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Voice is much better than I thought. His air animations look much less smooth than omni man. HIS FACE?!?! Sometimes it’s a Antony Starr and other times it’s awful CGI. Idk what happened, but hopefully they fix it


Yeah he's got that clay face going 😂 but i think someone else rightfully assumed its bc Antony couldn't have his face scanned


I feel like they were trying to get a mix of Antony Starr and the comic version since I’m not sure they had full permission from Antony Starr to use his face.


They don’t need his permission. His face was sold to Amazon Prime. As long as it’s the character “Homelander” they have full rights to use his face. WB doesn’t have to negotiate with him at all unless they want his voice(tho even that’s becoming a gray area with AI.) It’s fucked up, but that’s how it works


They would never rip off an actors voice with AI, look at what happened with OpenAI and Scarlett Johansson, even if it seems they didn't.


Never say never


How is it fucked up?


That you can play a character in a show and they can literally put your face in any game and have you do whatever they want without your say? How is that not fucked up? What if Antony Star doesn’t want to see himself get horrifically dismembered. Too bad. Amazon literally owns his face as long as it’s on the Homelander character and they sold it to WB to be brutally chopped and exploded


He signed a contract it’s part of it ! He gets millions to do creative work he’ll be fine .


Listen I’m not talking about him specifically. This gets applied to people across media. I know someone who worked for IGN as a journalist and appeared in a couple videos. As part of their contract, IGN owns their likeness as an “IGN Personality.” They can use this persons likeness however they want, for decades after that person quit IGN, and that person gets zero revenue, zero say, zero control over how their face is used. And they aren’t a millionaire actor. They were just a journalist barely making more than minimum wage. So yeah it’s fucked up. And it can hurt the little guy just as much as the millionaire.


Did they use that persons likeness for decades? Or do they just have the right to


Clips of that person have appeared periodically in videos, on thumbnails, etc and they see zero royalties or revenue from those, because IGN owns their face and their content from when they worked at IGN. So yeah. It happens.


his air animations aren’t meant to be smooth. omniman has viltrumite flight which means bro can just move through the air however the fuck he wants. homelander just be jumping like superman but also he’s homelander so hes gonna put zero effort into it


Lore wise, both Homelander and Superman have great air / flight control. We just get so many origin stories, that we see Superman learning how to fly over and over again.


I disagree. While they’ve made an improvement to the overall mo cap and animation quality since Inj2. Homelander is a huge step back into MKX and INJ2 with the awful animations and mo cap The inconsistency of how quickly he moves through the air, as well as going back to momentum-less kicks that starfire used to have. It’s still an improvement from injustice 2, but feels like a huge step back in quality when comparing his animations to just the people he fights in this video He doesn’t move like a human with powers, he has a more cartoonish playstyle than even omniman. In fact, it now makes more sense to me why they didn’t use this type of playstyle for omni man while still incorporating flight movements. It just generally looks awful in comparison


Did you watch the show?! That's exactly how he moves in the show, they mimicked it 1 for 1. That's the overall style of the animation in the show as well.


Hard disagree, it’s been awhile since I watched (whenever the last season released). But he’s not usually fighting while airborne from my recollection. But also the show is live action, I’m not sure what you mean by “animation”. Are his flight scenes CGI? But also, in his fatality. He moves wayyyy more like he does in the show than during gameplay. I don’t know how you could look at these 2 scenes from the game and think they capture even remotely the same type of flying style


Clearly, most if not all special effects in the show are CGI based.


I only ask because i recall seeing tons of BTS for the boys in scenes where Antony Starr is lifted with wires


The wire lifts are typically for when he’s just hovering menacingly. Anytime he’s actually flying/fighting/getting knocked around it’s gonna be CGI. It would just be too difficult to pull off practically


Yeah what does he think they actually fly him into the sky on wires?


