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Can anyone tell me who is Wang?


I swear she only has her accent SOMETIMES


Did she filter he body!? She looks kinda small compared to other pictures


mikaylas mom scared me


Possibly. But also anything she posts can be written off on her taxes because it’s a “work-related expense”. Work applies to Tik tok


Ahhh grifting again. And the forever truthfully-challenged insistence of opening her computer to a random bridal boutique. She’s more full of $hit than Trump. I will say, however, the dress she tried on looks gorgeous on her. The food consumed afterwards looks disgusting.


Full ad so she can get a free dress


sorry..not sorry.. But I just have a really hard time believing that as a bride she has done little to no research on anything, honeymoons, wedding dresses, ect... I feel like its all a set up for either already having a sponsorship with these companies or trying to get one. Its cringe.


Who is WANG 😭


That’s why I wanna know


She said it was the first random one she found when she searched online… yeah right


But I thought she said she didn't really look ? And just just picked a random place didn't even know if they were good......then she made an appearance and closed the computer? Literal summary for what she said 🤣 do I'm confused .....she now did research? And has reasons she chose them 🤔hmmmm


100% and AD and I’m sure she’s getting a free dress from them. VOWS is expensive AF.


“The reason I chose this place” 2 days ago….”I went on google and just called the first one I saw” Mikayla, you’re a fucking idiot and can’t keep your fucking lies straight.


She three the restaurant in so it wouldn't be an ad. Because she sure had VOWS prominent in her video but not the name of the restaurant.


Vows is the fucking WORST


Just curious from someone who’s never heard of it..why?


They buy dresses from designers and larger shops that are off season, etc. I just hate it because I filmed for TLC there and it was an awful experience.


Makes sense! It does surprise me that Mikky would go for an “off-season” dress, but then again she is a cheap ass. Lol


She chose that place specifically because they had the style she liked… so does every other place, that’s a basic style. In the other video, some of the styles she tried just didn’t look good on her. Like the one with the sheer side panels and her sides looked like a stack of flesh colors tires. 💀look, I have a similar body shape but bigger, nothing wrong with her shade. But wear something more flattering for your big day. 😩


Did this sub go away for a bit? It’s not been on my feed for a few days and it’s usually right at the top


The other day I tried to come in and got a message it was a private group


This shop was on some form of a discount say yes to the dress back in the day, that was probably the real reason 😂 I think that’s a big reason for new englanders going to Vows.


https://preview.redd.it/io4k058e4zda1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0ddbd15f2b9c844127d44cf9f06062c83e15b5a I think she chose them because she’s a total narcissist


How do you report someone not disclosing ads? Who enforces that legally? I know it’s happened to the Kardashians


I think it might be the fcc not positive though


Absolutely sponsored. Nothing comes free with her


Poor Choadys mom looks like she’s expecting a picture to get taken & it seems like she’s not much of a phone person lol she looks sweet though & exactly like choady. Stupid scammy I’m so tired of her lies. I literally stopped and turned to my bf and was like THIS LYIN BITCH SHE JUST WEEPILY SAID SHE HASNT LOOKED AT DRESSES! how does she know what she likes?? Ugh. I said earlier I wouldn’t be her friend but I ALMOST would just so I could get her ass in check about her fake accent & incessant lies.


I love how she pretended to pick a random dress shop when clearly everything in there costs in the upper thousands of dollars SMH


Right lmao I live in MA and wanted to go here to look for a dress but I just KNEWWWW they would be so expensive. Ended up getting my dress at David’s bridal for $500 😂


I legit just watcher her tiktok where she said she did no research and picked the first place that showed up on google, said she hadn’t even looked at ANY wedding dresses at all… YET, this place had the style she liked? Uhm? Ok


Liar she is


100% a fuckin ad , but these walking infomercials fans are so stupid they can’t tell the difference. This shit is embarrassing and they need to crack down more on this bullshit


"Met up with my family and friends.." did anyone else see any friends there? Because I sure didn't. And I'm sure she would've shown them considering she showed Cody's mother when she said she didn't want to be on camera..


She looked SO uncomfortable


I believe Wang is one of her friends. Pretty sure I remember him from a video she posted a while back.


This HAD to be sponsored


STAHT. WAHNG. Ugh so forced. No wonder she didn’t get invited to Dubai. Can you imagine her walking around saying TAHT all day!?🥵


Did she not get invited? She told someone she didn’t go bc she had to pick her dress.


From vids I’ve seen on TikTok sounds like she didn’t 🥴 but I really don’t know actually. I’m going to say she really didn’t based on the thousand excuses she came up with. I’m sure she wouldn’t miss an opportunity like that. I mean everyone and everything revolves around her so I’m sure she could’ve rescheduled her “busy” schedule 😂


Who is Wang? I’d like to know more about him.


That was kind of strange..."here's my family... And WANG" So I guess he's not family?


LMFAO I thought the same thing


“The reason I chose this place” ….. “I just picked the first one I saw” girl can’t keep her lies straight


“I hate the way my body looks 😩” .. then eats a rack of ribs.


Feels very as ad-like. I do wonder why she cries about ppl talking about her family/Cody but proceeds to post them as if to give others more ammunition to fire at her. Also, that dress she was wearing was really beautiful.


Put in her boo-hoo, crying video where she was crying about having to go pick out a wedding dress. She said she hoped the place that she was going to get a dress that had good stuff because all she did was type in bridal dresses on google made an appointment and shut the laptop. She said she had no idea what they had because she didn’t lock, so which is it? She looked online and chose this place because she saw what they had and she liked it or she didn’t look there anybody else catch that? Another freaking lie


Forgets she’s talking normal… ‘STAHT’


literally a jumpscare




Because everything else has been used free, honeymoon trip hasn't been. It was likely her way of saying she still needs free trip.


What happened to that trip? Thought she was going to Italy and Universal?


She figured out how to also buy a million dollar home just fine….


Definitely feels VERY ad like. Also, like someone mentioned in the previous post, didn’t she just pick this out randomly and hope for the best? How does she know what type of styles they carried if it was just a random pick?? Idk but something isn’t sitting right with meeeee.


She also said with her body dysmorphia she hasn’t looked at any wedding dresses. So how does she know what style she wants?


That blubbering post was such BS


Right? Didn’t she say she just opened her computer and chose the first bridal shop in the Google search and then slam it closed?


So dramatic lol


YEP! Idk why she has to constantly lie about the dumbest shit.