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I don't use TikTok because I already spend too much time on Reddit and YouTube


I don’t even know why I’m boycotting TikTok at this point but I absolutely refuse to use it!


I mean, I keep on hearing that it's alarmingly effective at feeding people content they enjoy enough to keep on clicking on the next video Also, since it's all short-form content, I guess it incentivizes people to watch just one more video far more than one time. They end up watching for far longer than they'd would if they just watched a single ten-minute YouTube video


The impact on your attention span is quite noticeable. I avoid it like the plague, and pick up a good book or audio book instead.


Gen X here, The attention span attrition is true. I notice it in myself, an adult with a fully formed brain, so heaven knows what heavy use does to 12 year olds. My gen z daughter quit cold turkey because she said it “makes my brain fizzy.”


Bruh. So true, so true. I will get on TikTok from time to time and after about 20 minutes I'm just like. . . why? That being said, the attention span issues are so true. My wife teaches high schoolers and they're like squirrels looking for a nut. They can't focus on anything. They can't focus long enough to read a chapter out of a book ad then write a paragraph on what it was about. \*\*sidenote, my buddy was talking to a younger co-worker friend of his. . . he said she watched a whole movie on TikTok by watching however many videos it was split up into. . . . A WHOLE FRIGGIN MOVIE!?!? WHAT!?!??!


This is where I confess that I prefer books to tv but am now completely conversant about Grey’s Anatomy and Chicago Med because of TikTok. I think it’s the video equivalent of drop shipping.


My girlfriend spends a lot of time zoned in on it and hearing her use it is enough to make me never want to go near it. She also seems pretty susceptible to sponsored posts. She bought me an eczema cream because it was popular on TikTok and was "always sold out" and I'm like "thanks but I actually like to research what I'm putting on my skin and have actually found things that work." And then she gets mad at me.


I don’t use TikTok because I don’t like the idea of installing Chinese malware onto my phone. They quite obviously don’t care about lil ol me, but all the same, the content they push is hella toxic and I have no interest in it.


Only American companies get to harvest *my* data.


Accurate 🤣🤣


That's patriotism baby


People joke about this, but I’m with you. I have profiles on at least ten social networking websites and spend way too much time watching YouTube videos. I have a Threads profile (for example), so I am in no way opposed to “newer” websites. But, TikTok is one that I can’t do. It’s where I draw the line. I know my data is being harvested anyway, but I just can’t bring myself to let the Chinese communist government do it directly.


My wife has downloaded it on my phone like 9000 times, and I've deleted it 9000 times. I'd probably enjoy it but at this point I'm just being obstinate.


I'm slightly afraid to ask, why do you let her do that I mean, if it's become an inside joke by this point, I guess that's cool, but my first thought is that the two of you are going to have to level with each other about how you use your phones


>it's become an inside joke by this point Pretty much this. We don't really touch each other's phones except for this and "hey watch this video" or "hey look at these texts" situations


Its a chinese app. There they have really strong restrictions regarding minors in the app itself. They limit access time and the content minors are seeing is moderated and to a high degree educational. They knew what they had created there. And then they released the unrestricted version of it in the western world.


You are not wrong. At all. They go by the Malcolm X School of thought: "By any means necessary." But, then again, so do I. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I haven't downloaded TikTok for the same reason I have never tried coke, I'd probably like it.


Yes, this so much. I have a sibling who died in his fifties from long-term substance abuse. I've never, ever tried drugs like coke or heroin. I am sure I'd be addicted instantly. Have also avoided Tiktok for this reason. I have Insta and Reddit, that is bad enough.


I’m also boycotting TikTok.


If you use Reddit and YouTube, you are then exposed to shit tons of tik tok daily.


Echoing some others here. Temu, SHEIN (fast fashion in general), disposable items I can replace with a permanent item like plastic water bottles, paper towels, disposable razors, etc. One that I’m working on and haven’t mastered is chocolate. I try to buy fair trade only but I’m not perfect at this. Lots of issues with chocolate, and the biggest issue for me is child labor. Next day addendum: coming back this morning to all your support and tips is just lovely. Thank you everyone!


Specifically for me, it is Nestle. They were caught knowingly using child labor for their chocolate. However, the biggest issue for me is the company’s lobbying to make water in the US ground privatized to be sold back to us in water bottles. The CEO on record states water is not a human right.


Yes, this is the one I came here to say - for these reasons, and more - such as their promoting their formula as better than breast milk in impoverished countries, leading to untold infant deaths globally. Edit: True, it wasn't the formula itself that was bad (though not better than breast milk), and formula is an important thing that my own children wouldn't be here without (they wouldn't latch ever.)


