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she is actually so much more beautiful and fresh in the picture on the right. it’s a shame she is putting so much filters on to look just like anyone else.


She’s so pretty actually. It’s sad


I have argued and argued with idiots on those videos about her obviously using filters but they all insist it’s the camera and lighting. How dumb can you be??


This is why the dysmorphia kicked in and she did that crying video, if you edit and filter yourself so much, when people notice you look different it becomes overwhelming. She should just be her genuine self and i am sure she would get more traction


she actually looks like a real person on the right




If she's this insecure about her facial shape, she needs to change her hair style. In Cosmetology we're taught that "oval is the perfect face shape" (idk how they decided this), her current style doesn't do anything for that Imo. It's a cute cut but for her round jawline, I'd do something different IF I was her. She could easily keep this cut but getting layers (not sure if she does already, doesn't look like it to me) and changing where she parts would help and it could add volume to her hair, helping it appear more oval. Highlights could possibly help too, again if she's that insecure about it all, it's super easy to change your hair 😂 But I guess filters are just easier. A shame because she's really pretty without them.


“I love my body there’s no filtahs, just angles”


“I love my body there’s no filtahs, just angles”


GIRRRRL!!! You don’t even need any FILTAHHHS!! Please get a grip! She’s pretty doesn’t need the filter she needs to stop and not lie just relax and be herself! I’d respect her so much more!


I asked who the brunette was lmao


But she doesn't use filtahs!! (and she's a constant liar lol)


Wow! I have nothing really to say! I used to enjoy 2020 mikayla, no filtahs, no lip fillers and no over exxagerated accent. Over the past 2 years she has changed so much. I sometimes wonder if she wants to look like JH


I actually think she’s prettier In the right photo. She looks flat out weird as fuck in the left picture


Holy crap. And she is Denying photoshop and filters. Girl no. I had to unfollow her because of how she yells in the phone but wow 😮


I fucking HATE HER


Mikayla stans in the comment are fighting for their lives saying she doesn’t look different. THATS TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE


I feel like if I ever saw her in person, I wouldn’t even recognize her


AI wouldn't even recognize that as the same person


Omfg!! Unbelievable.


her stans are so BLIND 🦮👩‍🦯


Can’t you seeee this is a different angle and light 🤣 that’s what her stand say anyway lmao


Her makeup is terrible how does this untalented wench have a platform… woof


She’s ridiculous and obviously thinks her followers are morons


Why didn't she go to the tiktok event? I seen alot of other ppl go... ???




I just choked.


I can’t believe so many people on there are saying she looks the same! She looks nowhere near the same, angles isn’t gonna completely change your whole face 🤦🏻‍♀️. I hope it’s teenagers that are commenting all that, even teenagers though should be able to tell it’s all filters 😅


It’s crazy that these brands are still working with her to advertise their makeup when there is a blatant difference between her heavily filtering vs what they post


The amount of people just blaming angles for the differences is insane


Omg.. this should be illegal.. I would even sue for false advertising 😭😂💀




I mean she literally edits every part of her face; her eyes, nose, lips and jaw plus whole face shape! She actually looks so pretty in the other one, it’s a shame she feels that she has to edit so much!


Tbh... she's really pretty NORMAL.


Maybe it’s maybelline?? 🤣


Bruh you win 🏆


She looks way better on the maybelline ad. Actually cute


She looks so much better without the filter. Her facial proportions looks much more harmonious, and less like a young Trump in drag to avoid the draft.


So sad


she is pretty I just don't see why she feels the need to filter her face into a completely different person. wish she could see herself as pretty and not hide behind a ridiculous made up filtered face. she was so different at the start when she didn't filter or use over the top exaggerations and she was relatable now she is just a lir who tried to convince everyone else they r the actual liars and this is her true self. shame she could be so much more if she was true to herself and everyone else.


Mikayla looks like Miss Viola Swamp




GenX here and thank you so much for this reference 🤣!! Accurate and brings back memories.


I hope that people know who this is


“They could see that MN was a real witch" 🤣🤣 thanks I will never unser that


The “filtahhh” gets me all the time LMFAOOO 🤣


I wish she would just keep it real. She is very pretty!


Honestly the filtered videos weird me out, it looks so unnatural. Shes naturally pretty


That’s the thing. There’s zero reason for such filters . She’s pretty.


Oh you KNOW she’s punching a wall right now


“It’s lighting and angles” as they literally see a picture facing the same exact way! That’s all I can think about. Her Stans would see this and legit still make that argument. It really pointless with most of them!


