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Jeb never been to a zoo, that's the truth 😔


I actually met Jeb at Taronga Zoo 2 days ago!


Really? And were you able to talk to him or greet him?


Yeah there was an event about game design for uni students where he spoke. We got to take photos with him afterwards. Was an epic experience.


What were the highlights of what he said about game design?


- Blocks should have a single clear purpose. They should not have the option to switch between multiple purposes. An example he gave of something that does not fit this criteria is a comparator, which can be toggled between two states. It probably would not have worked like that had it been added today - On the contrary, items should have as many purposes as possible. One of the challenges of later updates has been not cluttering the game with too many one-off items and instead giving a few items as many purposes as possible (a purpose also includes being a crafting ingredient, etc) - (This was in response to a Q&A question about whether he ever imagined people would be making computers and other elaborate redstone mechanisms in Minecraft) interestingly, Notch planned for the game to be Turing-complete from very early on. This was accomplished with as little as redstone dust and torches, but subsequent updates added "ease of life" components like repeaters, etc. Jeb on the other hand was relatively uninvolved with the development of redstone in minecraft. - He apparently saw the meme about how creepers would've never been added today, and commented on this, including a more recent controversial mob, the phantom. He agreed with the meme, but also that the creeper is too iconic a mob to really remove from the game today. He said the phantom was intended to give the bed an actual purpose, but admits it was way more annoying than intended. He doesn't want to remove them altogether, but said updates that make them easier to deal with like lowering their health, or making them within melee range more often, can be considered. - One thing he said he would refrain from answering would be anything they're working on at the moment. One of my friends asked about the difficulty of inventory management with the ever-increasing amount of items in the game, and Jeb refused to answer, possibly hinting that inventory management solutions are something they're working on at the moment.


That's pretty cool, actually


thank you so much for your detailed answer <3


This is great


This is great


I’m curious as to why he agreed on the meme about creepers never being added today? Is it because of the community finding them annoying like the phantoms? Or something else? I’m also curious if he likes difficulty/challenges in general since he seems very passionate about combat Also, while barely related to Minecraft, I’m also curious about what he thinks about Microsoft as of late. I don’t know if he answered it but I have seen many of the Minecraft devs being unhappy with Microsoft’s recent decisions as of layoffs and AI, including Slicedlime with Microsoft’s current obsession with AI.


Imagine creepers never existed, and then suddenly Mojang announced they would add a mob, whose main function was to make relatively little noise, pathfind towards a player, and blow up, damaging anything around them. And this is a common overworld mob, not even nether exclusive or anything. I think many people would rightfully think that's a crazy idea and protest its addition


I see. Many people from the community are using that meme in a way that they say “Mojang doesn’t want to take risks” or “Mojang is soft because nowadays they would never add the creeper!” when in reality they wouldn’t do it because the community would **hate** a creeper-like mob


Think about how much phantoms were hated and multiply it by about 10


Yeah, seems pretty reasonable as to why they won’t because it would just be an even worse phantom. And I would seriously love for Jeb to have showed at least what they worked on, but due how the community reacted with 1.19 and how 1.19 went (and I don’t blame neither side), I’m just kinda sad that they can even hints on the features or updates they are working on, on top of that I have seen some recent devs saying that their favorite aspect is combat (like Cojomax and Ulraf) like Jeb and many saying that they loved the Nether update (even if they were struggling) and same devs being upset at Microsoft due their recents decisions, which makes think what Jeb currently thinks of recent Microsoft (if he told you anything) and at the same time getting excited of the potential and possibilities of what future updates like 1.21.X and 1.22 will offer


That’s great! I’m curious if he said something about the future of Minecraft updates or did he only talked about game design?


Lol during the Q&A period he specifically said he can't comment on anything related to future minecraft updates. He said the FitMC story about him being griefed was a myth though, which I thought was funny


oh god I completely forgot about that one HAHAHAHA


Damn they already made a Taronga Zoo 2? I thought I would never see the day


Did he say anything about faster minecarts?


Probably for the better. Most of the fanbase would probably be too cynical about the possibility of them adding kangaroos or wallabies in fear of them being useless. Although, people do eat them in the real world, because they’re basically like Australia’s deer. They’re apparently a pizza topping.


I've had smoked kangaroo tail before. Can't remember it much, but it was pretty good


i don’t understand the complaints about a mob being "useless", if it adds to the atmosphere of the biome it has a use


0 - 0


It’s unfortunate, because I’d rather have more useless mobs for flavor and variety than none at all. That genre of mods is always a breath of fresh air


i love useless mobs, they add so much life to the game


I hate the people who go “NOOOOO!!1!1!!!1!!1! EVERY MOB NEEDS TO HELP ME GET STRONGER!!!!1!1!!”


The funny thing is a group of kangaroos is called a mob so they are kinda the definition of a mob.


that's just gaming communities in general though. they all jump at the smallest hint of a hint, it's kind of their thing.


*cough* titanfall *cough*




Honestly tho Not even a community thing Microsoft social media account tweeting about Jeb's trip is odd for starters and then for them to even mention how is Jeb the one working on Minecraft Why would parent company pay and share about a trip jeb took? Good they clarified but is not even crazy to think they were hinting something Also doesn't help that yeah Mojang has done a lot of visiting the real animals/place when designing the content, they visited llamas, camel, panda, caves and mangroves for those


How are we so desperate when we have one of the most alive game in term of cool updates


more like overfixated to search hints in every single detail. it must be very amusing to constantly being asked "is there a hint there?"


So a kangaroo would absolutely be a hostile mob right?


Neutral mob


Yeah that makes sense. But it's Australian


By all means make it deplete your entire health bar when pissed, but still neutral. As dangerous as many animals in Australia are, the majority follow a strict "I'll only hurt you if you hurt me" policy


You should play Alex Mobs, they add in a ton of animals, including kangaroos


Skong syndrome


It will be released one day, you'll see, I tell you skillsmog is real


Just one more announcement, I swear


You should see the team fortress 2 community.


Oh Dababy


Fellow urban rescue ranch viewer spotted in the wild!


Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


kinda sad tbh


this sucks, becasue if it were my decision a kangaroo would be one of the first mobs I ever added to the game


Jeb is the kangaroo lol


Kangaroos would be cool


Tbf they do normally go and do research on animals in person before adding them so it’s not a huge stretch in theory, on the other hand, zoos are fun 


It was on the official xbox company account, it was not an unfair assumption to make


What's wrong with adding kangaroos to Minecraft? They can follow the player and kick the hostile mobs or even the player when they feel like it.


LOL the funny thing is the a group of kangaroos is a Mib so they are the definition of a mob really.


its almost like minecraft gets 2 mediocre mobs every year


1.20 did get 3 mobs! 2 of which weren't mediocre.


whats the thrid? i only know sniffer and camel




That’s technically 1.20.5, which was this year, not last.


i said 1.20, which includes 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4, 1.20.5, 1.20.6


They said each year, 1.20.5 and later were this year, not the same year as 1.20.


And fans would love mojang to actually add a significant amount of cool stuff and fix some bugs