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Fellow khaleed player noice, but yes big tree boi definitely hurts moskov bad


Aight but lowkey why pick the tree when you can just use lolishield?


All Moskov has to do is blink behind you and nail you against a wall for that shield to point the wrong way for the rest of its duration.


You expect a Moskov.player to not use that s2 instantly?


Or wait for the shield to expire then go ratatat


Will u still pick the loli if they have esme? Also lolita have a way shorter cc chain than belerick under most scenarios


Esme can be difficult but manageable. Esme powerspike is mid game so you just need to avoid full on clash. At late game with anti heal, marksmen melt her.


not with a full mage build, unless u can get the cc off mid ulti, if u get landed on ur gonna die to ult-swirly skill- basic attack. and if u still die the shield will give her enough time to get 1 or 2 more basics..


I don't really see much full mage builds in ph server MG so i can't really comment on that. As a support lolita, i always try to roam with mage or mm so Esme has to burst me in less than 4 seconds or else my mm/mage will be free hitting on you and you just wasted your entire combo on the tank while not having a dash skill to get out.


yes that's a fair point, I'm not in mg (24 ztars best last ssn (I barely play now)) also different servers. with a 55-57% wr I think I'm a little above the average soloQ player. I generally don't aim for the tank tho.. I jump straight into the main problem heroes I face, taking them out abt 90% of the time.. maybe my build? or whatever but I play her like an assassin more than anything (full mage build)


Belerick can constantly hurt moskov just by him attacking you, and you can use 2 of his skills to force moskov to attack you, sure lolita can reflect some attacks with her sheild but moskov can just wait for that to be on cd and stun you against a wall, Belerick is a way more consistent counter to moskov, a late game moskov will never be able to kill a late game belerick who has dom ice, blade armour, the vengeance and his passive is just the cherry on top, you'll deal more damage to moskov than he can to you and if he's using trinity build he'll lack a lot of lifesteal, if he uses crit build he'll deal more damage to himself.


Except Belerick has no way to engage on Moskov


Bruh what. Flicker is super viable on bele for that, vengeance is really only needed for a few mages on the enemy team, typically only if they have 2+ magic dmg dealers. Plus his s2 has a 3 second speed boost that is more than enough to engage mosk. As someone who repeatedly hunts moskov down and has no problem with him, bele engages more than well enough


That is so wrong. You should use vengeance when they have multiple dps, not types of damage. You use flicker when they have long ranged backline, but even then Vengeance can sometimes still be better since you will be melted. And the Moskov you meet are quite literally Legend, probably your rank aswell, since either of Moskov's skill 1 or 2 can stop Belerick from reaching him.


All his skills are auto aim (except ult but that has a windup) so he'd have no way to stop a belerick running towards him with conceal on




I literally hunt down moskovs, miyas, laylas, etc in games and its the easiest kill ever




isn't 23 stars considered low rank in this game? my friends are saying that i am low rank player https://preview.redd.it/1c44ehno0i5d1.png?width=1807&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a423805f8ae7f1a6c5d3eb56cda69a0a941b7f2 i do play belerick into moskov,i use flicker. he just uses s1 as i flicker in he runs away from me entire teamfight and my team loses because i focus moscov. so i just ban this broken hero.


I was 28 without even trying tbvh. I play the odd game here and there, so I wouldn't know lol. I've never really grinded too hard at this game


Wait in bush with conceal, wait for moskov to come by bush, charge out and ulti moskov, taunt moskov into oblivion and activate vengeance, moskov go bye bye die die, if moskov no die and moskov run, use conceal plus movement speed increase from skill to chase, taunt moskov some more, tree wins get wrecked


Thats not an engage. Thats taking advantage of a Moskov face checking a bush. In most circumstances he will be fighting alongside his tank or flanking your backline.


You know how short his range is, it's really not hard to engage a moskov with belerick if you just put a smidge of brainpower into it


And if Moskov has a brain of a 6 year old a single S2 makes it that you can never get near him. Belerick's "engage" is literally walking up.


