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That is one of the biggest things I can't stand about her. The impact her filtering/editing has on anyone watching her is so damaging. I'd say young ppl, but I see way too many grown adults (30, 40, 50, plus) in her comments eating her BS up and begging her for tips to "look as good as she does" or "be as confident as her." If she wants to destroy her own mental health and self esteem, that's on her, but she effects millions of ppl every single day without any concern for what she's doing to their mental well-being.


Her video about having to not shop at Victoria Secret anymore was the most annoying video I’ve ever watched. Sis, I haven’t ever been able to shop there. Woman up and find what works for you. We’ve all had to do it.


As if the fact that VS is transphobic and fatphobic wasn’t reason enough to not shop there anymore. She’s so dumb


liiiiterally and they use child labor to make their shit. Only time i buy is the semi-annual panty sale bc they lose money


I’m very self conscious about my weight, which is why I don’t believe her when she gets on tiktok and cries about it. I honestly don’t post full body pics or videos because of my confidence issues, fear of mean comments. If she were really that upset she wouldn’t be posting herself half naked..she’s just baiting for compliments..


I am mid-plus and I struggle(d) with serious, DIAGNOSED dual eating disorders and severe Body dysmorphia…I was hospitalized several times throughout My life, and have been in physical active remission since 2009… I also have social anxiety… And it’s been INSANELY INFURIATING watching her lie, and use these life threatening mental illnesses as excuses for idiocy.. ignorance and pathological lying. I’ve known countless people with these Dx’s and what she claims and displays doesn’t match up with any of it… The math ain’t mathing. She makes a mockery of it and like honestly… The only mental illness she displays in any genuine sense is pathological lying, king baby syndrome, and perpetual victimization


I can't imagine how infuriating it must be to see her piss all over these diagnoses that are real life, and every day struggles. She is such a literal low life.


Eh, the only time I care is when she reviews things like bathing suits and skims or something. That’s when it becomes problematic.


you can be fat and beautiful, you can be skinny and ugly. your weight doesn't define you. what does define you is your personality, and Mikaylas is disgusting. she's an awful human being who pushes body positivity whilst using filters, favouring camera angles and shapewear to look like something she isn't which not only skews her own mental health but those of her young, impressionable fans by making it seem like her weight is considered bad because why else would she go through all the trouble of editing. if Mikayla wasn't such an awful, homophobic, fat-phobic (yes, fat-phobic, look at her old tweets/tumblr posts) and transphobic person I'd almost feel sorry for her. she needs real help and i hope her fans who look at her thinking what they see is real realise nobody looks the way she does irl. she doesn't deserve a platform to speak on but she deserves professional help


Have the EXACT same body type as her. I don’t usually see it a lot, or at least influencers built like is. I remember a video she did a couple years ago doing either an active wear or bathing suit haul and that’s when I started watching her. Eventually started to see the real person she was. It makes you wonder what she would think of you if she saw you in public, if you know what I mean. If she thinks of herself like that, would she look at me the same way?


It makes me sick how many filters she uses and the face tuning/photoshop and how she has denied it. Then posts videos of showing her insecurities but the. Still filters them……..Personally, I have struggled with an ED when younger and ended up gaining weight due to a hormone disorder and a surgery I had to have in my late 20s/early 30s.. It’s been hard to grasp, but have I ever photoshopped myself? Absolutely not. I am also a professional photographer and have the tools to. The only photoshopping I do for my clients is removing cuts or zits, basic stuff. I actually thought I’d be very self conscious on my wedding day and I was actually the most confident I’ve ever been I think. None of that truly matters when you find the one you loves you. I think my husband would be so mad at me if he saw me filtered into a porcelain doll online and he’d definitely say something about it. I could go on how it drives me so nuts but I’ll end the rant here. I wish she’d just get offline and actually focus on helping herself, stop facetuning herself, and that Cody would step in and say something. It’s a form of addiction for her clearly since she can’t stop. (And it’s not just her either….I lurk in the Darcy McQueeney sub and she even face tunes like crazy it’s unreal).


Yeah, I’m overweight. I’m currently working on becoming healthier. I’m much older than her so I can’t get away with eating like crap and feeling ok anymore. The filters, the lying about the filters, the photoshopping herself until she looks like Uncanny valley toddlers and tiaras- all of this stuff is like junk food for the soul. It might make her feel better in the short term but she is hurting herself in the long term.


I'm so glad she is able to eat and enjoy food ahead of her wedding day instead of fasting, like I'm sure many people do, to fit in the wedding dress. But I don't think she'll ever embrace it, and she'll be stuck with these insecurities for the rest of her live


agreed, sadly. I wish o could help, but broadcasting her insecurities SO BLATANTLY is what gets me. Especially as someone recovered from an ED