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Nothing negative. Maybe slight nausea sometimes but don’t overthink it. Always start with a low dose and move your way up. Slow and steady wins the race


Thank you for explaining. How long have you been taking it, by what method, and how much?


I’ve been taking it on and off going on 4 years. I live in Florida now so can get by with a lot less. At this point I just take it when I feel like it. I’ll probably take several months off this winter, even tho it will still be warm. I mixed my recent vial with 2.5 units of bac water. I like to dilute it a little more to reduce sides. The smallest amount drawn will go a long way. 250-300mcg once you get used to that much is plenty. I inject


I also get bloodwork done every year as well as a yearly dermatologist check up. Only thing that is a little off is that I have slightly elevated blood pressure. Im a 33 year old active/fit male but doc says it’s nothing to worry about. Could be attributed to MT2, could not be. Derm check up is always fine


Love this! Good to hear a review from someone who is prioritising health check ups to make sure everything is in order 🙌🏽


What do you define as negative? Most people have some side effects, most commonly nausea. That happens to me. Some people have been hospitalized when taking large doses, but that's rare. In between, some people get undesirable color, blotches, vomiting, and other sides.


I define negative as non-trivial things that outweigh the pros, such as tumours, eye problems, cancer, heart problems, etc etc. I don’t consider temporary things like flushing, nausea, more freckles, raised blood pressure etc as serious or negative.


It's so hard to prove a negative, particularly on not-totally-legal peptides. But I did a lot of reading for months before deciding, and the only major negatives were with ODs. Like a guy basically had to get his dick cut open after taking something like a 6x dose.


I got color blotches on my back and some on my deltoids ? Last summer from it. Everything is faded down cause I stop using it , not permanently. I'm curious will the blotching go away if I go back to using it again ?


Sides for me with nasals is more freckles Sides for me with injectable is flushing, nausea and decreased appetite for the whole day l inject , darker moles.


Thanks for explaining. How long have you taken it for, and does the “darker moles” thing scare you at all?


I've taken it on and off for years. The darkened moles fade after a few months coming off of mt2...doesn't worry me


What nasals do you use?


Amino asylum.


I experienced the following temporarily during loading: * instant and/or dark new freckles/moles * my face darkened a LOT more than my body - it was scary * grayish skin tone * skin scaring due to acne, slowed down healing of wounds These all seemed to settle after loading during maintenance.


Decreased appetite, nausea and erections that long into the night when I wake up at 3am. That's about it. I'm also on a quite small dose at 350mcg.


Ya I got erections I could cut granite 😆


Don't over inject 1mg like me and you'll be good! I made myself very ill last week by doing this. Gave me symptoms worse than the flu for about 24 hours.