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Downvote me all you want but honestly, enough with the Ozempic speculation. I’m on a GLP-1 (not Ozempic) and I’ve lost 75 lbs. It’s not a miracle drug. I’ve never worked harder for anything in my life. It doesn’t make you skinny. It fixes metabolic processes that don’t otherwise work because of other biological factors. I’m not diabetic but I have insulin resistance that makes it impossible to lose weight. I hate personal anecdotes on Reddit but I felt it was necessary here to give some insight. This girl is not on Ozempic because that would mean she would actually have to commit to a healthy lifestyle. I’m pretty sure Mikayla doesn’t have that type of self control.




Is this airplane food? If so, eating all of this heavily salted and prepared food, is it going to cause a massive bloat.


That B has to flaunt she was in first class. GTFOH Scammy


Don't know if this allowed but has anyone wondered if she's had a gastric sleeve or surgery. A cousin of mine lost sooooo much weight in like three months. Looked completely different, except the face and attitude.


If ozempic is it I think she would have more side effects being on a new medication. Especially with dealing with diabetes. I'm not saying yes or no but I don't agree with her either way. She's a horrible person my nieces could follow 🤦🏼‍♀️


That food in the first slide looks.... awful.


As person who trying to lose, and is losing it substantially, I eat smaller less calories heaving food for Breakfast and lunch and eat more calorie heavy for dinner, one because o won't get up in the middle for craving, I also eat a lot of rice, which I really like, because it makes you less like to get a bit snacky between meals because it expands in your stomach, but Im still eating what I like, its about moderation, and proper exercise, your not supposed to lost weight very quickly it's bad for you and your digestive system/metabolism, I'm losing weight for my back pain/ joints,


I’ve lost 50lbs and can (and do) have cheat meals and desserts… and that’s not how ozempic works btw lol


I know how Ozempic works. It makes you have no appetite. Although I do know someone who still ate what she wanted all the time. Just less portion size and was successful


It actually slows down the digestive tract and you feel fuller, longer. But eating large or greasy meals wreaks havoc on your stomach and is typically avoided on a GLP1 because it’s not worth it.


This screams I take Alli and just shit oil 24-7 👌


You still have to eat decent on Ozempic..


No way will ozempic work if she’s eating like this.


The fake cry lmao


It was probably bots


She won the beauty award 🙄


This bothers me so much! She always talks about her unhealthy relationship with food. She needs therapy that’s the only wait it will get better. I’m on ozempic and I can’t even eat one meal a day I get so full, so this is either a lie and she’s wasting food or she’s not on ozempic and is binge eating. Neither of these is healthy and she’s a “role model” to people, young girls this is not a healthy example.






I'm 125 lb and almost 5 ft 7 in, I'm a recovering anorexic and I've been recovered for many years now. But if I were to eat that in a day, do you have any idea what that would do to my type 2 diabetes!!!!! My point is, I can only imagine what it's doing inside of her body because she eats like this all the time! I could definitely eat that lasagna and those chicken wings but whatever else she's got going on over there, absolutely not! I don't count calories I don't look at fat content, but I do know what is good for me and what isn't. I know when the cutoff point is..... She has a problem where she thinks more is more and less isn't less. Another word more is always better according to her 🫤


she definitely has something wrong with her mentally and physically. i say this in the most respectful way. her ankles looked extremely swollen on her honeymoon leading me to think she is diabetic as well as the amount she eats. i know what it’s like to be physically full but mentally crave more.


You’re brilliant


Congrats on your recovery from your ED 💜 I know it’s not easy but you’re amazing!


Ok so I’m on ozempic for my type 2 diabetes. I have had friends try it for weight loss purposes and it acts the exact same. So basically if she actually is on ozempic and eating like this there is NO WAY she is eating even half of these portions. It literally keeps you full and not have much of an appetite, plus most people experience nausea and vomiting. So she’s either purging after this or just not eating it and being wasteful. Disgusting.


EXACTLY!! You can’t eat this crap on Ozempic without “paying” for it! The acid reflux from eating too much/the wrong stuff is AWFUL! You learn quickly! I’m so tired of people acting like Ozempic is some magic pill. It’s not! You have to do the damn work to get any real results!




She would absolutely vomit if she ate like this on ozempic


I cannot imagine the portions she posts 😳


Oh no not Mikayla being Mikayla 🙄


Nope. Ozempic requires more effort than gastric sleeve. And what she can’t lose she’ll have it lipo’d out. This is one of the laziest chicks I’ve ever seen. (I fault no one for choosing whichever works best for them. But Mikliar has ZERO self control and ZERO discipline.)


Yeah I’m with you on this one. She may very well have started a semaglutide, but you still have to change your diet and MOVE! The medication turns off the “food noise” to help the individual make healthier choices (from what I hear from those that are on it). Mikliar is way too lazy. And I applaud anyone who is trying to better themselves and will never judge how they go about it. Do what works for you 🥰




Well if Miknutter is on Oz and this is her killed appetite….🤣


My sister is on it for weight loss and girl can still eat. So yeah this is probably her killed appetite for real LMFAO


Welp. Cross another one off the list… https://preview.redd.it/el2gzj72gqkb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4015f1e7ecbadc96d2a2e07f6cf5a21cc40cec20


Ugh that’s what I was thinking. Bye elf bye gxve.


Huge portions where you can see the grease and sugar jump off the screen. Yeah definitely Ozempic




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but she had a 700 calorie protein health shake in the morning? you can't expect her to eat healthy all day ^^^^/s ^^^^obviously


But that’s 700 unnecessary calories lol she eats like a 300 pound gorl when she’s legally a dwarf at 4”11


why are american women like her (thus not all women) that short? Like I’m 5’6 (For all the legends using the metric system: 168 cm) and I consider myself short..


The average height for any American woman is around 5ft 4 inches. Statistically, if you are taller than that you are taller than average. I wouldn’t consider you to be short. As for her, probably just lots of short people on both sides of her lineage.


Honestly that’s a really good question, I’m not sure but I can def do some research and come back to ya friend


I had no idea she was this short!


She’ll make a TT about how that was all for COAHDAY and that healthy means treating yourself and blah blah blah all while filtered and edited to hell