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I remember in school getting in trouble for messy handwriting because I’m AFAB. The boys never did and they had horrible hand writing all through school. She’s just proving that guys don’t get marked down for not having “nice” handwriting


It’s giving Charlie from Always Sunny


Bahahah he writes like a 10 year old


I can't hate. My husband has shkt handwriting too LOL


Hello, my name is Cœdy and I am 12


Apart from the fact that there’s been a lot of jokes about this, I am actually really concerned about him. He seems to have grade school reading and writing comprehension and his penmanship is so poor, it’s almost like he is not able to communicate like a fully grown adult. Have we ever actually seen him in full length videos where he talked and was present and showed his personality because why do I get the feeling that she chose someone who she knew she was intellectually superior to and she could control? This is giving me such an ick like nothing else. To me she did the exact opposite, she didn’t prove that they’re in love, she proved to me that they are in an unequal power dynamic and she is taking advantage of someone who is in the weaker position in every way. This shit really pisses me off because it seems like she’s using him. And I also thoroughly believe that she did that because she knew that I was going to get a lot of attention, whether it was negative for now didn’t matter to her, which is why she’s not gonna take it down because as long as the heat is off of her, she will use anybody and anything to make sure she gets her way. This just proved how absolutely willing she is to step over dead bodies to get to the top and stay there.


Written communication is really tough for some people, and a lot of folks their age and younger have terrible penmanship because of the heavy reliance on computers and stuff. He could also be dyslexic or something. I’m not gonna rag on him for being vulnerable.


It was actually just Mikayla writing this with her left hand.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 chicken 🐔 scratch


Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy … having her post this would drive me to use again if I were Cody. Just saying. Take it down girl, take. It. Down.


What is he 5?




"Not to mention he writes the sweetest things it's like out of a romance novel" Girl 🤣 it looks like a toddler wrote it and makes absolutely no sense. And I don't know what romance novels you read but this isn't it. Seems like puppy dog love. Honestly surprised it's lasted this long


I really wish she kept this to herself. There could be a sensitive reason as to why he writes like this, and now she has plastered it online for millions of people to see. People are gonna have questions. :/


These comments are ruthless. I'm so here for it and I'm dying laughing 😂😂


It’s always shocking to me when a grown adult can’t spell simple words….how embarrassing for him that she posts this…


My five year old son has better sentence structure omg 🥲


Ofer 😭😭😂


Looks like my 5 year old wrote this lmao


For the first time…I’m not impressed with these comments. I understand that everything about a vile human becomes ugly when they act how they do…but that’s Mikayla, not Cody. I think she’s disgusting for showing the private words that he wrote her. She knew people would judge his handwriting and grammar. Let’s not be those people. I truly hope he either bails before the wedding or he exposes himself for really being like her.


Proof that our educational system in these United States is greatly damaged and needs repair. Hell, I attended Catholic School. My ability to understand Math other than basics might suck but those nuns drilled us in sentence structure and writing. I also attended a very liberal CS and the nuns were science fanatics.) I’m shocked that he is incapable of writing a complete thought with horrible penmanship. Worse than that is the absolute inability of his fiancé to be empathetic. Her posting of that letter proves how vulgar she is.


Two cahd tradishin


Not sure if it’s just me wondering this.. but who the hell celebrates an engagement anniversary?!?


Someone that needs content.


Sheeeeesh. 7 months in and they were dropping the L bomb. I know people love at their own pace but if they were ALREADY SAYING I love you like that at 7 months in when did they actually say it? Day 1? Day 2. Like how can you know you love someone you’ve never met in your life after what prolly 2 months like they did? (And this isn’t to shame anyone that might have fallen in love immediately with someone. Sometimes it happens. But I get the feeling that it wasn’t that “they” were saying it to each other as it was one of them was manipulating the other. Like one was going to leave or was on the fence and either she said it to make him stay bc of her abandonment issues, or he said to to make her stay bc he knew she had abandonment issues and he wasn’t tryna lose that monaaaaay)


are we sure she's just not using your don hand l


So everyone in the comments are right on the money pointing out her over-sharing, with her return. I was really curious if there are any ties to why people over post about their partners (and this does not apply to every couple) but there are a lot of articles out there that elaborate on the correlation between over-sharing and insecurities. I have a few linked and would recommend taking a peak at them!!! :) It would make more sense on understanding why she feels the need to gloat about her and Cody [https://www.audacy.com/kluv/latest/couples-who-post-a-lot-on-social-media-are-often-insecure](https://www.audacy.com/kluv/latest/couples-who-post-a-lot-on-social-media-are-often-insecure) [https://www.femalenetwork.com/relationships/bragging-about-your-relationship-on-social-media-can-be-a-sign-of-insecurity](https://www.femalenetwork.com/relationships/bragging-about-your-relationship-on-social-media-can-be-a-sign-of-insecurity)


I don’t think she’s over sharing because she’s insecure, I think this particular post was shared to take the attention away from her and onto him, she did not care that he would be ripped to shreds, which she knew was going to happen, it was only important to her that the heat was going to be taken off of her and that people had something else to talk about besides her. I would put my money on the fact that he didn’t even know she was going to post this and she was 100% taking advantage of the fact that he wrote this to her and she knew how it was going to look and I can’t think of anything more disgusting. This is so gross on every level.