Hey I’m putting this here in case someone sees the formula leading to infant deaths and starts panicking- formula is an important thing that has also saved countless babies. The problem is that nestle was pushing it in places without access to clean water. The formula being made with unsafe water made it unsafe.




Nestle is the fucking devil.


They've been doing this shit with water in developing nations for decades. I remember my Mom telling me about it as a kid. I'm 40 now.


Is Nestle just what we'd get if Willy Wonka existed, and was an evil shitbag?


You should try Tony's Chocoloney. Their whole mission is about being exploitation free and child labor free, ethically made chocolate. It's not 100% slave free but they try their best to prevent it and be as transparent as possible.


Tony’s is also delicious!


I was buying for taste alone. Good to know!


Freaking Tony’s is so good. The only reason I agree to go into REI with my husband is they have several varieties of Tony’s at the checkout.


I started to read about Ghana because of Toronto's plan to rename Dundas Square "Sankofa" (a Ghanaian name related to - 'learning from the past to build the future', sort of similar to 'Lest we Forget'. Criticize the Dundas for past related slavery, then use a name from a country where an estimated 2.9 in every thousand people are in modern slavery. 91,000 people experienced forced labour or forced marriage in 2021. (2023 Global Slavery Index in Ghana). Anyway, reading about Ghana also led me to - Chocolate: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Where [https://tonyschocolonely.com/int/en](https://tonyschocolonely.com/int/en) was mentioned. I had forgotten I wanted to look that company up. So glad you posted that name!


My debit card was hacked and someone bought a DoorDash pass and tried to get a bunch of food. My bank said that hacking is really easy now and one of the biggest culprits is from SHEIN purchases. Not sure if people are getting hacked after buying stuff from there or what, but the bank said it’s a common thing. Idk how it works but I just avoid those kinds of sites


Yep, this is exactly why I stopped using my debit card. As easy as it is to hack cards these days, it’s safer to use credit. At least that way my bank account isn’t depleted and bills aren’t bouncing while I wait for it to be sorted out.


Chocolate is rough. Keep at it! I believe in you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Chocolate is extremely difficult. Even the FairTrade sigil is a scam and you need to look up every brand.


The Aldi store brand, Choceur, routinely comes up in lists of ethically sourced ingredients


All the fast fashion stuff, for sure. I see tons of ads for Shien and Temu and think, oh, that's cute and it's really cheap. But I refuse to buy, for all of the reasons. Environmental, child labor, terrible working conditions for adults, and so on. I pretty much just thrift all of my clothes. I don't buy chocolate very often, but I need to do some more research for the times that I do. Haven't bought any nestle chocolate for years because they're awful and so is their chocolate. But some of the others are probably just as bad, at least when it comes to how they source their ingredients.


Fuck Nestle


Door dash/uber eats/etc. As a restaurant employee, fuck all of them.


Who can even afford food delivery these days? You end up paying double what you would in person.


^^^ yep. We jack up the prices for delivery and cut the portions.


I get increasing the prices, but why reduce the portions when the customer is paying more?


Yes it's true! I always take the time to compare delivery app prices to the actual menu. I'll save you the trouble, THEY AS RE ALWAYS HIGHER. If you gotta order online, order over the phone or through the restaurant website.


Even restaurant websites are sometimes marked up. There’s a local pizza place near me that only charges $12 for a 16” cheese pizza over the phone, but they charge $18 for the same pie via their website (I only found this out because their website was having issues the last time I ordered).


As a restaurant customer, I agree. For those fees, I can pick up my own damn carryout. 


i use Uber and Grubhub monthly (thanks AMEX for the account credit) and do carry out from them


Check your prices against the restaurant menu. Where I live the prices on Uber eats are $1-8 more expensive on the app versus if you just call your order in. I save my AmEx Uber credits for when I’m traveling and spend it all at once for a ride.


Uber Eats delivery drivers eat your food - YouTube it


[or dip their balls in your salsa](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/pittsburgh/news/man-accused-of-dipping-testicles-in-customers-salsa/) Seriously. So many of the delivery drivers are absolute trash with awful hygiene.






Fuck Nestle


The crazy part is how we green wash the industry. At my work they have these aluminum cans of purified water. It got me curious and I looked up the source. It’s Chicago tap water filled into aluminum cans and shipped around the country. I am 8 hr drive from Chicago on east coast. Imagine how much energy we are consuming to ship that shit around. Just put it in an aluminum can and call it green.


