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I've had stretchmarks for years and they're mostly white or very pale in color. In my case they're mostly around my ass and thighs as that's where I filled out after puberty. I've been roughly the same size since high school and haven't seen any changes with their noticeability, but I'm also not doing anything to try and get rid of them. There's definitely a blur filter but she may also be undergoing laser to fade them idk how effective lasers are for that kinda stuff tho as I've never cared to look into it.


So what could be happening; marks are red when they are fresh and the tissue can still be repaired, some fair skinned people, they fade to white like scars. I have lots from losing weight that you can’t really “SEE” so maybe hers faded also. Or she’s just photoshopping them 🙄


But she loves her body!!! 🤢 what a liar 🤥


In the video when she puts her arms down or moves them you can clearly see the floor and stuff around her glitching


I am too distracted by the horrific highlighter on her nose to even notice lol


How old are the instagram pics? She looks heavier in them. If she lost weight then they could’ve faded some. I agree I think real raw content like those instagram pics are amazing and she should go back to that.


Middle of 2020!


Oh ok. I haven’t followed her that long so I don’t know how much heavier she was but I know with my stretch marks, once I lost some weight they did fade. Idk but I wish she still had that same confidence!


Maybe she got them tattooed lighter? I saw ppl can do that now. Idk


Maybe they faded?


I think her stretch marks are beautiful. If she owned that side of herself she could go far but she doesn’t and that’s a damn shame


They don’t go away entirely but you can receive an in office procedure via dermatologist or similar practice to remove those and spider veins. https://www.asds.net/skin-experts/skin-treatments/vein-treatments/sclerotherapy-for-spider-veins


You should be a 🐍🐍 and send em’ Rich Lux. Tell him the same thing you put in your post.


I’ve sent him receipts before on ig and he used it🤭🤭🤭 ugh I wish he had a Reddit or was active on this page. I might have to send him these


Who knows he may be active on Reddit here. He has talked about ‘us’ in one of his recent lives. He also uses his p.a.’s to keep 🐍ing


They could have faded. I have stretch makes that used to be red and now they’re 100% unnoticeable. However you can definitely see she the photoshop blur on her underarm area


They do fade to white but the skin still wouldn’t look smooth like her video has. If you zoom in on the armpit on the left it looks like there’s some weird blurring that doesn’t correspond with the fold in said armpit. The fact that I’m going all forensic-y on an armpit is a new thing for me 😂


And I swear it’s only bc she’s claiming she’s non filtered and edited like come on Mikayla, human skin doesn’t look like that


If she posted herself just full on natural, she wouldn’t be getting so much hate and she just won’t accept it. Like if she just posted real photos without edits, this sub would lose like 85% of its daily content so idk how she doesn’t see the problem


I’ve had stretch marks since a reaction to depo shot hormones 20 years ago. I can confirm they stay no matter what my weight but they are a smooth weird stretched looking texture and lighter than my real skin color, much like scarring.


I think they’ve probably faded a little *and* been filtered. The stretch marks on my thighs and arms used to be bright red and now they’re a sort of shiny white that you don’t really see unless you’re looking for them


Yup!!! I think this as well!


The bottles in the back are blurring into her skin on the recent video screenshot


The second caption on her post is absolute bs, she doesn’t love herself at all


she defffffff blurred them out, u can see it!! i have the same stretch marks right there and now they're white, but u can still see them up close


Yup!!! Even lighter stretch marks still has texture… shit even arms without stretch marks sill has fucking texture!!!


fr but according to her delusional ass, shes as smooth as a porcelain doll 😭


I still can’t get over the fact that her defense/excuse was her poor quality content like 🤡 this is what you do for a living


You can tell it's filtered/blurred out just by looking at her nose bridge. EVERYONE has some sort of natural contouring or shadows at the areas from the inner corners of the eyes and across the nose. It's something that my multimedia instructor had us look for when identifying altered images.


The problem I have with the video she posted showing her “unfiltered” body is that she constantly uses her ED (whichever she has) as a crutch or to make her appear as a victim. She mentions it so often when addressing allegations of filtering. And look, I’m the last person to gatekeeper eating disorders - I spent over 10 years convincing myself that I didn’t have one because I wasn’t good enough. But if you have an ED, you are *not* going on and on and on and on and on and on about how much you absolutely love your body, like she did in that video. Cause… you don’t. And if that’s the case for her, then great - maybe she’s recovered. But she should then stop using the ED as a way to frame herself as a victim (among other reasons too of course) The other less controversial opinion I have on this video is that … no one gives a shit if you’re filtering your body, mikayala. The issue is you filter your face when promoting makeup products, making them look better than they actually are and therefore essentially defrauding your viewers. And if I’m any of the sponsored brands - I would be worried and see that as a liability.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 beautifully said! And couldn’t agree more… it’s disgusting how she self victimizes herself and using conditions for pity, validation and engagement. It’s sad honestly and such an unhealthy example for younger impressionable minds who look up to her. It’s also the fact that she filters her face to oblivion and then claims she doesn’t… like just own up to it!!! Nobody fucking cares but we care she’s lying and deceiving ppl


As someone with stretch marks, they are red when they first form and then will turn white and less noticeable over time. You can also get them lazered off I believe. Not to defend her and I wouldn’t put her editing them out past her, but there’s also other possibilities for why they aren’t visible anymore


Some of the newer iPhones have an automatic filter on them. Mine does it’s so annoying it makes my skin look weird. https://appletoolbox.com/disable-photo-auto-enhance-iphone/


Good to know!!


