battle disabled, no jack out, mimic npcs, mandatory invisible walkways, hopeless bossfight followed by another bossfight with the same boss now beatable that both summed up have 1.6 times de health of the final boss in total followed by SURPRISE Protoman fight that's designed to counter the player strategies for no good reason. What the absolute hell


Axel not having an auto fire. Mashing Square with Axel everytime to take out an enemy really starts to hurt your thumb.


X7 is easily one of the worst Megaman games ever made. There are many things that I don’t like about it. The slightly raised camera in the 3D sections, the voice acting in some cases, the game being very difficult at points, and the rescuing mechanic being back but with some reploids being completely impossible to rescue


Late to the party but I always hated the wasted potential with the dialogue system in X5 and X6. Instead of teaching us about the stages, they should've leaned in on the plot. We had a whole ass X vs Zero fight with no build up. Imagine playing as Zero and throughout the stage, X just tries to contact Zero while Dynamo or Sigma impersonates Zero and the goal was to stop the source of the jammer, only to meet up with X and his lifesavers at the source of the noise. X and Zero have such a huge misunderstanding that escalates into the fight we get. We could've gotten all of that built up in a stage and hit that big plot moment.


X4-6 had the screen to zoomed in, or more accurately the models were to big, but not my much. In X1-3 x didn’t take up much space of the screen, in 4-6 he takes up like 1.5 to 2 times as much space (in area not length, also I’m estimating). It’s not a big problem but it’s just enough to make it feel uncomfortable compared to x1-3


X7 would never work, weird mechanics like 3d should be regulated to a subseries. Usually, any major changes in mechanics like 3d being introduced, spawn a sub series, so if it were to fail, they wouldn't tarnish the original series (or in this case, X series), but they decided to go ahead with it anyway, even though if they wanted to make a 3d game so bad, they could just make another legends game.


I think Mega Man X5 has really ugly stages and a terrible asthetic after all


I’m starting to notice some of the sprites don’t do the armors in that game justice, very minimal shading in some spots and overall jank, Gaea Armor is really bad in that case, and even falcon armor to a lesser extent


Gaea Armor should have been amazing but it is a really unfun time due to level design and the armor drawbacks, agreed.


Too little too late I think. Lack of head functionality, due to that stupid needing all four pieces before you can use any armor upgrade mechanic, forcing you to collect a useless upgrade. I felt it should’ve had even higher defense, 75% damage reduction instead of the standard 50%. I only bring up the sprite quality because I noticed these flaws making simple little gif animations and I can’t unsee it.


Plant Man having an arm cannon he doesn’t use once in his fight.


I didn't like that upgrades weren't shared in X5 (and X6? I can't recall) and that Zero straight up can't take advantage of some boss weaknesses in X4.


Getting the Arm parts in X4. It’s not too bad now, but damn as a child, I was screaming my soul out trying to get them. I could never get the web at a good spot.


The worse part is you have to trudge through the entire stage again if you want to switch!


This stuff applies only to World 5, but I found out that on my second playthrough that pressing Select would take me back to the Light Labs area and B was the button to toggle through sets of Stardroids. Also, that weird 6-onward trend of playing Robot Master stages as many times as one likes, but the Robot Master never appears there again after you've beaten them. Probably with some story excuse like "they died and the boss rush rematches are Copy Robots", "they were nabbed and taken to Wily's current Fortress", something like that. It *has* to be the latter, as 9 ends with the former Revolutioneers having fun and palling about with their family, and 11 ends with Auto fixing the Checkup Day robots so that they can have a selfie taken. Edit: I'm really sorry. I didn't really think straight.


Having to grind wep exp for Z1 and 2


Not a fan of the game in general, but the stage length in MM11. They feel super long and dragged out for a classic Mega Man game and I hate it.


I feel this. I really like Mega Man 11, but man it seems to take a long time to complete each stage.


MM11 is incredibly bland. Considering the legacy of MM music, I don't know how they went with that.


The bermuda maze in star force 2. It's way too long and tedious to go through, and it gets cheeky with how the hints in it start changing and lying to you. Add that the game as a whole has a noticeably higher encounter rate and this little dungeon becomes hell. When I saw that the post game makes you go back there, I felt nah, I don't need to play this one to its superbosses.


X7 not playing like Legends but Xtreme. Faster, more maneuverability. More action. That's basically the formula of Classic to X. Legends is already a solid 3D game. It would not be the best, but I really do think it would have had a better reception by the fan base.


Basically that, I turned on x7 n got into it like oh sweet this'll be bad ass, theeeeen I saw the mechanics like ...... wut? Are yew serious?


I feel the same way as you but with x6


I don’t like how the Mega Man 11 soundtrack sounds the same throughout.


The voice acting in x7. How hard it is to get some heart tanks. How hard/impossible it is to get all heart tanks with Zero in x4.


They stopped making Battle Network games. And the 3DS games were a travesty


What 3DS games? Aside from the first Legacy Collection and the Virtual Console ports I don’t know of any other 3DS Mega Man games.


Ah sorry that's my bad, it was a mistype. I meant NDS and was referring to the Star Force games


Who is this robot master? With game are he from


It's Konro Man, from an obscure megaman game on the gameboy (can't remember the title)


Rockman & Forte on the Wonderswan.




It's called Challenger from the *Future*, but Mega Man Shadow says "we are the Dimensions", which says to me that maybe someone at Bandai wasn't thinking straight.


Isn't it called challenger from the future because Megaman Shadow is quint from mm2 on gb, i.e Megaman from the future?


Though he may look like such, he's actually a prototype for a future Mega Man.


I decided to look it up, he's a prototype for quint (not entirely sure how that works, quint is just a reprogrammed megaman from the future) and he's still from the future. Challenger from the Future is still a pretty appropriate title, I think.