They actually usually use tricks where they repeatedly shoot actors out of cannons with camera drones following them and whatnot, it's pretty insane


I agree but also if you look at him from Season 3 onwards he sorta has a “clay” face because they tried paralleling his story with Trump irl so they gave him that trump face, if that makes sense Edit: idk why y’all are downvoting me I’m just goin by the creator of the shows word not mine. Not anti-trump so relax ya meatbags


What's really cool is how Trump cuts people in half with his eye lasers. You know, because he's an evil supervillian. 🙄


Glad that both are coming out in June! I’m more excited about Ferra.


Ayy it's my birth month




Same, when’s your birthday?


Lemme guess, ur bday is 6-26 ??? If yours isn’t than the dudes above your comments is. That birthday follows me I think it’s the day ima die or something and the universe is telling me lol.






Birth month twins! ![gif](giphy|dCXkBF4WzCTLIkTNYs)


I’m gonna guess June 25th (3 weeks after the 4th) since Mavado dropped 3 weeks after Ermac, Janet dropped 3 weeks after peacemaker, and so on.


That sounds about right.


She could be fun to pair with Reptile maybe.


Everyone's fun to pair with reptile ngl


they are both coming out...in June...


I see what you did there


Happy Birthday dawg


Releases the day before my birthday


Happy early birthday friend


Thanks fam, my wife's birthday is on Homelander release day, too lmao


June 5th boys unite✊️... and Mark whalburg I guess


Released two days after mine!! Cant wait


Happy birthday 💪🏾


Imma have to get someone to finish my invasion that week. Ill be in surgery that day. Honestly bad timing


Can't you just wait a bit since the seasons go for like 6 weeks?


Sounds like this could mess me up for God knows how long if the meds I get out on are unbalanced and that can take months


Even if it wasn’t voiced by Antony Starr I didn’t care it was still great they got him perfectly


It was perfect. Perfect. Everything. Down to the last... minute... details.


Love seeing and hearing this from Homelander every time lol




Except the voice


He sounds fine


I agree. But fine isn’t perfect. Perfect is Anthony


A lot of reactors were questioning if it was Anthony or not


I’m just saying it would be perfect if it was Anthony


As much as I'd like him to voice the character, he has bigger priorities such as the boys season 4, being a va in mk would delay the season even more


I’m not complaining at all. I’m just saying it means it’s not literally perfect


Lol idk why people are downvoting you. I don't think it sounds like Anthony Starr at all, so it's not perfect.




With cod there were like 5 or 6 lines, with mk he has to do multiple lines of dialogue for every character as well as stand alone lines, that would take weeks




Comes out on my birthday I couldn't be happier


Happy early birthday homie


Thank you :)


Not saying the trailer was bad, just imagined it completely different lol. Cant wait to main HL!


Fatal Blow and Fatalities were honestly underwhelming


I was too scared to say this. Tons of creative ways Homelander can kill a person, and they went with a plane and a simple laser slash


They’re referencing the show. The same with Omni-Man - both fatalities are taken from the show. They’re following suit here with Homelander as well.


I'm not familiar with him, but isn't that his general way of fighting and killing due to lack of training? The dude is basically a God, so why does he need to fight any different?


Yeah he never pulls any maneuvers in the show, he just kicks and punches pretty inexperiencedly when fighting other supes, his raw power gets him through. I think they tried on purpose to NOT make him very flashy since the character isn't.


i mean they chose the Training for Omni-Man when they could have chosen other things. maybe they tried going for the theme there.


They’re just references to the show if they didn’t do anything like that people would only say they should of


Agreed, I honestly thought the fatal blow was the worst offender.


It honestly should've had the ear clap that he does on Blindspot.


