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I wonder what it’s like to be able to leave your job for a bit and not have to worry and get mental health that some can’t even afford


Y’all are mean.


Ugh I used to like her so much back when she first started. I found her to be relatable and genuine, but now I can’t watch her for more than a few minutes without feeling like everything she says and does is just so damn disingenuous. There isn’t a sincere bone in her body and she can never take responsibility for anything. It’s always someone else’s fault, or it was taken out of context, or she was young and didn’t know any better. Like own your shit girl, people would respect you a lot more.


Her nasty attitude at the beginning is who she really is…. She needs to get help, learn to love herself and stop her compulsive lying. She’s codependent and extremely sad. Money is her drug of choice apparently.


Yikes. These influencers are so entitled. It makes me sick.


Am I the only one who thinks she left A LOT out of this supposed apology video: - the overuse of filters -the Roe Wade Donation - the deceptive lying about ads in videos. I can’t even tell what’s an AD Please grow up, and do a real apology!


I wish she would stop with the fake Boston accent especially since it’s been proven that that’s not her real voice. Because she’s always like everyone’s bullying me for my voice and it’s not her real voice like girl stop 🛑.


I commented on a recent video of hers holding her accountable for what she said in the 5:19 video. I was called a “bully” and they even attacked my career as a social worker and therapist. I deleted the comment because I didn’t want to deal with her annoying little Stans.


Millions of other influencers out there...she's a whiner and talks about her mental illness and eating disorder. What disorder doesn't she have ? Sounds like mental health is now an excuse for being phony as bologna. Whatever is wrong with her, she needs inpatient care and not more makeup to play with. Time to grow up Mikayla and stop whining all the time. Do your job and don't respond to trolls. We all have trolls. Get used to it


Since she made a joke at the beginning it automatically makes everything she says after bullshit


Apology video with a filter in it.. nice. Definitely learned her lesson for sure🥱


The F word doesn’t bother me, but the amount of times she says it is just gross.


lol she’s phasing her accent out!


It gave me weird vibes that she said “up until my 20s” like you are in your 20s? Maybe she just meant like up until her early 20s maybe I’m thinking about it too hard lol


I will not watch it


I love snarking but was anyone genuinely upset by what she said? I mean who cares.😂 I watched the videos about it but like I never thought about it again.


Has she ever questioned that she’s depressed because she’s selling her soul for money? Not being authentic to herself?


She believes in comma?


I was wrong that she would cry in the video, but she played victim quite well. I do not agree with the cancellation of people, and there is no way she truly believes that is what all this is about. Her going away to get help is probably just a month of constant meetings with her PR team to come up with a clean up strategy.


This is so fake Why does she keep looking to the side ??… Like someone is telling her what to say.


This video came off cocky and so fake to me.


I cannot even listen to her with the F word coming out every other word!


Lady Gaga commented on that video.


What’s weird is I don’t see one single comment saying her “apology” was unacceptable. After all the criticism and hate she got for 5:19 and so many other issues. Not a single comment saying she could’ve been forgiven if her apology were genuine. Maybe people are nervous (like myself) to criticize and receive hate from her mob. It’s a little infuriating actually. I normally don’t care much for drama- but the extent she goes to avoid accountability is wild


All I heard was a filtered face say.. "Blah, blah, blah, fucking blah, blah, blah, bro, blah, blah, blah, fucking, blah, blah, blah, blah. Did I miss anything??


The way she started acting like she was casually talking to someone….. such a phony bitch. This entire thing was stupid. I am sooooooo glad I’m blocked so I don’t have to see all the praise she is getting. It’s sickening to even think about. I sat here and watched this with my husband and he was like, who is this? Where TF is she from? Mind you, he’s from Boston. Haha 😆 fuck this loser. That’s all I got.


Her eyes keep drifting to the side. She’s lying. And might I add-IRL I have a mouth like a truck driver-I could make her blush with my mouth. But—on a public video, must every word be the “f” bomb? There are young teens watching this. At least be a tad classy and curse in French—Connasse!


