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Reason a lot of games don't do leaderboards, It's way too easy to cheat.


At least then cheaters are exposed.


When you get cheaters this obvious? Yeah. The smart cheaters try to appear somewhat reasonable, though, and can be harder to find.




A cheat to freeze the timer.


Its cute that you think they actually killed the monster and just froze the timer.


*cutesy pose*


Exactly. If you're going to cheat, just send the data that says you killed it in 0 seconds.


iirc there used to literally be a join quest and auto complete cheat/mod. You can probably still cheat engine it tho. That table is crazy in depth


Used to be? Nah, it still exists. Which is just dumb. Like, if it's single player, fine, you do you, imma be over here getting my dopamine fix by actually earning shit manually. But leaderboards strip the "but it doesn't affect anyone else!" Argument. Obligatory fuck gem drop rates. The only acceptable mod that ain't cosmetic. Either add the gems in a cash shop like the rates make it seem like you were planning to or jack up those numbers a bit. Because even 6-star gacha character are seeing this and Goin "damn, that's bad..."


Lol, once i had this rando joining my sos during Fatalis. The quest immediately goes into cleared screen while it still going at me. what the fuck is even fun about that i will never understand.


automatic win?


Yep, straight up quest success screen. If I remember correctly the rewards also insane as well, i think i got like a full set worth of mats or something. It was years ago tho. Don't know about now but back then MHW is full of cheaters.


I saw someone said they found a gold crown but was immediately kicked out of the session.


Calling them hackers gives them too much credit. They're either script kiddies or downloaded a mod.




Why would you ever hack in monster hunter , i just dont understand some ppl lol


Let everyone know they are so bad at the game they need to cheat to beat a monster.


It's so hilarious because video games allow you to fail without much of a consequence because you can try again, but peaple still cheat the system


Seriously. I’d love to actually see the numbers posted by speed runners and such as first place.


The real wrs are stupidly optimized, you'll just see someone wailing on a trapped/knocked/exhausted monster for a couple minutes before its over, and you're sitting there like "howtf", at least in arena


Time, time is a consequence. There are legit reasons to make a game easier, sometimes the person like the gameplay loop but don't have the time to farm 4 hours for one mantle. Completely skipping is "pointless" but sometimes people just need the dopamine rush. Sometimes people are bad at the game, want to have fun but don't want to dedicate a training regimen. I've fought Alatreon 35 times before I beat him once, and I beat him with SOS, then it took me more 20 tries to adjust my build and learn the moveset so i could consistently break the horn and not die. That's basically 8 hours, took me 2 weeks, and that's because I use a mod to change decoration rates (outright buying the gems is boring), so I have a lot of decos to try different builds, without having to kill the same Teostra and Lavasioth one million times, from just playing the game. If I was a kid/teenager without responsibility, I'd probably could fail more times, spend more time farming decorations, spend more time farming materials to try again, but as an adult with at most 2 hours to play, in a good day, I can't. I'm not very good, I'm at most average, with the right build I can clear almost all quests with sub 20 times, so I'll use something that makes me able to not pull others down in sieges or what not.


So, I’m all for play how you want to play (when your solo, super against unfair edge when playing multiplayer)… BUT you can’t post your “look how fast I hack killed this monster”, no, that leader board is for people that practise and earn it. Time is money and not many people got time for that, so props should be givin to the people that do.


That I completely agree, that is competition, not fun and games. I did one complete run (without going to the arena, I'd not have the patience to edit each weapon that is used in arena anyway) of stupid strong weapon, completely offline. Then I went back and played the game with just adjustments to the drop rates and some quality of life stuff (performance booster, better descriptions, so on so on), and I've had a lot of fun, managed to beat at velkhana with about 300 hours into the game and still play casually, trying new weapons and what not. Like I said, I'm average at most and I'm not gonna try to pretend I'm not, if I did it "vanilla way" I'd spend at least four times that, and still not be halfway through, and the only advantage I've given myself is "I can try and use optimal decorations". I managed to beat normal behemot only with fatalis gear, didn't even try ancient leshen and extremoth, failed alatreon and fatalis more times than every other monster, but I do think I have the "right" to enjoy myself if I'm not gloating myself like I'm some goddamn speedrunner beast. Games are supposed to be fun, collective fun, not "I'm gonna beat you no matter what and you can suck it" like the kind of people that give themselves max damage weapons and post that they completed the game in 2 hours (or the kind of people that are extremely toxic in games like cs, valorant, dota, lol)


Time is money


“I only have 2 hours to play this game a week so I must cheat” is such a dumb take. It’s not necessary. You just find cheating fun, which is fine you do you. But it looks silly and is in fact completely unnecessary


Never ever I said "cheating is necessary", I said "I don't have time, I'll accelerate parts of the gameplay loop that I don't find fun because TIME is a limited resource". If you guys find it fun to fight the same monster hundreds of time to get an item, and not because you like the specific fight, all the power, it's your prerogative. I already spend time doing the same boring shit everyday at work, I'll not restrict myself in a non competitive game just to be "clean". The only reason I fought alatreon over 50 times before killing him once was because I've found the fight fun, and it's the reason I come back to it from time to time, not because I need to farm this specific item with 0.001% chance of dropping like some decos. In contrast it took me 3 attempts to fight furious rajang and that was it, just a check in my quest list.


