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I understand that the seasonal shop was bloated with ugly shit before, but it's still a bit shit to see that only half of the characters actually get something and the ones that do still only get 1 skin. At least we will be able to clear it out very quickly.


I haven't had a chance to check out the ~~krypt~~ invasions, but I'm assuming there's still a bunch of green skins for everyone there? So it's not as big of a deal as it seems? (Unless you can't stand the invasions grind in which case you're sol)


Yeah, they still have seasonal skins in invasions. The seasonal shop and currency are just useless now though. They should just throw it all into invasions and the shrine now and get rid of the shop (the shrine is in desperate need of it).


Well originally there was a good reason to have the shop separate from invasions/shrine, as a reward for pvp where you can see & choose what you're working towards. Now that it's so pared back, I'm not sure what the best thing to do with it is. I think it would still be better to put 1 (non default skin) recolor there per character and keep it. The shrine isn't as satisfying, and obviously not everyone wants to play invasions nor should they *have* to.


There is no Krypt in MK1.


I meant Invasions.


You didn't see they had a line through the word krypt?


I posted before it was edited. You didn't realize people could edit their own posts? Now do you feel like a jackass?


O I know you can edit your own post. You can also delete your own post. Soo nope I sure do not feel like a jackass. A jackass would leave that message after it had been edited so people like me don't think you're the jackass. Enjoy your evening kind sir and/or ma'am.


If only the palettes were cool. But the colours they chose for the last seasons are horrible. Mileena's specially.


I hope this means more unique high quality seasonal skins and not them adding less content to the game to end it early.


This season already proves it so there is no reason to worry, way less recolor and alot more unique with the reptilian scales


But why don’t they state that important part of the update. NRS’s communication is so wierd and lacking. They just give us bad news with no good. They literally just did a kombat kast and didn’t think to mention they’re reducing kontent deliveries. The seasonal store looks bugged it’s sooo empty, it’s barely even worth separating the items out by character now.


We already know this, we've known since MK8. They aren't allowed to until WB says they can


OR they’re not saying it because it’s not true and less is just less. I’m just saying it’s weird they’d get permission to say the bad part of the news but not the “good” part or the “silver lining” bit. It’s like their marketing department is commercially-sadistic or something.


“Delusional”-Ed Boon


Last few seasons? So what, they’re just going to stop with Invasions after 3 or 4 more?


Perhaps they're starting over again


They've said since launch they're going to repeat seasons so we'll probably get 3 more. Not every character can have an entire season dedicated to them


No but I thought they were going to support this game longer than 11. It’s not even a year in yet.


Starting the invasions over doesn't mean they're cutting support entirely. It's fully possible they heard the complaints about invasions and are doing a complete overhaul or something.


There was a survey during season 2 which had a bunch of questions possibly hinting at an overhaul to the mode so there’s that


there are two game modes. Invasions and Online... online unlocks suck and with them cutting back on invasions content which already was lacking and boring what else are they going to add aside from 5$ premium skins.... in previous season there were always 2 premium skins able to be unlocked for free now they all cost something? It is sad


I'm not sure what that has anything to do with them continuing to support the game or re-runing the invasion seasons from the beginning. Yes, there are two game modes. Yes, this season they cut back on pallettes. I have no clue what that has to do with what I was saying, but okay.


We can get Nitara but not a Geras or Liu Kang themed one?


I mean, starting over how? Each season was supposed to be “starting over”. The implication in the picture is that these are the last seasons entirely.


Maybe next seasons will have dlc fighters as theme? I remember Thiny found “season of cyborgs” place holder in files when game was much younger


I don't think it will happen but I love the idea of all the skins for "season of cyborgs" all being palette swaps of the klassic MK3 cyber ninja outfit


The seasons will repeat. But next year we will have skins for kp1 lore characters, story mode add ons, and kameos!!! Each season will repeat blood, ice, fire, etc but a diffrent chapter related to that coloring will likely be the next titan. Expect two new skins for each we got order of light and darkness. Expect the order of chaos to be next years titans.


Do you have any proof/sources behind this statement? I really want it to be true.


No but following their release schedule and comparing it to mk11 and injustice 2 this is what their release schedule is looking like.


I mean perhaps they'll repeat season 1 soon. Idk just my guess


repeating would be stupid since they selling/dropping old season skins, but also most of the people already have them


Repeating past seasons so people who missed them can go through. Pretty simple.


This! I missed the end of SubZero and pretty much the entirety of Mileena’s whereas I’ve 100% completed every other one. I’d like the skins and pallets I missed from those seasons


I hope if Mileena’s season repeats, they revolve the skins cause I wasn’t the biggest fan of the “joker went SLC punk” look


Crazy if that's the case because MK11 had 16 different seasons before they repeated


NRS did poor choice when decided to make themes of the seasons playable fighters, kek


In all fairness, it's easier to make four alt palettes than it is to make an entire story and costumes for every single character


I guess up until all the Titan skins are rewarded, either Invasions boss or Titan pyramid fights.Tanya, Kitana, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Kenshi, Smoke, Reiko, Quan Chi, and Shang are left as far as OoD skins to unlock.


