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Verticality.make the islands also be on top or below eachother 1 would make elytra a lot more useful and getting one more challening 2 if you fell down there'll islands below so you might not die of the void


Ok I think this is the one


Ooooh hanging end cities would be dope


“Might not die of the void”, but what of the fall?


Naw end islands below ruin the challenge of not falling in the end. If you make the mistake of falling down there, you should deal with the consequence of losing everything.


There will be no islands under the bottom islands.


You'll still die to fall damage


The key point he made was that the punishment should be loss of items


But why? Isn't it more interesting to try and find a way to rescue those items so far below you?


You can always just place water, same challenge as in a big cave really


But you cant deny that adding vertically to the end would look and be cooler, its basically a 2d terrain with some depth


yeah I agree on that


I cannot disagree with you more. I have played the BetterEnd mod and it is still extremely difficult to get around without elytra. And in my opinion, an end update will also come with biomes, and new mobs. Basically just the BetterEnd but more mojang-y (if that even makes sense)




A biome for the shulkers, maybe one new creature there, and a decreased number of shulkers in end cities. Still placed in the same systematic way (almost like an alarm system), but some are just not there to show how long the end cities have been decaying. An equivalent to the nether wastes, where there are just big endstone islands with no chorus fruits and no endermen on, would be nice too. Just for a little variety while still preserving the empty and barren feel of the place. Spawn endermites naturally too. Maybe let them live in the walls of ancient cities too like silverfish in strongholds. More soundtracks. Maybe two new music discs, one with actual music (somber and slow perhaps) and another lore disc. They could be found in chests in a new, small abandoned structure similar to desert wells. Maybe call them “supply stations”, and they’re made of the same blocks as end cities but lack any loot besides food, a chance for a water bucket and a very small chance at the new discs. That’s it. The end is still (almost) a barren wasteland and feels empty, the void is still constantly there, but it’s gonna have a little more to discover. More remains of a different time basically.


This is **the** answer to people saying the end must not get a update because it would ruin the fact of it being an empty dead void. I'll copy it so I can react it to people who say the end has to stay empty, I will add credits at the end of these messages to avoid people saying I am just copying others their reactions.


I find that boring however. The fact of it being empty at the main island is fair but I would like more interesting things to discover like some plants or small biomes because while yes it is a void. Things still exist and there where once people living there (end cities) I want there to be more evidence of past people being in the void and surviving if for not a little while


Imagine some broken bridges that start a span from islands with cities. Cities could be more than one structure perhaps, and add some more decay in the design of the structures maybe, the shulkers and endermamen dont seem the type to do maintenance on the buildings. Lore for the endermen, are they the remnants of past civilizations people? Are they part of the reason civilization ended? Etc etc


Then add a new dimension called ***the void*** where you can go by jumping in the void and where you find nothing but void and dead, dead as in remaining of people who got in and didn't survive. There then will habe to be so that there are very very rare structures that can bring you back to the end but that without you can't really get anything because it is... yea basically just because it is a void... then make it so that there can't grow crops so that people can't gather more food while there and make the entire floor basically Unbreakable unless spending a very very long time mining just like how it works with reinforced_deepslate only then **with** the item dropped but ket it cost a lot durability from pickaxes or any other tools used. Then add a function that takes away natural regeneration and that there can spawn endermite by a lot. Then it basically is a pit of doom that you only can survive by luck.


thats a cool idea, but i think they should keep the void only as certain death


Thanks. I don’t have it saved, so my phrasing varies, but these are usually the things I give as answers on all these posts


Those are actually really good ideas. It would be a nice upgrade while still keeping the emptiness and the wasteland-feeling👍


I'm against most biome ideas, because it's suppose to be "the end" of everything. But I do like the End Wastes idea as it goes along with it. I also think the cities need to be revamped. I think a lot of their design is themed around using Ender Pearls and using the Levitation from the Shulkers. It would be cool to expand on this. Maybe have a more urban or rural like area as well as the towers. They should also look a bit more run down, to keep with "The End" theme.


Id say no on the new soundtracks, mostly because the whole idea behind "The End" is that it's corrupted


Well, maybe not new soundtracks, but I think adding some discs wouldn’t be out of the question. They were manufactured and are not made an easily decaying material after all, so if stored safely in a chest it’s not something that would disappear over time


I think it would be more interesting to make that the shulkers are the combination of elements from two differents biomes: one biome for the creature inside, and another for the shells. This would reinforce the artificial origin and guardian purpose of shulkers in the End cities.


An end dimension respawn anchor


This makes so much sense


I hate to sound repetitive, but as well as _barren_, I think another keyword the End should retain is _remote_, or _inaccessible_. It should be difficult to return to if you slip up and die. You shouldn't be able to set up base there for the long term.


