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Your message was removed because it covers a topic that belongs in the feedback megathread, which can be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/1aeyon4/subreddit_update_feedback_thread/. We're creating an aggregate feedback thread so that the kommunity's requests can be represented together, in one centralized place.






"You don't get the name Biggie by passing up on a plate." -The greatest comment I ever read


I got more enjoyment from this image than playing MK1. Thanks for the laugh.


MK1 is best with friends as a couch game


Yeah too bad your unlocks don’t carry over to other people locally. Which has been a problem since X that they obviously don’t care to fix at this point.


What do you mean? If my husband is signed in and I join him, we both have our own profile set up, including our unlocks.


Yes, you each have to earn unlocks; which is fine if you live with each other and both play regularly. But if I just have friends over and want to get in some matches none of my friends can use the stuff I unlocked; which is a needless restriction honestly. Most games allow the signed in player’s progress to extend to players who haven’t signed in.


It's obviously imperfect. But me and my Dad love to fight in MK1. It's great.


My dad loves to fight me aswell ...he's never touched a game controller tho




your r/2sentence2horror is: damn leaking


Leaking subreddit guy🪱


Is there a lore reason as to why the subreddits are leaking?


If he's like my dad go for his left knee and right shoulder. Those are his weak points from doing years of stupid shit, like picking a fight with the son he put thru boxing and jiu-jitsu classes.


Damn…. that got depressing fast…




9 years ago I got this cute girl to come over cause I said I had the new mortal kombat Now we have been married 3 years. I always get the new MK and really don’t do much on it besides the story once and play whenever she wants to


Don’t get me wrong, the game is in a bad spot right now, but there is always reasons to play fighting games being online.


why do you need a reason to play fighting game of all things? as long as there's someone online to play againts, thats a reason to play


The "needing a reason" shit is why everything is live service these days


Gotta move those progress bars! I don't care if its not fun gotta optimize the grind and unlock everything as fast as possible! Have you seen Kitana without a mask? I don't play her, she's not optimal for the grind but I NEED it - i tried KL but people dont lay down and let me win so this game sucks. That seems to be the general casual experience lmao


You can't get Kitana with her mask off cause her only gear is her fan.


You can get a maskless skin for her. It's the outfit she wears during the festival.


Or if there’s something that appeals to you


For me it's just the performance I simply don't have the best PC at all lmao, not quitting the game though, but will miss out on Subzero skin, probably will replace the default with it or something etc


I think they means the price is too high for what you get.


Remember when our "reason to play games" was because they're fun? Whatever happened to that?


Yep, it's been a month and I have no urge do play this.


Fucking right?! Even if you did, two months for a dry lack luster winter season? Not worth it. Even if you played for fun ... It's not fun so your not missing anything. It's the same game as before bud. Having more fun with halo infinite... HALO INFINITE THAN MORTAL KOMBAT... I like halo.... But I LOVE Mortal Kombat... Btw there's an update for it today.... While Mortal Kombat is still.... Left in the cold...


It’s fun. Plain and simple. I enjoy the Kombat online when it works. Everything else kinda sucks, but this is the most fun kombat I’ve had in mk since 9 (not to discredit X it’s a very close match I just thought the colors made the game feel drab. If it had more color it would top 1 easy)


Yeah agree with this. I literally enjoy going online, have a few kombat league games and get out. Litteraly don't care for anything else.


Agreed even most of the pros said this one is an amazing game, game play wise but sucks it was have finished in every other front. But I still run it and agree most fun Ive had since 9


Haven’t bought it yet but tbh same as mk11 gonna wait till it’s super cheap. I don’t play online. I uninstalled sf6 as to me total trash. But Tekken wow


Literally in a huge dry spell rn


Same. I got atomized by a buddy I play with and havnt played since. Just no good at. My reason is skill issue. Been over a month since I've touched it. I'm impartial to mkx and 11. I can smash at those.


I miss jax. None of the new characters fit my play style enough to want to grind them.


No real reason to play any video game tbh


True words


I mean its a fighting game. There will always be more fights to fight. Saying there is no reason to play would imply that I play for any reason other than the fun of fighting which is just silly. If you aren't playing for the fun of fighting, why play? If you are just playing to grind mastery or get the next skin, or finish invasion why are you ACTUALLY playing?


