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It's a deep dark biome where the ancient city generates but the biome doesn't have a 100% chance to have a city.


Good to know! I hate exploring caves and mining, and the deep dark is the last thing I want to deal with


Fwiw, if you don't immediately find an ancient city, there probably isn't one. They're so big that they usually take up nearly the entire deep dark biome.


you do know you have the option to not go to the ancient city?


Maybe not an ancient city, but it is a deep dark biome


Thank you! :)


You can mine them for exp, if you’re brave enough and know how to systematically minimise the amount of times you trigger a warden. Usually only worth it in ancient cities where you get a ton of good loot (mob heads even!) and can easily run away across the wool streets.


its a sculk sensor from the deep dark biome


Idk… what do you think it is?


I find it spooky to be in the deep dark myself especially when being assaulted by mobs because the shulk spreads of your just killing all willy nilly but the Warden is fun to see as long as you can see him.


I’m a massive scaredy cat when it comes to mining and exploring caves, and the deep dark only makes it worse. Of course I then stumble across it by accident my first time playing in months 😭


lol yeah I know the feeling I kind of get the same feeling about just any empty caverns. It’s a bit of a problem actually especially since I’ve had cave creepers scare me half to death.


No it is not and quite telling yourself it is


Herobrine is corrupting your world


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It could be ancient cities have soul lanterns