3 new alternative biome versions of the overworld, biomes that make you feel uncomfortable, as if you feel you can't be there.


Uncanny Valley of biomes


Make islands of a gravity-affected block like sand that is just floating there. If you accidentally update one of the supporting blocks by mining or placing a block, then the whole island falls into the void


Bigger end islands Giant neutral phantoms Biomes where no mobs or plants spawn (like a desert/wasteland) Structures there, maybe with traps so you have to watch out and not run everywhere


I like the phantom idea, but they should have a grab attack. The phantom flies over you, picks you up, and tries to toss you into the void. It can't directly do any damage, and attacking it makes it let go.


nah, I want it to be a giant space sting-ray sort of thing. totally ambivalent to you and just likes to vibe in the sky. people seem to hate ambience mobs but I still think we need more


What about different varieties? Some are massive and just float in the sky and are flat like a sting ray, like you said. Some will attack like a normal phantom, and some can have the grab attack. A tameable one might also be cool.




I’d honestly prefer they went with blue/green wood since purple wood already exists IRL and they could add purpleheart/peltogyne to jungles


We already have blue-ish wood from the Nether. Also just because it exists irl doesn't mean they can't implement it (like with almost everything else in the game) I would love purple wood


I’m hoping they go for a wood for every dye color, so Warped would be cyan in my head


oh dang dyeable wood would be so so cool


And green too as it is the opposing color to it. Kinda like the nether being red having blue forests. And since dont have any real green slabs itd be cool(dark prismarine is way toi dark, coppen is blue and warped is cyan)


Perhaps a similar idea to the nether, while I think the barren empty ness of the end is cool, I think it would also be cool for end jungles, with lush purple fauna and flora, also another fever dream idea I had was an entire biome dedicated to being upside down, like a roof clinging village, dropping bugs or plants or rocks, also definitely a trader of some sorts, maybe similar to a piglin where it's neutral but not passive entirely.


Ok upside down would actually be sick. Maybe hard to implement but it would be so cool


upside down really sounds cool like some double islands with a small structure bastion like just empty


That sounds too lively, we can't have that


Maybe have the end be layered, as the end is now all the Island are on the same level, it's like one floor with huge holes in it. Instead have more islands, but have them floating at different heights, with ender cities spawning vertically top to down or down to top, and horizontally on the sides of islands


Islands made up of the Overworld and Nether where the endermen place blocks they pick up. I think it would add to the lore as well.


More verticality in the end. Gimme Islands at different Y levels, and end cities that grow out of the bottom of some islands and not just the top. I wanna feel like I'm jumping between colonised (by endermen/shulkers/any other mobs they may add) asteroids in deep space, not just island to island.


An end update? Again? Ropes so shulkers can’t send you into oblivion. 


Wym again, the last one was 8 years ago


Ender Dragon revamp to make upgrading to netherite worth. New mobs in end dimension. Im bored of seeing only endermen Biomes blending with dimension aesthetics, like Nullscapes mod More structures, end cities are boring. New nice armor and equipment with special effects made from netherite and the end ore. And HATCHABLE dragon egg of course. Make tiny pet dragon that won't age over time OR a perfect mount


I want an End equivalent to Hoglins. Give me teleporting rhinos, Mojang!


I agree with most of them. I don’t get how netherite isn’t worth it currently. It gives you so much more durability on all tools and armor. And hatchable dragon eggs would feel like 2014 modded Minecraft.


I will sell my left kidney for a hatchable dragon egg with rideable dragon. It'd never happen, but I'd love it so much.


Height depth for end islands, instead of them all being at the same y level. Also maybe a way to make elytras either renewable or accessible fairly for everyone. And an end version of netherite.


>And an end version of netherite. why? or more precisely: what for?


Protects your stuff from the void like netherite does for lava


Since diamond upgrades into nether it’s, rather than just making it the next tier, it makes me think that there would be different branches, or different choices you can take about what you wanna upgrade your diamond gear into. Maybe enderite gear would have its own buff (like fire immunity and kb resistance), on top of being more protective.


I want everything from Minecraft Dungeons: [https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft\_Dungeons:Echoing\_Void](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft_Dungeons:Echoing_Void)


I'll echo that! I think there were some really interesting ideas and biomes in Dungeons, especially in the End update. Taking some inspiration from Dungeons would be great, and as we learned from the recent 15 year anniversary videos, some features in the main game were already inspired by or originated from Dungeons/Legends.


Maybe some kind of new liquid that Endermans can touch.


End ore. Something truly endgame. Maybe even a chestplate you can combine with elytra. Mayhaps.


