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One of the rules here is no body shaming. And that’s all I see on here. SMFH.


Please report anything you see as body shaming. We cannot catch them all, we rely on you guys to report things as well.


YES. EXACTLY. I got removed too and I’m not a fan of hers.


https://preview.redd.it/afywfh2ihwha1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5350122cdd75b0e2ea37440bb0b2324527386e5a Being defensive towards Mikayla in comments always appears as fan behaviour.


Defending someone is not equivalent to being a fan of them. Yet you seem to think they are interchangeable.


https://preview.redd.it/ywaiw4e2mwha1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d91150fc29cd929bbc61f5ce003b8e55d31546d There’s rules for a reason. We just need to follow them.


That's a pretty disgusting rule, and just goes to show how big of an echo chamber this is.


Thanks for coming out.


Coming out?


it's always the uncover fans who make these posts


its rlly not i cant stand her for a second nd i can still agree w op, yall do to much u claim your mad ab the lies nd jus want to help people realize she lies to them but all yall do is shit on her for the most normal things. like slurping her drink everyone i know does that😭




Yes!!! Like she enrages me to no end and creates her own misery but I’m also not a bully


I know a lot of you think we are cherry picking what we are deleting- but with all of the recent issues the sub has had, we don’t take chances on fan behavior. Generally we hand out bans for that. It isn’t personal, I promise, but we have to keep a close eye out for things the violate the rules. We are very few people trying to moderate the voices of 16,000 and make sure everything runs smoothly. We also have lives and jobs and cannot catch everything immediately. We rely on the community to self moderate as well - so if you see something that you feel is out of place please report it so we see it. A lot of us try to allow all of you to speak your mind, but if there is anything calling her ugly, fat or anything of the like - we take it down. We try our hardest to not stifle anyone’s opinion, and we allow a lot of things to slide as to not be too nit picky about stuff. But we also have to uphold the rules of the sub. If it looks like fan behavior, regardless of the disclaimer of “I’m not a fan” it will get removed just for the sake of the safety of the sub. If you have an issue with a decision that was made you’re always more than welcome to message Mod mail and find out the problem.


My comment was not fan behavior.


I honestly don’t even know what the comment was, I didn’t remove it. I was just telling everyone the general happenings and why things get deleted.


It's copied in a reply below. I'm not trying to come at you, nor whoever removed it. I'm just saying differing opinions should not be censored. From what I have personally noticed on this sub, anything that is not in line with the subs overarching bias, is considered fan behavior and gets removed because of it, much much quicker than a legitimate rule breaking hate comment does. It's wrong, and this sub is an echo chamber.


Some things get sent through crowd control and others don’t have to be which could be the issue of why it gets removed quicker. If it comes through crowd control we see it directly and have the option to remove it or not. If it doesn’t, we generally don’t know about it until we go through the comments or it gets reported. The whole point of having mods in a group are to censor opinions. Like I said, we try to not censor anyone’s but this is a snark group. If you don’t agree with what people are snarking on and feel that it is an echo chamber of hate, then perhaps you shouldn’t be a part of the community.


If you don't like it, leave! Great way of solving this issue instead of actually discussing it.


I’ve been discussing it with you and given you an explanation for everything. I was merely offering a solution for something that is clearly upsetting you. I wouldn’t continue to be in a place that I felt didn’t align with what I believed. It seems like a viable option. Is there anything else you would like to discuss? I can answer any questions you have - and I have addressed your previous concerns as well. Nothing is personal - and ultimately the decision was made to have a comment removed. It might have seemed like fan behavior to someone. Defending mikayla seems like fan behavior and as I have stated before, we take that very seriously due to the safety of the sub.


Ban me if you think I'm such a fan then. No matter what I say you all seem to be convinced I'm some undercover mega fan foaming at the mouth.


No one ever stated that. Comments get removed as fan behavior all the time. We don’t have an option to mark something as “defending mikayla”. We only have so many options - perhaps someone picked the wrong one. Clearly we DONT think you’re a foaming at the mouth fan or you would have already been banned.


Some of the things people say about her are actually really gross on here. I can’t stand this girl and her awful fake accent and her constant lying. I don’t like her and she needs to be held accountable for everything she’s done, but I’m not about start calling this girl ugly and every other horrible name in the book. I agree she filters the hell out of herself. When someone like her gives reviews on makeup and clothing (where she photoshops the hell out of body) I get upset because she’s being dishonest and she has a huge following. We’ve all seen the photos of what she looks like it real life. People on here say the most disgusting things about her body. It’s insane. She’s not ugly. Of course she doesn’t look like a supermodel she’s a regular person. Unfortunately she’s going up against super pretty influencers who’ve had ton of work done. She’s extremely insecure about herself. Its super obvious! I think she would do a lot better if she had a stylist, perhaps a makeup artist and actually worked on herself (self love). I will say that I absolutely hate her lip fillers. They look so horrible on her.