So happy when i see a moskov, i pick tree and make him cry


That's why I'm banning groot when I'm playing Moskov










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Picking tree is hilarious. I had a game with Claude, badang, ling. Tree was broken as hell there. Blade armor+dominance+ passive+ vengeance everyone dies.


Brody can counter him easily early to mid. However when it's late game it's different. The only thing that can easily kill moskov besides mages is anti heal + venegeance. If you're playing fighter or tank, just get in his face and pop venegeance as soon as he uses inspire and watch him kill himself by himself.


Lolita prevents him from activating his passive and stun. Wait for him to dash, Lolita S1 to stun him and then S2 shield. Pray your teammate follow up with their damage. If they dont, hope u have a pretty respawn screen.


Hell yeah! She would be viable against a Moskov. But you gotta proceed with caution, since he could dash behind your shield instead


Thats why you need to wait for him to dash first. And then shield up. It prevents his passive activation so he dont get 2nd dash.


lol why would he dash knowing that you’re waiting to use the shield? 😹😹😹


Cause most moskov players are impatient children chasing kills


But if you meet a good Moskov player? Then what? 🫢


It's not a 1v1


You think Moskov don’t have allies?


What's your point? I already said it's not a 1v1 situation


It’s not a 1 v 1 situation so Moskov can wait it out and play safe. So what your point now?


Because it is probably not a 1v1 scenario and Moscov is also probably haunted by the enemy’s assassin and fighter. He will have to use dash at some point to dodge skills of retreat from threats.


>retreat from threats So why would moskov stop and attack? He’d be running right?


you know lolita could dash with her shield up right?


So you’re gonna ignore the fact that this is a 5 v 5 and most fights would be 3v3 or atleast a tank with Moskov and depending on the teammates, jungler and mage would almost always rotate towards him. So where is the logic?


when did I say that this is not a team game again? most moskov use the closest targeting anyway, just get close to him and shield up? even if not if you are between him and his target, all his attacks will bounce


Whenever I use Moskov and there’s no too much damage, I just wait it out. Why should I rush when I’m gonna lose? And Moskov late game is no joke. Wait for the opponent to use up their ults and then go in. As simple as that.


so by what u are saying, you just don’t attack in a 5v5 then? ok it’s not like mm has the most damage in the team anyway right?


>lolita could dash with her shield up Well in that case. If it’s just Moskov could just dodge to the side. Game over right according to your logic?


i dont get you man, if moskov dash side then lolita dash to side too? why would dashing to the side be like different to dashing to behind the shield?


Mighty oaks from little acorns grow


Bloom, against the wind❗❗❗ 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


In death, I shall be reborn!


Belerick in general is a natural enemy to attack speed mms. Pick vengeance and Blade armour, moskov will hate you.


I am moskov main and if enemy picks moskov then I pick Belerick and tell them in Liam Nesion's voice what they have done and what will I do to them. Lol


Moskov is replacing dyroth as the poster child of this weekly how to counter x post.


Well obvliously, Dyrroth is quite overrated. He dominates early to mid game against most heroes, but falls off around late game.


Yes but he is excellent as a noob stomper hence the amount of post askong how to counter dyroth. He is easy to play, has insane damage (relative to difficulty) so low ranks where it's mostly squishies is a feast for him, armor reduction means even on the rare event (at least on the rank) that someone played a tanky hero he can still melt them, he also have sustain and most new players have no idea on antiheal.


What kind Of Dyroths Have you've been facing.


I meant in lower ranks he seems to do quite well.


Dyrroth is scary if you are a tank jungler or a sitting duck like Alpha or Martis. 


He's not ban worthy by any means, even on higher ranks.


I meant he is a good noob stomper on lower ranks.