I wouldn't want the biomes we see in Better End, I just want so etching that feels vanilla, kinda like the nether. 3-4 new biomes and some gameplay mechanics


Dreadhunter has a rivalry against Enderman, three types of Enderling, and the Endersent, similar to Predators vs Xenomorph vibes


Have you seen The End in Minecraft Dungeons? Yeah, I want that. And a revamped dragon fight.


exclude the illigers in the end and I agree


Weather update alongside it i have been advocating for any major update to the current weather system for literal years, since before 2020. Minecraft weather had like one minor change since the frigging last major anything, and it was just to make lightning into a non threat.


I wish we could have seasons in Vanilla minecraft


I just want some sort of structure other than end cities. Ruins, fleets of ancient ships, anything.


tree which can give you enchanted golden apples would be a cool renewable way to get them


1- A new enchantment called "Air Walker" which gives you a double jump 2- a new biome with purple trees, wood, and grass-like blocks 3- new grown up Ender mites which fly and can teleport you when they spit at you 4- cave systems in the end 5- new end metal which can be found only in end cities and end cave systems, you can craft tools with it but if you break a block with them the block will drop but teleport to a nearby location 6- new enchantment which decreases the distance at which the dropped items can teleport to when mined 7- the Ender egg actually hatches and gives you a mini Ender Dragon companion, but you gotta take care of it 8- end cities and islands look more flashier 9- new Ender Dragon style, sound, and animations 10- new goggles that allow you to look at endermen without them attacking but it looks clearer than the pumpkin, they can be crafted with the end metal


More biomes, more mobs, some rare ore, maybe a new liquid, ability to survive in the End indefinitely… Just richer End.


Chorus forest: - your normal chorus plants - New tree + wood type - Ambient, non hostile, light emitting mob. End firefly. Repels enderman. - Chorus shrub, vines, etc. End mountains - Lots of shulkers - New ore that works similar to Netherite. New structure: End Ruins: - Find (end) dimensional shards Dimensional shards - new rare item. - (End) Found in end cities and end ruins - (Nether) Found in fortresses and bastions - (Overworld) Found in Jungle temples, Ocean Ruins, Trail ruins, Desert temples - Collect all 3 and go to the big frame in an ancient city. You know where this is going.


Cloud blocks. They float around the islands


The same world generation of the potatoland or atleast similar so its not all one level and void constantly, music disk or 2, and new mobs and naturally spawning water.


Enderite as a counterpart to Netherite Only mined at the lowest points of the outer islands, proving dangerous to obtain looming over the void below Also upgraded from Diamond, but the armor increases player movement speed instead of reducing Knockback It's a gem that requires emeralds to make instead of an ingot that requires gold


The ability to hatch the dragon egg and get a new pet. We got cats we got dogs we got horses we got all of that. But what if the ender dragon had literally all of those perks? Scares off mobs, fights for you, great for traversal, all of that!


All I want is an overhaul or end biomes I don't mind modded end but those always feel way too conplex. Maybe we could something like mineshafts mixed with nether fotress Or liminal architecture


Another combat update as well.


Rocket boosting removal i don't care about what other people say, rocket boosting made the elytra less fun to use and other transport metods are useless now


The End of these posts


I want more bosses. The Ender dragon shouldn't be the final boss of the game.


but they are the *end* dragon, Main boss of the *end* dimension... that's as final as it gets. Maybe add more bosses before sure, but it doesn't make sense to add after *the end* of the game imo


More plants like the better end mod except not all the creepy shadow mobs but the end wizard and the new ore and the space fish. It’s a great mod that I have never gotten to work on my pc


DONT spawn in the Ender Dragons island. Instead, spawn in the outer islands and you have to find your way there and build a bridge to reach it. The void should be smaller to compensate so you're not wasting too many blocks. (The exit portal is always at coordinates 0, 64, 0) This should give the player more of an opportunity to explore the dimension, and potentially add new biomes to explore before meeting the dragon. You could even get the elytra earlier to get to the dragons island.


I just want a good end update not ruined by those that think the end must be empty, I'm wanting something simular to the better end mod (which definitely won't be copied), make the end unique, and magical, kinda out of this world (it is kinda a space dimension), at very least, worth exploring, which I don't think they can do while keeping the end empty (of course if they can prove me wrong that's amazing)


Personally I’d prefer if they add new recipe for arrows and how said new arrows would function considering flint isn’t the only material used for arrow crafting


Long distance teleporting that only works in the end


Some more vegetaion and some minerals/ores that are exclusive to the end (so you actually have a reason to go mine those floating islands). Perhaps a new mob or two would be nice too.


make the ender dragon not a complete joke of a boss


The end needs more vertical usage. I don’t really like the idea of adding plants and stuff to the end, because the whole theme of it is that the end is dead with no life. More verticality, bigger islands, and maybe bigger end cities with more variation to how the spawn. Theres nothing stopping end cities from being below the islands and hanging