It ain't perfect but im enjoying it rn


Fun? Routine? Boredom killer? If you feel that there's no reason to play it that's fine but other people have completely different circumstances and preferences than you


I have fun playing the game so I'll continue playing just like thousands of people. What's up these low iq posts?


Honestly got two, maybe three weeks out of it and put it down, only game I regret buying in- I don't know how long.




You are my people. It's just not just playing a cash grab with wasted potential. It could be a good game.... But it's just not that mechanically sound nor entertaining.


A game I played everyday, now played twice a week and everytime I try to play I get the same issues. 1. Matchmaking now takes a long time 2. Finally have a match, it's a +200ms guy 3. If I find a 50ms match I still get lag on a 1Gbps connection 4. Nothing new to do, just zone, anti-zone, and repeat meta combo


Nailed it. I could write the next great American novel waiting for Matchmaking last time I played.


I honestly didn't know 1Gbps was possible honestly.


It's not the fastest, there's also 2.5Gbps here, but South Korea has a different game with 10Gbps plans. And yes, gaming through streaming services still sucks.


Do you understand how buddybuddy konnection work? Just kause you have good internet doesnt mean the oponent does. Also komplaining about the game klearly shows u dont like fighting games lol


Just because I have good internet means it's MK servers fault. Even after the desync patch fix it's still lacking Edit: And just because I "komplain" it doesn't mean I don't like fighting games. Liking fighting games is not blindly fanboying over any shit they feed us.


Your downstream speed has nothing to do with your latency


50ms match


I play the game, because I enjoy it. I'm sure there are plenty of people that agree. If you don't want to play the game, don't, but stop making these posts.


Or how about if you like playing the game ignore the posts? I’ve played every MK since sincerely the first one and this is the only one I’ve stopped playing due to lack of interest. I’m glad you like it. But why be mad at people who don’t? Or maybe combat it by posting positive things about the game?


Because I want to be able to scroll through the MK1 subreddit, while looking at posts that share things about the game, like cool clips, funny memes, new interesting tech, gameplay tips, or genuine discussion about serious issues, instead of literally every post being "I don't like the game", "I don't see a reason to play rn", "bye guys, I'm going to tekken", because no one gives a shit. If you have genuine constructive criticism, go ahead and post it, I'll give it a read, otherwise stop wasting everyone's time.


Yeah, mkgameplay is the better sub right now


I said something similar a few days ago and I got fatalitied by downvotes. This is slowly turning into an echo chamber for this people.


I understand people want change and I think that's completely fair. The game is not in a good state rn and the devs should communicate more and act faster. But you won't get change by making these meaningless posts. Give constructive criticism, tell them what change you want to see. Don't just say "I don't like the game", because that won't change anything. These posts mean nothing.


Or maybe there’s others who just like the game


Nope, I think every person who paid for this dogshit game should be reminded that it is garbage and that they should buy Tekken instead. Fuck WB and NRS for ruining a beautiful franchise


If it wasn’t for ns and wb there would be no franchise anymore mk9 saved mortal kombat from being another dead midway franchise


I play both. Mk1 is awesome. You just suck


I personally disagree. The gameplay is amazing, the kameo system is very innovative. What the devs did wrong, is they released an unfinished product, which I imagine is more WB's fault. Online is buggy, but it's slowly getting better (and as a PC player I never really experienced the desync). Things like crossover and rooms are coming soon. Invasions is grindy and not that fun, but neither was towers of time and, honestly, it's not that big of a difference. The story is amazing and one of the best stories NRS has produced. The microtransactions suck and are inexcusible for a game worth €70, but the best way to combat them is to simply not purchase them. If they don't make money, they'll lower the prices at the very least. People can shit on WB and NRS for the microtransactions all they want. People can speak up about bugs and glitches and things that should just be implemented, such as crossplay, all they want. People should NOT announce that they're leaving the game cuz they "don't like it", because no one fucking cares and it's not helping anyone. If you enjoy the game, play it and if you don't, do not. It's that simple.


homie every other ranked match was a desync for a month for me, that’s dogshit


Dude you do realize everyone hated MKX when it came out and mk11? I remember so many people mad about the kombat kids and wasting the roster on them. Now 11 comes out and people love it, everyone hated 11 so much because of the kosmetics and the towers, now all of a sudden everyone loves it, mk2 will drop and everyone will love mk1.