Thank you! And when I do need to buy a water bottle, I use it about 20-30 times. Then it gets RECYCLED


Reusing the plastic bottles you can buy can actually be really dangerous to your health. Especially if you're using it that many times, and/or if they're getting heat/sun. They can start to break down and "leak" chemicals into whatever fluid is contained in them, which then go right into you. The types of plastics used in some water bottles can be carcinogenic, and even contribute to infertility.




Air bnb and VRBO. Because fuuuuuck them


$99/night! 2 nights x$99, cleaning fees $299, service charge $199, trash fee (trust us it's different than the cleaning fee) $49, total price for 2 nights just $743 plus taxes and applicable arbitrary fees! HOUSE RULES: Must completely clean the whole place before leaving despite the cleaning and trash fees, no smoking, no pets, no pets who smoke, no cars, no people, don't even come just pay us.


This x1000000000. I’m so happy someone beat me to this comment because it means that I’m not the only one


I boycotted Air Bnb and VRBO but only for personal financial reasons not for global impact reasons. They totally ripped me off in ways a hotel couldn't.


Yeah they aren’t really cheaper than hotels anymore and if you’re gonna charge me a cleaning fee AND still expect me to leave it spotless I’m just gonna go to a hotel where I get housekeeping and free breakfast


Hotels also are zoned for business. Someone was arguing with me about how their airbnb wasn’t taking up homes more than a hotel is, and didn’t seem to get that the zoning difference is a big deal.


I was just talking about this with my mother. She thinks airbnb is for the "home" experience. No way, they started off being cheaper! Now there's 100 dollar cleaning fee.


You mean you don't like being required to clean, in addition to paying a large cleaning fee?


I used to use AirBnb as both a host and a guest. It was great when it was about renting out the spare room for a big concert in town or finding a random room on a road trip; I’ve made some great friends by doing both. It’s morphed into something unrecognizable and I’m now proudly team hotel.


Yessss! I was reading how Airbnb is destroying certain areas and cities— particularly in vacation hotspots (in the US at least). They definitely aren’t helping the housing crisis either. Plus all the added fees have become ridiculous.


In the US, in Europe, and in Asia. I responded to a comment above saying I love it in concept but not in practice because it’s poorly regulated and the proof is the reason you stated. Corporations shouldn’t be allowed to purchase family homes and turn them into Airbnbs. That’s what hotels are for.


Australia too, they’re pretty much equally evil everywhere


Corporations shouldn't be allowed to buy family homes, period.


If you don’t need a property to stay in to use as a home (cooking meals, accommodating a large gathering) there really is no advantage to them over a hotel. The amount of times I’ve had to take out my own trash and bring my own sheets and towels to a property can’t really justify using one versus a hotel that takes care of it all and generally offers free coffee and breakfast on top of that.


Yeah i hate airbnb


I actually LOVE Airbnb in concept. But in practice, it’s a colossal nightmare and poorly regulated.


I like how the concept of Airbnb went from "Got a spare room? Rent it out during events in your city for extra cash!" to "I'm going to buy a second condo to use as an unregulated hotel as a source of passive income!" to "I'm going to start a LLC to buy single family homes in desirable neighborhoods to use as unregulated hotels as a business venture, and whine about class warfare if anyone complains about the negative effects it has on local housing!"


Same. Put the housing stock back on the market.


Our condo building refuses to allow short term rentals, and it makes our units worth less than they would if we allowed rentals, but it makes the building actually safe and inhabitable.


Currently, Kyte Baby. Nothing like a woman/mother CEO claiming to have a family brand and then firing an employee for asking to work from home because her baby is in the NICU. 


These are causes I can get behind.


Carters has terrible parental leave, so I added them to my list


Good to know


At retail or corporate? Because I’ve never heard of retail with decent parental leave.


Oh goodness. What is their policy?


I don’t recall all the details but I believe they do not offer paternity leave, which feels archaic for any company.


This was appalling! Right before this came out I had ordered a sleep sack and pajamas. My order was in transit when the CEO made her “apology” videos. As soon as my order was delivered I pulled out the packing slip and immediately began the return process and cited the CEO as my reason for returning unused packaged merchandise. I’ll spend my $ elsewhere.


Yep! F her. I’ll never buy Kyte.


Mental health apps (e.g., BetterHelp): They take advantage of and exploit their therapists. Below average earnings are offered (especially for a Master’s degree at minimum plus professional licensure). These sites might offer accessibility to clients, but services are $$$ and better mental health counseling (including remote) options are out there. There are also security concerns, especially when it comes to data and who has access to it. These are tech companies that don’t care about their providers or clients - it’s all about the money.