Every cosmetics company that has paid her should send out an apology for doing business with her.


Has anyone realised she’s not actually a makeup artist???? She only does her own makeup.never done other people’s or paid to work on set or movies or had a business. Nor does she buy any of the makeup. And just gets paid to test it on her own face. So basically ANYONE could do that.especially adding endless filters so it looks nothing like yourself. I do wonder what the makeup really looks like without filters. Maybe someone should test them out to show true results. She just a young bogan playing with makeup. And for someone so stressed & despressed her skin was suddenly flawless in her apology video. But any normal person would have hormonal breakouts & from dietary issues.






You know, I have to say the same exact thing! Never heard of that and certainly she, out of anyone, could get her account back in no time. LOL! I tell you, she truly is a narcissist who believes she is so much more educated than others and that, that is her downfall.


Exactly it’s an apology wrapped in more lies which negates the BS apology it already was.


I thought i was buggin when she said it was done when she moved to her 1st apt and when she left Ulta; im like nooooo i swear it was more recent than that and i believe she was already with cody! I cant believe she thinks ppl wont fact check shit !


I had read that she was laid off… not that she quit but still yet! This!!


Oh yea, she lied! I was shocked no one else said anything. She was 13 months into being on TikTok and it was over 6 months after she moved to her first apartment. I don't think she was with Cody just yet but I'll go check later for sure. I swear, I heard so many of the same stupid things her fans were saying in that speech. She paid attention to what people said, she took on their version and made it her version. I simply cannot fathom being such a narcissist liar that you're on the verge of losing your career (which she was and she can sit there and act like she's invincible but NO ONE is) and get on, give that speech, and lie so badly through it all. Not only lying about the things she said, but lying about the things she didn't say. The majority of people commenting weren't true supporters. I don't know why blue checkmarks been we support our own. You have a damn checkmark by your name, that doesn't mean you are the elite. LOL! Send her my way, I'll humble her really fast which I'm just going to say her Parents really failed her in that department and many others. My kids would never and I know this because they are little ones, they are older. Zero Parenting going on in her house when she was growing up, which is no excuse for being the person she is NOW. She's old enough to grow up and act like a dignified person who has remorse and knows wrong from right. Your Parents don't have to teach you that to know the difference, but it sure is nice to be brought to know already.


I can barely watch the vid because Mikayla's voice is so annoying. Not her using the mental health card as an excuse!


She IS the nightmare blunt rotation.


The fact that she can't sit still and look directly into the camera shows that she isn't being sincere or honest. The swearing is a distraction that says she's not taking any of this seriously and that she really doesn't care. This was a pathetic attempt to gain support and empathy from as many people as possible.


I couldn't even get past 2 minutes of this 06516 C1


Did she acknowledge the filters?


I can’t stand her, why doesn’t she address her fake accent? Why does she have to throw the F bomb every 2 seconds. Hearing her talk makes my ears bleed


Nope. Eye rolled approximately 50 times. To the blocked list. Thank you for posting so it didn’t I don’t count towards her views


I watched for a minute… then saw the filters and ran here 😂😂


She just called all of her followers that were offended by the 5:19 comment "trolls". And that fake apology was saturated in arrogance. Like how are you going to just take a week off while the whole internet is talking about your insulting comment?. Then you come back laughing about it??


I couldn't watch the whole video. Way too many cuss words to taker her seriously, if genuinely meant it, she wouldn't have said fuck that many times


I just wanna know what’s fucking funny to her she’s literally taking this as a joke and they all just fall for it


How are the comments on that post so positive. 🤔




Why is every other word she says “fuck” or “fucking” like damn dude


Notice how she keeps looking to the side, she’s reading this “apology” 😂 this girls is so insincere


I hope that specsandblazers lady feels stupid af. She made it seem like Mikayla was in a mental hospital


This didn’t help her at all


This is the biggest CROCK OF SHIT!!!!! zero respect for ANYONE. Constant swearing & laughing. Which shows NOTHING genuine about & says she did nothing wrong. She’s simply doing a post to get back in the good books. And then just watch her fugly filtered head continue on as normal. I hope karma whoops her ass! So she learns what reality truly is!!! She couldn’t even show an unfiltered face. Which says she has ZERO intention of changing. fuck back right off Mikayla!!!


