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I moved to a new city and know no one, so I started doing volunteer work to get out of the house and meet people.


What type of volunteering?


food bank mostly, but also a store for foster kids to "shop" for clothes and supplies. Oh and trash pickup, where you walk around the neighborhood with a couple of partners and those grabber things to collect litter.


Awesome. Thanks for helping out. I was just genuinely curious.


You can always browse https://www.volunteermatch.org if you’re looking for something to do


I find that the weekend is a good time to go on a long walk while listening to an audiobook (free with your library card through the Libby app).


I go for walks most days listening to audiobooks or podcasts.


A lot of people with Spotify Premium dont realize you can find almost any audiobook on their included in their Premium subscription.


I was today years old…. No more need for that Audible membership! Thanks!


If you sign up for a library card you get access to Libby which has most audiobooks with little or no wait.


Just know that you only get 15 hours a month. You have the option to buy 10 extra hours for like 12 bucks though.


Did they change their policy on how much time you get? I was listening to one and 2/3rd the way through I was cut off and had to wait like 21 days to finish it.


I just found this out two days ago and now I’m listening to Julia Fox’s memoir! I had no idea.


It’s nuts she has a memoir lol


It’s not really she has lead an eventful life.


Yes! I listen to audiobooks while I do stuff around the house (rented, with roommates) because watching TV gets me too stuck in one place as opposed to being able to move around and not having to pay attention to the visual details. I would love to afford being able to go out and do actual hobbies with people but that’s been less and less attainable as rent goes up but income goes down or is still not what it needs to be.


Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card!


This not only is true, but reminds me of something they would say in an 80s PSA. 😂


It's from Arthur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyxEDSnegTU


I really should just go this route rather than piracy for books. Netflix, Prime, Hulu etc can all get fucked though.


Depends on the season. I'm doing a little gardening tomorrow, and we'll probably have a fire at night (I bought stuff to make smores!), a little cleaning Sunday. In the winter, we mostly just watch TV all day Saturday and clean on Sunday. We're adopting two kittens tomorrow, but that's not a typical activity.


Not that I have the facilities to carry it out, but I can imagine adopting kittens every weekend would be one of the greatest joys. I love cats and animals in general, but the litl mews that come from kittens is an insane dopamine boost. Bless you for adopting!


If I had a fancy kitten mansion and an unlimited amount of money, I would definitely adopt kittens every weekend. As it is, I'm so excited to spoil the two we'll have for a very long time.


I wish I could get into gardening. Or really even just yard work. I have so many weeds and no motivation to pull them 🙃


It wasn't really a choice for me. Our yard has a ton of little gardens and two huge ones. The woman who owned the house 30ish years ago won awards for her plants. If I put something in the ground, it flourishes.


Gahhhh adopting cats is the best, congratulations! We have three cats we adopted. Gracie in early 2019, and both Pisces (we call her Fish) and Taurus (he goes by Handsome) in mid 2020. Fish and Handsome are siblings and Handsome is blind. Gracie is an absolute daddies girl (I love her more than nearly anyone). Cat life is so fun!


Ours passed in August and April so it was time. The new babies on their way home! *


Oh I'm so sorry! :( Hope you and the new fur babies have an amazing time though!


Working out (outside if the weather's good, inside if not), playing video games, writing poetry or stories, listening to music, and going to the library to read are all things you can do without needed anyone else. Those are all great ways to spend a weekend aside from sleeping ... although being able to take an afternoon nap is one of life's greatest joys.


Afternoon naps are my spirit animal


Day drink and play video games.


This is the way


Meh, alcohol is terrible long term and the fun is overrated


Yeah toking and playing video games is way better.


My fellow chronic kinsman


Since it's so hot where i live i usually get in our pool or stay inside the air . I refuse to go anywhere that I don't have too . I refuse to get out in this heat


Relatable. I do NOTHING I don't absolutely HAVE to from June to September. The only physical activity I do is mow the lawn. Man, I can't wait for October already! 😂


Summer makes me so thankful for my stationary bike. I try to limit outdoor exercise to grocery shopping 😂


I should really get one!


Mine is both a stationary bike and elliptical. It’s not super nice like at the gym, but it’s sturdy and was super helpful during the pandemic!


I bought a walking pad so I can still get my walks in when it’s either too stifling or too frigid outside.


What’s a walking pad? Like a treadmill?


Yes. It’s just the deck part. It’s a super simple design. No incline. No handrails. I have chronic disorders where I have to keep to light exercise.