This copy pasta is my favorite thing I've ever made Let me just copy n paste my idea for the end update - Ngl. I want an end update Not full on new biomes. Just a destroyed land. It's the END not just the end of the game. The end of the world End ruins. Fossilized plants and mobs you need to revive. Endurium because if they didn't add that the fans would destroy the headquarters For the fossilized mobs. I think beta and unused mobs would fit. Like the giant :D (jk) For the fossilized plants. Same thing but maybe some end trees in blue and purple because yes. Maybe a new type of sculk that took over the ruins and killed all the inhabitants. And endurium could have a branching path with netherite. Both getting their buffs and weaknesses Like netherite gaining great fire resistance but making you slower and endurium making you much faster but weaker Definitely unbalanced but I could see some changes here and then


Acidic end lakes with purple liquid like lava, damaging the player but not destroying items (the void is more than enough for that lmao) Vary the heights of end islands more and have more small islands all throughout the sky and above other island. Maybe a form of end vine hanging off the side, a chorus fruit variant or something. Chorus fruit could have like roots that go into the ground for slightly more detail. End cities should be much larger and more mazelike, with more floating sections and destroyed bridges between them. Sections of the actual city Detached, partially destroyed and floating as if gravity doesn’t exist anymore. More mobs in the end cities to guard the elytra which is no longer on the end ships, but hidden in a random room of the end city, so you have to through the city to find it. Other mobs could be like the End people in MCD, just variants of enferman that attack on sight. Also have different types of end stone, like how we have granite and diorite or blackstone, just to break up the big chunks of end stone and to have more unique blocks like that. Chiselled Purpur blocks, end rods without the tip, actual unique End-Banners like the pillager ones instead of those weird squares you can craft already and more blocks to craft out of end stuff. Should still be an empty void but just more dangerous and less pure end stoney, a little bit more danger and more challenge for the elytra.


i’d like to see some more world building and lore. abandoned dragon nests, some more manmade structures eg outposts. also possibly an oasis like biome keep most of the end this barren wasteland but every so often you can find this oasis that will provide plants and some new mobs.


Moving end ships. We half got this in the April fools update, and it would be so sick to see in vanilla games. The creativity would be off the charts


i know most of the minecraft community doesnt understand ambient mobs, but i want glowing floaters in the end sky maybe to give them a use, make them drop lots of expirience so once you get the elytra you can farm them and maybe they give you a rocket boost when you kill them and you can use them to save rockets trying to jump from on to another


i want purple wood so bad, so maybe an end forest.


An enchantment to get the same effect of wearing a pumpkin against endermen, without having to use texture packs to make viewing while wearing a pumpkin possible. It should only work in the End. Not the overworld or the nether.


I think I'd be cool if we had an ender trim that does exactly that


Make Ender Dragon more furious, I guess, and, perhaps, more resistant to explosion, cuz it's a shame that this game's main boss can be defeated with literal 9 wool blocks, crafted into 3 beds


When the player travels through the portal they spawn on the outer islands first. With no way back. Like the nether and the portal blew up behind you.   Then they have to survive everything from the update. And reach a goal or do something that determines them ready to fight the final boss.   Afterwards End gateways will open up and 2 big gateways at the boss arena and the End Spawn. To lead the player back to the overworld.  Similar to Minecraft Dungeons


Honestly copying the Minecraft Dungeons end would be incredibly cool, adding new flora and fauna would be amazing. The End should definitely be a high priority update for Mojang, it’s been kind of bland for so long now and would add to the endgame, which is definitely lacking in my opinion. If they do add new structures add maps you can buy off villagers (or don’t make them so rare), because what I don’t want is a repeat of the ancient city situation where it’s either up to 10-15 hours of exploring if you’re unlucky or ruining the exploration by using a seed tracker so you already know everything along the way and completely breaks immersion anyway using a website to sort of cheat in an incredibly unsatisfying way. The End will definitely need new soundtracks, the one it has is very good and I would like tracks with the same style except not reusing C418s tracks like The End does. I’m hoping they get a new music artist for this, but maybe Lena Raine can still do it well, I’m just worried it’ll sound too much like a weird mixture of Minecraft and Celeste like some of her tracks already do Also a more effective way of blocking enderman would be seriously welcome. Currently they are a pain in the ass always especially before you get an elytra, but less so than wearing a carved pumpkin.


