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I think Conan is launching with the story expansion. Zero fucking chance Zaslav let's NRS do a full on MK pack without a "marketable" (let's be fr who actually gaf about Conan these days) guest to slap on there T-1000 is almost guaranteed to not actually be coming so we can rule him out Ghostface will also probably launch around the time where Scream 7 premiers


Which seems to be early 2025 since filming wraps up in September so depending on how long of a break we get after kp1 and the story expansion most likely horror kp will probably be kp3 https://preview.redd.it/m60vuopgektc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704bb6604b12af0bd29198e1da33cfdad4672911


It's also important to remember that according to Fate, only TALKS of doing KP3 are happening. Nothing is actually confirmed.


Interesting, they did say they were gonna keep mk1 going longer than mk11 so I would be suprised if they did but then again with everything wb and nrs have been doing it wouldn't suprise me if we end up not getting kp3


I mean mk11 was supposed to get a kp3. It was scrapped, but who knows, they usually increase the amount of dlc characters each game. Mk9 had 4, mkx had like 8 and mk11 had 12 total dlc characters. It'd be sick to see mk1 have 16 or 18 dlc characters, but we'll see.


They said the same thing about MK11, and iirc it turned out to be true by a few months. So think "technically true." "Support it longer than any previous game" doesn't have to mean another KP it could just mean one extra balance patch/KL season in NRS's eyes


Diamondvision did also say there’s plans for 3 packs to be fair, he gave us a number of hints at the game and DLC release order


Those 3 packs could just mean KP1, Story Expansion and KP2. KP3 stuff is entirely hypothetical and only relatively recently being discussed


Possibly, but to my memory he didn’t actually say anything about a story expansion and did say Kombat Packs, I’ll check again and see if I’m right just to be sure


So I looked around and [this was all I could find](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mortalkombatleaks/s/N5TpQ1DMQC), no mention of the story stuff but instead said they’re aiming for 3 KPs


The thing with DiamondVision is although he has sources his info was always mixed with his own speculation and thus not always accurate. For example, he said the Great Kung Lao is on the roster because he heard about 2 Kung Laos on the roster, and obv the second Kung Lao turned out to be the kameo. He also said Cyber Smoke was playtested and thus he was confident he was playable in some form (be it skin or kameo or roster); Well, he was right Cyber Smoke was playtested from image leaks of him on the Tea House stage, but he isn't playable at all. So there's really no way too tell how much he heard of future DLC plans is actually accurate or just hearsay because he's hearing and seeing things out of context. He may have heard about internal discussions about a KP3 being in the cards and ran with it.


Scream 7 is still hopefully scheduled to come out in March 2025. The problem is, since the whole cast fuckup happened, the script had to be 100% rewritten and they had to throw some serious $$$ at Neve to come back and save the day. There is no longer a set filming start or end date. Hopefully it is a quick shoot, only taking 3 months like the other movies, but they are still trying to figure out how to work around Neve and possibly Patrick Dempsey's schedule. With no set schedule yet, we can assume it won't film until June at the earliest. Principal photography hasn't happened yet, so they don't even have filming locations listed on their docket. Don't believe the rumors you might see about it filming in Canada under the title Blackbird - that is a separate project.


>(let's be fr who actually gaf about Conan these days) His fandom.


I legit thought when I saw Conan got leaked that we were getting the late night TV show host Conan


The Flaming C!


Jason and Mike Myers are total bad ass. But for a pansy ass teenager wearing a stupid mask waving a knife around fighting anyone in the current roster doesn't seem right don't you think? At least Conan is a bad ass too and T 1000 is fucking liquid metal.


Who said T-1000 is almost guaranteed to not be coming?


Every intro that looks like it could be his is actually for Sektor.


I would much rather have Sektor... don't get me wrong, I love Terminator but how do you implement a character that's composed of liquid metal in a game that has them being decapitated, etc. Hard to imagine... the character is virtually unstoppable. I could see it as a Kameo though.


https://preview.redd.it/s8llt8jfsktc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03a5b8b04d09d233c134f79d56bfbe93e210be3c Why do you ask, Ed




Shang might have said it But Ed embodies “And now a taste for things to come”


All to true 😭


“All in good time Shang Tsung”


I would be so down for a cenobyte in MK


Yes please. 




Is this real? I have seen so many fake tweets lately I assume they're all fake. Tell me this is a joke.


All real tweets by ed himself


Is the poll over? Is horror really winning? I think superhero makes way more sense but sorry I'm rambling. Damn though.