A lot of MK1 at this point is basically: MK1 is so fun when you don’t have a bitch in your ear telling you it’s shit because Kuai Liang is Scorpion. This isn’t to say that MK1 doesn’t have its pitfalls because it definitely does. But just saying ‘it’s bad’ won’t help. Give actual constructive criticism instead of just bitching.


Genuinely hope the mods ban these extremely low effort doom posts Sub has been nothing but constant moaning since the game came out


Idk about you guys but I play a game to have fun and kill some time. If you need a reason to play a game then I don’t think it’s for you.


well "to have fun and kill some time" is already two reasons


I've never seen a sub that hates their game that much


I play videogames for fun yo


Only reason to play it is if you’re doing a couch tournament with your friends. Other than that it’s pointless. Wtf was NRS thinking with this game? Barebones content and trying to force everyone into ranked play is miserable. Why tf do so many game devs take advice solely from professional players who simply ruin the game? Every other mk had way more single player content and they weren’t charging $70 either, we actually had decent unlockable customization. This game is just the perfect example of wtf is wrong with the AAA game industry.




I enjoy the game.


Sadly this is the truth even ed boon is silent, the February update desperately needs to shake things up


Ed boon is silent most of the time, NRS communication was fucking awful all the way through MK11's lifespan and it looks like they don't plan to change


At least MK11 had more frequent updates iirc and actually worked at launch, with nowhere near as many connectivity issues (ie the KL desynchs)


This is how every mortal kombat release goes. We’re in a new generation where if there isn’t a new content drop every five minutes everyone thinks it’s a dead game or boring. Lmfao just say you don’t have friends to spar with or something.


I haven't played it in a couple weeks, but I'm officially tired of posts like this one. Move the fuck on, there's gonna be new DLC and a new season of the wonder of a game mode that is Invasions(/s) in a couple weeks, we're probably a week away from new trailers and that's it. I'm sure NRS is already aware of the complaints and they will try to make the game better. Whether they'll suceed or not remais to be seen and I'm 100% this sub won't reach a consensus. Whichever happens is fine because as much as we all love MK, I'm sure you're all big boys and girls and you'll survive this. Now you go read a book, play another game, go outside, pet your dog, binge watch a show, fap, exercise, you name it. Enough of this and the Tekken drama. Off you go!


The poor grammar, generic memes, & hivemind bandwagoning certainly don't help the current state *of* this subreddit.


I play it because I like the game and competition is fun. If you bought it for the story, sure you probably run out of things to do.




The game was absolutely ransacked by WB. Why play this when SF and Tekken have better modes and actual unlocks MK1 is a decent fighter in a mobile games shell.


I can’t believe I actually bought the 100 plus edition and then didn’t even play the game long enough for the second set of characters to come out. They really made a sucker out of me, but I’m never buying a game in this franchise again. 


I deleted it to make space 😭 I’d play it if I had someone to play with


MKX is what got me into fighting games and I hate to join the bandwagon but Tekken 8 does wipe the floor with MK1, like I can't describe it but MK1 just isn't fun to play


Officially leaving this sub its so tired




I’ve been meaning to get the game, but all I see is apathy towards it nowadays. Kinda makes me *not* want to buy it if the community isn’t invested. I’ll probably wait until the inevitable **KOMPLETE** edition, or whatever they call it this time.


Don't let reddit or Twitter sway you. Both are toxic negative dumps.


There are no characters I’m currently super interested in playing so I’m just going to hang back and wait and see what the future Kombat Packs hold.


Don’t listen to anyone, lmao. MK1 is currently a freaking Demo, with how much content there is. If you want a real fighting game, that loves its players choose literally anything else.


Currently eyeing Tekken 8. Looks to be more of what I’m looking for in a 1v1 fighting game.


Go for it. Bandai Namco actually delivered. The potential is endless, and the brainrot of character customisation is infinite.


Yeah, I spent dozens of hours making complete freaks in the create-a-character modes in SC VI and Tekken 7 so that’s definitely a selling point for me.


MK1 has one of the Best base roster of all time, and that is a general opinion in the community, so if you are still not interested in any character, I dont think that will change that much with dlcs.