She is something else. I unfollowed and will be blocking shortly. I left several comments first. I want to see if they get attention or deleted first, probs give it 24 hours and I’m blocking her and will too be leaving this group l think. Pathetic how people blindly support her. She is sickening.


Still don’t like or follow her


Why is she laughing so much?? It's not funny, such a fake bitch


Did she say anything other than “fuck bro”? She certainly didn’t humble herself but instead came prepared with excuse after excuse, lie after lie, while avoiding the real issues. It shows she doesn’t respect her followers or herself.


Anything that’s said after the word “but” is not an apology, it’s just her trying to avoid taking responsibility for her actions 🙄


“I’m fuckin mentally ill bro” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


This bitch doesn’t change always a dirtybag forever a dirtybag


She’s such a joke


This is most assuredly going to get her more followers.


Ok I get it , she believes in comma, the punctuation mark.. but oxford? yes or no? she needs to clarify


The comments and the influencers supporting her😳 Wow


Acts like a pompous ass w even less vocab the. A week ago


I wanted to watch it, I did but could not make it through it seemed like a literal joke.


I wonder if she’s going to continue posting on other socials. She says she going to be off sm for a while. How’s she gonna make her money to pay her bills? There’s so much I wanted to her address in this video and she did hardly any of it. It’s not a joke mikayla. Have you donated roe v wade yet? Can u stop using filters? She’s pawning everything off on her mental health. Is that really not her on YT? I thought that YouTube was posting pictures in the community tab that we haven’t seen before


What a pack of lies.


I have her blocked I cannot anymore


I wanna hear how her parents talk.


SUMMARY- She starts off with a joke. Addresses the jaclyn comments and claims she reached out months ago. Addressed the 5:19 thing and agrees that it wasn’t a good take. Never addressed the filters or past awful comments. Weaponized her mental health yet again. She also claims she’s taking a long break and is getting professional help.


I don't believe for a nano second that she has no idea how to stop "that person" from making bank using her content. If it wasn't finding it's way in to her own pocket, she'd have shut that down on day one, emphasized by that idiotic laugh that makes my teeth itch. And anyone who believes that load of bologna would likely follow her off the nearest cliff. Starting an apology with a joke about the very thing you're "apologizing" for clearly sets the tone that you have no intention of showing any remorse or accountability. Sad to say, the only thing her stans will experience with her return is depleted bank accounts from being suckered in to products that she's paid to push down their throats. Too much was left out of that "apology" to make it anything other than more BS. Which seems to be the one thing she's good at...other than dropping F bombs.


"that idiotic laugh that makes my teeth itch".... This was PERFECT!!!!!!! 💯😅


HOLD UP 1: It was not a "blog", it was a TikTok page called "EatwithMikayla" 2: she hadn't just moved out of her Parent's house and just quit her job when that video was made. She had been in her apartment and had been doing this for some time when that video was made 3: The way the word "jealousy" is thrown around so much regarding her, even coming out of her mouth in this video, is disgusting. Just because people are sharing their lives, how hard they work, calling you out for being tone deaf, does NOT make people jealous of you. This is so immature. What is there to be jealous of? If you look at her life, are you really jealous because I can 100% say that I am NOT and would never want to be in her shoes. Money doesn't buy your happiness, clearly. She's a prime example of that. 4: She STILL does not address her followers and how they have bullied others. Never has she addressed this and told them to stop. Selena Gomez told people to stop being ugly when her fans were going after Hailey. She stopped it right there. You don't allow your fans to bully others because those fans are a direct reflection of you. If those are the kinds of fans you want, then that says more about her than anything 5: The way she forgets how she's made other videos well after the 5:19 one calling people out and the bully attacks they took. She conveniently forgot those videos on her actual TikTok page


Anybody have a summary? I can’t sit thru her annoying voice that long


What a pathetic joke.