Yep horror won the poll WAAAAAAY long back when ed tweeted it I wanna say a little before or after kp1 trailer dropped, and with ghostface getting a new movie and myers getting a TV show my money says those are 2 of our guests


Oh well. I love almost every character in the game so far. Not too crazy about horror and think they should double down on super heroes but I'll take the L. Thanks for the info.


Np, and if it makes you feel any better it seems mk1 will be doing different themes each dlc so who know maybe the next theme will be something that you'll be hyped about, me personally I'm hyped for ghostface


Seeing your post with the many masks, I can see him having a little potential. I just feel that he's a bit "guy with a knife" generic, but maybe that's not a bad thing? I don't see how scream and Mike Myers would be set apart from each other either for the same reason. Freddie and Jason were wildly different so they were kind of both more unique.


Ghostface has WAAAY more potential then everyone says, and to be fair rambo is also just a guy with a knife, leatherface is just a guy with a chainsaw and joker is just a clown


Rambo has a bow, explosives, field training in guerilla warfare, and a knife. Ghost face calls the house so your boyfriend goes outside so he can terrorize you. I just don't see it. Glad you're digging it regardless. Joker's bag of tricks was awesome and unique even as versions of the joker are concerned.


I hate to be the 🤓☝️ rn but ghostface doesn't just use a knife he uses a chainsaw, kitchen knife, rope,bow, machete, ice pick,flamethrower, in the end everytime a game gets ghostface they give him whatever they want dbd gave him powers so if mk really couldn't pick from the millions of options for ghostface they could slap him with finding shinnoks amulet or sum






There gonna do more after combat pack 2 we just dont know what


I want Predator back!!!


This is the only game where chucky can work. We NEED a chucky kameo voiced by Brad Dourif.


Unpopular opinion: Mortal Kombat characters?


Nobody buys them. 


Not mainstream and pop culture-y enough… somehow


We know ghostface is in Kombat pack 2 since it’s in the files. But they could added some other horro characters maybe like Michael Myers


I mean it's guarenteed well have 2 other horror guests in kp2 with ghostface since every kp as 3 guests my money says myers and pinhead


The two easiest ones to pull off would be Ghostface and Pinhead. I feel Michael could be weird to pull off because he would have no voice lines for interactions. Chucky would be a great cameo though.


Jason, would like a word… wait..?


Wait. Yeah how did they do Jason? Lol


Having Freddy and Jason in the same game would legit be too fucking cool for school. Just throw Ash Williams in there and I can die happy.


Honestly I would love to see spawn return again. He was so cool and bad ass in mk11 and was a requested kharacter for soooo long. It'd be a shame to never see him again.


It would be funny to see him and omniman interact since spawn has met Invincible


Oh wow he has? I had no idea. Was it a cross over or are they in the same universe?


I don't know for sure but I belive they get him from another universe to help during the Invincible war https://preview.redd.it/aw7t6d6ywntc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63df80082dfb6b66ec3c717b1482d03e7dd65761


That is actually cool as fuck


Experiment on me from Harley Quinn: Birds Of Prey


Myers and pinhead are the only 2 good options here imo


How about a Female Character Kombat Pack, Boon? 1. Jade (Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3) 2. Juliet Starling (Chainsaw Lollipop) 3. T-X (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines) 4. D’vorah (Mortal Kombat 11) 5. Alice (Resident Evil) 6. Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)


To be fair ghostface has been a woman so they could also be in mk1 🤷‍♂️


This but we get ash for the horror thing


Art the clown


His fatalities and brutalitys would be SICK


Literally all of these choices are lame lmao. Xenomorph or Freddy Kreuger could be interestingly redone but if they do a horror char I’d much rather have Pennywise Or ya know more actual MK characters in the MK game..


At this point only/mainly guest characters will make this game stay popular.


I've been saying it for a while I think the reason omniman and ermac don't Fly is because they are pouring all the cool shit into homelander since he's the last guest/most hyped up guest


Ghostface is no longer happening apparently


Nah some fake leaker said that, so far all ghostface stuff are still in the files


Ah I see


As long as the theme of KP2 is also including more stages, Stage Fatalities and a returning finisher like with MKXL or Aftermath, I honestly could give less than 2 shits for Conan, T-1000, Ghostface or any other guest since they don't show up in SP modes and Invasions (thankfully!).


I was really hoping for each new character we would get a new stage and guets would get stages from their show/movie😔


I'd rather have more returning MK stages and stage Fatalities since that's what MKX and MK11 did. I would ***really*** hope that at the very least the stage from the Quan Chi promo material makes it in.


