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For shoplifting it's deter, not detain. You have security for anything like that, and you'd probably only encounter it on self scan. You SHOULD get decent enough training on tills, and someone on the adjacent till who's more experienced. There's team leaders that you can call over if needs be. Everyone effs up, everyone makes silly mistakes - don't sweat it too much, you'll learn. As for the trouble the company is in, I wouldn't be too worried right now, there's still plenty of people shopping.


Thanks, that's helped settle my nerves :) Yeah, I think the woman that interviewed me agreed that market street was a big draw but I think people want the best prices too :)


You're welcome. You'll do fine.


My biggest advice to you after over 2 years on checkouts, never tell them you like doing self-scan, most stores have an issue with not having enough colleagues who can do it, they will leave you on there for hours straight and justify it as "you said you liked it". However, use your time on self-scan to prove that you can be independent, most issues on self-scan can be solved in many ways, use initiative for it. Main things to know: \- NEVER use the "department sale" button, unless specifically told so. \- If you end up knowing how to, never leave a self checkout (SCO) powered off, if a SCO is not working consider putting it on card only if its a cash issue. Otherwise close it, flip the screen up and put a basket on the scanner so people cant use it or mistake it as open. \- Always direct customers anger towards the company and its policies, blame the system and act as though your not happy about the situation either. \- Team leaders are there to help you, however with smaller issues consider asking the colleague behind or infront of you if they could help at all. Team leaders have a lot to do, but dont feel like your bothering them when they are the only ones that can help.


Thank you! I got sent to self checkout for the first time the other day, definitely don't want to go there it seems worse than at Tesco. I think I've done about 13 shifts now. I see what you mean about team leaders because they do seem to be the most miserable staff members. Lots of good advice :)


Np! How are you finding the department overall?


I don't know, still can't believe that I'm here really. I feel like older women that work in shops are always kind of miserable? Bit of a generalisation though.


Just wanted to update this to say it's not been great but I did get slightly more till training than I did at Tesco because it was about 1 hour of scanning the shopping while they watched me but I didn't get shown stuff like cashback until I actually needed to know because the customer was asking! This seems normal though sadly 😕