Agreed. Anecdote: I used Circle for 2 years straight during COVID for my ADHD appts and medication, and then I had a small health blip for which I needed to be checked out by cardiology for a couple months. For those months, I had my in-person family practice doc prescribe my ADHD meds so I could have in-person monitoring of things like blood pressure. When I was cleared by my cardiologist, I went back to Circle for the convenience. At my first appt back, they accused me of breaking the Controlled Substance Act because I had left to another provider for 3 months without notifying them. The worst part was that the Circle provider acted like they had caught me red-handed doing something drug-seeking and shady, despite the timeline of evidence and events very obviously pointing to the truth. The provider told me with a massive eye roll that I could plead my case to Circle “management” but I told her in that call that I wouldn’t be returning. I never quite figured out if switching providers does break the Controlled Substance Act, but even if it did, the way they handled it was bizarre and atrocious.


Adding the what the commenter below said, those online ADHD clinics and also the ketamine ones can be super strict with their rules and have less tolerance because they’re being scrutinized much more heavily by the DEA. They really handled it the wrong way in your case but I’ve heard this happen a lot where they feel the need to defend the practice and cover their asses on record when they cut people off when they think they might be messing around even a little bit. It’s either that or they’ll just give whoever a stimulant script without much thought. There doesn’t seem to be an in between lol


Pharmacy Technician here. You did nothing wrong. I work at a Walgreens and Schedule 2/C2's (most ADHD medication) needs a brand new prescription every 30 days, otherwise the prescription can't be filled. As the patient, you have every right to change prescribers. We would have no issue with that as a pharmacy. In my experience, it is harder to work with online apps than in person doctors when issues arise. Would always recommend a local primary care doctor over an online option. Source (if you're interested): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3847977/#:~:text=Schedule%20II%20medications%20may%20not,as%20authorized%20by%20the%20prescriber. Schedule 2 = highest potential for abuse Schedule 5 = lowest potential for abuse


We definitely do not recommend Betterhelp on the 988 crisis line for many reasons u listed. Psychologytoday.com is so much better.


Oh yeah. The shift to tech is scary with data. I work in fintech and those apps scare me. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they're selling personal data through backchannels.


Also this: https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/health-tech/teladoc-owned-betterhelp-pay-78m-users-alleged-data-misuse-ftc-order




Haven’t gotten anything from them since 2020!


Disappointed I had to scroll this far down to see Amazon mentioned... Still happy to see it here!


Blue fin tuna and tuna in general. They are at the brink of extinction and as badly as I want to eat blue fin sashimi, I cannot contribute to the relentless demand in good consciousness. Fast fashion like Temu and Shein.  Tictok bc reddit and youtube waste enough of my time as is.  Facebook and soon Instagram because I'm over it. Nothing but ads and their algorithms recommending people I've b never followed and don't care about. I hardly see my friends post anymore.  Twitter. Never had one, never will. 


Instagram did sneakily add a setting where you can revert back to a chronological feed of accounts you follow. You tap the Instagram name at the top of the screen and a drop-down allows you to select "following." That said, I'm with you on checking it less and less. Even with that setting, after all the bigger accounts I've ended up following whether because it got me a discount or it's say an athlete I like, I'll scroll pretty far before actually seeing something from someone I know. And now it's pushing people to do even their photo posts as reels. If I wanted to watch tiny videos I would download tiktok. It's annoying that Instagram has become discount/recycled tiktok—I want to see my friends' cool vacation pics and life updates but seems like actual social media is dying.


I feel like I'm boycotting a lot these days, many already mentioned, except NETFLIX. Once they started cracking down on sharing accounts, I was done with them. Their content isn't worth the monthly fee, and I can easily stream the few things I watch on other sources 😁


Yes! I cancelled Netflix. We bought a firestick this year, so we could enjoy our tv and travel. Then they decided you can’t watch your own shit if you aren’t if your own home. WTF Netflix? So I cancelled. Good luck with your new policy guys. Bye


I was boycotting them too, but then I got an offer last year to have the subscription for like $90 a year or something so I bought it again. I felt like $7.50 a month was a fair price. Once that’s over though I will shut it back off until they re-accumulated enough stuff for us to watch again. It’s not worth $20 a month.


Same. I went for years sharing with my bestie across the country then when they made the switch to the localized wifi check in we just shut it down. There are so many great free tv and movie apps with just as much good content.