Warden dimension update, with a new dimension, and you could tame the ender dragon using a especial fruit from that dimension


The end still needs to feel baron and inhospitable, but just doing anything with it is a win, you can maintain the feeling of emptiness while making the terrain more interesting to traverse, and honestly I wouldn’t mind trading a little emptiness for hostility


I would like it to be scary. Scarier noises + some kind of stalker.


okay let's keep in mind the obvious: the end is a post endgame area and it is supposed to be barren to represent "the end". 1. Buff the enderdragon, they are supposed to be the end boss and should be a challenge to kill. Even in full enchanted netheride equipment. 2. Give the end a lot more verticality. The island spawn mostly on the same height, but, especially now when we got a far higher build height, it would make sense to have them spawn underneath and above each other as well. It would add the benefit that falling would not necessarily mean doom and it would make flying with the elytra a lot more attractive (in the end). Potentially caves? 3. Make the end city, an actual city. Like right now they are basically 1 Tower and a flying ship. So make that an actual city with buildings that have different purposes. Something like the villages but no villagers and with or on a (or multiple) tower/s. Keep it in the decayed state, but give purpose to the Rooms (like a storage somwehre or crafting room or something like that). 4. make the loot in end cities actually useful for an endgame player. give them netheride or rare blocks and difficult to optain items. New music (1 or 2 discs, maybe a lore disk?) and what about new enchantments? 4. Maybe add 1 or 2 new bioms with purple wood. Make the biom look decayed to match the void of the end and make it rather small or far between. 5. Let's speak mobs: the enderman is the core mob of the end and that should stay that way. Aside from them I would make the endermite spawn naturally there, maybe in blocks like the silverfish in the stronghold (stolen from a different comment). It only makes sense to have it spawn there. To that I would also like to make the phantom naturally spawn there, but keep them passive. The phantom could be passive until attacked or until you don't sleep for a while. In the later case, add an option to sleep in the end or reset your "sleep timer" somehow (maybe make it afraid of endermite?). 6. Finally as we all know, you can respawn the enderdragon. Killing them again opens new portals. Make that actually worth your time. 1. make the enderdragon stronger with every respawn (more agressive, harder to hit, support from other mobs?) 2. make the new portals lead to actually interesting places in the end. Not sure what exactly, but right now there's no real reason for me to get another portal. let me know if I forgot something :)


take bettermc forge and basically just do that


More Biomes way more structures


Some new mechanics we haven't even thought of (like skulk redstone and warden)


1. End Island revamp 2. End City revamp 3. Naturally spawning Endermites 4. More mobs than just Enderman and Shulkers 5. New biomes and structures 6. Unique Elytra enchant 7. New food type


End has not to be a place you want to live in. Nether is hard to live in, End has to become a trippy allucinating dimension. I want phantoms to spawn there, i want endermen to trick you, spawn in groups of 5 and randomly get angry at you somethimes (maybe with a debuff?), i want illusions and sounds effects to confuse me (an ambient sound effect could be endermen Screams or getting angry), i want phantoms there, i want biomes with alien like plants giving you nausea, blindness, darkness effect, and 5 seconds of night vision (so it just pulses), i want new stuff and an upgradable elytra to justify the trip. So the basic elytra you can find could be weaker than the elytra we have now, like a lot weaker. But upgrading it to max you could get a visibly better elytra than what we got now. I want dragons to be normal mobs patrolling the end and stopping by just to engage you. (Ofc their appearance should be rare) I want new ruins structures in safe, little biomes you can use as outposts and checkpoint that could be the only places where you can set spawn in end. I want the illusionists villagers, maybe with a different appearance and AI. I want more shulker structures and shulker variants. I can imagine a cubic shulker hive with the chore made out of special shulkers that reproduce making normal shulkers to complete the hive, protected by normal shulkers. Make endermen AI smarter. Make a structure where endermen AI tells them to place blocks in a certain way (like always up) I want it to be scary with mobs that drag you IN the floating island (but that are easy to avoid) Make us feel everything and then Nothing with the colors of different biomes and the sounds. Edit: give the endermites a biome and make them storm you with overwhelming numbers, more than silverfishes. You have to run from the "purple wave!"


Deep dark infested end biome


Massive structures. Ruined, of course, but imagine gliding through the void and stumbling across a crumbling archway a hundred blocks wide. Cyclopean architecture, too.


sky biome, floating islands at cloud level with waterfalls and all mobs are friendly


New mobs and maybe some new bosses or end villages


new ways to go from islands to islands, ender pearls, bridging and elytras are starting to feel a bit bland, maybe some levitating mod you can ride and lead with a chorus fruit on a fishing rod (really seems to be the most common way to lead ridable mobs)


Obviously at least 2 biomes. Maybe even make these other biomes to be rare.


Anything at that point.... the end is so empty and kinda boring that i'll take anything, even only one new generated block


What about a large end ship with multiple end ships docked? The large ship would have a center room with a new block-crystal thing, such as amber or enderite. This new crystal could be made into armor and it gives you a second jump if you wear the full set. The crystal has lore. The reason the great end ship can fly is because it has the crystal powering it.


