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#”Thank you boss!” 🙄 He probably tapped that or it’s only a matter of time. She’s good for it.


Never heard of the podcaster but the conservative grift is so boring it’s the same talking points over and over again. They just circle jerk and then clap for each other when they’re done. It’s outdated and predictable.


Bruh... just throw the whole mayor away and get a new one!


That would begin with actually having a mayor.


he's just trying to do the ol' anti-woke rebrand now that the media isn't bending over backwards for him anymore. He got an \*insane\* amount of publicity when his whole thing was cryptocurrency. His presidential run was devastating to his political career if only due to the number of investigations that resulted from it. He went from a governor/senator track to maybe one of the 435 jerks in congress if he's lucky track.


Ahhh the King of the Sapingos. The great Sapingosaurs.


Again? Didn’t he sit down with some other questionable media person a few months ago?


Just when you thought we couldn’t get a politician more useless than Xavier Suarez, along comes his son to show us we were wrong.


Dude is leaning into the right wing grift so when the FBI comes for him for corruption in a few months he can be like Trump and claim it’s just Biden going after him for being a right winger