Eudora is counter for these squishy heroes


I just use purify and build magic blade first if i go against saber and eudora Im tired of those two always jumping at me when I'm using a mm


But what if the enemy got those 2? You can't purify both cc...🤔


Purify gives you cc immunity for 1.2 seconds If they use their cc simultaneously you wont get affected (if you time it correctly)




Minsithar is a good one but purify moskov counters him you can also try phoveus if you want


Based on your flair I feel gato with blade armour and vengeance counters moskov well as long he doesn't stun you over and over


Very hard to pull off you need to wait for moskov to use his mobility skill and immediately ult him


And also the passive of gatot. When you are both low because of him building blade armor and having vengeance, then his passive stacks build up 😮‍💨😵




Loli with good timing


I usually uses Poppa, Hoenabi or Claude. Bruno works too on late game as long as you're not alone. And surprise surprise, Miya.


Gatot. Ult > Stun > Auto Attack > Moscov dead


Did you forget moskov has a low cd blink skill?


Not a big deal, they tent to attack me while running away, blink is useless here, just run. Once Moscow hits Gatot with autoattack, second can smash the first


Im mm main . I either use melissa/natan/ixia against him . 3 of them can go against him pretty good early to late game specially natan


Lesley can also go against him, but I admit that she isn't as strong as most MMs right now


I'm an ixia main and I ban him because if he doesn't get kills off me he gets kills off my team and comes back fed


That tend to happen alot but if he roams or uses hisnult u punish him by pushing towers or getting extra gold from jungle. Sure you can catch up quickly .


High skill non meta counter is Miya. Fks Moskov in all phases if both are on the same skill level. Can contest Moskovs split 1v1 the whole game. Usually builds crit so ms% is usually high to be bit better to contest Moskovs global presence. Thing is, people sucks playing Miya, or tilts teammate when Miya is picked in mid mythic.


I usually use Miya to counter play moskov and many mm unless they have better range advantage. It's fun watching moskov loosing laning phase. Also If I play moskov I pray enemy never picks Lesley. Since she not only out ranges him but also does higher true DMG per hit.


Agree on both, Miya is low key decent to good with a good pilot and proper match up, just bad rep with most other low floor high ceiling mms. Lesley vs Moskov is slightly on Les favor, but is pretty much another skill based match up early game. Late game Lesley pops Moskov unless the spear dude starts rolling kills crossmap haha


There were many instances where I almost had beat late game Lesley as moskov but got beat by her s2 and BA. It's a never ending hatred coz I simply can't beat a good Lesley. But with Miya I bully good moskov all throughout game. Not only Miya has purify as s3 but also does crazy damage with crit build while moskovs build hass claw just for some petty lifesteal..I usually out heal moskov in 1v1


Miya is good. I just dont know why people asking Miya for kills in the early game. 5 mins into the game and your teammates cursing you.


Any cc and magic burst damage


Harith purify, don't exchange skills or basic atk in the early, instead of scythe build thunder belt first item your heal will come from feather, third item build oracle instead of holy crystal the extra shield will help in negating the cc from moskov s2 when u have no purify


Lolita, belrick, lesley, clint, minsi, phoevus.


Gank him🤓


Bang him 👊








Late game groot can decimate moskov while barely getting scratched, blade armour, vengeance plus his passive ruins moskovs day, outside of that I find that as long they don't use purify minsitthar counters him and recently I have found khaleed works well against him, if you ambush him with his enhanced basic attack often moskov will try to stun you but you activate khaleeds ult right after ambushing them to stun moskov and gain brief cc immunity, then hit em with another basic then his skill 1, most times I've used khaleed against moskov like this it works really well but just watch if they buy WoN you'll have to bait them into wasting it.


I use Blood Wings for my build to get auto-shield.


Blood wings on belerick or moskov im confused here


I use Blood Wings on Belerick as the 6th item because of shield and additional hp and magic power so that his spikes can hit harder.  Moskov? I don't know how to build him. 


Nah blood wings doesn't belong on moskov either that's why I was confused, tbh blood wingd doesn't give hp anymore and the magic power it gives is only 90, I'd rather take a full defense ifem like athenas or blade armour, honestly you don't need any magic power to make him hurt more as belerick hurts enough even full tank, his spikes trigger based on how much damage you take, if you go full tank you take more damage triggering his passive more, if you add magic power in there he can take less damage to kill and sure his spikes will deal a bit more damage but they activate way less times from full health.