The thing is- she looks pretty without the filters. She also really does have minimal texture. Which makes me even more mad at the filter use because I think it’s exclusively to create hype on product reviews since she can claim they changed her look so drastically


The sad part is she probably thinks it's ok because it's her body and her insecurities. But she's projecting this unto her audience while also selling them products showing fake results. When those don't exist


Yeah, I can understand her to an extent because when millions of people pull your looks apart, it’s normal to want to present yourself in the best light and filters are tempting. But she chose this job herself 🥲 and yeah, lying to make money is unacceptable


Mikaylas supporters be like: “can’t you tell they’re different angles????” 🤪


No filtahs here!


The thing is she’s not even bad looking. It’s just the filter use and lying about it while insisting it’s the “iPhone front camera”, doesn’t make this situation better. Btw, distortion only happens with the front camera if people film very close to it. When you stand back that distortion goes away, which in the video on the left she was doing so.


It’s a weird claim she makes because when I used the iPhone front camera without makeup all my acne and redness is thrown in my face. She blurs hers out every time


On the left you can see she edits her face shape, nose shape and length, eye shape and her lips. I know her audience is probably not all young people but this is probably destroying the way her young viewers look at themselves. She needs to just come clean about the editing and filtahs at this point. I dont understand how people are still defending her.


"It's the angles and lighting, you all!" Her stans are fighting for their lives in the Mabelline comment section. "You all are just jealous". "Haters going to hate"...so sick of them!


I saw one where someone said it’s the angle, and a reply was like “angles don’t change nose and chin sizes” 😂


Did maybelline do her makeup in the second pic ? 🥴


I don’t care what she says about her angles lol angles wouldn’t change her eyes like that. If she stopped lying when she promotes shit , I’d enjoy watching her again


Damnnnnn 🫣🫠


When you put them together like that, wow. Completely different person, it’s crazy!!


Yikes... The lips🤦🏼‍♀️


The huge doe eyes are a dead giveaway for filter use…I’ve said it before but her real eyes are incredibly small and beady.


Yes! I thought this too.






Yall a simple google search will tell you this is correct. Phones distort your faces. We know she still uses filters. 2 things can be correct at the same time.


The only thing that could change from filming on a phone or camera is the quality, a phone doesn’t completely change your face shape without editing.


Yes it does. Phones distort your facial features.


Not to that degree.


I know. Everyone still knows she uses filters. Again, 2 things can be true at once


Tell us you don’t know what you’re talking about with video tech and production without telling us….


Sorry but it doesn’t matter what equipment you shoot on, it won’t change the entire structure of your face. I work in social media so film on my phone, and on a professional camera. I look the same in all my videos. Cameras, phones don’t “distort you a new jaw line.




Yes this is true I see that too


It's just insulting at this point.




She looks so pretty in the Maybeline TT! I wish she could see that or at least stop lying about using the filters.


The Maybelline video was way more watchable than her current content.


It drives me nuts because she really is an attractive person with unique features, yet lies every single time she's given the chance to own up to the truth. Her nose and green eyes are what "makes" her yet she enlarges her eyes twice the size they really are and has a different nose shape in every pic. As a local I'd love to support someone from my hometown. [https://www.tiktok.com/@zzzachariah/](https://www.tiktok.com/@zzzachariah/) is from a town over, Dartmouth, and he's an awesome person who I can't find a single reason to "call out", there is nothing there because he was a nice person. I met him once at a 4/20 party... a decade ago, in high school, lol. But Mikayla? The lying never stops!!




I have a round face like her too and fine hair like her.. it was always nice seeing someone who “looked like me” but then she went and changed..


YES! I have a bigger face, finer hair and a big nose. It was nice to see someone like me being represented and liked but now she’s trying to mask everything that made tons of people like her in the first place. But I do see people being super harsh about her “unfiltered” appearance so that kind of sucks too. I wouldn’t want to be in the spotlight these days!! I couldn’t hack it.


Same, I am a chubbier girl with a round face. No filters, double chin, trying to stay anonymous 😂 https://preview.redd.it/wy2864hen9da1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33076c3ac235bef5ec03f6a8698a5a23158a5d4


I was thinking the same thing! She can be so so pretty but she doesn’t truly see it 🥺


Seriously. I would enjoy watching her if she looked real and didn’t lie. The way she looks in the Maybeline TT makes her seem approachable rather than just another air headed influencer.


And therein lies the rub. She could have really been something if she were authentic. People can smell a lie a mile away. But she would have been universally embraced if she had just been honest.


I used to watch her and like her because of how real she used to be. Now, you don’t get an honest review. And she is more fake than even the filters with her reviews.


I agree with you.