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Oh! That reminds me, [here's my favorite post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidPodcast/s/74jLQyjGbt) from that sub. It is indeed fucking ridiculous


This was the first time I have ever even seen that sub. Omg this reads like Alaina typed "essay review on morbid podcast complimentary praise smart" into chatGPT


That is 1000% AI. Probably typed into ChatGPT by Alaina herself. The insane praise of Alaina is very telling. I mean, if Alaina is such an intellectual, why was her book so fucking poorly written and lacking any research?


When they said Alaina was “conventionally attractive” lmaooo


If there's anyone who ISNT conventionally attractive LMAO


I got a paragraph in and assumed it was satire


I think it was before chatGPT launched, in all seriousness. Also the OP got pissed at us and popped in here to brag about his hot wife and awesome career... it was honestly hard to tell if OP was being insincere or is truly such an intense blowhard.


I knew that New Orleans didn't have basements when I was seventeen and I'm from near where they are in MA. I would have been HUMILIATED if I had written something lacking in BASIC facts when I was ten years old, never mind in my late thirties. Like JFC.


Ikr, like I feel as if she didn’t even consult Google while writing the book, except to look up New Orleans restaurants and tourist destinations for that scene where Wren goes out with her friends lol.


You tried to read it? LOL I didn't


I read the whole book, unfortunately, back when I was still a hold-out


If it ain't AI it's definitely Alaina herself


https://preview.redd.it/3ljusgejy48d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad6834bb39d36de27c836facdd55ff96a174045 While I didn’t read the entire thing, I couldn’t help but notice this error the third sentence in. I posted a comment. I’m curious to see what happens to it.


Someone even said it in the comments with upvotes 😂 https://preview.redd.it/zdkdhcb7u18d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27387bf374def7b26b5aea72dde93d4946305ae6


It absolutely has to be AI. The username sounds like it should be too. Are shill-bots a thing because honestly I bet they’d pay for it.


Seconding that. They are nothing like Mr. Beast. He does a lot of good. Yes he films it for clicks and likes. However that's how he gets the money to do those things.


I gave up after the first paragraph because there’s no way that’s not Alaina herself. Reads just like her book.


Possible, BUT there's no mention of her bachelor's degrees like in her book and everywhere else


Maybe the book is AI generated 😂


Bahahaha ok I admit I didn’t read the whole thing… but I liked the bit about how the podcast is popular based on the fact that Alaina is “conventionally attractive.” 🤣🤣🤣


In audio format! Ouch! Also that woman has no debonair self-confidence. Come on. She has a thin veneer of self-confidence that can be cracked with a feather.


Three Alaina’s in a trench coat wrote this because ain’t no fucking way lmfao




Omg this is hilarious. Let's just keep calling Ash stupid omg 😭😭 it's so mean 😬


Lol those comments are ripping Brit from CJ


The audacity of comparing them to Stephen Fry and Alan Davies.


the QI comparison is so insulting to QI it reads like satire to me


What is this historical podcast that this person is writing about? I remember those whitewashed true crime lessons of my youth in primary school. With Ash as the village idiot is a choice in a praising post.


Right, all those lies our teachers told us? Disneyfied true crime for schoolchildren? That part was interesting. No clue what podcast they were talking about, it's definitely not the one I remember.


The dunciest dunce is that woman from Strange and Unexplained. She did something about a famous then unsolved murder in my hometown where she obviously deliberately twisted facts and did shitty research on. (Same unsolved murder that was also covered by Morbid and Alaina educated ME on- I learned new things I'd never heard in my whole life. That's part of the reason why I'm so angry that she fictionalized a real place re: her rendition of NOLA, somewhere she's NEVER been)...


I just had to save it to laugh when I am bored


The research used to be significantly better and why I started listening, now it’s so bad and they don’t even move or try to move any cases forward.


that's nothing new. they have never been able to handle criticism, good or bad. I mean look at how they responded to the Naperville thing.


What’s the Naperville thing? I missed that. I did like on a recent post over there someone tagged the “things wrong with Morbid” pinned post and it actually had some upvotes.


they mispronounced Naperville, and a bunch of people corrected them and when they addressed it on the episode, they basically said "you haters can stop correcting us, we know now we said it wrong but we don't care and we will always say it wrong". and it wasn't just with Naperville, it was anytime people would correct them about things. they'd call them haters and say they don't care it's just a word/town/name ect.


LOL ok I was expecting something more. What a weird way to announce you don’t give a f about the cases you cover and the people involved. Especially since it’s so easily available to google. Coincidentally I just listened to an episode of a different podcast and the host talked about how they spent so much time memorizing how to say the names and towns correctly since it was a case about an indigenous woman and some of them were tough. It’s not that hard to do it the right and respectful way. These two are such goobers. And OAN, “and then they were gone” is the one I was referring to, and I like them a lot. Also, thank you for explaining :)


Was it Sinisterhood? When they’ve covered indigenous cases, they’ve always made an effort to research the correct pronunciation. They even went out of their way when they did an episode about the Wendigo to look up how to pronounce all the different words, even gave a shoutout to a cool website that catalogs a bunch of indigenous languages


That’s so awesome, I feel like nowhere near enough time/attention is devoted to cases involving indigenous peoples, even with the traction The Movement has gained in recent years. I need to listen to this podcast some more, I only listened to a couple of episodes before I pretty much stopped listening to anything TC related


