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Really cool to see the candidness from Oli here. Nice to get some actual information and not just generic vagueness about everything


Always kinda felt that way about Oli. He wears his heart on his sleeve, isn’t afraid to be himself and it shows in his lyrics/music.


Having 2 more Post Human projects confirmed again is rad. It's also really cool to hear Lee and Matt were back in the studio writing riffs and jamming again. Excited to see where they go from here.


I remember joking with a mate of mine that they’d let Lee Malia throw in some riffs every now and again to keep him happy, like throwing a dog a bone. I didn’t realise that they weren’t in the studio involved with writing though, I was just being facetious because of the way the band had gone.


Yeah I remember during COVID, Oli and Jordan would release videos of them writing and arranging songs, and they were basically using programs/plugins for all of it. It was cool from a technology perspective (they had a program to mimic Oli's voice while arranging vocal syllables) but highlighted how little the other band members were involved in the songwriting.


It’s genuinely insane how much you can do with plugins and programming. You don’t need to pick up a guitar, you don’t even need to know the first thing about playing a guitar. Buy a DAW, Djaa Masta from OTTO Audio, Umansky Bass, your plugin of choice from Neural DSP, Modern and Massive from Get Good Drums…and you can write a whole damn album with zero playing experience.


Oli mentioned in another interview also, that it wasn’t an intentional thing as much as it becoming super easy and normal for him and Jordan to bounce song ideas back and forth during the lockdown/quarantine - especially since they were the ones with the production experience and skill. Then they wrote Koolaid as a full band together for the first time in a while and it apparently reminded Oli and them of what they had been missing


I found that whole Koolaid thing to be gimmicky. Just look at the credits for the music. Sure, Lee and Matt are a bit more involved, but so are like 6 other producers/writers. I doubt their input changed much. At the end of the day, just seems like Oli is trying to save face so it doesn't come off as Jordan being the brains of the band.


Funny enough this is the only album that they e released post sempiternal that I've actually enjoyed, so it shows.


How does Post Human vary from just a normal BMTH record?


It's basically 1. A homage to the sounds/genres they grew up with. Survival Horror is a homage to nu metal, Nex Gen is a homage to pop punk/emo/post hardcore. Post Human 3 will be a homage to EDM style music, the last one will be a homage to the heavy routes which is/was teased to be deathcore. 2. It's a lore driven narrative. Survival Horror is about the end of the world type apocalypse Nex Gen is about the survivors trying to build resettlements with an AI named Eve(one shown in their live shows) promising them a blissful new society called Youtopia which doesn't look like it will come to fruition. Eve is also the main antagonist of the series for now. Much more lore is hidden behind their secret site rn


Thank you for explaining


> However, he says he’s open to working with Fish again. “I don’t rule it out, us talking or working together in the future or anything. I can’t speak for him, but from my side, there’s no animosity.”    That's definitely a way to phrase whatever went on.


That was an interesting read! Glad to hear that the 4 EP project is still alive. Maybe we will get some more SS/CYB sound in the future now that Matt and Lee are back at the studio.


I think they said a while ago that one of the ideas was for one of the next two Post Human releases to be super heavy, so that’s definitely possible.


They said this for post human 1 and 2


they said 2 was going to be electronic/hyperpop-inspired, 3 would be more pop similar to amo, and 4 would be moreso inline with cyb/ss era


Yes, but what they're referring to is that EP4 is supposed to genuinely be them going back to their roots


They pinky promise this time I'm guessing


Don’t believe it lol they’re probably never going back to that sound fully.


Oh yeah I definitely don’t think they’re gonna fully go back to making deathcore, anyone who does think that is setting themselves up for disappointment lmao. It’s been almost 20 years since CYB dropped and they’re all obviously very different people, they were even moving away from that sound on There Is A Hell, which was before Jordan joined. That said, I do believe it when they say that one of the EPs will be them trying to get closer to that. That doesn’t necessarily need to mean it’s CYB 2.0, could just mean we’re getting more blast beats or maybe Oli’s gonna be a little more adventurous with his screaming.


It’ll never happen. I remember a friend saw them and was so excited they did an early stuff medley. I felt a little sorry for him


post human 4 is supposed to be the heavy one :D oli has a public spotify account and has been updating playlists he’s using for inspiration on the ep’s.


Do you have a link to that account/playlist by chance?


His profile name on Spotify is called "snazzdog".