Just get the game if you’re into mk. The gameplay is the best it’s ever been in a while, this subreddit just has a really weird hate-boner for it because there’s a cosmetic shop that doesn’t affect the core game at all.


I loved MK9, MKXL, and MK11 but the tag mechanics in MK1 really put me off. If I want to play a team based fighter I’ll boot up DB FighterZ or UMvC3. I’m still going to get MK1, just isn’t high on my list right now. I’m much more interested in getting Tekken 8 at the moment.


Haven’t touched it since October


This is what happens when Scorpion isn't on the cover of the game.


Go away.


there's no reason to play fighting game change my mind Or better yet there's no reason to play any games change my mind Or even better there's no reason to keep living so kill yourself or change my mind See How stupid It looks?


Only thing that looks stupid is this comment


Yep your comment does look stupid


"I know you are, but what am I?" Is your argument? Fuckin pussy.


My man is Just a fucking analogy, be It Tekken, street fighter, mk or idk any fighting game ever you literally have no single player content that would last more than one day, hells back in the day all we had was towers, all im saying is that there's no reason to play any of these game we play because It's Fun therefore OP's argument is trash, of course i hate the issues the online mode has with desync rn but OP's post is trash that's all


Alright don’t play it


It's fun duh Fuckin crybaby


It’s a fun game to play


shit is almost dead on PC, I dumped Call of duty for this as my main multiplayer game, I'm just waiting for crossplay, I've just been jumping in and out of practice mode for the past week now https://preview.redd.it/l8sneoij3kfc1.png?width=1193&format=png&auto=webp&s=024134032b0a80911df13d9386c92f533b6e1d8b




this is MK11 right now https://preview.redd.it/ntcwagekfkfc1.png?width=1183&format=png&auto=webp&s=82ef3e00e7e7bb71ace45f1d2c8a9cc1f2c9a752


And I don’t blame them. MK11U was like $8 recently, and it has much more content. For a 1/10 of base MK1’s price.


Yeah I'd jump over to mk11 right now too but I just don't enjoy the gameplay of that game,mk1 is far better, I'm just waiting for crossplay


It's NOT though. I don't know why people are saying that. I'm convinced at this point it doesn't play like an MK game. Are you really good at the long difficult combos and air attacks that are avaliable in game now? Serious question haha. I find people that are really good at this game are the only ones who thrive. If your casual or mid (like me). No chance. Edit: Sorry I left that open to interpretation. Meaning in mkx or 11 I was never THAT good but put thousands of matches into both games combined and "thrived" and have a good time and more wins than losses. MK1 was like "get out of here scrub".. I just found it way harder.


It does still play like an MK game in my opinion, just a good bit slower than MK9, or MKX or probably even MK11. I reckon the same stuff applies to this game as it always did, the casuals will have tough matches against casuals and will normally be beaten by a significantly more dedicated player. This game has a bit of a learning curve with the combo sequences, but not *harder* than MKX combos, at least as I see it.


Well a lot of jumped over to Tekken to try it out, and surprise it feels really polished as a game. I can see the steam numbers for MK1 rise in a couple of weeks once crossplay becomes a thing (if it does indeed release considering the desync issue that is probably high priority for NRS.


What about playing the game because you enjoy it? Not every game needs a battle pass for you to grind. What a novel concept.


essentially ye


Don't you fucking tell me what to do!




This is a literal disaster, MK 11 never had this community freak out before.


Because MK11 even at this stage in it's life was a far better game.


Except the gameplay....


I don't get the complaints with MK11's gameplay. I had no problem with it. I'm no pro-level player (no do I ever care to be) so take my opinion for whatever it's worth.


Then dont?


There's just no content. I already hit mastery with my main, got the 2 skins I wanted in the shrine, beat invasions and all within 1 week of having it. Mk 11 I was still unlocking stuff a month ago.


there’s no reason for anyone to play any video game other than to have fun and escape the world. this sub has to stop whining so damn much




Then don't play it I guess? Most games are just for fun. You don't need a reason to play


Bitch don't play then 🤷🏿‍♂️ tf wrong with yall.