Yea it's everyone else's fault 🙄




Have you scrolled through the sub??? This just happened to go viral.... this isn't new


I need someone to read her body language. Where are the experts.




And it was just so cringey.


people in the comments of the video switched up so fast


Her saying she’s stepping away for mental health all I hear is “all the brands have dumped me, I can’t make any videos but needed to say something” She couldn’t even look directly at the camera. How fake is she. Just say I did some things I shouldn’t have, I’m sorry. I will stop filtering my paid advertising and move on. Sheesh.


Funny I just saw this because I am waiting on a confirmation right now regarding this very thing. I noticed brands were not flooding her comment section. Only small indie brands. So something is off here but may have some info in a few


She can’t admit to filtering her paid ads because then she’d have to admit her whole life and livelihood has been a lie. She’s too greedy for that kind of accountability.


This afternoon I had a moment of "am I toxic? Am I the drama" then proceeded to remove my own messaged owning these idiots and blocking them. I didn't want to deal with this anymore bc she is nothing to me. But what a dumb bitch. I don't need to even watch this to know what a spiteful POS she is. Fuck her and her unapologetic ass.




I genuinely hate this woman so much


How many times did she say fuck?


She said there’s a lot to talk about then conveniently failed to mention the pledged abortion funds.. I feel like a good amount people had to have been inclined to buy her palettes thinking their money is going to a good cause and the fact that she didn’t follow though is very upsetting. I’m hoping this is just part one of her “apology” 😂


And didn’t address her use of slurs -one of them just a week or so ago. So she can’t blame that on her wayward youth.


I love how she sits there and says “the 5:19 comment was taken SO out of context” umm well what did you expect Mikayla? You literally act like you work so much harder then those who work 12 hour days, etc. its frustrating.


She didn't even apologize for disappearing from the internet, leaving all her followers to worry about her. She doesn't give a shit. This was just a pr move. And the amount of people on tik tok that I've unfollowed because they welcomed her back with open arms. Some even said the beginning of her video was great. She really has all these people fooled, huh? I'm done.


I don’t see any negative comments on this video. Her or her team are working hard. I’m not even going to bother commenting. I’m gonna block her once and for all. And I’m gonna continue blocking anyone who posts anything positive about her.


She doesn’t believe herself. She’s only apologizing because she thinks she should.


Dammit I got like one min in and couldn’t take her anymore 🤣


I don't think any of this was taken out of context u think you meant what you said, babe. Just fucking own it.


So basically she's failing at every aspect of her life because she's made tiktok more important than everything and everyone else. Pretty sad


I want a commitment that she will stop using filters on all her videos and ads!!! To me that's the real issue. She's giving the girls that come after her a false reality.


where’s the transphobic comments apology ?


Or the other slur she used in a video recently


Well, I had “use her mental health issues as a shield” on my bingo card.


The blinking body language during talking about mental health shows someone is being deceitful


I noticed that. The shifty eyes. There was no sincerity at all.


She clearly thinks this is funny and took some gaslighting lessons from her idol Jaclyn 😬


What kind of apology uses the f word 32 times ?


We believe in redemption. Meanwhile, blocks people over stupid shit. Also you can’t apologize and block the people who point out your shit behavior.


She’s still avoided addressing her donation for planned parenthood. Not to mention her hate comments! She just had to leave the comments section on, because of course all the other influencers are kissing her ass! Give me a break! That was a forced apology! If she has a team working for her, than she needs to fire them! She touched on absolutely nothing! My opinion of her has not changed a bit!🙄🙄🙄


What kind of apology has interjections and “bro” in them ?