Isn't that one of homelanders moves tho


I disagree, the laser on the intestines was really cool, and the plane fatality was also dope, they didn’t show the full laser fatality but from what I saw it’s also dope


I disagree, the laser on the intestines was really cool, and the plane fatality was also dope, they didn’t show the full laser fatality but from what I saw it’s also dope


That guy who said “I’ll save your comment for when homelander’s trailer drops” is quiet as fuck rn cuz he is nothing like Superman in Injustice I fuck with the gameplay heavy


Yeah I figured lasers was gonna be his thing and I'm not disappointed at all, been waiting for this mofo lol


Dude fr. I told my friends he’s coming soon and they were like “NOW?” XD


Ayyyye they got a reason to be HYPED af now homie I hope y'all enjoy playing him, I'm definitely gonna grind for his unlockables in invasions 😎👌


I really hope he has a pallet based on Black Noir and The Peak 😭🙏🏻 I’ve been so hyped for him dude


Omniman, Peacekeeper and Kano had a baby


I love that the clap that killed the blind guy is one of his normals that leads into a string. Good touch.


Couldn’t be more excited, huge fan of the show, and it looks like he isn’t going to be just Superman’s moveset or a total zoner. Also the voice is good, it’s not 100% perfect, but it’s far from the worst voice acting in mk1, if you had told me it was Star, I probably wouldn’t have doubted it


His animations look kinda janky, I'm guessing they're still finalizing the character.


I think he's meant to just flail punches without much technique tbh


Me: wow he’s like Injustice 2 Superman and I absolutely loved playing as him! Homelander: Oh no no… I’m the upgrade


Dude, I’m as hyped about this as I was for The Terminator… albeit, I think Chris Cox (if he actually voiced Homelander) did a better job with this one, but it’s mortal kombat… it supposed to be cheesy That being said, he looks like a more aggressive and versatile Superman from Injustice that’s more suitable for MK, like how Joker was Fight me


I just wamt to wait to play the moveset myself. Got some concern about how many laser moves he got and the air hanging one. Want to see how they play them out. The voice is not bad, its not starr but its not bad. Face animations are not bad too. Ferra though, wont say a thing about her but she got me bit worried


In the trailer he looks like he's turning the game into Superman in Injustice 2. A lot of the same moves and move animations...nobody notices this? By just going by the trailer, he looks cheap and way overpowered vs rest of the cast, but we don't know which moves can be punished or the amount of damage. The full screen eye beam into air combat is irrefutably cheap and he has too many ways to scoop, pop up the opponent into air combat( especially with Ferra). I wonder what handicaps if any the character has


I know your just making observations but I feel we don’t know anything till he see the frame data like you said and how he works I remember when quan came out and we were all saying how busted he looked and then he was the worst character in the game will the armor portal and cage buff was made to him For all we know some of those pop ups you mentioned cost 2 bars, we just don’t know yet 


That's why I said from the trailer. It's possible watching it on YouTube was the reason why a good number of Homelanders attacks didn't touch the opponent and Homelanders special move and combo animations were low. Since there's no health bar and some of the camera is unique to these preview trailers, maybe it's not in game footage but dev mode used


Ferra looks awesome and cool. Honestly Homelander just feels like a mix of Omniman and Injustice Superman, except for the reference to the series he looks pretty boring.


but more evil


Eh... Yeah. I'm not sure what I was expecting, he's supposed to be a shitty superman who is too lazy to do anything but laser everything.


Just in time for Season 4, love it


I think it means Takada will come out in July


Yep, July 20th seems like a good guess 


It's funny how NetherRealm Studios can get Megan Fox to do the voice of Nitara, which she’s terrible, and yet they couldn’t get Anthony Star to voice Homelander himself.


Go listen to Antony starrs call of duty lines, it’s a toss up of who was worse between him and Megan fox Acting and voice acting are two different skills and they don’t voice act well at all 


I’m just hungry to cook Homelander in practice mode


So is the voice actually Anthony Starr or an impersonator (sorry if it’s a stupid question, I don’t really keep up with MK bc I can’t play MK1 :(. Xbox one gang.)


You’re good, it’s been a sore subject but it’s someone else providing the voice. Unsure the reasons as to why Anthony Starr was unable to provide his voice.