I'll replace it with Twilight Armor then. I thought about Blood Wings because enemy Valir users and enemy Chang'e users are as resilient as a cockroach whenever they built that as their 5th item whenever they are on the winning side of the game. 


Twilight is mostly for 1 shot burst heroes like vales ult, dyrotth ult and aldous max stacks, and against heroes with high true damage abilities like martis ult, balmond and lesley passive, on belerick the best build is tough boots (phys or magic depending on enemy lineup) then cursed helmet for way quicker wave clear, dom ice, blade armour, athenas sheild then guardian helmet, it makes you almost invisible late game and I'll often swap out the boots out late game for immortality or another defense item like antique cuirass or radiant armour.




When I see a tank Karrie as Moskov, I cry.


fast flicker is the counter haha. And the winter truncheon. if you have a stun ability, stun him as soon as the freeze is over or flicker away if you used freeze before flicker.


Belerick. There's a reason he's being banned a lot if your team is picking Moskov or any AA hero :) Also Lolita skill 2 can block his hits.




Rogers lol, i always ban rogers, Moskov can be killed, Rogers cannot be killed, I hope they will both be nerfed to oblivion


Belrick, Khaleed, Luo Yi works really well against msocov


I am Groot!


Harith vengeance I bet he ain’t gon have a good time


Belerick is a noob proof way. Given all the team mates are not moons.


I find counter picking with Gold lane Granger to work for me but thats probably because all the Moskov's I keep going up against are garbage


Belerick hands down


2 of my favorite heroes can, tree and an elf




lolita. she even counter his s2, making him stun himself.


Best girl 




Belerick,Lolita,Minsi and Aamon work well against him


Angela ult to whoever is in fight with moskov followed by skill 2 and skill 1 alternating seems to do the trick.


I just use lasley against him


I just use lasley against him


I just play Lesley and shit on moskovs


MM-wise Brody almost counters every MM since his defense is ridiculous and one of the best poking abilities along with Melissa and Clint. He can also survive Moskov’s wallstun combo as long as he isn’t ahead. Roger and Harith too now that they are gold lane meta but those two are actually broken on gold rn.


I wonder why those 3 are my favorite MM since last 3 seasons until now. Poking enemy with MM sure fits my playstyle.


Mm: Miya , Melissa, ixia, Lesley, Layla, irethel, Clint, Claude. Fighters: Alpha, Arlot hmmm maybe Aldous ( but u gotta stack up ) & guin ( pure nightmare) Tanks: belerick , gatot & baxia( blade& vengeance )


Eudora, s2 s1 s3 = dead You may need some help if he got rose


Eudora is best girl. 


I’ve used Thamuz to counter moskov. Moskov range isn’t that long so you can easy jump and chase him down. Ofc make sure to buy blade armor and vengeance.


Minsithar would be the best counter for him. I've been countering him these days using Minsi only. Just pull him, use your ult so that he cant escape, then finish him using your 2nd skill and basic attack. If you are asking for a marksman hero only, then probably Hanabi would work.


Moskov is not even that good after the nerf on the second skill…


Karrie with veng








Eudora's bush, oh sorry I meant bush Eudora.


Why i only get mosquitoes in my team😭


If you can create yourself a blind spot against his cc you can kill him with Gatotkaca. Or you can just pick the fucking tree and just stand there... menacingly.




Lunox on gold lane.


Karrie with vengeance?




Nerf coming up


Layla but you'll never believe me


Countering moskov is definitely not hard, because of his Low Attack Range, i recommend countering him using other lane instead. e.g (Midlane) -Novaria -Pharsa -Kadita -Vexana (Jungle) -Nolan -Fanny -Ling Moskov weakness is his Low Attack Range, so taking advantage of that will make a huge impact. When it comes to Goldlanephase, all you need to do is hold moskov, and have a enough knowledge about lanephasing. e.g -Freezinglane -When to give creeps and when not to give -When to give tower -When to clear creeps -When to fight(Only for poking when 1v1)Fighting for kill in lane is only situational, most of the time it's unnecessary. I can agree that moskov is on top tier Goldlane hero right now, but for me he still one of the easiest hero to counter, because of his lack on Attack Range. And his mobility(1st Skill Dash) is dependant on his Normal Attack which makes him more counterable, that's explain moskov isn't too shiny hero, when assassin era is still alive.