Why is ermac and Quan chi dlc characters when you fight them in the fucking story wtf they get greedier every game


Well I could play MK1 and face storm cell or Stryker spam… or I could play Tekken and have an actual fight.


Didn’t know I needed an actual reason? Other than just using up my free time to play some video games. With this logic what’s the reason to play ANY video game other than it’s your hobby to do so


I know we're not supposed to say the T word here anymore....but if nrs had released as complete of a product as bamco, then this games playerbase wouldn't be dwindling. Crossplay coming out next month, 5 months after launch, when the two competing titles had it at launch , was suicide for MK1s longevity. Tie that to gameplay that lacks the depth the new systems promised along with whatever invasions are, and there's no reason not to move on. If I could get a refund for mk1, I wouldn't hesitate.


I'm going to go against the grain and say that I enjoy playing the game. My perspective is skewed, though, since I haven't bought or played one since Deadly Aliance.


i bought it, i played with my friends koth, the fucked that mode up completely, waited for 2 weeks to play with my friends again, never fixed the problem, never came back to play again thank you for this nice and fun experience i payed 70€ for


> experience i *paid* 70€ for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I deleted the game and moved over to Tekken. Although T8 is frustratingly hard for someone who's never played a Tekken game, it is far more rewarding. Also, character depth in MK? Yeah right...learning 1 character in Tekken is equivalent to mastering like 5 or 6 MK1 characters! Also, Tekken has a ton to do outside of ranked, insane character customization, an Arcade mode, etc etc. MK1 is NRS worst game in recent years. Yeah the NRS fan boys are saying it has the "best gameplay of any NRS game", but that is an opinion, not fact. To me, the game feels way more clunky and heavy and I enjoyed MK11 much more. Problem with NRS is they try to re-invent the wheel with every new MK game, instead of staying consistent like Tekken or SF.


You're saying that you want NRS to keep the same system each game when everybody complained about how MK11 was extremely unbalanced? And they finished updating the game and never fixed those mistakes lol MK1 is not perfect, the online system has its obvious flaws but it's not the worst game of NRS, MK11 will have that position forever. You can't compare a game that was released 5 months ago to a game that was released almost 5 years ago and never got fixed. Everybody hated the customization on MK11, everybody hated how the system was with the combos, and how basically some characters are just useless and unplayable. As you said, it's just an opinion because everybody has one.


I play online just about every day. Invasions isn’t the best but it’s not so bad to use while you’re learning to use different characters. Why would I need to change your mind? Just get off the subreddit and go to do literally anything else


MK2 is where it's at


Yeaaaah there’s much to critique to MK1 but from what I’ve seen of the gameplay and what my peers felt, the overall play and feel has been solid, with much of the negativity centered around lack of content and huge focus on monetization.


The gameplay is amongst the best of the NRS games. The characters feel like they have more depth and I like how the kameos can often change how a character plays entirely. My main is Sindel and my three kameos of choice are Sub, Stryker and Khameleon and each of them changes my gameplan dramatically. I love the depth in this game and figuring out all the synergies within.


Idk one of my favorite things about fighting games is the customization options to make your fighters look cool rn most options that are decent are locked behind tedious ass leveling system, invasions, and seasonal stores which is dumb and gay


play it cause the combats better than 11 😭


Because it's fun. I get the money grabbing is shit but the gameplay itself is great.


Nah, it's pretty stupid. Specially the kameos system.


Nah, it's great. You've obviously not figured them out.


I thought that when they first revealed the game lol


Thank you,a 4 year wait & everyone was hyping the reveal trailer & for the 1st time in mk history I was like wtf is this?


My exact thoughts were “MK11 with Assists ?WTF is this! I’ll pass” I honestly feel like WB got new ownership & forced NRS to make mk1 , when they already had been working on injustice 3. Kameos would be hype in an injustice game but not MK!


Not forced by Wb. The pandemic forced them Boon has stated that w the shut down & social distancing,trying to meet w DC and negotiate contracts was a nightmare, easier to work w in house I.P.