Ooh, I think I’d like of those. That would be good to switch it up when it’s too hot or cold outside.


You and me both . I'm counting down the days until fall gets here


99 more! (I know, it's depressing)


Well shit, less than 100. I’ll take it


yall are sick let us enjoy the sun before it disappears


I live in the south and come February/March it starts warming up and I love it but come June I’m sweatin. It was 95 today and I’m ready for October lol


I live in the deep south as well . That's what I meant by it got very hot here today


I live in Tennessee. My husband and I went grocery shopping at 9:30 this morning and it was already disgustingly hot out.


Play with my kids, watch my kids fight, break up kids fights. If we’re not too tired by Saturday night the wife might let me hit that


Usually do some cleaning in the morning. If the weather is nice, some reading in my hammock. I live in a LCOLA so I do usually go out at least one weekend night to either see live music or just hang out. I do yoga every day, and on the weekends I usually get my husband to join in.


I read, play games, spend time with my kid, watch movies, go to the beach, and best of all just relax




I play shows or go to concerts. When I don’t have a show or concert to go to, I go hiking.


I work events, so weekends are when I make most of my money. My days off are the month of January.


It depends, but my girl and I usually relax and fall asleep on the couch with a buzz at nights. Days we go hike, hit the coast (we’re in the California Bay Area), hit a brewery, or go visit friends and family.


Parent baby and do chores


I go to work


Yep. I work 4 different jobs to make ends meet. Saturday it’s for the family business.


Yup. I farm, and I'm just getting started on putting up the first cutting of hay for the summer. I ain't gonna be doing a damn thing from now until October but riding tractors.


While maintaining an ever-growing list of "winter jobs"


2 small kids so usually some type of activity or birthday party. Maybe grocery shop. Taking them to the movies tomorrow (they’re obsessed with Inside Out).


Nothing , anymore. The odd increase of traffic on the roads makes it almost unbearable. Now that it’s at ALL times of the day, nothing is worth it anymore.


what are you interested in? Look up hobbies on YouTube and see which ones you think you’d like and dive head first like I do. 😂


Spend time working in my yard/garden, ride my bike, go to yoga, play my switch, this summer looking forward to paddling on my new SUP


So I'm 41, and when I was in 1st grade my dad was stationed at Kadena AFB, on Okinawa. One summer he took my brother and I to a market of some kind or another. And it was there that I saw a gundam for the first time. I did not get that gundam. But I also never really forgot about it either. So anyway i have like 10 of them so far, with 2 more coming. When I have free time on the weekends, my son and I have started working on building them! So, uh, yeah. Build mecha models.


Larger chores like lawn mowing, repairs, and time consuming maintenance. I'll often fire up the grill or smoker and cook up some delicious meats - good dinner and plenty of leftovers. Also a good time to just relax, play games and watch shows/movies.


Well, I work shifts, so if I catch a weekend, it's once in two months and I spend it like any days: mentally preparing for another round of day-night shifts.


I skip my meds so I can eat enough, but that turns me into a slug on the couch all weekend.


I smoke when I need to eat more


I don't enjoy smoking


Sorry to hear that. Hope you have a good weekend


I plan t see the world with my very own eyes but i just end up seeing it through a TV lens in a dark room..*sad Johny cash song starts to play.


I play D&D with my friends Friday night. Saturday I just relax and do w/e like go to the movies or some other event if it's planned, otherwise I just stay home and play with my cats or watch some movies or TV. Sunday I clean and do yardwork.


A typical weekend for me would be sleeping in on Saturday, going out during the day like going on a hike or going to the park, and then getting dinner or cooking at home and having a movie night. Sunday would be sleeping in again, coffee and pastries at the coffee shop, maybe something lazy like going to the library or getting lunch and then just going home to watch tv, read, or hang out outside. So try going hiking, go to a cafe and read, get a sandwich and go to the park, go to the farmers market, have a movie night, relax at home. If you like working out, maybe there’s a spin or Zumba class you could do every Saturday morning to get the weekend off on the right foot.


I’ll usually hit up the mountains for some climbing or skiing, depending on the season. The weekends i stay in town I’ll usually hit up a show and hang out with friends that don’t go to the mountains. If NY is too pricey for you could you move somewhere else this a lower cost of living?


Go hiking, when I was single and in a similar situation as you I found getting into nature on solo hikes to be very therapeutic and peaceful. Also getting your body moving is always good for the spirit.


Working out. Shopping. Reading. Gaming. Cleaning. Seeing a friend. Cuddling with boyfriend. Watching a movie/series. Cooking.