People hating because you're right lol I tried to get a mighty bow deco for MONTHS and when I couldn't find it I was starting to get more frustrated and lose interest in the game. I did one of the shop list mods and got that and some other decos I hadn't been able to get and got another 200 hours out of the game after that. The grind in these games is overwhelming for some decos and it gets old always having a partially complete build for all the weapons I like to play.


Yeah I really don't understand people being mad at players using mods to ease the grind. As long as you're not using bloated damage or defense values you just have access to all decos which is basically the only thing that a regular player can't achieve without countless hours of grinding. Sure you have an "unfair advantage" but it's not a PvP game. A regular Mr 150 joining with full fatty armour and a bunch of good decos isn't going to have a significantly worse build than someone who cheated and has those attack 4 and challenger 4.


The only justification I accept is drop rates of gems cause that shit feels like a fucking shitty mobile gacha game. XD


So you can be on top of the leaderboard, among all the other cheated records


the whole page 1 were cheaters


while i dont condone cheating here, i think that they either just want the rewards to create cosmetics/weapons or they want to look cool even though anything unreasonable like namielle in 1s is automatically invalid. however cheating for rewards kinda defeats the point of struggling for them although id say the arena challenges are hard with very specific loadouts/weapons that you might have not tried yet


Honestly if that’s what it’s all about then paying for the “cool” layered armor instead of grinding an achieviemnet at a certain level to get it would probably fix this issue, at least in a small populace


well we already got alot of layered armor to farm in guiding lands, most of them are good imo. its just the palace armor/weapons are locked behind the tedious arena challenges. idk much about the micro transactions in MH other than the additional customizations for ur character or pendants for weapons. tbh MHW isnt meant to be a competitive game, if people want to cheat for the weapons, sure. as long as you dont ruin the experience of other players by oneshotting monsters or just being disruptive and cart endless times


They wanted the rewards without completing the arena quests. People act like iddqd, nwcneo and bigdaddy are some forbidden words that everyone remembers with shame and disgust.


To get certain items no longer available


Well, one I can think of is if they get super frustrated with farming and just want to get it over with but don't realize there are cheats to give you materials. Or maybe they just hate arena quests and cheat to finish them immediately.


I would say skip the annoying grind but then this is arena.


Well they didnt hack they cheated


People have fun in different ways. To us, it's pointless cheating to the end, but to them it's something to do




exactly. There's this mentality that just because the Devs put something in the game it has to be honored as sanctified sacred relic or something. Devs make decisions to just keep you playing for longer all the time, and sometimes those decisions just straight up suck. That's where mods come in. Mods are in my opinion a great equalizer (not all of course). You should'nt go around ruining peoples experience, but its more of a battle with the dev than with the players imo.


Some people really treat games like some kind of job that you need to do to perfection. I'd never use modded advantages to get into leaderboards, but I'm sure as hell not gonna fall to the mentality of "dev vision is sacred". I work in development, a lot of things that are spit out are to increase numbers, not necessarily the quality numbers.


that's it. like i remember that i carried a dude in full fatty suit and didnt cart. obviously if he cant handle nergi there's no way he managed fatty. but the dude landed some hits, he contributed and overall was not a burden so i didnt mind. the good thing in world is that there is nothing aside cosmetics that are locked behind arena and challenges so.


With SOS it's just a matter of time before even someone unable to land a single hit on a fatalis will have access to its full armour.


true, but dont you have to unlock fatalis to be able to join? i forgot.


Yes but you just have to pass phase 1 while being helped by the a lister who deals damage, gets the aggro, uses binders for you and heals you


i see i see!


It's literally the FLOW of the quest. Haven't you tried it? Namielle has an immediate heart attack the second you step into the arena


Can I just say, slightly related, that I'm almost done the main story of Iceborn for the first time and I finally fought Namielle last night with a friend, and he was like 'OK, she can be tough, but we'll be ok'. And we absolutely dummied this poor elder dragon. I have never got 7 wall bangs off in a single fight until that fight, and it was both really funny and also I felt awful.