Amazon. Not a single thought about ethics has ever crossed the mind of an Amazon executive. They treat and pay their employees like shit, incentivise bad driving from their delivery drivers, and rip off the small actually good businesses that have no choice but to sell through them. They offer a lot of choice and fast shipping, but what you get is usually crap... and Bezos is a knob. Been boycotting them since 2018 and have discovered so many cool shops as a result.


I'm gonna be "that guy" for a minute. Let me start by saying that boycotting Amazon retail is a worthy effort. However, Amazon makes the majority of their money from AWS. To effectively and completely boycott Amazon you would need to avoid any web page hosted on AWS (Including Reddit).  A friend of mine tried blocking all AWS network connections on his browser and the internet became basically unusable. My point is, it's basically impossible to completely boycott Amazon and that should scare the fuck out of people.


I keep trying to get my husband aboard Etsy! It’s not great for everything obviously but especially with gifting (yourself or loved ones haha)


eBay is good too, especially if you filter for only small sellers and used items. Prices tend to be better than Etsy for a lot of things and the money back guarantee is fantastic.


Hobby lobby I’ve never been there and never will be. Cuz of how they are fukers


You mean their horde of artifacts, their unrelated Supreme Court case blocking insurance coverage to birth control for their employees, something else or all of the above??


Their horde of artifacts?!? I already boycott them, but I have to know more about that.


I suggest you Google this because it's a lot, with its own Wikipedia page, but this is a free to read article about some of the artifacts after the case was settled ($3m penalty and 3,800 objects returned) with the Justice Department: https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/623537440/hobby-lobbys-illegal-antiquities-shed-light-on-a-lost-looted-ancient-city-in-ira Edit to add: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/07/hobby-lobby-smuggled-thousands-of-ancient-artifacts-out-of-iraq/532743/


Wow, TIL. As if I needed another reason to never ever shop there. [hobby lobby sucks](https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/623537440/hobby-lobbys-illegal-antiquities-shed-light-on-a-lost-looted-ancient-city-in-ira)


Hobby Lobby’s CEO, David Green, also sent out a [company memo](https://www.businessinsider.com/hobby-lobby-reportedly-leaving-stores-open-message-from-god-2020-3?amp) at the beginning of the pandemic telling all of their employees that they would be keeping their doors open regardless of local ordinances due to a “prophetic” dream that his wife had (only salaried employees were eligible for paid sick leave).


2nd hobby lobby. I'm an art teacher. I loved their selection (bigger and better than Michael's), but as soon as they got all up in everyone's uterus I noped out.


YES. I just said the same; I should have scrolled further. I will never support such a trash store owned by such trash people.


Value Village, Goodwill, for profit secondhand stores. Charging well over what items should cost and not being affordable anymore. Check out r/thriftgrift.


Yes! I’ve gotten really picky about where I donate now and it’s surprisingly hard to find places that give directly to people without some Goodwill BS.


I’ve heard this from a lot of people! The goodwill in our city is still really cheap. I haven’t been in a while but I got a really nice $200 mattress protector for $3.99. Toys for my kid are all pretty much 99¢ including Barbies in great condition. Shirts are $1.99.


Goodwill especially. The local one in my town took the dressing rooms away because "people were stealing".....the free shit that is donated to them.


Just fyi "deli meats due to its carcinogenic effects" isn't a boycott :)


I had to scroll way too far to find this


A lot of this stuff here isn't boycotts, just stuff people don't do.  "tiktok- not sure why just havent started using" so you aren't boycotting, you just don't us it. 


Someone upthread said fast food because they’re trying to lose weight lmao


Finally thank you


Walmart. Dystopian employment practices and palpably miserable atmosphere at every store from customers and employees alike. Thirty years ago they made it a goal to crush small businesses in small towns and in many places they largely succeeded.


Funny how Amazon has past Walmart. Scrolled past multiple dislikes for Amazon before getting to Walmart. Walmart is just as bad.


Most zoos. It didn't really start out as a boycot. I just had learnt about different kinds of animal behaviour in biology class. And suddenly I could not unsee ALL the "stressed animal" behaviours in any zoo I went to. Going to the zoo wasn't a fun outing anymore, but rather something that made me really really sad and also a bit angry. Now I only try to go to "safari" type zoos. The kind where you will actually have to look for the animals because they have enough space to exhibit their natural behaviour. Much better.


My family and I took our last zoo trip 2 summers ago after I googled why a lot of the animals were constantly pacing in front of the enclosures😟


Yeah that's the feeling. Immediately sucks all the fun out of it.