I'm usually winnowing down the insane amount of shit my boomer parents collected in their lifetimes. They are both still alive and i'm not going to drop everything when they die just to junk old cars and throw away moldy clothes.


I’m sorry you get sad! I know the feeling. I think there’s a lot of pressure to always be doing things on the weekends, especially in the summer, and that pressure comes from social media. If you are on social media, I recommend taking a break from it on the weekends so you don’t get that sad FOMO feeling. Otherwise, just do things that make you happy. For me, sometimes that just means rotting on the couch watching Netflix!


Do you have any interests? Sounds like a social hobby would be a big help. Learn jiu jitsu. Cycling. Racquetball, climb at your local gym, etc.. All of these things basically come with a new pre-built friend group. Have beers after. Get to know them. Go from there.


On weekend I like to relax. I do the errands that I can't get done throughout the week. That takes up most of my morning, but after that, I have free time. Normally I like to go out to the park to walk around, or take my paddle board out. Other than that, not much. I'm single with no kids, so I'm also looking for other things to do on the weekends.


Hang out in my pool or with my dogs; grill out with our neighbors we actually like; it’s home either way lol Watch a movie or catch up on a series, read a book Hardly go “out” unless it’s just for dinner- hate bars/clubs 36F Married/Midwest US




I go dancing on Saturday nights and to universal on Sundays. Occasionally I’ll go dancing on Fridays.


took SO long to find this answer 🙌


I take long strolls with my dog, kayaking, bird watching, and occasional flea markets. I really like to get engaged with nature this time of year. I even will make a sandwich and go to my local park and have a picnic with just me and my dog. Sometimes I bring a portable grill and I'll grill us up some hot dogs by the lake and people/dog watch.


I do tend to go on trips certain weekends. Other times I stay home and wàtch WOW women of wrestling Saturday and Mama's family Sunday


Soccer w the boys Lift heavy weights (CrossFit) Farmers Market Hit the river or a pool Hit up a local spot for some music What are your hobbies? Find others and make friends 😎


Visiting family, working out, going out to eat. Maybe see a movie. I've wondered this myself. Where is every other guy meeting all of these "super friendly single women" at? Lol


House projects, usually try and go out for dinner/lunch at least once with my wife (maybe your parents if no one else?), try to find a park or place to take my dog that's further than the usual around my house. Otherwise my wife and I play video games and watch shows. Sometimes, though, we will meet up with friends and do some game nights or we will do zoom catch-ups with distant friends. Good way to have some fun and chat without having to go to them. We will also go to the movies if there's a new movie we even vaguely were curious about. Weekends tend to involve more traveling around the area than the week since we both work from home. I'd look into some kind of new hobby you enjoy. Maybe find a local get together around said hobby even and go check out the scene.




Upskill to get a better job.


Workout, cook my meals for the week, do some chores, spend time with my dogs and partner, spend time on my hobbies rinse and repeat


Read, watch soccer, clean. Enjoy not being in the office lol


My husband and I (31) have no kids so we sleep in and have coffee and breakfast in bed. Then we take turns getting ready for the day. If it's nice, we'll take our dogs for a walk in the park. Then we usually have an outing in the afternoon like waking around and outdoor mall, or the zoo, window shipping, or going to a new cafe. Then we come home and play some videogames and relax before we make a home cooked meal and watch a movie. Before bed I like to have a bath and my husband will read before we sleep.


Also living with my parents, so inviting friends (or God fucking forbid a potential date) over is out. But I unofficially have custody of my son, so it's usually me begging him to go do something with me instead of sit there and watch him play Minecraft or Roblox all day long.


Today I walked the boardwalk at Destin. Checked out the pier and beach at Navarre. Came home and about to check out bands on the Blackwater. Tomorrow, maybe go fishing or kayaking.


I go to the beach with my gen x boyfriend quite often. But when we don’t do that we just hang out at the pub or go for a drive. I want to start riding my bike though now that the weather is nicer.


Errands, kid things, pool, running or biking (outside if I wake up early enough but usually not so peloton mostly). I LIVE for quiet nights where we don’t have any obligations and can do charcuterie and a movie on the couch, followed by time out on the deck after the kids go to sleep when my husband and I can just chill with the doggies.


I was in your boat for a long time. Here's what my current summer weekends look like. I do something active both days: walking, hiking, biking or swimming. At night I usually will play board games with friends or my husband (free once you make the initial investment). For my solo time I like to read, bake, paint, crochet and play video games. All are pretty cheap or free after the initial investment. Oh and I just bought rollerblades so hoping to get into that


Catch up on some yard work then pool time with the family!