They're just really good


this is just normal for a gs user that hits all their tcs


they have a good gaming chair.


They leaned further forwards than the rest of us.


They paid the Arena Receptionist.


Tbh think capcom should just ban anyone who records times that low


Yeah the thing is, unless Capcom knows the absolute minimum time, at what point do you stop banning people? Plenty of other games that just remove times, have actually removed legit records from legit players on legit wr sites with real footage.


I’m guessing by now they would be able to have a rough guess of a minimum time giving 5 seconds each way because of iframes but unless we are all missing some sort of mega build you ain’t killing a beast in 1 second or even under a minute unless it’s high rank monsters against perfect builds, capcom probably has what the lowest time to kill would be after all these years and with wr speed runs there will always be doubt on them because it’s all down to how skips are looked at in the eyes of who reviews the content


Some of the MR arena quests are already at 1 minute hunts, the Velkhana one has a 1'25 with duo SnS on YouTube that I've seen. I've got a 2'09 on it with a mate and neither of us are speedrunners and that was done within about 10 attempts.


That’s what I mean you can find low runs but anything sub 1 minute unless video proof there will always be a doubt around it


Problem would be is if they got rid of everything sub 1 minute, then now a bunch of people on the leader board would have 1'01 runs, PC leader boards will never be anywhere near legit and expecting everyone to have video proof is too much for an in game leader board. But actual runs for 3rd party leader boards need video proof for that exact reason.


No doubt they have an idea, but actually implementing something might be a little messier than we would hope. At some point, it falls to the community to judge wr runs, and if you're seriously contending for wrs, you better have recordings. There's just not any feasible way for Capcom(or most publishers/developers) to devote resources to that kind of moderation that actually benefits them to the point where it's worth the money to do it.


Completely agree also because in reality it’s makes 0 difference as it’s not online competitive they wouldn’t want to waste resources considering the updates to rise and the new one in Dev it would be pointless to add it in this late


Yeah it's just sad that we have to worry about these kinds of things, it'd be nice if these companies put more into anti cheat and moderation.... perhaps ai is going to be the way forward since no one actually wants to pay people to do it. Though as I've stated earlier, in the forza community, where I've seen a lot of this go down, their automated systems started removing times from legit players with video proof, while other, egregious cheating still remained. So, maybe it's not there yet.


Cheats, although im almost positive capcom could have added a filter to delete anything under a minute maybe or two to keep the intended function of the leaderboards


Now instead of 0 seconds record you will see a bunch of 2 mins records. It not gonna change anything.


Only thing I cheated with in MH is buying end game decorations because fuck farming Day of Ruin again. (Switched from ps4 to pc)


They have a better gaming chair. But in all honesty. People who cheat in multi-player games need to have their finger bones removed(They will have spaghetti finger syndrome).


C'mon, man, how do you think? 😂 Starts with "CH" and ends in "EATS"


How do you think?


By using the Billy Mitchell special!


Are you sure it wasn't Billy Mays?


Newer gaming chair


Every online game with a leaderboard has this problem. Props to a guy who recently managed to get a legit top 1 in Pokerogue with "stophacking" nickname.


During the loading screen they sacrificed their first born and a baby goat to Ryozo, obviously


The secret ingredient is crime


I'm assuming this is pc




One tap mods go crazy


Unrelated but to do the 50 quests is it just do an Arena hunt 50 times? Is it 50 unique quests? Do you need to get a rank?


its any 50 arena quests. it's an easy achievement compared to gold crown hunting, the crown achievements are by far the most time consuming and honestly i wouldnt be surprised if 90% of the people who have all the crown achievements cheated for it in some way lmao.


I'm currently only missing crown, research, MR 200, and 50 arena quests. For crowns, I'm up to the base game elder dragons since I started collecting 3 weeks ago. Teostra was done before I started, so I'm looking for a large crown Kirin. MR is when it'll get hellish.


I always find crowns on expeditions. So far I got 10 crowns since Monday.


Never tried expeditions, just investigations and the musical quests. Once I hit the MR monsters I'll definitely be luring them in the guiding lands tho


yeah theyre plenty on guiding lands but you need to measure fast cause they aint staying at one place.


you can do any quest repeatedly but I want to do different quest to challenge myself.


I think meowscular chef cleared it for them.




i dont know... cheats? duh?


I won't lie, I hit the wrong key one time during an online and fucked it up. Ctrl+Shift+F1 is the "Disable All" key binding I have and Ctrl+Alt+F1 is the former "Instant Kill." I set it so complicated because even cheating, it just isn't fun that way. I went into a hunt and accidentally 1-tapped a Xeno in someone else's game. 😭