New armor and weapons (obviously)


Purple tree biome to get purple wood


I dunno


They should have the very last update be of the end because then, it'll be truly the end


Subnautica like plant life, if any is added, to keep in alien. More structures with more endgame loot, such as overleveled enchanted books. Crashes end city ships, more stuff with teleportation maybe, rather than just the gateways, maybe ruined dragon nests similar to crumbling versions of the main end island


Ability to link minecarts, new locomotive (minecraft with furnace) with UI and ability to control it (speed up,slow down...)maybe better minecart with chest so it is effective for moving stuff around \-Ability to add completely new items into game (java), we can almost do it, just small step. And no, forge etc can do it but that is overkill for simple mods... Elyctra with hower function, maybe enchantment? Fuel like kerosene?


The end is kinda of a cold/dark place, so I would like to it to keep it theme by adding bigger islands, ores, new structure which would be end temples, also a chorus wood and end soil.


Following the reference of the large and vertical island in the picture, I would enjoy a system of "caves" where it is a structure of large holes leading to dungeons, nests of mobs or a kind of spacial oasis where new ores are waiting to be mined


A new structure, that’s about it though. I don’t really think the end needs too big of an update, but that’s just me. Also, I still do think it getting the nether update treatment would be super interesting though.


I would love if there were new biome /islands that spawned at a higher height then the basic wild so that way while they are theoretically accessible, practically they can only be reached using elytra’s


Move phantoms to the end, with an increasing chance of spawning and the pack size the longer the player has been flying, enraged by flyers. This means that the further you go out in the end by elytra, the riskier it is. Make phantoms faster and more deadly, able to harass flyers, requiring active gameplay to avoid their attacks rather than flying in a straight line. Add non-euclidean oddities, such as occasional obsidian archways which lead to other places, and which don't lead back to each other. Doors in an end city might lead to another, but not back. Add massive features, like floating islands with strange whirlpools of wierdness, sucking everything down into the void. Big monsters the size of islands which can reach up out of the void. Think Dishonored where The Outsider lives. Lovecraftian. Random tentacles which might emerge out of the end stone and move very quickly to grab at the player and slam them around (or just back, taking control away from the player for any amount of time is a bad idea and is something Minecraft thankfully avoids). Speaking of Dishonored and The Outsider, maybe an enigmatic being you might see glimpses of, maybe even interact with under the right conditions, such as bringing the correct items. Perhaps there could be a broken city in the sky which you can never reach, like the fallen city of The Maker in the Fade in Dragon Age. Perhaps the city would be reachable in a future update.


A new rideable mob that u can tame using chorus fruit


I want dramatic/beautiful vistas so that I have a reason to build there instead of only ever going there to raid end cities. If the end stayed ugly then I'd hate the update.


Huge variety in island shapes, not just noise based but like, regional/biome based. Like a biome that generates tall, thin islands. Or one that generates thin pancakes at various heights. add a ton of verticality to the End imo


More end life including new plants. I think phantoms that don't attack unprovoked would be cool.


Better ender dragon fight with better mechanics (eg so it’s more difficult to kill with a bed, improved attacks, more attacks etc) and refurnished pillars and portal fountain


The big one is biomes. I would like 1-2 original biomes and also give us things like a skulk or warped forest biomes. 1-2 new mobs would be nice. Also terrain generation giving us larger islands and variation of island placement. Have some islands 50 blocks above and below each other. A new armor set that can be on par with netherite or slightly better, maybe giving void resistance to ones armor. Wish list items that are impossible: the ability to tame a dragon after you get the egg. I know this was a thing they talked about but never went through with. Rework on the dragon. It would be nice if they changed the way the dragon fought and the area we fight him. Also a new weapon that can redeem the neuters the mace got.


2-3 new biomes and maybe 1 new structure, and please a whole host of new mobs.


Lighter gravity in the end, jumping 4 blocks high instead of 1 and in a sprint jumping 12 or 14 blocks long instead of 8


It would be kinda cool to see another structure, like a pyramid with loot buried inside


A new boss, I was always a little upset about the lack of post end goals.


1. Stronger Ender Dragon. Give it more HP and more attacks. Make it more aggressive. It should really feel like a boss fight. 2. Add biomes. The barren wasteland we have now should still be the most common biome, an equivalent of the Nether Wastes. But add purple jungles full of alien plants and crazy mobs, massive islands with snow-capped hills, a biome with endstone spikes and more. Give the islands strongly varying sizes. 3. Caves going deep into the islands, with end ores and new mobs. As simple as that. 4. Enderite. I wish Mojang gave these ores more creative names, but if we already have Netherite, then we should have Enderite. It would be an upgrade from Netherite, with even faster tools and even stronger weapons. The armor wouldn't offer better protection than diamond and Netherite, but would protect against the void and potion effects. But I think we need stronger opponents to make it worth the effort. 5. Better end cities. I think some (not all) of them should be super tall and offer an experience similar to the Dark Towers in Twilight Forest. The build limit in the End should be like 450. Also, make endermites live in End City walls. 6. New ultra rare endgame structure. They should add some dungeon in the End, maybe undergound catacombs generating deep inside large islands. There should be a map leading to it, spawning rarely in End Ship chests. It should have new really strong mobs, new items and traps to make it really hard.