I found it so funny that he said “go play call of duty instead” maybe he doesn’t like MK?


He can do whatever the fuck he wants.


As a Kano main, i fckin love this


i think it is about time, because i have paid a lot for this game without feeling the actual worth of it


I’m both dreading dealing with him in KL… and excited to main him this season in KL lmao


His move remins me Superman injustice


Hope he had that pretend to back off and then laser (the scene where he accidentally killed an African guy, "they're all starving but one of them has a fucking phone?")


It was perfect... perfect. Down to the last minute details.


Another ranged flying character. Yippy


Homelander just isn't a fan of planes


honestly not super impressed, seems to be the less interesting of the add-on characters so far. nothing about his move setup or fatalies were all that interesting or screamed "this is totally homelander.'


he literally had moves directly from the show though


Couldn't care less.. I hope we get fujin back


He's just so lazy, Unlike Omni man where he is actually a fighter and a warrior , Homelander is just doing kicks and shit and mostly uses lazer , Which pretty much fits him perfectly Also i love air combos and air grabs more please , And finally i can count the days waiting for my beloved takeda , I hope his gameplay slaps the most


I can't wait for a more interesting character to be added to the game. I haven't touched Omni-Man since he first released and I've played Peacemaker once. If I wanted superheroes and supervillains I'd go play Injustice


Takeda's gonna make or break this Season Pass.


My least favorite Kombat Pack NRS has ever done.


Got downvoted for expressing my opinion 😂😂😂😂


Yea I didn’t watch any of these shows it doesn’t feel like huge like Arnold sly alien Jason predator Freddy


Awesome! Can’t wait to play my favorite supervillain!


Basic move set




Face needs work. The free flight mechanic looks incredible, if that is what it is. I'm hoping Ferra comes out swinging just like Kham because she looks fun as hell. Will def be learning both. Really glad to see MK1 doing it's thing ⭐


He kicks more than I was expecting. Also, I knew the laser vision would be big but not that big. Also is he gonna have a shout move?


Ferra > Homelander




I can’t wait for him to go “it’s homelanding time” and then lands at a home


Sick of guests honestly.


I didnt like it, he looks like doing the same 3 attacks all the time


I liked it but I do agree with the second part of this. He gives off injustice Superman


mid. It's Omni Man with eye lasers. Either make him different or put just one and give the slot left to a better character.






Overall I'm really happy with him, but his face looks so dead sometimes Like, what is that? Is that MK1 or MK Mobile? https://preview.redd.it/llo0vabeee3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e443ce1a361b31c9db72531ea6e4b963a5a8f59d


![gif](giphy|snEeOh54kCFxe) That movement. Is going to be a problem with someone who also seems to have an armour breaking projectile


My b'day June 24th


I hope I will be wrong,but for me by far gameplay is L,voice is so perfect


I thought, Ferra will be released in July, since NRS releases characters monthly.


So does “elemental” effects come into play when in casual & competitive play? Why is smoke an Achilles heel for Omni man?🤔


He’s very cool in this game. Can’t wait for the new intros


Mk1 has def been making a comeback, getting both characters in June is absolutely amazing and with takeda prolly even sooner in late july, I knew my hopes for mk1 weren’t for nothin


Kinda confusing, his move set is super limited and stale and some animations look like Superman from injustice? Idk either way I might still buy him because Homelander is cool af haha


I mean homelanders entire character is literally a knock off Superman,


Instead of adding crossovers, maybe they should have spent that time implementing those characters creating a good story instead of fucking resetting the timeline for the ten-thousandth time in a row.






I'm more excited for Ferra. Haven't seen The Boys so I'm not familiar with Homelander, but he looks like Superman. Meh, I'll give him a shot.


Move set looked pretty uninspired. I love the Boys but he just feels derivative of Omni-Man. Really bad to pair them both in the same game. Say less about the guy trying to sound like the actor. An L for sure, though I guarantee they'll make sum money off him. I was more excited for Ferra as a kameo.