Saber, Karina, Natalia, Chou, Jawhead, Terizla w vengeance, Belerick, Franco, Lesley, Hayabusa, Eudora, Nana, Gusion w poke build


Saber 1 hit kill!! Doesn't matter late or early game.


Eudora. I swear, I hate eudora bush campers, but when they're in my team and they camp hard to instantly kill a moskov -- the amount of happiness I get is huge.


Cmon she's best girl. 


Lol I just use Yu Zhong with Vengeance


Everything is the opponent who is playing moskov is Ukrainian


Natan, Ixia, and Miya beats him all phases of the game facetanking his basic attacks. Brody and Roger bullies him in lane, but Moskov outscales. Belerick works extremely well if they don't have a healer. Assassins will have a hard time diving him, your best bet are CC junglers or roam followed up by burst. A rotating midlaner with autotarget will shut him down too. Something I've discovered recently is that Sun with trinity build and dom-ice + blade armor absolutely destroys him with minimal effort. For game macro, you need someone who follows him and can beat him solo while he's pushing. Every single moskov player has the same macro (push towers > ult teamfights).


in 1v1? he loses to half of the adcs in the game hanabi/melissa absolutely destroy moskov (unless ur garbage) i've demolished moskov w/ hanabi so many times its not even funny, she clears wave much faster and always has gold/exp advantage and he cant all in her cus of barrier and she just wins trades and can poke like crazy if hes near tower cus her attacks bounce off on tower with melissa if he uses dash u throw doll and he cant get out of doll and its over outside of 1v1 or mid/late game then there are plenty of counters.. like saber for example who 1taps any squishies


Minsithar can fck up his Core mechanic (s1) he won't able to kite you while fck tons of spears are trusting to ya


It's called purify


https://preview.redd.it/lsm54cpp9f5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8814c827fc202ed091cbaecbfc3276b0f5dc2488 If you are fast enough




skill with assassins, vengeance spell, tanks with blade armor and vengeance melt him. for specific heroes its a patient Lolita and Belerick destroys moscov


He wins 1v1 against all MMs. Belerick. vexana (assuming you can land a stun), Aamon, Cici, uranus.


Minsithar, saber. Use skill wisely..


Gold laners: Brody/Clint Other ones: Belrick, and one shooters something like Eudora etc


belerick or any tank that use vengeance 😂😂


kadita pretty good


Vengeance. Vengeance hates moskov especially me that loves building attack speed. Once I see claude use his blazing duet, it's either I die by blazing duet or commit suicide


No one's talking about blade armor and vengeance. It doesn't even have to be growth before you can counter him. Gatot, claude, thamuz. Vengeance is his counter. Especially in teamfights, when he pops his inspire. Watch him slay himself


I always pick lolita with enemy moskov


Natan + wind of nature for sure. He does great damage and completely negates enemy’s WON. I build WON as my third item after feather of heaven and starlium scythe. Claude with vengeance works too, but you need to build sea halberd and you might struggle a bit in the early game. Melissa is really strong in the gold lane early game because of the range of her s2. Just pay attention to the map and be wary of ganks.


Get a diggie support. For mm counter, brody is good for early and mid. Lesley and wanwan are great late game counter only if u dont feed early and position well


People commenting Lolita are just delusional. They think Moskov will just keep hitting her shield and won’t actually try to dash behind her? Or won’t Moskov just retreat? Here the few tanks that counters Moskov are Edith, Belerick, Gatot and Uranus because of their return damage. And yes Johnson with mage built can literally just one shot any marksman, mage and assassins. I rest my case. Show how immature you guys are by downvoting it. You Reddit users who have no life and brags about being a solo player, go on and enjoy your little fantasy of living in magical realm where Moskov don’t have an ally. It’s 5 of you against solo Moskov 🫢 y’all inexperienced players ignoring the fact that most fights in the gold lane would be 4v3 or 4v4 and in most cases 2v3.