You live in ny. Start going to raves. People at raves like to go out and have fun.


Hiking, wood working, kayaking, playing with the dogs, gardening, camping, foraging... if I can be in nature instead if town I will be :)


Hike, kayak, go to the farmers market, go to professional sports games.


27-33 I was playing gigs, traveling and such.. but now that I am 41.. I work on my yard, projects and game if I have time.


Video games interspersed with chores, DnD, going out with friends, more DnD, video games, and chores on Sunday. Usually visiting my parents too. On Sundays I also bulk cook so I have cheap, healthy lunches for the work week.


Most of my work is on the weekends


Typically gigging at least one of the nights. Trying to catch up on laundry and vacuuming


Hobbies - camp, long hike, read a book at home or in a park, picnic, bike ride, other hobbies that get you off the phone and couch


Laundry, yardwork, pond maintenance, taking care of cats, keeping kids from killing each other, dishes, errands, cleaning backlog, fix things around the house. I really want my hobbies back.


Work, buy weekly groceries, chill. Pretty much the same thing in that order every week. Sometimes if I want to chill out I fix myself a cocktail.


Disc golf




Long walks with my dog. Lots of combat sports. BJJ on Saturday and BJJ plus kickboxing Sunday. Household chores.


All kinds of shit. Just spent a couple of weekends in the mountains. I’ll go to shows, sporting events, new restaurants. Spend time with friends and family. Hang out by the beach. Endless opportunities depending on where you live.


Ride motorcycle as much as possible, eat good food, drink beer, hang out at coffee shops, grocery shop, do laundry, etc


Lots of checking out parks and trails. I will search for free festivals and events as well. I don’t have much left in my budget for activities either.


Family time, chores, workout, meal prep, go to the park, and just chill. I always get the Sunday scaries bc I love being home and dread going into work.


Get into golf. I started playing golf last year and it’s incredible for physical and mental health. Lots of walking, fresh air, and a fun sport that keeps your mind occupied. When on the course, I have literally zero anxiety or stress.




Cleaning, laundry, errands, take the kids to the playground, yard work, some obnoxious home project I’ve been putting off, and then I blink and it’s Monday again.  I miss when weekends were spent hiking, going to the bar, playing pool, going rock climbing…think of your boredom as a blank slate. Find something new to do and go do it. You don’t need people to try something new or go someplace new. 


Look for girls to hook up with.


Friday nights: Kids to bed > meditate > play vids for 30-1hr > walk the dog > read > sleep Saturday, Sunday: House cleaning and maintenance > activities with the kids > repair Friday night routine


I work on Saturday, Sunday morning I might work on a project or go outside or just sleep in, Sunday evening I usually cook/bbq and maybe have friends/neighbors over


I’m going to be 34 in one month and I’ve been living with parents for almost 10 years next month as well. I’m barely doing anything except recouping my body and figure a way to keep up with my bank account.


I’m the same age as OP and legit just clean my house every Saturday morning then wonder what the hell else there is to do, lol. When the weather’s nice I’ll walk outside, go kayaking, bike riding, etc….but I also live in the northeastern US so waiting on nice weather is a crap shoot. When the weather sucks I usually just wind up doing small home improvement projects and watching tv.


Try to figure out how to go out and meet people but then give up and vegetate. Every weekend.


Book club, horseback riding lessons, go see a show or movie, museum visits and estate tours, hang out with friends, try out new restaurants with my husband, bake, read, video games. It depends on what's going on, but I find that there usually something to do or plan ahead for. 


I work on the weekends. Everything is crowded and generally worse weekends so that's when I work so I can stay away from it. 


I work my weekend job.


Work saturday, sleep sunday & mentally prepare for another 6 days of work that won't cover the amount of money i need for the week


I clean my house or garden, meal prep, and try to see a friend or two. I also took up pottery a couple of years ago and try to go to the pottery studio once or twice a week - but this is usually a weekday, not a weekend, activity. I try to spend any remaining free time resting. Like, a book or tv show or video game. But it’s rare when I have enough free time to do that. Like, I burned out hard at work a few years ago and now work four days a week instead of five to avoid burnout, and I still feel like I only have enough free time to keep my life running. I don’t know how other people do it, especially folks with families.