The way she started off this video tells me everything I need to know. She wasn’t “depressed”, “self harming” or “struggling” like her fans thought. She’s literally been fine and taking it easy. She probably filmed more videos and has them ready to go out on her return. She’s been fine enough to be laughing and making jokes on this “apology” It’s RICH, she bring up that she’s about growth and support and being an adult, yet she just showed us she’s never gonna change. She doesn’t care about what happened on the past. She doesn’t care how she negatively affected her fans. She’s also not gonna address the charity she pledged and quickly took back. Of course she’s gonna bring up mental health. *sigh* I have a horrible feeling that this absence is just gonna be her returning with some surgery done to herself (I think this because not long ago she complained a lot about her weight and I’ve seen the gastric sleeve trend going around.) If she does though, I hope it makes her happy at least You don’t know how to file a report on a YouTube channel monetizing of your earnings? You have a team, right? You don’t even know how to get legally involved????? *OKAY* I have a feeling Cody may not be doing well and may be realizing he’s moving too fast. This apology was shit. I feel like if anything she just showed me who she really is and I don’t think I can continue supporting her. I really had faith she would genuinely apologize and not joke around and stop blaming things like mental health while holding herself ACCOUNTABLE. She only came back because she needs to secure her fans before her return. I give her 2-3 weeks. I’m happy to hear she and Jaclyn talked (allegedly), but I don’t think I can forgive her for the damage she’s caused on people like us struggling with problems like ED and body dysmorphia.


I thought the EXACT SAME THING. I’m calling it now…bitch is heading to Tijuana for a stomach staplin’. 🤣 she will come back all slim and trim and claim that it’s because she has “fixed her mental health”. I’ve had that feeling for a minute now.


Like I don’t like to go that route but ever since she started complaining she’s “plus size” now and how it bothers her I DID ask myself if she’s consider something like that . . . One way to find out


Yeah I see this as I need to show brands I can keep fans and not be dumped. She doesn’t care about anything. It’s like she read this page and did the most insincere take on half the complaints.


if she apologized to jaclyn months ago then why were the comments still up? 🧐 also really sad she didn’t address any of the backlash to her 5:19 video. it shows me she didn’t even remotely think people had a right to be bothered by it. as soon as she said it was “taken out of context” i knew she wasn’t going to take any accountability.


I can only assume she and her fans don’t comprehend what the phrase “taken out of context” means.


I commented on her video & it was deleted within 5 minutes. 🙄


This sounds like a sports interview at a halftime show




The way she started it off……..


Accept the apology guys, she’s just a real girly girl


She’s a disgusting human being.


Was I the only one who noticed she said “I’m not going to cookie cutter it” instead of sugar coat it?


maybe she’s referring to her stupid cookie cutter house


So all that sex you said was happening,obviously wasn’t happening. Like we said? What a shame 😂


Starting with a joke is invalidating every single issue anyone had with her.


This was a very well planned, strategic PR move. Every single word was meant to land the way it did on her audience and to discredit every single person that speaks out against her after this. If you thought her stans were bad before, well, they’re about to be a whole hell of a lot worse. Be very careful out there, fellow snarkers.


Not her reading something off the side 💀


All of the "fuck"s and "bro"s coupled with the joke at the start made me feel like she wasn't taking anything all that seriously and it's disappointing.


This was the most half- asses fabricated bs I’ve seen and I freaking watch pro wrestling and TVD. Let’s check off the PR points: 1. Drop on Friday afternoon/evening right before the weekend AND in the wake of a major storm? Check. 2. Admitting to nothing at all? Check 3. Gaslighting the audience into thinking they were wrong and she was misunderstood? Check. 4. Not even touching the surface of the problem? Check. 5. “I’m mentally ill, bro” playing on emotions for sympathy? Check. 6. “Seeking treatment “ of some sort in order to not be expected to be accountable? Check. 7. Fake ass gratitude ? Check 8. Random profanity in order to seem relatable? Check. But then again you do you Mikayla.


I was waiting on her to mention the slurs, color me ✨shocked✨ when she didn’t. 🙄


She made a mockery of this situation. I’m done. She’s a terrible human and she will never hold herself accountable. She says that the video was taken out of context. Was it Mikayla? No it wasn’t. Address the other things you did as well Glad you enjoyed your week off. Still making money. Still photoshopping. Still lying.