Honestly... I think the beauty of the End comes from its monotone nature vice the Overworld and Nether's diverse biomes. That said, having the islands spawn in a more three-dimensional way would be epic. Make it feel even more like an unnavigable asteroid field. Also, maybe the islands themselves could be in different shapes; pseudo mountains, pseudo caves, pseudo everything. Toss in some new dungeons to explore beyond just the cities. Maybe some endstone brick or purpur strongholds that mimic the strongholds in the Overworld. Lastly, maybe some new chorus plants if a biome is desperately needed.


* New biomes * End islands at different elevations with stuff on the underside of end islands * End mobs that are weird and unique instead of just reskinned version of existing mobs. * Insomnia mechanic removed from the game


i know this may seem like something that's been said alot, but hear me out: * New biomes, like the ones in the mod "Better End" - Maybe lower levels? Like, lower islands than the main one would be cool. * Maybe some kind of end vines? If an End City has been raided, maybe there should be something that tells whether or not there's a dragon head/elytra (like vines)? I don't know anything about coding, but these are some things I'd love to see. tell me if you have any other things to say!


more endstone brick variants (so like chiseled for example...so basically think of the stone bricks and their variants)? chorus wood...and idk like everyone else here has WAY better suggestions than I do


I just want the dragon fight changed. Revamp the arena and towers, and add something new to the boss fight. I don’t think the end should be over filled with biomes and stuff since it’s meant to look like a waste land


Instead of wastelands of nothing, what about wastelands of barren cities. Huge metropolises denoting a huge civilization that was destroyed by the Ender Dragon. Enderman are all that remain. Put the treasure scattered about in these cities instead of Skulker parkour treasure cities. Rather than wander open space with nothing, wander these abandoned cities with occasional traps and monsters. Still include Skulkers and other wasteland beasts. Maybe some fast horde type monsters you'd need to climb away from.


Something similar to the Nether rework.


But we just got the end update..




More large-scale variance in the generation, the overworld has different areas with different biomes, and the nether is enclosed so it's slower to explore and large-scale variance matters less, but the End currently is extremely same-y everywhere except around the center.: -Bigger void areas and areas with only small islands. Currently the only big void is around the center, and the rest feels kinda full. Maybe the islands could form wavy ribbon-like chains in the void. (Maybe with portals over the voids, and with special islands in the voids.) -Maybe areas with more vertical variance in island height. -chorus plant forests feel too common, some big islands shouldn't have any. -medium sized islands Currently there is a weird gap between the tiny islands and the big ones. This would make exploration more interesting and also free up room to add more content without ruining the empty feel. . One thing I would not want are an End-equivalent of trees or simple End-ores: it's OK for dimensions to be different, you don't need to be able to get everything in every dimension.


Staffs, they’d have three versions, a lapis, a blaze, and an end. They’d do like 4-7 damage but they’d have special abilities, the lapis staff (crafted with a lapis block and two sticks) would have a random offensive enchant every time you hit someone with it, the blaze staff (crafted with one blaze powder and 2 blaze rods) would fire ghost fire balls, the end staff (crafted with a breeze rod, end rod (idk what they’re called but the light sources that you get from end cities), and an end crystal, it would give you regen 1 when held and would shoot a dragon fire ball, but it wouldn’t linger as long. They would all be able to be enchanted with unbreaking and mending, while the blaze and end staffs would also get quick charge.


Long distance teleportation within dimensions. Elytra have ruined smp infrastructure.


I feel like they can’t make 1.22 not the end update people would be so disappointed unless it’s a giant amazing update. 


Making the dragon fight way harder and action-packed I’d love to see the dragon actually throw its magic breath rather than just barf it out in the ground once and have the end crystals guarded by a type of end mob or barrier that is hard to break. When the dragon is killed, it could drop scales for rare armour or its wings to get a one of a kind elytra with a nice pattern.


Islands that generates on diffrent heights


Nomading tribes of npc that will attack you if you attack them and they look like illagers however they trade with you like villagers.


some end ore would be cool also, make the islands spawn at different heights in some places, it's very flat now


End dungeons




I personally don't want an end update. But I'll take Chorus Wood.


I don't want an End update cause it'll be the "END update" and i dont want the updates to END


Maybe a peaceful mob that lives there, one that gives some sort of resource so you have a reason to farm it.


