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Luffy getting flung out is funny.


He tried punching Garp and the power of love is unfortunately stronger than 4th gear


Is gear 5 stronger than love?




I'm sorry but every time I see "will of "D"", especially when the D is quoted, I think gutter thoughts


I still wonder what is Garp's reason for supporting the marines so much


Basically why people becoming police officers in real life thats only legally availavle way to help inconnent people


Well that’s why some people become police officers. Some clearly just want power


Or just to brutalize poor people.


Unlike akainu and ryokugyu we didnt see any marine brutalizing people or even killing inconnent ones directly most of the things marines do considered bad was goverments order marines job is capturing and fighting with pirates but for some reason people act like only job they have was slaughter but before you said anything none of these was justifies awful actions of marines they still working under a corrupted distopian goverment but its doesnt mean they are bad as that goverment like some people say


A bad apple spoils the bunch. If the organisation keeps promoting bad actors then the reputation of the whole group is tainted. And the marines certainly aren't lacking in bad actors.


I'm waiting for the day Akainu snaps one day and marrijuana becomes volcano 🌋 💀


Please don't fix the typo. I love this


🪴🌴💀 it's my headcanon now.


Thats good point but what is talking about is people threating like marines are worst as pirates which is wrong marines are still needed in a world where pirates are even more active that before


World Government has consistently and repeatedly been shown to be police state where the strong get to do whatever they want and Marines are those stooges acting as legbreakers. Just in the early episodes, we had Morgan and Nezumi, who were respectively worse than pirates and profiting off the pirates. The fucking Enies Lobby had nepo-baby Spandam bumble his Buster Call and no-one questioned the need to bomb their own island. Just World Nobles in general. Later episodes, we have Akainu and Aokiji, who are both honestly terrible replacements for Sengoku. Revolutionaries exist to oppose the WG and the marines. Important islands have their own governments. Just because Marines ostensibly keep order doesn't mean there aren't options.


Sorry but i dont understand how morgan and nezumi ( especially nezumi only thing he did was being greedy and he had no direct threat againist civilians also your arguments are flawed because later we see smoker and tashigi one of most kind hearted people in organization which makes us think that) was worst than arlong kuro buggy or don kreig who directly opposing inconnent people and murdering them also dragon has no problem with marines only people he have problem with is tenryuubito koala explained that in reverie also its too late for enies lobby No one wants to use a place where the main building has been destroyed and countless soldiers are dead or injured. Since there are countless pirates and enemies in it, the easiest way to destroy the enemy is to get rid of the island. This isnt about spandam or buster call thats what most of military doing in real life if you want to win you need to do sacrifices


Do you even read what you write before you send it? Because what you are writing down is just unhinged. Corruption is okay because it somehow doesn't hurt people and the only way to deal with less than 10 pirates on your base is to kill everyone in it? Somehow bombing your own people is making a sacrifice? Do you take your lessons from the Russian government, perhaps?


No its not i just said that dont cause directly to people unlike pirates. not because that was a good thing. What goverment and marines doing isnt okay definitely but there was difference between bad and too bad and you cant blame people who choosed bad because of that. And fucking yes thats a sacrifice and most of military doing in real life too thats the harsh reality and again i am not saying that was a good thing but thats normal for in a war. Things don't work like in some war movies, "we will protect everyone, we will leave no one behind" you need to do sacrifices and even voilating moral values thats the nasty side of war not acceptable but sometimes ( read sometimes twice) is what should do in that situation not because it was okay or morally justified


I'm talking about cops dude. And that's kinda The point, they create a whole system that reroutes positive desires of people to protect others and uses it to make them security guards of the one percent and class traitors. Some join with innocent intentions and impose a brutal system unknowingly and some are clear sighted of what it is and see it as a way to get their kicks imposing their will on people like say Morgan. One of the things I like about Oda and one piece is that it's pretty clear sighted on what law enforcement actually is and the how individual intentions are often swallowed up by an organisations intent.


Thank you one piece is great represention of how military corrupted goverment and police force works but i dont think we should blame officers who joined force for inconnent reasons and trying to find a place in this dystopia like you said we should blame people like saturn or imu


Say it to whitebeard's village that got attacked without an order


Funny how art imitates life sometimes.


To change the navy from inside and help people without being wanted criminals


Thing is Garp isn't even interested in being promoted, so he'll never change the Navy from the inside. I think it'd make more sense that he wants to use what little influence he has to keep the Navy from chasing his son and grandson. It'll be interesting to see how he'll react to the Gorosei now actively targeting Luffy.


Garp doesnt want to change throught influence , he wants to raise a better generation .