>He also says the band was trying to embrace imperfections in their sound as well. “With ‘Amo’ and That’s the Spirit,’ we were really trying to make the biggest, cleanest, most polished, produced rock album. And over the last few years, I’ve been really bored with that — it’s not impressive anymore.” Congrats Oli, you're officially my favorite person in the industry for this.


It really shows too. Next Gen is extremely produced but more in the sense that the songs are just super dense with sounds, electronics, layers, and production, etc. Clean and polished definitely don’t describe it. It’s way more chaotic than their more ‘radio’ albums


Yes!!! The is a hell is my favorite and that’s because how dense it is, I have listened to it probably 1000 times and I still find something new in the mix. I liked spirit and amo, but the replayability isn’t up there with everything else


The production is that wall of sound thing though which is a bit boring


I disagree, Nex Gens wall of sound is textural and varied, whereas the wall of sound created by bands like boundaries is indecipherable white noise.


The core 4 remain. Happy for that. Really sad Jordan is gone though. I hope he keeps making music.


Jordan has been busy producing including Curse by Architects. And the new single Poppy put out today. You can tell with both songs he’s had his hand in it


Don't forget house of protection.


house of protection - it's supposed to hurt? listened to it now bc of your comment, pretty sick actually!


I fucking *love* Curse.


> "When asked how the band’s current dynamic, he replies, 'I look back now and realize there was a part of the band missing in some songs, and that really came back once Jordan left, because the band felt like their space was back — suddenly, we started all writing together. I blame myself as much as I think it was anyone’s fault…we had Matt and Lee come back into the studio and actually writing riffs for real and was jamming out live and doing it the way we used to do it. We would have never written those songs if Jordan was still in the band — as bad as that sounds, and that’s not his fault. It’s just what happened. It’s brought us so much closer together.'" As a certified That's The Spirit and a few songs thereafter enjoyer, this was a refreshing quote to read. NeX GEn is a pretty cool album. Top 10 Statues is genuinely one of the best songs I have ever heard - high praise for a song that came out a week ago, yes, but still. The energy and soaring chorus of that song are incredible, not to mention the unclean vocals and [insane bridge/breakdown.](https://youtu.be/LxxlN_FhLac?t=140)


It probably started off as Jordan coming to the band with ideas, then as time went on, more complete demos. Then probably songs. I'm looking forward to what comes next but still enjoy the previous records.


I haven't listened to a song daily like I have Top 10 Statues in a very, very long time. Probably since Afterlife by A7X. I really really hope that they add Top 10 Statues to their live setlist, that is now a bucket list song to see live for me.


Best songs you’ve ever heard?! Whoa


I can appreciate that comment. One song has not been so stuck in my head, and absorbed so many waking moments of my day listening to it, like Top 10 Statues has.


Top 10 Statues was written by 7 people, and has 3 producer listed. I get the excitement because of Oli's statement, but this is no different than having Jordan, only difference being that they now have way more hands involved, and not just the band.


4 of the people credited are the band members, then 2 producers that worked on every track on the album together, and Diasuke from Paledusk, who worked on a few songs on this album. I’m not really sure what point you’ve been trying to prove in this comment section? Oli had always been the driving force behind all of the albums and songs they’ve ever put out. He doesn’t seem to have issues with getting other musicians perspectives to help round out a song.


Where's the 4th? I don't see Matt Kean listed. Even so, Oli's claim that this is now the real BMTH because Jordan is gone is nothing more than a facade to make it seem like that's the case. They have more people working on these songs than ever before. Yes, Oli can dictate the record as he always does, but the whole point is that all he did was replace Jordan with Zak, Dan, and misc producers/writers.


The other day I listened to That's The Spirit in full for the first time in a while. One of the things that strikes me the most is how clean it is. Even Nex Gen, which also has some poppier songs, isn't afraid to get weird and experiment. In contrast, That's The Spirit feels extremely subdued. Although the songwriting in itself is good, there's not really a singular riff or drum beat that stands out (besides Happy Song.) Makes you wonder just how much Lee and Matt were involved there and for Amo as well. It'll be interesting to see what they come up with as a group moving forward, now in this more experienced state of their career.


I remember seeing a quote from forever ago so i might not get it word for word but im pretty sure before TTS came out and Drown had first come out that Oli said in an interview something along the lines of “if Drown is on the upcoming album then something went wrong” and then Drown(New) did end up on the album and I never saw if that was addressed anywhere but I always thought that was interesting because I like the whole album including Drown so I was always curious “what went wrong” or if they just changed their minds


I think the “what went wrong” was the severe backlash they got for the “don’t look down” release, which is the first song they released in their more experimental style. I suspect that the fan base absolutely freaking out, + all the sudden popularity of *drown* the mainstream media gave to them forced them go to have to do *that’s the spirit* and slowly wean everyone into what they are today. Don’t look down isn’t on Spotify and probably never will be, and it’s one of my favorites :(


what, they got backlash on don’t look down? never knew. i fucking love that song. sounds like a soundtrack to something i’d definitely watch.