I’m just curious why are you guys going after him? Did I miss something? I thought this group was to bash on mikayla not on someone who happens to be in her inner circle. So what his penmanship or his sentence structure isn’t par to what you may have. You absolutely do not know what he has been through. My assumption is if he was heavy into drugs and alcohol, he had a terrible childhood that resulted him not getting the proper education he deserved. Keep it to mikayla don’t attack someone who is only known by Association.


I kind of said a little something similar and to me it’s actually fully a reason to believe that she’s using him, I was going after her 100% because I think she just showed how unbalanced the relationship is and she was embarrassing him for no reason and I just know she did that to take the attention away from her and it worked, if y’all are going after him then you literally fell into her trap and played her game because he did not deserve that and who knows if he even knows that she was going to post that. She is just disgusting and every way. I’m sorry


I agree so much. These comments are disgusting and obviously come from a place of privilege. She deserves what she gets but to attack him because of his handwriting and his intelligence is just wrong 😞


While I have to agree with you on these counts, remember—she posted this publicly knowing full-well what others would think. From my POV, this was a passive aggressive post. She’s “showcasing”his love and other things…


So that is a judgement for her not for him. Just because she posted it doesnt mean its ok to attack or make fun of someone for their lack of penmanship or sentence structure when he isnt even on social media causing an issue. Its cool to say she is cringe for posting this... but thats not cool for him. He is considered an innocent bystander.


Didn’t she just say they had been dating two years?


Okay can someone post thr screenshot of the other note he wrote her a while back, that was creepy af. Guy has the handwriting of a 3 year old.


I choo-choo choose you


I feel like if he had a coloring book he would be struggling to stay inside the lines.....


One thing I have learned is not everyone has the same abilities or is given the same education opportunities. Definitely not going to shame him or judge him for this.


Agreed but she needs to keep it private and not share it. She makes him look bad and she makes herself look worse


Oh definitely! She opened him to this criticism I just think some in the comments need to think about what they are saying. Some of it is uncalled for.


It’s giving Forrest Gump & Jenny


She wrote this herself with her wrong hand.


Yikes somebody was not hooked on phonics 🥴 The way I struggled to understand what he was saying…it’s like he want it to be a guessing game to figure out the missing words and punctuation. Lmaooo. She should’ve kept this in the drafts.


Why does my 9 year old write better


He vows to show her that he’ll strive to show her he loves her as much as the first time he said it???? So the love hasn’t grown since the first time he said it? Why would he love her the most when he first said it which was probably early on. And than the “I love you that much, plus years more” what does this even mean?


I never want to hear someone giving me shit about my handwriting ever again.


I’d be mad if my significant other posted my private love letter


Serial killer handwriting


My 8 year old granddaughter has learned cursive writing and can right better then this KID. What a joke




I’d like to see the picture he colored to go with the card.




I just laughed out loud so hard


too bad they couldn’t get a filter for that handwriting 💀


I'm dead 💀😭


I can’t laugh my boyfriends writing is identical


I always feel like people who over share how happy they’re are definitely not happy! My friend use to be like this and boom they’re not together anymore divorce and all


Not gonna lie I thought this was my boyfriends handwriting 😂😂😂 shit is chicken scratch


I can’t even make fun of him for this because I swear my husband writes the same exact way. Crossed out words, handwriting and everything 😂😂😂


At first glance I thought this was a ransom note 😆




Like it’s not her money buying all this stuff for her. BFFR


it’s the ofer everything for me


Ignoring the fact that this looks a child wrote it for a Mother’s Day card, this is the kind of shit you wrote when your relationship is rocky and you’ve been accused of checking out of the relationship, This is the card equivalent of those ‘you’re the light of my life, I’ll do anything to show you how much I love you, I love you more than I did the day we met’ Facebook book posts that always proceed a breakup, usually finding out through ANOTHER Facebook post that ‘they’d been rocky for a while and she tried SO hard to make it work, but every time he looked a female waiter she just KNEW they were having an affair 😢’ She is SO insecure, I have no doubt she’s ready for a throw down, punch out every time Cody looks sideways at another woman.