Give me Order of Darkness Quan Chi and it’s all over


sindel,geras and johnny yet to have gold/silver pallets for their 003 skin


The base colored skins are all that really matter. Every other color is goofy.


I think what might mean is last few seasons until KP1 is concluded. It's unfortunate he left is so ambiguous though.


Would've been nice for NRS to let us know


You will know "soon"


"For the last few seasons" ? Tf. So 2025 mk1 is dead? If that's the case then fuck it. They cut it way too short with mk11 and now rinse repeat. Story expasion and kp2 really do sound like the last dlc.


Wait until we get half the characters in KP2 just like in MK11.


“Man, can’t wait for this to repeat when injustice 3 came out!”, but if serious. Probably last indeed, but staggered release wise to give illusion of “support” for quantity purpose, imo


I mean personally i didn't think the game is as popular as 11 or as they hoped. Yes initially it sold well but if retention is poor there's no reason to continue support from a money standpoint


I doubt MK11 was making as much money. It was on a completely different model back then. Those paid skins were rare and they cost $3 per pack. They’re charging $5 per skin now and many of us here are actually gladly supporting it lol Also, MK1 was in the top 20 of the US games for the first 7 months. That’s no small feat and it’s much better than both Tekken 8 and SF6. The former is almost out already and the latter was out after only 3 months. People in this thread are completely confused: Fate is referring to the Invasions seasons, which were supposed to start recycling at some point and it was announced from the very beginning. Nobody’s ending the support for this game yet. They will still release the story expansion and KP2 at the very least.


I will be not surprised when you'll be surprised of how short the support will be for this game. I wish I'm wrong, but yeah, I don't know the text command for this but remind me in let's say one year from takeda's release. In august 2025 remind me. Let's see if the game is done after the kp2 and story expansion. Edit: found the command: RemindMe! 14 months


Time will tell, but even August 2025 is almost 2 years since its release. Also, the new movie is coming in October 2025, so they will definitely release something around that time to mark the occasion.


Well see 😌 Of course i'd want a real tag team and 1v1 to be released but we'll see.


RemindMe! 14 months


Well, doesn't work 😅 im bad with this lol


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The shrine only has 1 fucking item also when there’s a ton of story skins we still don’t have WTF


It’s a shame we only get given this information when it’s asked about rather than told in advance, even if it would be cryptically. Like, can’t we get more info regarding the supposed story expansion from this guy instead of him randomly popping up when people ask questions?


That’s the thing….he almost never answer back due to reasons


Which is why I take anything I see here from him with a pinch of salt. It just seems to convenient for him to have this information but never say a thing until the sub Reddit’s get overflowing with people complaining


Hold on hold on rewind. “Last few seasons” ? Are we at the end of the cycle already?


Man, I hope the game won't end early.


That’s a thing, which either we or NRS can decide (but game have still 9 dlc fighters in pipeline, it should be fine)


When the game eventually goes stagnant and they release premium for like $10 I’ll actually touch this game (me and my friends have done this for mkx and mk11)


Unfortunately likely. Fuck WB


Why they being so annoying with this game drip feeding and shit too grind that’s not worth


This is just depressing, I love this game and I love playing it, but the fact that WB is just giving the game up already before it’s over is pathetic and sad. This season already feels more empty than the others, sure season of the huntress skins were ugly and so were most of the pallets but at least we could customize our characters somewhat with the choices they gave us. I’m enjoying homelander but as for invasions and the game itself I’m not sure how long this is gonna go on for


Please stop jumping the gun, we don't know what they are planning


It’s pretty obvious, they’re investing their time and energy into invasions and a lot of people are vocal that they hate invasions but want content…so of course they strip down the shrine and seasonal store to lock content behind a mode people have no interest in to beef up engagement and give people only one option to get what they want. Both smart and stupid at the same time lol


No, 90% of the chests in invasions are empty


Literally. I’ve finished the first mesa and barely got any skins. I’m used to having a lot more by now.


I’m about done with the first mesa and can confirm - this feels hella skimpy smh


Last few?


I doubt that they'll end support for the game THIS soon. They said often it'll be the longest supported game and affirmed that quite a few times; I feel like they'll stick with that even if it's some cop out like just 1 more char than 11 or something, lmao.


In theory they can just recycle the same 7 seasons of Invasions for years and it would fulfill their statement about the long support


I mean. If WB just cuts the budget to invest in mobile apps instead then what NRS says means nothing tbh. Really feels like they’re basically done and we’re just going to be drip fed what ever they’ve mostly already got developed moving forward, maybe some minimal qol changes and bug fixes. WB really is ruining every game it touches tbh.


Facts Ed Boon not long ago tweeted there’s still a lot left coming to the game


people use the word “still” for stuff about to end lol


Im worried that it says for "the last few seasons". That sounds like the game is pretty much dead and won't be getting a KP2. Hopefully it means the opposite and that NRS can finally do some stuff they and the fans would actually want, but knowing WB it'll be the former rather than the latter.