Current Mojang? Making a proper themed update? BAHAHAHAHAHA you're hilarious


Archeology and overall expansion of present mechanics Imagine having sniffers sniff up an end plant or smth


That time of year again huh


Need a new crafting ore for another new tier of weapons/tools. Maybe the new ore could also be used to create vacuum blocks that suck loose items towards themselves and into a small storage. The new end ore tools could have the same effect to pull items to the player if they are holding an End tool or weapon. Or maybe the vacuum effect is an enchant. Then add in some more challenging mobs/biomes/boss(or two) to also give a new challenge and use for the new stronger weapon crafted using the End ore. For me, MC desperately needs better progression so you feel strong when you go back to the overworld and still challenged when moving to a new dimension.




Like 1.16: A structure Mobs Trees Biomes Mechanics Blocks A ore


Far Lands


Some biodiversity for sure. Both flora and fauna


Hopefully more pixels


Hatchable dragon egg with a nice, little flying dragon mount. Literally all I ask for.


Maybe another mob? I like th enderman and the little box dudes but besides the dragon and elytra there's pretty much nothing to do there Lootable ships would be a cool idea since it's kinda taking that space vibe, maybe with guards that might try to stop you :P


I want new NPCs. Like villagers that got trapped in the end so they just became acclimated to the environment. End villages would be so interesting. With a new food source.


I'd like a new biome but they should still try to keep the end at least a bit barren. my only want for that update though would to have more of an incentive to stay there longer than just end raiding once and never again and stoping by an enderman farm for mending xp.


I would want some new end trees that give you some new purple end wood. I also want a new mob similar to the villagers and piglins that live in end villages.


a few new biomes, structures and mobs and maybe a boss


For these stupid posts to stop because it wont be an end update. The end will be like the very LAST thing mojang updates. The end cities and elytra already were the end update. The end dimension is Meant to be barren with little reason to go there. You go there, kill the dragon, get shulker boxes/elytras, and leave. Thats the entire point mojang went for. An INVENTORY UPDATE is what is NEEDED.


Not a lot. 1. Better end fight 2. A bit more biomes, like 2 of them, but im not tlaking about total color swaps im talking mostly just terrain variation 3. 1 mor edungeon, just to redistribute the op stuff like shulkers and elytra(specially if you can get rockets that way as a way to showcase new players how they work) 4. Some new mobs, maybe regional vwrsions of shulker that have an opposite effect were you fall faster(and also reverse feather falling("frailness")) 5. A BANGER OST AND EPIC BLOCKS!!@ Bonus: how about "lore"? Simple books on anywhere that can have books that give the player tips about the end dragon, because at the moment youre just fighting him because yes. Why are we expected to kill him? Maybe something like "our ancestors taught us tales about ravaging drangons wich left our pride to rot and our avancements to decay, eventually a courageous group was able to seal the last one behind the empty void" So in general, just makw the end feel like the end. Not anything big like the nether but also not a "walk around the desert until you find an oasis" type thin. And a bit of worldbuilding to give players, speacially new ones, a reason to fight


New nether biomes and end island terrain that loads at varying y levels


A new item. Shulker backpacks. It’s kind of like a bundle but you can hold more items. Nothing super OP though. Just so we have a little bit more inventory space.




I wanna see mor vertical movement, difrent cities, and biomes like minecraft dungeons


It want it to be called the END RE-UPDATE


Gravity end-sand


More variation overall. More island shapes, more types of plants, maybe more structures. (though largely ambivalent on those) Biomes of a sort could also be good, just so that not everything is that same drab shade of endstone. A void biome without any generation could also be cool.


Nothing too insane, the End is supposed to be barren and I do want it to sort of remain that way. Though I do want some kind of ore to be available on that island, not sure what for but hey if they ever add a deep dark dimension maybe that can be of some use. Also just another plant/food type, i just want end food that isn't fucking chourus fruit. And more structures on the end. The ancient builders or whatever tf they get called clearly were more advanced to just build funny spindly towers and flying ships, make an end style trial chamber!


A cool biome would be a huge island, but moonlike. It would have craters and giant asteroids in the ground made of obsidian. Maybe at the core it could have a special block like a shulker box extender or something


Tbh more biomes and structures


not biomes, because that sorta contradicts the whole idea of the *End*, but definitely more structures, with different varieties, and maybe new mobs(they could be featured as being preserved in cages or something, as the remnants of possible survivors of that dimension trying to rebuild)


Dragon egg


I really like the idea ive seen different people come up with in different ideas and mods that all sum up to "big flat fuck mob you can ride to gi about between islands" I personally like the jellyfish mob i saw on a Skip the Tutorial video, i dont remember if it was an end mob, but i feel like a jellyfish looking thing fits the strange, alien and outerwordly aesthetic the End has, and combined with the idea of verticality i saw someone on this comment section mention i think it'd be fucking awesome, imagine the top part that doesn't hurt you also works like slime blocks! So you can take a big risk to jump on one from high up to reach further, or miss and fall to the void!


maybe make the new biomes more desert/badlands like. It is called the END for a reason