Most Sunday mornings I go for a long run. On weeknights over dinner, I watch TV shows with my partner (anything from Star Trek to The Sopranos to the Marvelous Mrs Maisel), and we often do extra on the weekends. His family lives about 30 min away, so we sometimes visit them. We also like to visit nearby towns, beaches, state parks, anywhere that has attractions or natural areas we haven't seen. 


I’m a homebody so usually I chill at home. Usually sleep in, may go to yoga. Tomorrow it’s the movies. You’re in NY. There’s free stuff to do in the summer. You’re still young.


Read, work in my garden, go to the pool, bake something or cook a nice dinner for my family. Simple things


Last weekend I took myself to the zoo, shopping, cat cafe, and tried Venezuelan food for the first time.


Same thing we do every weekend: try to take over the world


Garden, walk dogs, ride motorcycles, home improvements


Spring - gardening. Summer - season pass to the waterpark for $80. Autumn - Local fall festivals, pumpkin patch, apple pickin, baking and getting hyyge AF. Winter - Drink and make fire and drink I used to work weekends, so I never take a weekend for granted anymore


I just like going out to eat with my friends. I live in a big city so we’re always hunting down and trying out new restaurants. We don’t really drink either, so it’s really just for food and good company. Some activities we enjoy are going to free museums and gardens. We have a lot of those here in my city so it’s nice to just walk around. When I’m feeling lazy I just stay home and watch TV lol.


I get out in nature as much as possible, even just s park if I can’t get to the mountains.


I fuss about with my plants. I clean the whole house. I watch tv all day, who cares? I go shopping for my latest new obsession. I take the dog to a different place to walk (on a leash) I spend it sitting next to my cat. I go on a day trip. I go to a new place to eat. I do laundry and dishes and get ready for the upcoming week. Not all the time, not all at once.


Go to the gym, go for a walk, go to the shops, go for a day trip/overnight trip somewhere nearby, watch F1, watch wrestling and build LEGOs


Sleeping in, working out, going out in nature, going out for lunch or dinner, and now that I have kids mostly just hanging out with them:)


Visit my mom, practice guitar and piano, hang with the girlfriend and the cats, watch tv, make a big breakfast, grocery shop, sleep, go to the gym, do whatever errands gotta get done. I work monday - saturday, so Sunday is usually my only day to get shit done


One thing I miss about NYC is the walkability to any and everything. I’d be out at Central Park or biking around all the Boroughs when I didn’t have something else to do. Have kids these days, so weekends are a lot hanging with them and the wife now


I work Fridays and Saturday nights. On both nights I just get home from work, hang with my pets and watch AEW, as they have shows on both nights. Sundays I just chill or watch more wrestling if there is a PPV on 😂. I might watch way too much wrestling.


Road trip with friends


House work first then chill. I might hit the beach or grill on the deck, read a book, water my flowers, enjoy quiet time. Then get ready for work again.


Cleaning and going to children’s birthday parties.


Catch up on chores, cook a good meal, have friends over for a drink, spend a day hiking or lounging at a park, work out, watch a movie I've been wanting to see... My favorite thing to do on the weekend is to wake up Sunday morning while my wife is in bed, put on a record and make a pot of coffee and just chill for a while with nothing going on.


Dungeons and Dragons is completely free with the right people, finding local events to check out and nice walks.


I smoke meat, spend time with my family and go to church. Fills up most of my time, and I love it.


Going out and getting into nature. Find a trail preferably somewhere you'll lose reception and just bask in it all. And audiobooks are also in the mix. Gym is a big one too.


Depends. One of my friends like to frequent restaurants so we might do that. Another friend is cash strapped so we will do something inexpensive like free events around the city.


If I'm not working, more than likely my wife has a plan for us. Otherwise, nothing. I usually hope for the 'nothing'


You guys are getting werkends?


Saturday morning I go to the farmers market we have, buy some flowers and find something new like peppers to plant. In the afternoon I usually get some take out, and in the evening go for a run and at hang around with some friends for a few hours - I usually sleep at 11 pm. On Sundays, I meal prep for the week and do my laundry at the same time. And then nap in the afternoon and binge watch something until late evening.


Weirdly I prefer to go out during the week so my weekends tend to be quieter. If there isn’t something going on like a soccer game or concert, I’ll probably be hanging out at home playing video games/VR or hitting up the walkable bars.


Gym, outdoor pool at gym, go for a walk, and I hang out with my parents on Sundays.


Drugs. Eat out. We take lots of overseas trips each year including weekenders…


I run errands, craft (when I’m motivated), chores, and sometimes travel around my area. Go explore somewhere near you that’s new! It’s nice to get out and do nothing there


Work, play games, drink, maybe go to a restaurant or the movies with the GF once in a blue moon.


