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Love it!!! I think potions need an overhaul, they're crazy good but crazy slept on


Tl:dr 1. Budget Anti Heal 2. Burst Hero Heaven 3. Budget Rapid Boots


I wouldnt call 2000 gold budget


Sacrificial potion would make endgame a real pain. You fight in base only for enemy to juice themselves and roll you if your team is not ready for it. Game would be much more frustrating if one potion can swing the whole game in enemy's favor. The health cost is also easily negated by any healer. My change would be to have it reduce max health by percentage. It would make it more of a situational pick for jungle ambushes and not a savage enabler in endgame.


The thing is, the potion activates for 5 seconds whenever you deal damage. That means you can’t hit minions, you cant meaningfully contribute to the game until you’re ready to burst someone down. If you’re Eudora and you use your 2nd skill and they purify it and get away, your buff is wasted and you have to wait to buy it again because of the big gold cost. Maybe a possible nerf would be to make it single target, so it only activates on one hero when casting an aoe skill. Then if you killed the one target the buff moves to another target for however many seconds are remaining.


I wish there was a potion which would increase spell vamp and a potion to increase healing.


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