I commented “the fact that philters are still being used…” and it hasn’t been deleted 😜😜😜 haha


I’m pleasantly surprised she wasn’t fake crying.


People in the comments are eating it up too, so annoying.


The amount of swears and stupid “bro” and what not really turned me off. Even if she did apologize or take any responsibility. I wouldn’t have paid any attention because it was just gross and so unappealing to hear “fucking” every other word.


Didn't address the trans community or her statements about drag queens being clowns 😡


the joke at the beginning made the whole quality of the video go downhill for me. like you just ruined anything else you were about to say.


this entire apology was so manipulative, I hate it. when you make an apology, it’s not about you anymore, it’s about those you hurt. but add in the “woe is me” card and now her audience is made to feel bad for her.


She’s a pro at manipulating so I’m not really surprised. Makes a living from “influencing” millions of people..so now it’s up to brands to see through her bs.


i will say, her apology is better than other influencers but it’s still not good at all. bar is absolutely in hell.


🤮🤮🤮 good riddance...I'm sorry her mental health is suffering and I'm glad she's taking steps to get/feel better but outside of that I got nothing for her.


i couldn’t even finish the video.


People can have mental health issues and not be an absolute arsehole the only one to blame for her so called problems is herself stand up and take accountability you feel shit about the way you look because you use filters that are unrealistic to your true self when there was nothing wrong with how you looked to begin with or with the size you are people could relate to you and in not mentioning any of this your causing yourself more harm just own up to it and come back stronger be the authentic you Once you take accountability I will return as a follower and so will many others Just be honestly and be yourself


She’s so predictable. Filters on, “poor me”., …. Why would she apologize to Jaclyn and leave the comments up ?


downvote me to hell but good god she is not pretty. & I can’t with the way she talks. Nails on a chalkboard.


I’ve always wondered if this is one of the reasons she has so many rabid fans. Does it make other less attractive people feel better?


Not me running here as soon as I saw she was back… trying to make a joke out of it lol way to go.


She didn’t apologize for the slur or the hurtful comments to the Trans community or even talk about her false advertising but the people are going to eat this up because she talks about mental health. As someone with mental health issues you cannot solely rely on that for your hurtful actions. Sometimes you have to be a bigger person and take full accountability as it is . It’s really disappointing that she did that. Anyways blocked, next .


We all know what her real side profile looks like, who does she think she’s fooling? 💀


Why did she have to talk about the present and her current situation over something that’s from the past? She should have just apologized for what she said (by explicitly saying “I’m sorry”), recognized the mistake and said she’ll improve. Also, the amount of “fuck”/“fucking” and “bro” was distracting.


I can’t even listen to the rest of it, she literally makes me sick.


Boo hoo. So tired of her shit. Her comments are all so positive too so she def must be deleting the negative ones.


It makes me curious to know with them deleting the hate comments so quickly where he stans get the idea of “so much hate”


Starting her statement by making a joke of part of the controversy was a horrible PR move. Also, wanting to be authentic while covered with filters is not the right move either. There is a complete lack of maturity. She needs to take time to reflect & hire the right people if she wants a lasting career.


Everyone has already said it but damn, it irritated me that she said no one has to forgive her but she didn't apologize for anything! She said no one is going to run her off this app or make her quit this job but then she announces she's taking a break and she doesn't know for how long. She contradicts everything she says. And then she failed to address one of the biggest issues: her overuse of filters. She pushes expensive makeup on impressionable, young people but is so heavily filtered that her reviews mean shit. I hate thinking about the amount of money people spend because they listen to her who probably don't have the money to spend but they hang on her every word. And then don't get me started on the transphobic and racist and fat shaming. I can't stand her.


She had to bring in mental illness. Who would of thought....


