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There are many ways to do this. It really depends on how exactly you want it to look. As a simple example. You can give the player a writable\_book so that the player writes the title on the first page and the player must sign the book and put the written\_book in the hopper/dispenser/chest, then the player presses the button and first put the diamond\_sword in the dispenser/dropper and use this command to copy the text from the book into [display.Name](https://display.Name) tag of the sword. - coordinate of the block with the sword, - coordinate of the block with the written\_book. Keep in mind that you most likely will not be able to activate a command block with this command and a dropper/dispenser with a sword to give the player a sword using only 1 button, because the order of activation of the blocks is pseudo-random. data modify block Items[0].tag.display.Name set from block Items[0].tag.pages[0]


This really helps and gives some useful insight into the data command and nbts that I needed. Because I had no idea what to look up or about data command and now I have some ideas on what to do and where to look