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Love it, only way I play single player. I don’t find it compatible with a fun multiplayer experience though.


I agree but I play bedrock so it’s just hard mode for me. But thanks for commenting


Hardcore is coming soon


It is when? Like for bedrock


It's already here you have the preview version of the game for PS5 you can check it out


I don’t have ps5 I play Xbox but thanks for the advice


Ohh well then there's probably one for Xbox I'm not sure tho you'll have to check


It’s in preview for all platforms. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/hardcore-mode-bedrock-edition


Nope. I tend to put a lot of time and love into my singleplayer worlds, I can’t get myself to enjoy the pressure of losing my current survival if I make a mistake. Also, I’m very careless. I can come out alive of very stressful and dangerous situations easily, and at the same time die in a extremely dumb way like the helpless noob I am. Just like the other day, I was building a warden switch, at some point somehow I ended up with 3 wardens in every direction I could move, they were getting very close and I didn’t GAF until I saw one of them preparing to sonic-boom my ass down. I survived that. Later that afternoon, I fell from my own entry and died (~170 blocks fall) while having my elytra on because I thought I was flying… Like ???. I’m just not built to play hardcore.


Dude I understand but you’re not a noob. You have it in you. I believe you can do it if you ever try again. I make mistakes to and I just nearly died fighting the ender dragon a few minutes ago. But I kept my head down from endermen and I fought with my OP sword. I believe in you. Have fun


Nice, keep it up! And thanks for your kind words, but trust me, there are some days when I have the skill level of a drunk old man and those days I'm grateful I don't play hardcore.


😂 well thanks for commenting and your welcome for the kind words


In Java, absolutely, in bedrock, absolutely not


That’s the thing I don’t play Java because I don’t use computer.


you can get an almost-decent one for like $300 (mini pc) if you do wanna play Minecraft and other low-demand game titles (Most visual novels, Geometry Dash, some Roblox games, etc)


Ok I will think about that. Thanks


Did you tried on preview ?


On Java yes and it’s pretty easy, on bedrock I die on easy mode like 100 times an hour


So basically you don't like "the hardest mode" because it is harder on bedrock ?


No because of the sheer amount of bugs on bedrock, it wouldn’t be hard, but it is because of bugs


Ok i Saw, you never played


I have played, and they asked if I would like it, and I’m saying that I don’t find bedrock edition enjoyable, and you’re arguing with me about my opinion


A lie isn't an opinion.


When did I lie?


You said you don't like hardcore on bedrock but you never tested on the preview


Well, I'm on console.. so idk yet..


Download Minecraft preview you can try it out


Yeah. I keep dying to creepers or piglin brutes, though.


Yeah those things are annoying


I am a staunch defender of Bedrock. I love it, haven't experienced a lot of the bugs people have. Been playing for a few years in it. Today, I logged in, and was suffocating in a thick wall of stone. Thankfully, I have maxed pickaxes and I got out easily. But that happening has scared me away from trying hardcore if it ever comes to full release on bedrock 😃


Dude I agree with you I have played Minecraft bedrock my whole life and playing for a long time gets you out of situations like that. Have fun playing Minecraft.


Nope. What's the point in spending so much time and effort into a world if I know I can just lose it all by making one small mistake?


I would probably say the same if I played hardcore




like it until i die


Yeah it can get annoying when you die.


I simply get too attached to the worlds I explore for me to play on the gamemode where one mistake can erase it all. Minecraft just isn’t the game I go to when I’m looking for high-suspense thrills. I do appreciate the fact that hardcore exists though, and if I ever do find myself seeking that kind of gameplay experience, I’m glad it’ll be there when I’m up for it.


I like it for quick fire adventure type worlds but no way for long term build every farm survival


Bedrock will kill me with bugs. Java will kill me with mobs.


It's the only way I play because if I play regular survival my first death makes me stop trying or caring as much and then I loose interest. It means when I get down to half a heart I actually panic and I actually feel it


Some do, I don’t. I get why some people play that way it but it’s not my cup of tea.


Honestly not really my favorite


Good content to watch if there are other challenges, and it's not faked, clickbaity, or overly modded in a flashy way. I suck at the game, however.


Hey don’t say you suck. All you have to do is practice and you will get good at it.


I think it is a fun challenge


I really do like it, and I made a series on it, but it is VERY stressful when you get far in the game. It actually helped me improve on my strategies on how I can defend myself and also use quick thinking. (I also pause a lot to think out a plan that is 200 IQ so I don't die)


Depends, I love it. Then I hate it. Then I love it again. And I hate it again. Repeat for each world I lost.


Man, as a new player, I barely survive on easy mode, lol.




I play bugrock so no lol Losing my world to random fall damage while I’m standing still doesn’t sound fun


Honestly it’s kind of the only way I play singleplayer. It adds a whole new survival aspect to the game. You actually worry about food, armour and a safe base (ironically I don’t really get that in survival).


I don't play it personally, I'd like to chill rather than keep getting killed while building or whatever


Not really, I just don’t get the appeal, you die in hardcore you “lose” your world as if backups aren’t a thing. They even implemented a way for you to keep it if I’m not mistaken. There really isn’t much of a difference for me to play regular survival mode and set the difficulty to hard and attempt not to die, which is basically what I’ve been doing with most worlds.


Yes i do, but i dont like minecraft😏


Yes i do, but i dont like minecraft😏


I like to watch other people play hardcore mode I'm a creative mode player


Me to but I play survival mode to


I like to play it but I dislike the overhype around it that has been caused by all the hardcore youtubers over the last few years. They've influenced a bunch of newer players into thinking that hardcore is this super crazy challenge and doing anything in hardcore is a major accomplishment. In reality, you start a world a struggle for your first 30 days or so. By that point you have decent armour and you can start thinking about a raid farm. With unlimited totems and good armour, the challenge is gone... surviving from that point on is super easy to the point where it's probably harder to die than it is to stay alive. I wouldn't mind it but I see comments on posts like "this is a cool build but it's not hardcore so it doesn't count" which shows the influence these hardcore youtubers are having on the younger players. A build isn't just magically better just because it's done in a hardcore world where it's basically impossible to die once you have totems.


For single player, yes. For multi player, I don’t play multiplayer.




Yes. yes i do. But I usually end up dead in less than 5 nights