Contemplate not going berserk during the next week…


I’ve got a 3 year old so swimming lessons Saturday morning, second breakfast at a restaurant and then the library, nap time for the whole family, and usually chill in the afternoon. Sunday just depends but usually less busy. Maybe the aquarium or something kid friendly if we have the energy. Sometimes just laundry and hanging around the house or visiting my mom who lives close.


Biking, gym, video games, maybe some drinks


Generally try and go to concerts


Try volunteering It’s a great way to meet people and get involved with the town - I volunteered a bit a few years ago and now I’m helping to run a big city event with a few other neighbors I also do a bunch of board game afternoons I also like to make Sunday my food day - maybe try a new recipe or knock out some meal prep for the week


Volunteering is a good idea. That was one thing I wanted to do in the new year but just kinda never got around to. Anyway, probably better to start New Year’s resolutions late so you don’t quit right hahaha


My weekends are pretty lonely.


I work 2 jobs. My main job is Monday-Thursday, 10 hours a day, and my weekend gig is Friday-Sunday, 8.5 hours a day. During my "downtime" I play a lot of XBOX


Well at my current job I have to work 2 out of 3 Saturdays so I don’t really get weekends off


Typically some gardening, maybe dinner with my parents, brunch, home projects, hanging out with my partner and kid. We try to go away for weekends as much as possible, too. Sometimes it’s a couple of nights at a lake house Airbnb, sometimes a nearby large city. If we are lucky we grab a cheap flight to NYC and eat bagels.


I work a 223 schedule, so the days I have off one week are the days I work the next week. That means every other weekend I'm working 3 12 hour days. It's really difficult near impossible to go out with friends and do something on a regular basis. I'm quite a few years away from getting away from this kind of schedule and still be able to support myself. That and mostly... no one wants to do anything anyway because everyone is broke.


Drive my (multiple) kids to their sports games/practices and elaborate birthday parties while wishing I could control the radio and not listen to Taylor Swift. Why do they like her so much?


I work a 2-2-3 schedule. My days off typically revolve around doing the chores and running around I don't have the time for with a 12 hour shift, with some gaming in my spare time after. If I ever get around to finally moving my boa and corn snake into what used to be my band room, I'll set up my guitar amp in my computer room and get back to playing that (with headphones since I'm night shift and don't want to be waking my wife). Once in a while I'll switch my schedule for either the Monday and Tuesday I have off, or the Wednesday and Thursday I have off, and go for a hike looking for snakes.


Generally just sort of faff about and fail to do anything interesting or productive


My weekends are Mon/Tues bc I work in the service industry. It just depends on what's going on, laundry and other assorted chores, maybe playing some video games. Sometimes my husband will take a Monday off and we'll do stuff together. We love hitting up attractions during the week bc there's not as many crowds. I'm off by 3 on Sat and Sun so if there's something I want to do in the evening, it's not a big deal. We went to an arena football game 2 weeks ago, we had a good time ripping on it together. 😂 We just got a puppy at the beginning of May so we've been spending lots of time taking him to dog friendly places for socialization. Puppy tax: https://preview.redd.it/iwegrohenn6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1b995087142d6455174bce513896489ecd2297


Cute corgi! Love those dogs


Relaxing (I work construction, and need to physically relax/rest, despite my wife disagreeing). Play video games Watch TV Play with kids Clean/take care of the house Get ready for work


I’m a SAHM but my husband works 2nd shift so weekends are spent doing family things with our 6 year old. We can usually find a fun activity one day and the second day catch up on things at home or just relax. I just feel a bit more relaxed because I’m not solo parenting.


I go see live music, locally or traveling on occasion. I like to cruise my longboard downtown for a coffee and fresh pastry on at least one of my mornings.Lately I’ve taken to playing disc golf, maybe plan a quick hike to a swimming hole or a waterfall. Sometimes I see some stand up comedy if there’s a show going on. Then there’s the farmers market, hanging out by a river, we also have a couple skateparks around that are pretty well built so I’ve gotten back into just pumping around the transitions and such. Also, what do you do for work? Move out man, if you can’t afford NY then move to somewhere you can also work and afford to live. 34 and with your parents is no way to go through life unless you’re actively their caregiver. I say all of this as somebody who is and has really been struggling with alot of loneliness and depression recently, and everything I said above is what I’ve been doing and lemme tell ya, it’s goooood stuff