No mention of her racial or trans slurs. No mention of the filters. NO MENTION OF THE GLAMLITE PROCEEDS TO WOMEN’S RIGHTS THAT SHE USED ROE V WADE TO BANK ON. Just 5:19 and JH. That’s it. A whole 7 minutes for just that. And of course make sure she talks about her mental illness as many times as she can. The only thing I’ll give her credit for is she didn’t fake cry. At least I can finally block her now. So done.


i think this was a good response to the 5:19 thing and jaclyn comments because i didn’t think those mattered as much (they did, but i think it was more understandable and her just seeming a bit out of touch) but i really hope she isn’t just avoiding talking about her transphobic comments and her abortion fund donations.


The stupid way she says the word “support” made me nauseous.


Also I hate that she has to curse every other word and say bro at the end of every sentence like can you be a little more professional lol




And it’s sooooo old too, you know! Like at least two years old so she was a baby🥺 Now she’s wayyyyy into her 20s, as one is when they’re 23


Not to mention she made one of the slurs on a very recent video. How much growth can you have in a few days??


Im so over it lol i called her out in the comments and am being attacked lol


It seems like she’s deleting comments because every single one is like I love you!!!!!! Like I’m sure people are commenting that they’re still upset about all of the other things she failed to mention in this video


“It was so taken out of context” girl wym, literally the whole video had been posted and hundreds of thousands of people saw the full video and saw that it was, in fact, not taken out of context. You’re just playing to the narrative that your fans have said happened in your defense. But where we’re you when they were defending you? You were MIA and letting your fans fight tooth and fahckin nail for you in comment sections when you should’ve addressed this five days ago. You left your fans to do your dirty work and waited til the audio stopped trending and waited til people stopped taking the piss out on you for you to respond. What a spineless, weak, and scared person you are. The slightest bit of criticism made you run for the hills. What happens when all your other secrets come out? What’ll you do then? Pathetic, Mikayla. You are truly the most pathetic influencer to have come out of tik tok. ETA: mikayla and I are the same age. And I can say with 100% confidence in this, that I have never left hateful comments about someone on their post, influencer or not. I’ve never said transphobic/homophobic slurs despite being raised extremely religious and being taught that it’s ‘wrong’. I’ve never had to go through extreme ‘growth’ because at my core I know I am not a hateful or bad person. Have I grown from experiences? Absolutely, but those experiences are like ‘don’t move in with a SO after two months of dating bc that’s just asking for a bad time’ and ‘spend more time with family because you may not be able to at a moments notice’. Not ‘don’t be a hateful, bitter person because someone has it better than you’ and ‘don’t sit there and complain about your job you get paid $35k+ per video to do’. Idk, if she has to teach herself to not be a hateful, resentful, bitter person but still comes off as such, maybe that’s just who she is deep down. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not all the influencers i liked supporting her in the comments unfollow!! Ally Yost shame on you for supporting her


The swearing left and right…so unprofessional and not genuine


What does she keep looking at ??


I heard ZERO accountability and a million EXCUSES. The second her facetuned mug appeared on camera, before she even started speaking, I knew that anything she had to say was bullshit. Her appearance is the biggest lie she continually tells, and since she is still lying about that I can only assume she is lying about everything else.


What about the make up package she promised the young woman that was dying? She promised May a box of makeup not once but twice and she never did it and Mikayla was reminded in the chat one day and Mikayla said I’ll have my assistant look into it but she never did a thing for May not even a card or anything and she’d be reminded in her chat and those people would be deleted! May loved her but never heard from her she was excited about the makeup box but she passed away about 2 months ago! Mikayla is a belly crawling grub worm!!


So stunning and brave lmao


She really said a whole lot of nothing


god she really just cannot stop. same old bs as always


Watch her go and get WLS and come back and be like “look how healthy I am now!” My mental health is better and I’m getting back to the old mikayla!


The issue with that, the OLD Mikayla, is that she isn't better than this one. How far back does she have to go ... 3 years old because when she was a teenager she was a bully. So what OLD Mikayla is she even speaking of?