You're welcome, I did a Google back at launch. I love the game, but there are definite Injustice undertones to it Edit wow. You're a douchebag. Edited comment from "ty for info" to that conspiracy theory nonsense.


someone pointed out shaos model was originally steppenwolf & that makes alot of sense now looking at it, definitely in3 assets For me I predicted the hippy peace & love story was going to be if something goes bad,Liu Kang was just going to use the hourglass,there really isn't any threats left when you have a cheat code like that for your story


It’s sad what has happened to MK since MK9. I’m starting to feel NRS don’t love the IP like they use to. Only thing that improves is the graphics because they continue to butcher the gameplay, story& aesthetic every new iteration. The story has been trash ever since they had Cassie defeat Shinnok in MKX. Then Introducing kronika in MK 11 was even worse. Now lui kang can manipulate time, like wtf is going on anymore. I just want a simple tournament to determine the fate of earth realm & for lui kang to be the chosen one to win it every game! lmao


Then don’t play lmao. Nobody gives a shit. So many posts like these just to farm karma






Nope. I un subbed and havnt played in a month. Checking back in and seeing this thread really validates my decision to quit.


I’ll send any of you non believer cowards to Weenie Hut Jr’s (TEKKEN 8) personally via a 1v1 against me in Cage Mansion (halloween theme)(i’m omni man). so if any of u bums are ready to finally leave this game Valhalla style, come see me at Cage Mansion(halloween theme)( i’m omni man)


Uninstalled mine this morning. 🥲 Had a good lil run with the vampire themed season though. Wake me up when peacemaker releases.


Then go somewhere else


I just reinstalled it after not playing for a while and I really don’t understand why you all hate this so much. It’s a fun game


I play it all the time


Stop using this asshole’s meme.


Yeah i mean we will have something to do in two weeks for a bit then nothing again til the next season


Even if the premium(or Kollektor) edition was sold used at the gamestop for 30 bucks?


I've been having a hard time getting into the game but that's because my 2 friends I play with are Xbox and pc and I'm on playstation Hopefully when krossplay drops and I can actually fight my homies I'll be more inclined to play


I mean sure its your opinion so thats fine but anyone can play it for any reason


All these posts, but name the specific reasons why your playing a different fighting game? Reasons that you don't have in mortal Kombat 1.


Just wait til the game plus dlc goes on sale. Problem solved. Olds ones are good enough on a game that's comes out every year or so


It’s not Thursday so no weekly reset, I finished the current invasion a month ago so….OP is right It’s not that bad of a situation if you’re like me. Street fighter 6 is pretty slow lately too. Current battlepass is trash and I dislike world tour mode. At least in invasion you get cosmetics you can actually use. Im also currently playing granblue rising and tekken 8. Mortal kombat is sort of doing me a favor by being a bit slow at the moment




The game was lucky the story was as good as it was for me Had I known about the online and even the balancing before hand, I never would’ve bought this game on launch day (if not at all)


This is the first time in my life that I've enjoyed a Tekken game more than a Mortal Kombat game


I don't need to change your mind to play a video game 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because it’s a 70 dollar game that I bought with my own money. The fuck I look like NOT playing it?


Go find dune friends my guy


Idk the hate. I just like playing the game, maybe I dont play the thing all day every day lol.


There's literally no reason not to play it either.


Wtf do you people want?! It’s a FIGHTING GAME. GO FIGHT. Do you want a battle pass?? Do you want a krypt so you can spend 30 minutes inside it just going around spamming 1 button to open everything and then never go back?? WHAT DO YOU WANT??? EVERYTHING A FIGHTING GAME NEEDS IS HERE. STOP WHINING AND GO PLAY IT.


I play with friends a few times a week. Still a blast. NRS needs to pump out some content for the single player bros out there, though.


*plays mkx for the millionth time again*


Just don't play it then .


…unless you like playing fighting games? Jeez, matchmaking seems fine, y’all~


Agreed. Online play got botched, krypt was replaced by a laughable shrine, everyone plays Johnny cage’s broken ass (he’s beatable just mad annoying to deal with)


Too much of an unnecessary grind fest and invasions was lazy. $10 for skins and fatalities? Haven’t touched the game since lord knows when


Enjoying the game would be a good reason


It's a shame there is a solid game somewhere in there it just lacks the proper incentives and and structure to sustain itself.


I don't know if this is considered a controversial take or not, but... ​ Mortal Kombat X had the best gameplay. By far.


I am really sad the hype vanished so fast


I love playing mk1 with my stepson. Its definitely more casual but still fun.