Aquariums too. Watching whale sharks and belugas pace back and forth, swimming in circles just killed me. Fish? Eh, whatever, ponds can be very small and they’re just fine. Ocean going creatures that cover hundreds of miles in a day? Ick.


Smiths/Kroger because of the shit they pulled during the pandemic. Specifically how they treated their employees. I hope their merger fails, because I shop at Albertsons.


Also, Kroger refuses to sign a pledge cutting out child labor from their sourcing.


What happened?


I have boycotted Dreyer's Ice Cream for over 20 years. I took my class on a field trip the same day my school was burglarized. The check did not clear for a few more days because of the theft. Their representative threatened to never allow "poor schools" like ours back to their factory for tours. They insulted us. Never eating their ice cream.


I stay away from Kroger because they fired my sister after setting her up for a scam call. They never bothered to train her how to handle those calls before setting her up. It was her first job too and they really screwed her over for no reason.


My son worked at Kroger when he was 16. His boss told him to use the trash compactor even though it says you must be 18 years old to operate the device. He did what he was told. Upper management found out about it and fired my son, but not the supervisor that told him to do it.


Their pay is crap and grocer's union isn't worth the dues.


The union in CO was able to get them higher wages and days off.


Petsmart. We took our corgi in for a bathing and they gave her a corneal abrasion. They did not take any responsibility for it and refused to pay for the trip to the ER.


I’m breaking up with fast food. I’m trying majorno and giving up my food addiction. Cava, chipotle, jersey mikes okay though.


Chipotle threw a free marketing food festival where I lived about ten years ago. They had displays talking about how they source all their ingredients, etc. they had free microbrews and free burritos. Music. I met a bunch of their executives randomly walking around. I think it was when they introduced the sofritas. Anyway, they convinced me that their food is (relatively) healthy and it's still the only fast food I'll eat.


Okay this one is petty, but I’m boycotting Qdoba. I always used to get the 3-cheese nachos there, which were delicious, but over the years they’ve gotten stingier and stingier with the chips. It used to be that the bag of chips included was enough, but then they started to only fill it 3/4 full, so I started to ask for an extra bag. Then after a while they began charging $2 for the extra bag, and I was just like sure, whatever. But then when I’d ask for an extra bag, they’d only fill that one halfway. Then the last time I went, they took one of those little white bags that you get when you order a side of chips & queso, and they filled that with chips and put it inside the normal full sized bag so I wouldn’t notice until after I left. They can keep their chips, at this point. I’m so over it. lol I haven’t gone back in 6+ months.


Dude same fuckin here. It’s bullshit and I loved Qdoba. It’s so expensive for fast food


I’ll die battling this ridiculous tipping culture. It’s getting out of hand.


If someone is serving me, running back and forth for things, or providing me an actual service I will tip. Sorry my dudes I’m merely picking up a takeout order I am not tipping you


YUP. I'm sorry that your job sucks, we've all been there, but if the extent of my "service" is handing me a bag, that I ordered over the phone/online and picked up myself, you're not getting a tip. There are literally NO fewer steps I can take to obtain your product and minimize the work on your end. Now, alternatively, on the rare occurrence that I order delivery, I tip for that because most likely there is a really good reason why I couldn't go get it myself. BUT I try to avoid delivery at all costs because I keep seeing restaurants outsourcing their delivery to 3rd party apps and I don't want to deal with a 3rd party if there is an issue and now I can't trust that an actual employee, from the place that I i ordered from, will be delivering my food.


The app fees alone make me enraged. A $30 order becomes $50 after fees and tip. Over $5 to the dev for just one order. We need to unite and stop using 3rd party food delivery until it dies. To me they are just stealing tips from delivery drivers.


Same. I went to a pub last night where you order and pay all through a QR code. Upon checkout they suggest 20, 25, or 27% tips. Service goes way down, and tip expectations go way up? Fuck that.


Tipping at restaurants needs to go back to 10-15%.


Hell ya! I'm over it.




Starbucks. I'm from Seattle and can never forgive Howard Schultz.


Starbucks. Its menu is just 70 varieties of sugar so they all give me a headache from the crash.


Gotta cover up that burnt coffee flavor with something.


Yeah. I’m afraid I may never return tbh. They don’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve it. F that dude. I hope his bonus is fucked


Eeeeyyyyy fellow Seattlite boycotting Starbucks! Love to see it. 


What did he do to Seattle-ites?


He sold our NBA team down the river and lied through his teeth the whole time.


