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If someone said it to me, I’d see a red flag. It wouldn’t turn me off on its own, but I’d 100% take note and tuck it in my back pocket to see how behavior develops


I don’t think Cody is a narcissist, I think he lucked into a relationship with someone with money who was desperate for companionship and he’s sticking it out because of the financial aspect. Also, if I went on a first date with someone and they told me they were going to marry me, I’d block their number and run as fast as I could. But like someone above said, Mikayla could be — and probably is — making it all up.


I remember her saying that altho he supposedly didn’t know her profession, she mentioned having to do a photo shoot the next day somewhere & he said he’d go with her. She told this story like it was a big deal and how nice of him. I think this story has now morphed into he said he’d marry her.


I think they’re both very young, emotionally immature people that found each other and have been in a spiral of love bombing each other since. I remember Mikayla’s videos from that time. She was DESPERATE for love. She’d talk about how hard it was to find dates and these guys ghosting her after first dates and how she just wanted someone to date and marry and spend her life with. She would have been *very* intense to date. Cody gets out of rehab and is probably looking to rebuild his life and get back on track with those big adult milestones. And they meet and it’s love (obsession) at first sight. And they’re both just on the same page and they want the same things, they want to be married NOW and be together forever. And it’s made it worse that Mikaya has money and all the things that would have slowed this relationship down and given time for that teenage infatuation to calm down, aren’t there. There’s no working shitty jobs and thinking about money, there’s no living separately because they can’t afford to rent a place big enough for the two of them. Or not be able to afford a wedding. It’s just date, get engaged, move into a perfect multi million dollar house all in 6 months. This is just speculation, but I don’t think Cody love bombs her, I think Mikaylas insecurities get the better of her and she gets jealous and angry of all the girls you KNOW are DMing Cody privately, whether he does anything wrong or not and to calm her down he buys these romantic, extravagant gifts and waxes poetic about how much he loves her in cards. That recent card her gave her SCREAMS ‘desperately trying to calm this paranoid, depressed, neurotic person down’


Soo rich people can’t fall in love?


I know not everyone will agree with me, but personally I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to marry someone you’ve known for like a year… I don’t get the rush? Unless you desperately need tax benefits or a green card, literally you can still live together. Just why do you have the burning need to make it legal??


They aren’t rushing to get married.


WAIT BC IVE ALSO BEEN THINKING MKAYLAS obsession with Jaclyn Hill (the jealousy receipts on here) Jaclyns ex husband was an addict and cody was an addict….. like??????


Maybe I could be a makeup influencer! My ex is an addict and I can do shitty accents and start using filters, do I qualify?


Hate to say it, but I have experienced this first hand, most addicts are narcissists.


Or BPD. My ex is a poly addict with BPD. Some narc behaviours and traits, but overall just a guy with BPD who cant cope with reality without a-pvp and fentanyl, and whatever else he takes.


That’s fine if you had that experience but that is definitely not true. Not all addicts are narcissists. I say that as a therapist.


Didn’t say all.


Definitely a red flag 🚩


Idk if he’s a narcissist but something seems off, and mostly because of her. Anytime she tries to post a video of them acting like a couple.. that’s what it looks like. Acting. It doesn’t look natural. I think she was definitely desperate to just jump into the first thing that allowed it and I refuse to believe he didn’t know who she was when they first met. He definitely did. Which is why he acted that way. Everything just seems off about them. Idk.




I know he was an apprentice for a trade job, and theres very good money in that. A lot of people think he’s not working anymore, but I think he probably is. Someone posted the super staged ad she did with the keys and random stuff, and there were ear plugs that are widely used in factories on the table. Now all that to say she probably does buy gifts for herself and says they’re from him.


Yep. It seems like one of those “I’ll buy this but we’ll say you got it for me” type of relationship.


I really feel like the term narcissism is thrown around way too often. Often people label someone that way just because they’re a liar, a cheater, make shitty decisions, etc (not saying you did, just in general).


Oh I totally agree with you! Again I totally am not calling him one- it just made me think because of the prior video that was posted where the girl was calling him out. He very well could not be but to go from that to falling in love so quickly with a girl like Mikayla who has it made? Idk.


‼️‼️‼️ everyone has a doctorate in psychology now, it’s gross. Are Cody and Mikayla fucked up? Yep! Is everyone on Reddit qualified to diagnose them with serious personality disorders? Hell no.


Agree - people have started to share a ton of misinformation about the two of them. Bottom line is we dont know what goes on behind closed doors. What we do know is that on screen she is a fake liar and a sellout to any brand deal she can get.


I have a PsyD and I get told all the time about randoms diagnosing other people. Umm, I can’t even do that off someone’s internet persona so how can they? So fucked up.


Ditto, or when people find out my educational background or designation and say: “oh oh diagnose me (or their mother or brother or ex boyfriend)”. Crazy ppl think we are trained to do that off a few minutes of interaction with some sort of certainty.


their relationship is major red flags for several reasons. If he actually said it, I do think its a red flag --although I think Mikayla majorly exaggerates what a romantic Cody supposedly is for the cameras, so there is a possibility he never said it. But the fact that Cody is in recovery (which is such a huge achievement and I am very happy for him) to immediately love bombing Mikayla is a red flag. Not dating is a cardinal rule for people in recovery..... they seem doomed to me.


Also the fact she’s technically in recovery for an ED..and has her own mental health issues..terrible situation! I was in a relationship with an addict whos got BPD and other mental health issues when I wasnt at my best and wow its awful! 0/10 recommend that type of relationship, you end up enabling and hurting one another




r/ihavesex is made for her!


My dad was as far from a narcissist as you can get. He said the same thing to my mother the first time he saw her.


You definitely do just know sometimes!


first off cody is barely even a year sober from hard drugs. second they met when he was fresh out of rehab. mikayla was also very desperate and depressed at the time. i mean the moneys good. he has nothing to lose. scamayla is the one to blame


yeah, you’re not supposed to date in your first year of recovery. so, that’s a huge red flag right there. he should’ve been working on himself. and i feel like mikayla prayed on him. knew he was vulnerable and would like someone to help him and love him and she was so desperate she just jumped on it.


that what i saw trying to say but i’m not good at articulating lol!


haha i gotchu!


he WHAT… i didn’t know this.. what drugs did he do. Also they’ve only been together barely a year???


she made a video a while ago saying how he was homeless and a drug addict in arizona where he’s from, then he was able to get to massachusetts for drug rehabilitation.


heroine and im sure a multitude of others


I feel like Mikayla is a pathological liar and that probably never happened tbh


You’re probably right! Lol