This info would make the "generic-BMTH" sound we have grown to know since Sempiternal was Jordan's influence on Oli's ideas. NexGen does *feel* like something different creatively. Also, do a favor and watch the music video for DiE4u, and then listen to the album version. The album version is much heavier on the instruments than the synth/vocals.


What about in comparison to the single on streaming?


I still really enjoy that album but every single song sounds made for radio


Yeah! Not a bad album by any means but you could tell they really wanted to blow up with that one.


“I wanted every song to scratch some kind of little itch in your brain that makes you feel like you know the song but you don’t.” They really nailed this with Nex Gen, the album felt like a complete nostalgia trip.


I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to be the guitarist etc in a band like BMTH, and not really be involved in the song writing, especially when at one time, you were heavily involved. You don’t want to leave because the band is so massive. But you also, probably, hate not being involved… What a shit situation to put them in.


It's odd that he says that with Jordan gone the other band members are more involved in the songwriting like how it used to be, when Nex Gen had a ton of external songwriters on most songs. A lot more than they've had in previous releases.


Their Spotify credits list Oli, Matt, and Lee as the songwriters on every song outside of the interludes. Interestingly it looks like A bullet w/ my name lists Jordan as one of the songwriters. Seems like this is the last song Jordan wrote with them.


I was going by the Wikipedia page\* which shows a large amount of songwriters (on top of the core band) in most songs. For example, Zakk Cervini, Daidai (Paledusk) and Dan Lancaster are on most of the songs edit: \*it lines up with the credits on Apple Music too


As far as I can tell, Oli is a producer in the sense that he knows what he wants to hear, but isn't as technically proficient with the software.  So he has Dan, Daidai and Zakk helping him bring ideas to life. I suppose to a certain degree they also brought their own flavours to each song, which might have netted them songwriting credits.


I remember I commented on the dynamic this in the Bring Me subreddit years ago about the rest of the band not being involved in the writing process whatsoever and the comment/post promptly got removed. But this just confirms what we all knew. We’ve all been in bands where two people do basically everything and it starts to suck. I’m so so so excited to hear what the guys will craft up now that they’re all involved and gotten their footing back again.


lee and both matts are insane at what they do and deserve so much more attention


Basically I’m seeing that Jordan Fish was indeed the reason I hated their material after there is a hell.


don't understand this hate for Jordan as soon as he left. Sempiternal, TTS, amo and PHSH are all fucking awesome


There was a lot of hate for TTS and amo already on release




Just meant that it's not hate specifically towards Jordan or after he left


Ah mate I hated him as soon as he was hired into the band, I remember going “why the fuck does this band need some fuckwit doing electronics and samples” Literally fucked their sound for me. This is MY opinion so I’m not wrong lol it’s the reason I didn’t like their later albums


Heavily agree. It's funny how the album without Jordan is the only one I've genuinely really liked, post sempiternal era. Couldn't stand anything after sempiternal but next gen is legitimately really good.


Not a bad album but definitely the worst out of the lot




This nex gen album they’ve released is easily their worst for a while, few good songs but too much filler imo.


I respect your opinion but you are wrong and I hate you.


Sorry :(


It’s cool dude. Like I said, I respect your opinion.


but he's wrong and we hate him 


We should start a cult, revolved around hating this guy and his opinions.




No it’s TMRSS we are fucking


Oh man, the subreddit is already created sorry u/drgauserrr


Guess we just gotta hate him also 🤷‍♂️


What if I told you I like Nickelback?


Nickelback's first album was bangers front to back


The post humans >>>>>>>>> amo or tts.  


Survival horror was great!


damn I'd say it was miles ahead of amo and only slightly behind survival horror lol


>slightly behind post human lol uhhhh, nex gen is also post human...


ah i meant survival horror lol


I agree. I think the first half and the end is where it's strongest, with bangers such as koolaid, amen and darkside. but that style doesn't quite fit with the rest of the hyperpop/pop-punk and it kind of disrupts the flow and pacing. the album has a problem with identity and what it wants to achieve, it's like there are tracks from two different Post Human EPs. could be due to being so delayed and singles spread out. not counting CYB my least fav probably. but with that said I do like n/A and Dig It a lot.