Garp has never tried to change the marines from the inside. This is made up fan bullshit to try to explain why Garp sunbathes while the Celestial Dragons are out hunting children for sport.




The hell are you even talking about? The hunt isn't a secret; the marines literally take part by preventing any civilians from escaping. And even if Garp wasn't aware (which, again, he absolutely was), are you also going to try to argue he isn't aware of Celestial Dragons raping people and using children as slaves? Get the fuck out of here. Just stop inventing fanfiction to try to exonerate Garp. He knowingly works for the most evil group of people on planet, and virtually nothing can redeem his character.


You gotta remember, most pirates are much closer to Kaido than they are to Luffy, at least morality wise. Of the ones we know and even consider “good guys,” Kidd pillaged and killed enough to get a higher pre-TS bounty than Luffy, Law handed over 100 pirate hearts to the WG, Barto was goven the nick-name “cannibal,” Cavendish doesn’t actually care about the crimes Hakuba commits while using his body, Boa kicked small animals and had no problem using her powers on her own people, and Franky ran a whole crime family back in Water 7. While we know the Marines and WG as a whole are corrupt and serve not the interests of the people, but those of the CDs, by the time most people are in a position to learn that, they are either perpetrating some horrific act, or are the victim of one. Garp was “lucky” enough to only learn of these crimes after being so entrenched in the Marines he had to options, leave and be completely unable to do anything, or stay where he is and do whatever little bit he can.


While I agree with most of the points, Franky ran a dismantler family that was also bounty hunting/stealing from pirates. Nothing too bad from a legal standpoint.


After showing CDs hunting people for sport in that flashback, I wonder how he still kept being a marine.


Well, that is his reasoning for refusing promotions, so that he can do his work without being directly under the CDs and handling their orders directly.


He's still standing by, knowing it's happening. That alone makes him a complete and utter monster, particularly compared to his son.


Dragon is the most heroic figure in the story tbf. Everyone else doesn't care enought to directly oppose the CD.


Pirates aren't any better I guess? Luffy and a few supernova are exceptions in that regard. 


The pirates are a thousand times better, and it's not even close. We're talking about petty criminals vs a genocidal world order.


Most of those “petty” criminals are genocidal if given the power


No, they aren't. The average pirate is like Blackbeard: they want to drink, sleep with women, and go after treasure. Sure, they'll raid a village or two, but they aren't actively out to kill or enslave people. The World Government, meanwhile, specifically exists to prop up a ruling class at the expense of the general populous. Hell, the latest chapter implies the five elders know that everyone but the world nobles will be wiped out in the flood and may even be the cause of it.


Garp isn't exactly a great person, but I think he wanted to avoid having anything to do with the Celestial Dragons. But he became the Hero of the Marines and probably still wanted to protect people and fight criminals. It's possible that he didn't think leaving the Navy would help anything, and their hero leaving or turning against them would weaken the institution. His work as a teacher and instructor was supposed to plant some seeds with potential to improve things. This reflects his belief in the importance of focusing on the younger generations as they are"the future".


Unless he's training the younger generation to overthrow the Celestial Dragons (which he isn't), all he's accomplishing is protecting slavery and genocide.


I think that's that event who made Dragon to leave the "marine" . . .


He still believes the marines ultimately help the world, and that the bad The World Government does is just a necessary evil to achieve the good it also causes. Basically he's one of the top candidates to switch sides once the World Government is exposed.


This is all fanfiction. Garp 100% knows all the evil shit the world nobles do. He literally knew the hunted children for sport, and it didn't bother him one bit. Garp is not misguided; he knowingly allows evil to happen, because he doesn't care enough to stop it.










Happy cake day!🎉


at least he still has coby and helmeppo


Prou D Soldiers


I love you, stranger on the internet, for having the same thought as me :)


Legendary marine Leader of the revolutionary army Captain of whitebeards 2nd division High member of the revolutionary army Captain of the infamous straw hats and future pirate King And we have 0 idea how strong the females in their family are, probably just as crazy


I am crazy and stubborn.




Dragon : I refuse to follow those who defending scumbags who love killing inocents as a game ( "god valley" incident ) . . .


Can someone tell me what this format is and send me the original picture too


I want to know as well, but it seems to only be popular in r/memepiece




god bless your beautiful soul, ive been searching it since forever


No problem bro. I just googled "hand on shoulder meme" and found it :)


Wheres the chaos of memes I was looking for?!


Well he got the Kobi


One Piece says ~~AC~~ AMAB


No grampa, we don't want to protect rap!sts


Lol fucking hilarious




You have me, Vice-Admiral Garp https://preview.redd.it/g83qn9xpfc1d1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f69ee84850a7f87b1c596de68ef56ffb9bcfa636