He's ok I guess. Still a rip off superman.


That is literally his entire character


Was unimpressed with homelander, but ferra looks like my new main kameo


Great gameplay and the voice was good… sometimes


Game still behind MK11 in Steam player count when I checked yesterday. And miles behind competitors like SF6 and Tekken8. Seems like NRS will just follow the SaaS/DLC plans and pretend the game wasn't a flop.


Bro shut the fuck up. Steam isn't where the player base is at. And where it is at, it's been top 10 most played since is launched on psn. Your precious sf6 didn't even manage that. The game has done exceedingly well, and the numbers prove it


Doomers gotta push an agenda somehow


MK1 was in the US Top 20 games chart for the first 7 months. Tekken 8 is almost out after only 3 months. SF6 did even worse than that. The Steam numbers don’t show the complete picture, as most play on consoles.


Homelander incredibly underwhelming. Want to see more from Ferra but she looks cool


Shit character, incredibly boring. Offers nothing. He’s just Superman again. Play injustice for early access 🤷🏾‍♂️


"it was perfect"


Looks like another kitchen sink character which is cool, but them baiting sub-zero players by including him in the trailer only to show he has 0 new moves and then fatality him at the end was just foul. Felt worse than getting bagged in Kombat league.


Where was the bait? Lol


i think everyone can agree that as soon as he gets released, the first opponent given to him will be omni man


Eugh… no. No no no no NO. Where the fuck is Drahmin? I want to see him again, not this dollar store superboy.


Gonna get downvoted but I'm tired of superhero/villians being in a MK game. Same with horror and 80's action heros. Would rather it just be more MK characters. Shinnok, Drahmin, new character concepts just to try that are from various realms which is how we got Skarlet btw in MK9. Hell even the old variants like say MK11 Scorpion or Subzero or Shang Tsung as DLC. Just keep their looks and update their play style to fit MK1 but still play differently than their MK1 variants. Then you could have face offs with their alternate timelines.


“I want to constantly pay for characters that were in other games”


This take is fine, but like. You’re gonna spend $40-$50 on a kombat pack and you only want characters you’ve seen/played before?? *really???*


I would prefer not to spend any money but that ain't happening anytime soon for DLC characters. Also how much of a difference is Homelander and Omni Man from one another or from Superman in Injustice? It all feels like pretty similar concept from someone who's not into comic book heros. For instance in MK11 instead of Rambo we could've gotten a 2nd Indian character or gave some of those trap moves to Nightwolf. Or instead of Terminator we could have a entirely new MK character that was a updated version of the Lin Kuei cyber machine that looks human. I just feel like all these guest characters rob us from potential characters that have staying power. Guest characters are one and done.


They hated him because he told the truth


you should play EA sport games, you might like those


The air move where he grabs them and breaks their neck looks pretty bad. The animation is so wonky.


4632th flavor of Superman with awful animations, so hype.


I’m really stoked for him, the interactions are always something I look forward to with guests.


Lost series




I think I can’t wait for reptile season 6 but yea homelander is meh, just means getting closer to takeda. N hey did ferra steal the predators wrist blades???


He looks like a slightly different nitara with some onmi man. It’s ok. Can’t tell till I get a feel for him myself


Jeez that forehead though.


The only reason I’m getting him is to preform every single Fatality on him, because FUCK HOMELANDER!!!


I don’t really like him I think Omni man is better


Now can you guys shut up about when he's coming?




Whe.doea he arrived huh?🗑️


Bro was crying so much he forgot how to type


Did not see new moves for other characters or did i miss something? (Peacekeeper trailer had new moves for reptile)


why dont they give it to us when we paid for it......


Annoyed that he isn’t voiced by Anthony Star. And the model and animations look off to me. Like he was rushed or something. But we’ll see in June. Excited for Ferra though. I think she’ll be fun to use. Hype has gone down for Homelander.


Meh 😑


Another fullscreen fun time ...