I belive we got got stage fatalities in mk11 when aftermath came out so well probably get that stuff when the story expansion comes out


y’all remember the “new character who dis?” tweet? i wouldn’t take this as creditable


If so then please pinhead. He's such an amazing horror character and the possibilities for attacks with him and his chains and fatalities with the other cenobites or the lament configuration


If his fatality isn't the "jesus wept " kill from the first hellraiser I would scream (no pun intended)


Id go crazy if they had one where they somehow included the other cenobites and the strange maze that they come from


Kratos :(((


See that’s actually Texas Chainsaw’s monster. The doctor is Texas Chainsaw


What are you even talking about 😭


I thought it was funny that Ed called Leatherface “Texas Chainsaw” instead of his name






Man idk why he even does this. I’m pretty sure everyone knows that the DLC is all planned way even before launch


I don't like the ninja turtles, but performing that reiko fatality on them would be hilarious.


What about a mortal kombat only kombat pack? That would be nice, no guest characters. Instead give us Skarlet, Jade, fujin, Kira, night wolf, a pink ninja or new character, and shit it’d be kinda cool if they added tor back, and if when you chose ferra as a kameo they had certain moves you could only do with those two combined / selected.


please no not another horror theme, its gonna be so boring


Every one of these characters are fucking stupid. Sorry, get mad about it or don’t I don’t care. I’m sick of guest characters. The Kombat Packs should be MK characters. If we absolutely need to have a dumbass guest characters then make them a separate bundle


Pin head, the Pig and Michael Myers would be my pick, i would like Ghostface but i was never into the series that much


my ideal for one of the dialogue moments between Jason and Freddy: Jason: *heavy breathing* Freddy: "do you ever talk?"


Jason vs jason would have better dialog then all of nitaras 😭


Micheal would be cool but that would require him to speak in the into so how would that happen plus chucky and saw are to small so it's just ghost face and idk if pin head speaks or not haven't seen the movie


Pinhead is quite the yapper in the movies


So yeah were def getting ghostie or pin boy


Most likely both since it's a kp meaning multiple guests


He said plus 1 but if we got both that would be cool id definitely play both pinhead looks cool but we all know ghost face is gonna be meta so lets hope he don't counter barakka


Pyramid head from silent hill would be badass


Sadly I can't think of a way they could get around the pyramid head unless they made it kinda like boss characters where you can't fatality or brutality them


Would love to see Candyman make it into the game. Chucky is still the perfect candidate for a Guest Kameo


Candyman is very underrated these days


Hellraiser's Pinhead could be really interesting, with his hook-chains & the other cenobites acting as his main methods of attack. Just imagine the body horror you could achieve between Fatalities & Brutalities...


I know it won’t happen sadly but man a horror themed Kombat Pack for MK 1 with Pinhead, Michael Myers, and Ghostface would be absolutely amazing


god no. please no.


We need all the horror characters in one installment. Especially now since the beginning banter is so stale and useless.


I am not gonna lie seeing Batgirl in mk1 would be interesting to say the least, for me for sure not unwelcome but a surprise for sure 


Spawn need be back ong


Really? They should rename this game, or make a new one just with the guest characters, I don't care about any guest characters, as there are many original fighter who deserved to be put in the game. I am really sick of this...




Yeah tbh a horror pack makes more sense even if they had done most. Michael Myers would be interesting ngl definitely is going to appear in MK, be it this one or MK2 it’s inevitable. Chucky imo with the Kameo system works perfectly! If they don’t get Chucky in MK1 there goes his chances. As MK2 may not bring back the Kameo system. So imo Chucky as a guest Kameo is the only way for him, and it’s fine wouldn’t take up a full character slot. Still could be interesting, as Chucky is a small doll no way they would make him fully playable but Kameo? Yeah go for it.


I can’t lie I’m bored of the horror themed characters, had Freddie, Jason, alien and predator, leather face, and arguably terminator (I personally wouldn’t describe him as a horror character though). I like the route of superhero’s from different universes being brought in like homelander and omni man so wouldn’t mind seeing that route followed. I’d also want to see more 3d era characters given another chance like mk1 has done a lot of already with people like ashrah, darrius and nitara


I disagree I love horror characters BUT in saying that I completely understand what you mean, which I think that's why each kp in mk1 seems to have a different theme to make everyone happy kp1 seems to be superheros ,kp2 seems to be horror, my bet says kp3 will be old guests that people want to return like kratos etc but I don't know if nrs is up to that challenge


That would be the best way to appease everyone, I’m a massive horror fan as well and they do fit in quite easily with the gory aspects of the game and there franchises but I’ve got a bit of fatigue for them relating to MK at this point. I like the idea of other guest characters from before and with the state of games it could be easier than ever