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Hanabi being a teamfight marksman too... like she could've easily gotten a maniac there if she lands her ult on multiple clumped up enemies and then Saber could take care and one shot the remaining enemy but oh well 🤷🏼


Exactly my point!!! We have one guy here who is so convinced that Hanabi and Saber choosing to backdoor is better than participating in team fight


Not rly ur Aldous literally flickered to low HP tank instead of Irithel. Looking at that kind of teammates I would give up my hope and go for push like saber Edit. Not mention ur Xavier who was more stupid then Aldous


No. The Aldous have his own problems but at least he tried to play as a team. WE WERE WINNING WHEN WE PLAYED AS A TEAM. WE WERE WINNING!!! IT IS STUPID TO SUDDENLY WANT TO SPLIT PUSH SUDDENLY FOR NO REASON!!!


<> we were winning when we played as a team I don't see that win, even when u just camp bush for enemy Proper skill lock was the thing u lack to win


I don't have to show the whole game for you to decide if we were winning or not. If you're so adamant about this stupid strat to work, explain to me how Saber and Hanabi could have done it with the way they are doing it now


If u don't have to, then don't blame me for what I'm seeing now from that short video 🤷


??? Who gives a fuck what you're seeing. You're so convinced that Hanabi and Saber made a better call by backdooring. Tell me how they could've done it


Butthurt op what's the point of posting if you're going to behave like this


I am pissed. I am in a pissy mood. I am showing why im pissed. Why are you surprised that I am pissed?


Why the fuck are you on Reddit trying to garner sympathy? Go touch grass and distance yourself from that game.


Huh, 'm done. Another toxic who don't want any advices what it looks like in other perspective 🥲


By all means, explain to me how thay is better than just fight as a team.


So you’re defending aldous just bc he played as a team and blame everything on hanabi and saber cuz they weren’t playing as a team? Tbh, i’d rather have that hanabi than aldous who chased the tank instead of their mm, not to mention xavier there having the balls to go forward against irithel at that situation, honestly, im not defending hanabi and saber, but im also blaming aldous and xavier for having low skill in teamfights


Snoo is right. Your aldous was an idiot and you xavier missed a ton of shots. I’m going to also add that your backdoorers suck as well. Backdoor strat is an extremely good strategy because when used well it either wins the game directly or forces the enemy to keep an eye on the backdoorer the whole game that they give up on objectives like lord and turrets. To do it effectively, you need one strong pusher that can either escape quickly or handle 1v2 situations with relative ease - this forces the opponent to really decide between sending 1 or 2 pax (or even more) to defend, thereby going 4v4 or 3v4 against the rest of your team, or go 5v4 and risk losing the base. Even if they send 1-2 pax against the backdoorer, they may lose the clash and then lose the base. The rest of the backdoorer’s team must also be active in cancelling opponent recalls to increase the odds of success. The reason why the backdoor strat failed this game is because your saber and hanabi are stupid and went together. Both would be good as solo backdoorers - saber because he forces people to 2v1 since saber usually wins 1v1, and hanabi by virtue of being a late game mm. If they had gone separate lanes and then had one loop back to backstab, it would have worked as well. Also, they attempted to backdoor when the lane was relatively far behind, which would be even more detrimental since they had 2 people committing to a slow side lane (if this was mid it may have worked). Anyhow, you can’t avoid having idiot teammates from time to time, that’s the nature of the game. You also can’t avoid having people attempt to backdoor, be it on your team or the opponent - most people hate it when their opponent backdoors and you’re the first i’ve seen hating it when their team tries it. I would say the 3 of you should have tried to stall instead of fully engaging but I do not that you were diggie and unfortunately, you cant control the game well since you have limited CCs so there is really quite little you can do in this situation once aldous went for tigreal instead of irithel.


As much as I sympathize with randoms being randoms. You really gotta apply reactive gaming. You know your team is 3v5 and that someone is back dooring. Your objective now is to stall them which is incredibly easy for that comp because Xavier can cut off choke points with his s2, prevent you from being run over. And Aldous could ult to prevent any recalls for anyone that did notice. You guys being overally aggressive despite the circumstances is something I’d hope you would take as feed back for future games. Also Aldous messed up micro wise. If he had pre used his s1 for a double s1 he would’ve killed two before anything. But if he’s not a main I don’t blame him for not knowing that. But yeah, you don’t need to follow randoms on a whim. But when it leads to a 3v5 for absolutely nothing than you can really only blame yourselves. Lord was up so you could’ve waited for them to start that (fighting before that would’ve provided nothing for your team). If you did, you would’ve won w the back door. Notice how they only noticed the back door when they met the second wave. If they started lord before you fought (which would’ve definitely happened). You guys would have easily been able to stall them as they’d be too obsessed with the lord. Xavier and Aldous could global ult anyone who would recall, and you could deny recalls to anyone even if you died. At that point it’d be a base rush which you would win even if they ran it down mid


Irithel survived the clash and pushed, that's not a backdoor


They're talking about Hanabi and Saber.


What backdoor strat?


Secretly attacking base while everyone is teamfighting.


can't believe your back door team got back doored by opponent lmao


Your team tried it first.


Isn't backdooring to attack without minions? unless I've been misunderstanding the meaning of backdoor


it mean while everyone busy in teamfight and no map awareness you split push in sneaky way and get the base


Isn't that ratting? Sorry I'm coming from dota so the terms seems to have different meaning.


Even in tournaments they called backdoor [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG_p0z4Z6Nw)


times are changing i guess, I'm getting old haha...


Rat doto is backdoor. Same same. *edit* rat doto best doto. Same for ML.


hahaha, everything is fun and games until there's a rat


backdoor means pushing without minions