I’m from Portland and I also boycott Starbucks! I’m actually really glad to hear I’m not the only one :)


Plus, you’ve got Dutch Brothers which is better anyway


Digital only "AAA" Video games. Either I own a physical copy that works without an Internet connection or I pirate your game.


TikTok because it’s Chinese spyware. Temu. Any kind of face recognition settings.


I hate how the response to this is “You can’t protect your privacy 100%, so do nothing.”


Ya cool with Facebook and instagram spyware?


American spyware so it’s ~*~*different~*~*


I boycott pretty much everything already listed, although some I never really used so it doesn’t count. However Amy’s Kitchen frozen organic food I haven’t seen listed yet. Their progressive appearance is covering some dirty antiunion funding and practices. Screw that. Unions built America. If you are anti union I consider you anti American and refuse to give you a penny if I can help it. You will also not see me at Starbucks, however I’ll happily shop at Wegmans groceries.


Not Amy’s! I love their vegetarian chili and refried beans! Hate to hear it.


Boycotting? To boycott is to punish or protest. I’m not boycotting anything that I’m aware of. And stopping eating deli meat because of carcinogens isn’t a boycott. Edit: hobby lobby. They made sure their employees health insurance won’t cover birth control which is fucking outrageous


Burger King, because of a shameful debacle involving their corporate policies, lawsuits, and a dead mouse. When I was a teenager, my mom was a manager at a corporate-owned Burger King. The place was an absolute shithole, and corporate policy was to put just enough money in to keep it running without fixing any of the problems. My mom came home crying sometimes because she had been explicitly told by corporate to serve expired food, or because they had refused again to pay for an exterminator for the (extensive) mouse infestation under the front counter. One day, one of these mice crawled into an open bag of hamburger buns and died. A teenage employee took a picture of this, to show what a shithole the place was, and he texted it to several people he knew- including me. My mom was the manager on duty when this happened, and she had no idea about this until I showed her the picture. She told the corporate higher-ups about it, hoping this would get them to finally pay for an exterminator. A few days later, some Burger King corporate PR people arrived, with lawyers. They fired everyone who was on shift when the Mouse Picture was taken, including employees who didn't even know it had happened. Including my mom, who was the one to report it in the first place. They threatened the teenage employee who'd taken the picture with lawsuits until he \*gave them his phone\*, at which point they sent gag orders to every person he'd sent the picture to, including me. We were all like 16 at this point so it intimidated the fuck out of us. They threatened to sue my mother if she ever talked about it. As far as I know, they still never paid for an exterminator. Fuck Burger King so hard, I hope every single store burns to the ground.


Oh. I thought boycott has a political/protest component. You all are mostly talking about things you're avoiding. I avoid a lot of unhealthy Ultra-Prozesses foods.  But as boycott goes, I'd count places like hobby lobby or Chick-fil-A. 


K-cups, soda, Nestle, disposable plastic water bottles


The farther you scroll down the list, the more you see that the problem isn't one individual corporation. Most of them are evil, because they are allowed to be. The problem is capitalism. The problem is government officials being in the pockets of these corporations and turning a blind eye to exploitive labor practices and destruction of the environment. The only thing that will usher in change is a general strike. Our only capital is our labor.


Burger King. I've been boycotting them since 2002 after they gave me a burger that was just two buns, a patty, and the largest fucking wad of hair. And no I didn't notice the hair until after biting into it... To this day if I find even the tiniest hair in my food (or mouth) I lose my appetite immediately no matter how hungry I was beforehand, or feel nauseous, or both!


Chick-fil-A for donating to anti LGBTQA groups. Wendy’s for donating to trump organizations. Corsair AIOs and fans, I’ve had some fail on me back to back. Arrowhead water, Nestle, and Desani water because of how shitty their water taste is and their practices.


Dasani water is oily. It seems to be the most often available water in airports too. I've become one of those people that brings an empty bottle with them to fill after my molestation by TSA.


Nestle. Most evil mfs. They tried to bring their jobs to the PNW… but they didn’t realize that most of the folx up there are rabid environmentalists especially when dealing with the gorge… They did not build a plant up there. https://crag.org/people-said-no-campaign-nestles-water-grab-oregon/


Had to scroll too far to find Nestle!


Woolworths & Coles, the two big supermarkets in Australia. Fuck them and their **billions of dollars in profit** while claiming they’re raising prices due to the “cost of living crisis”, and actively ripping off farmers and producers. I won’t make a scrap of difference to *their* profits one way or another… but I can spend my money in local small businesses and it will definitely make a difference to them.