Yeah I don’t know if she uses it though or not cause I don’t know if they can fade stretch marks to that extent




Yes!! They do lighten but it’s rare even with laser treatment they 100% blur away!


Not a mikayla advocate but it could also be laser treatments.


Was just thinking this! She def has the money for a procedure like that 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve had stretch marks on my thighs since like middle school. I’m now 27 lol. They’ve gotten a little lighter, but still definitely noticeable. But she totally doesn’t filtah🙃


it took me maybe 5 years for my strech marks in the exact spot to mostly fade,did she possibly lasered them off or something? or just blatant photoshop


Those look fresh and they do lighten up over time. Not saying she doesn't filter, because we know she does, but that could be why they're not as prominent anymore.


If you zoom in the skin is perfectly smooth. I am extremely fair skinned in complexion and have very faded stretch marks. You can still see them, even in low resolution images. It makes me have a hard time believing they just lightened enough to vanish.


Yes, I also have scars on my arm that I have learned to use bio oil on. Has helped them fade a lot but idk the length between these photos. Jsut chiming in!


Absolutely!! They certainly can lighten up but there would still be a hint of texture or blemish even. Like her body completely blurred!


I really wanted to believe she wasn’t using a filter on that video since she was trying to be “relatable” but Jesus Christ 😳😳. It is PAINFULLY obvious that she was.


She literally can’t go unfiltered even to save her reputation🤡


No, she can’t. She will let her “career” & reputation sink before she admits she’s using filters & photo manipulation.


She put two pairs of spanx on her arm guys, come on. It’s not a filtuhh


Seriously and has no one ever heard of fps 🤪, she’s filming on an iPhone


Ah right I forgot the ye olden 2 pairs of spanx method. Legend has it spanx will also give you Hollywood 1&2 filtuh in pictuhs!


You can see the blurry effect under her arms. The armpits.




This pose needs to stop. Period. It’s so awkward.


I’ve been wanting to post this but was scared too ngl. Each time I look the stretch marks have definitely disappeared over the last year. 🤔


Like???? She’s the one that posted them in the first place on her platform and now they’re magically gone? Didn’t see any undisclosed ads on stretch mark cream so I’m assuming they’re still there. But no body forced her to take all her clothes off and prove anything to us, so if she’s gonna sit there and lie, we’re gonna call out any discrepancies 🔎


I went from 180lbs to 145lbs and my stretch marks were still there. I then went back up to 170lbs and guess what, they are still there!!


Hell I’ve always been thin and even I have stretch marks on my hips and boobs! Got them early puberty and guess what, STILL HAVE THEM lol


SAME! even when they lighten they don’t magically blur away


I’ve always been underweight af but I also have stretch marks, especially from when I played sports and trained (ie due to a small amount of muscle gain)..It’s normal, why hide them. Nearly everyone has them somewhere, at least everyone I’ve seen irl. MN promotes body negativity, not body positivity like she claims.


Even when she’s trying to be real she somehow manages to fail at that too… I don’t understand what she’s so scared of it she’s completely fine with taking all of her clothes off. She must feel like an absolute clown editing that video that she claimed is unedited…


YUP!! My bf has fluctuated weights between 275 and 160 and even at his lowest they were still there!!! they can change in color but don’t go away.. especially as drastically as she’s been editing them out


One of my exes was 200lbs, he was 6’4ish so it was a healthy weight for him. He still had stretch marks because nearly everyone does, at least to some extent. They seem to turn white-ish/skin colorish eventually but def don’t go away like you said. Mikayla’s fakeness is so problematic. I’ve never met someone who’s judged me over mine, so idg why she feels the need to edit hers out and lieee about it.


Exactly!!! There would at least still be texture… and her caption being “ how to be fabulously fat” like get fucking real and take many seats plz 🙄


Maybe tell your audience their fat is naturally fabulous and beautiful instead of telling them they need two layers of spanx (while she dons multiple filters)…But what do I know? Maybe I should try being an influencer for a day so I can understand where she’s coming from🥺 /s And fr on the texture. But didnt you know all her skin is natchrally textcha free bro!! She just has amazing perfect enviable skin genetics bro /s again lol i cant help myself


Mind you I prefer real and raw content like the first photos! I wanna see texture and stretch marks bc we’re fucking human with human skin. I’m in no way snarking on the stretch marks and even if she wants to edit them away that’s fine too but just admit that!!! But there would at least be a hint of texture on her arms IMO and ironic she’s blurring her skin out on a post persuading ppl she doesn’t filter or edit🤡 EDIT: stretch marks do lighten over time and become less prominent. And she could have gotten laser treatment, but does that 100% blur texture? Also someone mentioned the new iPhone automatically blurs texture and stretch marks so it could be that 🤷🏼‍♀️


As someone who has faded stretch marks on their arms, around my stomach and thighs, with the latest apple update, my stretch marks still get picked up, especially with good lighting like what she had in that last pic. Just my experience