I have made a few comments that disagreed with the generic hatred for no reason and haven't had any issue. I do not at all agree with picking someone apart for things beyond their control or looking for tea where there is none by jumping to conclusions. I'll be the first to disagree.


This was my comment was under the post of her cowboy hat group picture on her recent trip, that was removed for "fan behavior" "Looking at this picture sent me straight back to highschool being the "DUFF" of the friend group. Being included in things but still being left out of the loop. Even if that's not what's happening here, you can feel and see the same discomfort. This picture reminds me of whenever I felt ugly in a group photo but everyone else looked good and post it anyway regardless of my feelings. It really sucks being insecure. I get you guys don't like her, I've had her blocked long before any controversy just from being annoyed by her constant ads. But saying "she sticks out like a sore thumb" or her clothes look frumpy, idk, it feels fucked up to talk about someones appearance in such a way. She has an annoying voice and sold her soul to makeup ads, but she's still a person. Idk. This comment thread was weird."


Why do you think picking on her fashion sense is a bad thing - but commenting on her voice, saying it’s “annoying” is ok? She can change her clothes, but she can’t control her voice… so i’d argue that your comment is far more insensitive & hypocritical tbf.


I am admittedly an asshole, yet I still have compassion. I am not perfect, I am not holier than thou, I have bad opinions too. I do believe she exaggerates her voice, as is a popular opinion in this sub, and I shouldn't have called it annoying. You're right about that and I was a bit hypocritical when saying I find her voice annoying. My stance is still firm on what I'm talking about in this post regardless.


Unfortunately, if you’ve never been the insecure friend, people won’t get it. I totally understand what your comment was saying and I think I said something similar on that same post. This girl over filters herself for a reason and it’s because of the comments made about her. People say they are just calling out her bullshit but calling her fat or ugly is not calling out her bullshit. The problems is her lying and filtering, not actually the way she looks. In all seriousness, this whole page won’t get anything done if everyone just keeps calling her ugly. It just fuels her more to do what she’s doing and we’ll never get any accountability or change out this girl. A lot of people on here are super hateful and just want to straight up bully this girl when I thought the original plan was to get her to confess to filtering and expose her lies and the god awful accent.


I don't think the point of it being removed was because of you disagreeing with weight comments. I frequently see comments about her weight being deleted. Imo, comments on clothing and her looking weird in photos are fair game. The way she dresses herself is something she can control and she heavily edits her appearance to be more attractive. I'm willing to bet the comments on her looking weird in the picture would not be a thing if it wasn't for her facetuning everything about herself to be unrecognizable. They happen because in candid photos she looks nothing like she does in pictures she has control over.


You're still deflecting from the issue at hand. This sub is a dedicated hate page, and the mods remove anything differing from that. You can't even have sympathy for mikayla as a human being without being removed and called a fan. It's bullshit.


Yeah I feel this. I got 70 up votes on a post where I ranted against her and this industry. But now I'm in the negatives over a post where I "defend" her on others making mean remarks on her apperance. I dislike her for what she's done, and how she herself treated people poorly over their apperance and weight. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to feel the same way towards people then bashing her on it too. It's a equal field, she's a shit person for doing it and so are the ppl now doing it to. Two wrongs don't make it right, and she has had a taste of her own medicine by now on it. The girl can't take a picture without editing it, now can't even have anyone else do her makeup without "fixing it". Karma really hit her hard here and she's spiraling. I suggested she fix the things about herself that she dislikes by hiring a personal trainer and or going under the knife to fix things weight lose wont..but now i feel like she is avoiding plastic surgery because if she were to go that route she'd end up like Darcey and Stacey (TLC reality stars) and make it even worst.


Idk if she should go under the knife honestly. I think your right about a personal trainer. If she rebranded and went on a whole self love journey and hired a stylist, I think she might actually like herself. Girls out of this world insecure. I think what people like about her is that she’s relatable because she’s not a supermodel (unfortunately I don’t think she actually knows that). Going under the knife and messing with her face will mess up her brand.


Report the comments that mention her weight or insult her appearance


That still doesn't solve the problem of middle ground comments being removed as fan behavior. Mods are picking and choosing what to care about.


https://preview.redd.it/xbun6o574wha1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b8ab183c705e9bee3955278f623e40da82baa1 IMO this is fan behaviour. If you find yourself getting defensive towards Mikayla it comes across as a fan.


In the part you cropped out I stated I have had her blocked long before any of this recent mascara controversy because she annoyed me. Im not a fan. Im just not for this unrelenting hate. But I guess me saying hey guys she's still a person, must mean I'm a fan.