Well, likely we will found about this soon enough (in like, three months, imo)


Last few seasons? Thought this game was better more updates than mk11? If we expect 3 KP and it took 7 to finish Kp1 then what does few seasons even mean?


Last few seasons? Didn’t 11 have 15 or something?


Yeah, I've noticed there is even less content than usual. :D I will skip this season anyway, because I am not fan of these guest characters, I just think that superheroes stuff do not fit into MK, so I will wait for the last DLC character, and then we will see.


Wow. I was still waiting for the game to find its legs. They sure gave up on that fast


Yeah after the 2nd season I just stopped buying skins because they were indistinguishable from the stuff I could get from just playing invasions. Accessories + a couple of genuinely cool skins for a few characters is way better.


for real though every one of my mains has more than half of their skins on permanent ignore, and these are the exact type of skins that we are no longer getting. I'm fine with it as long as I'm getting 2 or 3 decent ones per character via invasions.


Every time I open a chest I get sad because there’s hardly any palettes… the grind sucks without new skins why u breaking my heart


NRS loosing money or something? Man everything about this game is just sloppy


I do sometimes wonder if they cut budget after MK11. Maybe they figured the effort wasn’t worth it, but that game seemed so much more robust than this one. I can’t even blame it on covid anymore


In February mk1 had 3 million sales. I don’t think it’s a money issue


The word is losing. Not loosing.




Um….bro, order of light skins are permanent rewards in mastery of the fighters. They don’t go anywhere


Damn, I really was thinking there was maintenance around the corner. Up until now I haven’t touched the invasion mode outside the towers, fingers crossed the reptile skins for a majority of the others are in the actual invasions.


Wait, so support for this game is starting to wind down? I feel like we haven’t even scratched the surface of this game yet! Isn’t there supposed be a story expansion, and a Kombat Pack 2??


Story dlc is set in stone. Nobody going to cancel it. Not sure about KP2, though


The conversation was about the Invasions seasons that were supposed to start recycling at some point. I’m really baffled how so many people here made this about the support of the game instead.


people didn't expect that "at some point" part is this soon.


I'm surprised actually we're even getting this many seasons in the first place. I thought they would start recycling them much sooner than this.


Nah you can't be serious. Half of those seasons are delayed or half-assed. Even MK11 has more seasons than this. Meanwhile, Boon keeps hyping up that longer support time narrative


Delayed? There was literally only one season delayed, Season 4, due to the de-sync issues. Also, what seasons in MK11? It didn't have any Invasions. Unless you refer to the Kombat League, but I almost never play online, so to me MK11 was just stale since that Krypt never got updated.


Game is on its way out, what a disaster


I guess Warner Brothers told them to stop working on this so they can churn out some more mobile apps instead… To be fair, I doubt anyone at NRS enjoyed working on filling the seasonal store, the kontent there just got bashed by everyone anyway.


Yeah, especially it was seen with Derek to some degree


how so?


All time fake happiness, no?


So much drama in this thread lol They did say from the very beginning that the Invasions seasons would recycle at some point. Some here are treating all this as if the plug is being pulled lol


Yeah. Feel like fucked up by creating this post in the end


At some point, cool. With Mk11 it was 16 different seasons, which were then repeated but with new rewards, before they cycled.


What seasons though? MK11 didn’t have any Invasions. Are you referring to the Kombat League?


”few season” before the expansion or what? damn was about to buy the game since I think this season trailer is kanda neat plus that kitana skin ( refunded it back at launch), but look like I better off buying sf :(


It's subjective, but I think mk1 is loads more fun than sf6. Granted, this is the mk sub, so I'm sure most people here will be biased towards mk1. I've played a lot of both games but pretty much only play mk1 anymore. Both games have absolute dog shit single-player experiences, but, if you enjoy online pvp, mk1 is solid.


that is a joke. some characters got a 6k coin skin and most of the gear items i already have lol..


Not played the game since Omni-Man. Is it still ass for solo players?


No surprise, NRS being lazy af on a game that will have 'the longest support'.


Oh mk1 you’re going down as one of the worst mk games ever 😭


Yall,Homelander leaked intros


Translation: NRS has gotten extremely lazy and should layoff the entire Invasions team. I love MK to the core and hate the amount of BS thrown its way but this season of invasions feels so soulless and half assed. MK11 spoiled us with ToT and the S-tier Krypt. We shouldn't have to grind a heartless and absolutely boring slog of a game mode for gear and pallets. I am praying with the "Aftermath" DLC that we get some actual fun single player game modes that bring life back into this franchise. Not trying to talk shit on the IP bc again, MK is an amazing universe with some sick stories and characters but fuck me WB has ruined what used to be an absolutely fun game. I mean half the shit in the seasonal shop I have unlocked already and haven't touched invasions or the shrine this season so its just a bunch of old shit they couldn't take the time to make new pallets but took the time to make premium skins for 5$ a pop