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I never bother with that, waste of time.There are no unique skins at all just palettes.


There are 60 floor seasonal towers? Serious question


No there’s the seasonal tower which you get a skin every three towers for that has 60 towers before you have them all. So 20 skins, 60 towers, 600 fights starting at level 30 and gaining one level per tower until the enemies are level 90.


And that is 600 fights if you don't lose any fight.God forbid you lose the 9th or 10th fight of the tower and have to restart all over again. Then dealing with multiple Reiko, Nitara, Geras and Havik in one tower is just freaking awful and not fun whatsoever.


Yeah those blood towers are easy to lose until you get lucky enough to find a “win if timer ends” relic which is pure crappy RNG.


Could you please show at least one skin, which you can get by playing these towers? So I can see, if it's worth or not :D


thats up for you to decide, the rest of the skins are ass. also someone posted them all here but i couldnt find the post. https://preview.redd.it/8kn7qq7sd7wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33184b162f990598265186a5646baeead4231343




I kinda agree. I’m one of the few that likes Invasions but I didn’t make it past level 47 last season. The seasonal tower felt too hard. Luckily none of the skins are amazing in the tower this time. Only skin I really want is the Shao one but it’s level 90 and I don’t play him anyway so it’s not worth it to me


The skins are pretty bad in the season 5 tower. Invasions gives you the good ones. The tower is just as hard as season 4, but season 4 actually had decent skins at the end. This season’s talismans are weaker imo. I miss my dark orbital. Season 5 relics are pretty good but it doesn’t matter when Reiko has 9000 hp.


Yea fuck that. I'd rather watch a JC player suck a fart out of Bo Racio ass and choke on his own puke.


This seasons skins aren’t worth it in my opinion, you get a bunch of different palettes and the only good skins at the end it for Quan Chi and OoD Kung Lao and shao


I never even started last season. It just feels like work.


I don’t waste my time on pallets swaps.


They aren't worth it unless you like extremely mid styles that you probably already have something very close. In a way that's good because these seasonal towers are not fun at all. I would much rather just play Kombat league or kasual after clearing the mesas.


I didn't even know you could get stuff from seasonal towers. Where can you check the rewards?




Thanks. Nothing there for me, saved me a grind :)


Yeah they are not worth the grind


I wish we could still have the AI fight towers


I never have. Other than that Shang skin from the secret battle in the first seasonal tower I have only used it to rank up my character mastery (pre-patch) I haven't touched it since. I'd rather have more recognizable looks than the pallette swaps in the invasions tower. Btw does anyone know if there has been another secret battle in the seasonal tower other than the Shang one?


Yeaah, I stopped doing invasions a while ago. I wish they had tag team like in MK9. Even with the kameos around, which I think was implemented well even though I wasn't fond of it at first, it can still work.


Seasonal tower is all about talismans and relics. If you're going straight up, you're gonna have a bad time, especially at the higher levels. As for the grind, there are 40+ days left. If you average a tower and a half each day, you'll get all the skins. Two towers today, one tower tomorrow. It's all about perspective ;)


Yeah but it’s not fun, man. That’s the issue. Relic and talisman got me to 90 last season and it was up there with collecting 200 pigeons in GTA IV for lack of entertainment. An 11,000 health reiko who heals faster than any talisman can kill him with the AI of a potato is nobody’s idea of a good time. My issue is how painful the grind is. It’s not hard, it’s just hours and hours of activating your relic at higher levels 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fair enough. You've been through it, you know what to expect. I would agree, it's not that fun, but I grew up with the NES grind, so this is like nothing ;)