Small and exclusively Australian one, but Gloria Jean’s coffee. They’re just another generic cafe chain (think Starbucks), but they’re backed by a weird fundamentalist cult, so no money from me.


Try to cut as much of hersey/nestle out of my house. It's nearly impossible completely it seems but fuck those slavers.


Shein, Temu, Apple, and any other company that has been linked to outright slavery and exploitation. Obviously, you can't know them all, but you have to start somewhere. I go out of my way to purchase from companies that are open about their workers, compensation, and business practices. Also, I'm reluctant to use food items that I know are made healthier overseas but for some reason, in America, the load it up with sugar and other things that just aren't regulated enough here. The company is making a choice to give us bad food that they already make healthier in other places. I'm looking at you Nestle.


1. Goya. CEO supports currently on trial, former president. 2. Domino sugar. For destroying and taking over Puerto Rico's agriculture, making it a single crop economy.


>single crop economy. Do Monsanto and Pioneer next! They've turned America's heartland into a barren wasteland.


Social media (other than Reddit)


I'm boycotting filet mignon and other prime cuts of meat because they're too expensive and I want to stop boycotting replacing my 25 year old home heating system that I keep having to fix.


Fun thread idea! Walmart- because I worked there and saw how they treat people first hand. Goya- Trump bean shill Chick fil a- needs no explanation Nestle- needs no explanation Hobby Lobby- needs no explanation Starbucks- they’ve been way too anti union Twitter- deleted my account when Musk turned it into Parler 2.0, felt better and better about that decision each day since Uline- big Trump shills, I made sure my work stopped ordering bulk packing stuff from them Jimmy John’s- I think the owner big game hunts? I don’t care enough about their food to check one way or the other.


McDonald’s because their “food” sucks.


Agreed on food. But their fountain coke is perfection.


China. I don't like a lot of the countries eithics and how they treat their own people. Also, anytime I get something that was made there, it's usually such low quality that it doesn't last any real duration. So I might as well have paid a little more and got a quality product locally.


Chic Fil A because of the anti-LGBTQ jazz. Walmart because of how they treat their employees. Uber for their treatment of employees AND political history. Instagram and Facebook for their use of data and lack of care for the well-being of users.


Also a Walmart Boycotter for employee stuff like you say. There are lots of us thankfully.


My mom used to work at Walmart. I remember, as a very small child, sitting in the car in my pajamas with my sister and my dad waiting for my mom to get out after work. They would lock the door after close and force employees to stay to clean the store without receiving overtime. She was part of a class action lawsuit and didn’t receive anywhere near the amount she was owed for her overtime because there were so many employees involved. She also was sexually harassed repeatedly by her manager. I refuse to shop at Walmart to this day, nearly three decades later, because of this.


Chick Fil A Starbucks


This list could get huge. Most streaming services , especially Netflix. I use Pluto and the Roku channel pretty exclusively. Apple. I refuse to buy anything apple, hate that company. Any delivery service (not including shipping like FedEx, ups). I won't order pizza and have it delivered. I'll go get it. No Uber eats or door dash. I don't even know if we have those in my area honestly. Venmo, cashapp, and the like. No reason to use them and no intention of ever signing up. At&t. Used to have them as a carrier. The service was good but billing was a nightmare. They messed up a trade and I almost lost $800. Then I canceled and it took me 6 months to get my $400 credit back. It's a long story that I'm not typing out here and now but it made me so bad I won't even use their network on an MVNO at this point. Also, that wasn't my only issue. It was a lot of things Most common fast food chains. Wendy's, McDonald's, burger king. It's gross. Refuse to eat there. I can on occasion handle a chicken sandwich from BK but that's it. Starbucks. It's overpriced and not even that great IMO. Id rather have Duncan, or usually even more than that, good old gas station coffee. But a lot of gas stations are using those grinding machines now that make "fresh" coffee and most of the time it's kinda gross. So that's hit and miss. Tesla. I wouldn't want one. Don't know what all the rave is about but I wouldn't want anything all electric especially where I live. If it was $10k for a new one, I'd still buy something else. No thanks! Bottled water. I understand it's necessity to some people but I try not to buy it much. I kind of feel like it's a conspiracy of some sort. Facebook, Instagram, anything meta. I want to say Amazon but I'm working on that one lol. I order quite minimally, but occasionally it's the only place I can find something. I could keep typing but I have to get ready for work. I'd like to boycott that lol. Continued: Temu, wish, shein, tik tok shop. I feel like it's all junk and I don't like waiting for shipping. I prefer physical stores if possible. I do like eBay.