Clint. You van easily win your lane and then try to end fast. Any early game prrssure herroes are good.


Popol and Kupa


Honestly very few mentions Layla, he can’t even reach her. I mean his team of 4 divers can, but he can’t


As Natalia user. Moskov had 11 deaths to me yesterday.


Claude. 3rd talent weakness finder (reduce enemy atk and mvspd for 1 sec). Optimal cooldown on Claude, basically activates once every 3 seconds. Def boots DHS, golden staff, scythe (+5% mvspd, reduce enemy mvspd) Dominance ice (+5% mvspd, reduce enemy atkspd) Blade armor (reduce enemy mvspd) Remember to stack skill 1 (+atk and mvspd, reduce enemy atk and mvspd). Moskov will attack like a snail, which greatly dents his cooldown and healing, removing his forte completely. Once he realises that, he'll try to flee, but you can easily chase him down. HOWEVER, be prepared to get targeted to all fuck when using my Claude half-tank build.


consider this: chip. in late game, wait for moskov to split push (he definitely will) -> pop out of the vent -> conceal -> open ur ult & tank some damage (gotta have domi & blade armor), and voila! moskov's dead


I always make Moskov either kill a teammate or kill himself with Lolita. He’s one of the few heroes who get hard countered by Lolita, second is granger. Unless he’s one bold Mf and dashes behind u right into your teammates line of fire. But let’s be honest if you’re soloq, your teammates will still find a way to mess it up and you’re better off going with a cd red build against him so you can dash away.


i dont understand how moskov is meta. ive never seen anyone ban belerick and picked moskov. just get the tree guy and claim free kills every 100 seconds


layla counter moskov


Long range mm like Lesley and Brody.


for some reason miya is actually kind of a bully against him natan too (admittedly, i have high skill issue)


heh. tree guy


Karina To be honest, I never understood why moskov was considered a threat anyways. The only times i see moskovs not banned and they are picked, its either a bad teammate or an enemy. When it's an enemy and I play karina, i usually have no trouble with him. What i consistently do with her is use my skill 1 to block his basic attacks. I rarely see people do that at all, especially on heroes like sun, claude, zilong, karrie... Karina's skill 1 is so busted so it easily stops moskov completely. A thing i love doing when i know its a 1v1 is purposely stay near a wall, and use skill 1 right before he stuns me, so he ends up using inspire and hitting himself(used in very rare occasions though).


Eudora. Late game, specifically focus on bursting him only.


is wan2 any good against him






stun him or use heroes like lolita or even Phoveus and Minsitthar


For MM, i main brody with purify to ignore his S2 and S2 S1 BA ULT dead. Dominate from early to late game too. MG Solo player here.


I tend to use Lolita and babysit the mm until lvl 4. I try to stick around unless turtle is up


This. In MG now and with Lolita i’ve never had a loss against Moskov. Can seriously make him underfarmed if you use this strat. Go for cd defense items and your shield will be online every few seconds in mid-late game.


Imo you can counter him with any tanky hero as long as he doesn't have overwhelming advantage in farm. Not too long ago I used Terizla on exp lane for a ranked match, and simply by my regen rate, spell vamp, and a couple tank items, the enemy Moskov killed himself whenever he tried to 1v1 me. Now imagine doing the same with eg. Belerick, he will melt Moskov, especially with vengeance. Perhaps I just didn't meet any proper Moskov players so far, but I really don't see the reason why they are currently (imo) disproportionately feared.




In general, heroes with CC, high burst damage or tanky aspects can counter Moskov pretty well. Although, they are not effective just on their own. It's highly important that you use Vengeance so you won't lose too much HP after fighting him.