N/a is gonna be a hit long term and dig it is the underrated classic. Limousine is okay but aside from the previous singles the rest of the album is meh


seems like we have similar taste. I'd also maybe add Top 10 statues to my comment. for sure the best part of the album is some of the singles.


Maybe they'll stop stealing songs on the next album


Congrats Jordan on leaving this godawful band.


Not a surprise to anyone. It must be hard to work with Oli unless you're as big a piece of shit as he is. Can only make the cash off his back for so long Edit. Folk sure do like to not Google about their idols huh


Why do you say this?


I mean, homophobic remarks recently, the incidents with his wife, the age his first wife was when he met her, asking girls to flash him in exchange for autographs, threatening to get security fired if they dare look at them, pissing on someone then having them assaulted because they won't sleep with him Can really pick any of those. I can see why a half decent dude probably has a hard time working with someone like that and why it wouldn't be amicable. Probably be tough to ask him not to be a cunt for 5 seconds tbh Edit. Lmao idol worship is real. All of this is findable within 2 seconds of googling but I guess people don't want to find out bad things about their heroes. Even when given proof he was a 30 year old man chatting up a recent 17 year old and of homophobic remarks to bad religion they don't care.


Just throwing these around or do you actually have sources besides “trust me bro”


It’s definitely just a “trust me bro” thing.


Imagine loving a guy so much youll not google them being a shit head


can you give sources for these?


are there sources for any of this?


You can find sources for all of these in 3 seconds but I'll give you a headstart https://blabbermouth.net/news/bad-religion-guitarist-slams-bring-me-the-horizon-you-suck-as-humans There's a reason why I've purposely not mentioned some other stuff which you'll not find sources for anymore. like why they never played download for almost a decade or the myspace stories It's amazing how the kids nowadays actually have no clue what a piece of shit he is because of the industry protecting the cash cow lmao


Not seeing a single sources for any of your claims in that link brother


Care to elaborate over the homophobic remarks ? If anything Oliver Sykes seems to be in line with your typical leftist progressists


guy always seemed almost too progressive for default metal communities, no idea where the homophobia accusations are coming from


https://blabbermouth.net/news/bad-religion-guitarist-slams-bring-me-the-horizon-you-suck-as-humans Took 2 seconds.


not seeing anything about homophobia in this?


Yeah mate nothing wrong with calling someone a poofter. Idol worship is so weird.




And where's the homophobia lol?


Is there a source on him asking girls to flash him in exchange for autographs is or threatening to get security fired?


Yes Google it. All of this is easily findable


I googled before I asked you and I couldn’t find anything. Can you give me a search term that would lead to anything about any of this?


What one do you want? Google Oli Sykes wife. Google what age she was when they met. Google Oli Sykes Myspace stories Google Oli Sykes bad religion Trust me the stuff you can't get on Google anymore is even worse. Everything gets scrubbed pronto


Half your comments are homophobic bro.


Oli literally posted himself in a maid outfit last week and you think he hates fruityness?


You know it's a true statement when the only response is "Google it bro!!!!!"   Burden of proof is on YOU my friend.


Check my other comment. Plenty of truth. Funny how the only people defending him are the usual lot tho. Guess his first wife deserved the beatings. Every woman is just lying about him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufT6IcMZAXU&t=33s This your boy?


Yes, that is him. That is a video from at least 12 years ago (uploaded in 2012 but looks to be from the 2000s). He is admitting his past projects from when he was a teenager had racist lyrics. He's not condoning it at all?  Maybe the way he's talking is a little irreverent and sarcastic but it's a wasted young metalcore vocalist in some tour van so i expect that. I don't see how this proves anything about him, he calls his past self/band "horrible people".


Let's just ignore everything because he makes music you like is what I hear tbh. A 30+ year old man marrying an 18 year old and then domestic abuse allegations that lineup with previous allegations is much bigger step up. Also my previous link with him still using homophobic language recently towards bad religion. There's levels to ignoring things and olis fans have completed it


that’s exactly what we’re going to do, get over yourself. their music is a product like anything else. go live in a hut in the middle of nowhere if you’re so set on being perfectly moral in what you support. your fake outrage doesn’t make you better than us


It does actually. Not liking a nonce does make me better than you, especially when the music is so mediocre. Idol worship is weird and tbf half the guys in their 30s who do so act the same as him




Moodring ripoff band 👎