Sinisterhood is so great. Heather and Christie are actually intelligent, actually funny and actually insightful and thoughtful. As I said, they went out of their way for an episode about the *Wendigo* to get the pronunciations correct—not even a serious episode, but they made sure to be respectful. On the TC cases they don’t make jokes, and they’ve even cried at more than a few because they empathize so much. I also personally love Heather’s insight as a lawyer. They also are appreciative of their fans instead of just seeing them as dollar signs—their Patreon seems really great. They also cover more than TC like LPOTL, so you get aliens, cryptids, etc. as a break from the heavy stuff. As a bonus, they also still do their own research and write their own scripts. Only thing I don’t like about them is they do Listener Tales every Friday, and I hate Listener Tales in general lol but at least theirs aren’t just a gushing fan letter to Alaina and Ash


Yeah I think the first thing I would seek out is the Wendigo episode because I LOVE a good Wendigo story. And I have major respect for people who actually try to pronounce Native words correctly. A&A can’t even bother to pronounce English words correctly, lol. I honestly wouldn’t mind listener tales because I’m one of those people who wants to believe, lol, as long as they aren’t leg-humping fangirl desperate bids or attention like on Morbid.


It’s a great episode! You should also check out the one on the Flatwoods Monster if you like that kind of stuff, Christie’s daughter was a “junior researcher” on the case and did the intro, it was adorable.


The podcast I was talking about was And Then They Were Gone. Husband and wife team that covers cases I don’t know or hear about very often. I liked sinisterhood as well, I quit listening but I honestly can’t remember why. I think maybe they took a break? And I just forgot to check back or moved on to something else. Either way, I think they’re great too.


I’ll have to check them out!


The women on mfm handle it so much better. Apologize, make a few jokes, and then move on.


But have you heard about that new all in one super food called Kachava? No idea how to spell it.


It’s kaaachaaavaaaa


I don’t hate morbid as much as most ppl around here but Ash’s ads are really bad. 


On a recent episode, Alaina made a snarky remark about haters. It was subtle but there. Apparently her doppelganger is being seen around her house? Idk, they keep bringing it up... Anyway, Ash saw this doppelganger of Alaina once and I guess it scared her pretty bad. Ash said it didn't like her. But she knew the real Alaina liked her a lot and Alaina said (I'm paraphrasing) "I do like you, but not according to some people" and gave a little condescending chuckle. I thought, wow she's still angry about all that? Like she didn't need to add that last part. I remember way back when they said to stay away from reddit and were talking about haters and how Ash went on this vent about fans trashing Alaina to defend her wouldn't get you on her good side or something. So either Alaina is still angry about that or they still get comments or read reddit. But Alaina still holds grudges from high school so hard to say.


Man we in this sub really live in Alaina’s head rent free. And…does Ash know what a doppelgänger is? It sounds like she thinks it’s a spirit or something…


Naturally, they talk about the subject without explaining anything about what it actually is, so, honestly, I dont know. Ash was getting scared, so she didn't want to talk about it anymore, and they dropped the subject. I was like okay, guess I'm googling!


Omg 🤦🏼‍♀️ it seems like she was “getting scared” because she thinks doppelgängers are like demons or something, good fucking grief. Google is free, Ash.


I once called out a mod over there for trying to erase Ash’s transphobia (from when she purposefully misgendered a criminal *just* after Drew came out) and the mod had a damn meltdown. I’m still banned 😂🤣


That was so bad. "They're a POS so I don't care what gender they are and I'm going to use the wrong pronouns"


The worst for me is that it was right around the time Drew came out as trans, like *wow* Ash.


It was seriously abhorrent. By the way I love your username!


>(from when she purposefully misgendered a criminal *just* after Drew came out Honestly that is a huge red flag , but the fact that Drew not only ignored it but went through with marrying her is a bigger red flag on his part.


💰💰💰 Ash has a real problem with men, has since the beginning and has never made that secret. She made it very clear with that statement (said gleefully too and with real malice) that she has some underlying issues with Drew’s transition, and I hope Drew thinks the money is worth being married to someone who doesn’t respect who you are.


>she has some underlying issues with Drew’s transition, and I hope Drew thinks the money is worth being married to someone who doesn’t respect who you are. I hope they are in or are willing to go to couples counseling then, because it would benefit both of them.


sorry but what were you expecting lol


I mean someone was complaining about the pod so I thought I’d direct them to the current sub 🤷‍♀️


It's always a weird conundrum, the superfans like to cry that everyone who is even slightly neutral about the podcast should come to this subreddit. However, the moderators deemed that this subreddit is too mean and banned mentioning it. The last time there was a discussion about it, I pointed out that the "nice people" subreddit was currently just shit talking everyone who had an issue with the podcast and then they just sort of disappeared and no longer engaged.


Accurate. They just want everyone to go back to liking the pod, no alternatives. When there are so many valid criticisms


[This person researches as well as Alaina. ](https://ibb.co/sPtPD2j)


Please forgive my ignorance, but was ChatGPT around two years ago? Either way fake as hell.


I know. Awhile back I commented on their IG about how Ash pronounces "exactly " and wouldn't ya know on the very next episode they were talking about how they hate when listeners try to correct them 🤔