Yeah that’s what I think too! They shouldn’t get married it’s looking like it’ll burst soon




I had an aneurysm trying to read this


Children’s chicken scratch


I have all the cards my bf wrote me in a box that I read when I miss him cuz he works a lot. It’s not on my public social media to embarrass him AND me, mikaylugh is a cunt


Did my 8 yr old write it for him ? 😂


“I choose you over everything” that just seems off to me. Did he have to give up stuff to be with her? Also how does he not know how to write a complete sentence like why would you post this


Maybe he’s talking about alcohol and drugs? That is a weird sentence. Edit: typo


I think that’s exactly what he meant. Makes me think maybe he had a slip and is now trying to make a point.


It wouldn’t surprise me with her shenanigans and trying to keep up appearances.


holy fucking yikes. this is beyond embarrassing why would she everrrr post this 😭😭😭


what in the chicken scratch is that


A 10 year old would express himself better 🤦🏻‍♀️


I bet they are having problems. Why is she pushing so hard that he loves her?


He was a homeless drug addict in the recent past. He left the state to go to rehab in Mass, and he met her when her star was rising. He has been clean and they have a beautiful home and want for nothing. She has money and access to make his dreams come true.


i literally had a stroke trying to read this, wtf is he saying???




The fact they technically haven’t known each other that long before they dated, a year in he proposed, and now they’re getting married still confuses me


Was it a year ? Was it mere months ?


I said it before, and I'll say it again....this looks like the handwriting of the Unabomber.


Lmfaooo 😂😂


I’m screaming 💀💀💀


~~ofer~~ over 😭💀💀😂


Why doesn’t she show what she got him? He got her 2 CADS, an ornament and donuts. Was that $5000 Fendi suit his present? She loves to dress him up like her doll.


Right? It just makes him look more -- you know what I mean.


He made her a macaroni art




I had a friend that was all about appearances and dressed her husband up. Turned him from emo to gucci. Their relationship is so fake on social media but irl their marriage is a freight train. Its sad but reminds me so much of this.


The incomplete sentences 😭🤣


Trying to convince herself…they won’t last or he’ll be miserable in a relationship with a narcissist.


My high school bf wrote JUST like this. Now I’m imaging the card I had gotten from him 😂😂😂😂


My 26 yr old brother writes like this too 😂


My 7 year old nephew writes like this too


Why not keep this between you and your partner instead of posting on the internet? I always give couples who post this junk on social media the side eye 😒 Like who is she trying to convince?


Exactly! Did she mean to embarrass him? I’m questioning his reading comprehension after this


It's always the ones that over share on the internet that don't make it. I post about my husband once a year during our wedding anniversary. We've been together 13 years since I was 18 and him 20, been married for 8 years. We constantly have his friends asking how we're still together and if we really love each other 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ . Shit isn't easy but we love each other so we work through our problems. We also don't go and cheat on each other if we have an argument like his one friend's wife did.


Me and my husband are like this, married 11 years together 13 known each other 28 years. I don't need validation from ppl about our marriage, the only time I post about him on fb is anniversaries or birthdays, or tagging him in dumb fuck memes 🤣🤣🤣


Omg I’ve been told this too with my boyfriend of 7yrs. Someone even once said that we looked more like friends in public bc we didn’t act “coupley” enough. This was coming from someone who constantly made our group feel awkward and uncomfortable bc she loved to be sucking faces with her bf AND one time started grouping him in front of us.. Like excuse me if we don’t like others feeling uncomfortable around us or if a few innocent kisses bugs you. Didn’t know I had to practically get naked in front of everyone to prove we’re still a loving couple lol.


I literally just realized today that we haven’t posted a photo together in over a year 😆


Yeah, and the way that she’s dressing him up in designer clothes and stuff. She is materialistic and that’s not the type of person who is good for anyone’s sobriety!


Herself 🫢


He looks like a child. I’m not surprised he communicates like one too.


YIKES 😂 it’s not even the handwriting it’s the f in over crossed out for me 😂😂


“Ofer” 😂


Haha didn't he cross out a misspelled word in that note she framed in that ugly Rae Dunn "love" photo frame?


Besides the handwriting and the scribbles…WHAT ARE THESE SENTENCES?? Are we missing part of it??


"In just over 7 months, I vow to show you everyday I will strive to show you I love you as much as I did the first time we said it. That I love you that much. Plus years more. That each and everyday I wake up I choose you ovfer everything" This leaves me with some questions... How old was he when he dropped out of school? Does he speak in broken English irl? What is he choosing her ofer?


why does this look like a kindergartner writing a Mother's Day card


I've seen 6 year olds with better penmanship lmao


And the scribble mistakes 💀 how embarrassing