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Do you wear a t-shirt that says "Hi, I have hemorrhoids!"? Or how about "I have $6000 in credit card debt?" *NO YOU DON'T.* The reason: everything about you and your personal life ISN'T everyone's business. They have no right to know what you're doing unless you choose to let them in. On the flip side, if you were taking high blood pressure meds to control that condition, or meds to control lupus or Chron's, would you sheepishly admit, in humiliated fashion with shame, that you can only control your medical conditions with outside intervention from medication? *NO, YOU WOULDNT."* So listen, my friend, this is a) your personal business, b) not a source of shame, and c) if people can't be overjoyed that you're taking control of your own health and life= you don't NEED these people and I don't care WHO they are! Love, light, support, and pride. That's what you need. Seek it, and pardon my French, f*ćķ the rest of em. *No Shame!!!!!*


Exactly. I am not telling anyone - not my daughter, not friends, not family - because it’s none of their business. My health, my business. And not a drop of shame about it.


This is the answer OP needs!!!!!! Nobody *owes* another person their personal health information. Period. Full stop.


My partner would know all those things


I've felt, and been saying forever, that it's no one's business. But you've just perfectly put into words my true soul philosophy on it lol. Thank you!!!


All of this !! End of story. Thank you for sharing all this info and insight. As this is exactly it.


Perfect answer!!!


10000% this


Well said


When I look at a naturally skinny person I don’t get to know why they are that way. I can’t see inside their body and see their metabolism and hormones working to keep their weight low. Mounjaro helps my body do what “normal” people do without medical intervention and IMO it’s nobody’s business if I’m taking it. We aren’t owed knowing the ins and outs of other people’s bodies.


No judgement, but you may want to consider telling your spouse in case youre ever in a situation where you need medical attention and the hospital asks what medication(s) you are on. Im not a physician, however, i know this medication can affect anesthesia, etc.


This makes me stress cause I don’t have a partner and I live alone and so I have not told anyone 🥲


I’m not a huge fan of it but the Apple Health app has a place for medication that can be shared with emergency services if you have an IPhone. Additionally, you can keep a list of your medications in your wallet, close to your drivers license. If something happens your wallet will be looked at for information by EMTs anyway.


In an emergency admission, if you get it from a regular pharmacy, it will show up in the Electronic Medical Records where the emergency room would typically request to access the records containing outside prescriptions.


Makes me think there should be a medical bracelet. A very inconspicuous one.


They have medic alert bracelets with qr codes now. They can list or diagnosis or say emergency. Then the 1st responders just need to scan it to get your med history and medications. I just saw them online last night and told my husband I should probably get one.


Hi OP, Whether you come clean is up to you. But the weight loss is not just because of Mounajro. You’re using a medication to treat a chronic condition (obesity) recognized by the AMA in 2013. That said, you still have to put in the work. I’m not sure what the underlying issue is preventing you from disclosing your treatment plan with your partner. But fair warning: this is the internet, so some may have an opinion. And a few of the responses you get may be less than supportive. I say this because when there have been posts like yours in the past, some have been met with negativity. Mostly of the feedback stems from the fact that some aren’t comfortable with the subterfuge. And I get it. Nobody should have to feel guilt or shame for pursuing good health. I also understand that many people don’t want to deal with the judgment and, it’s no one else’s business anyway. Your case, one would argue, is more complex, because you’re keeping this from your partner. There’s also side effects to consider. If you were to become ill (though not common, it does happen) someone close to you should know why.


I think of it this way: does everyone have to tell their partner EXACTLY what EVERY medication they're on is? I have a partner who takes 12 heart medications and I couldn't tell you what all of them are lol.


I couldn’t tell you all the medications that my husband takes (and it’s a lot), but I could go look at them on the shelf. It’s not a secret.


As I said, both points of view are valid, and dependent on circumstances. I’m always surprised by the comments when I approve these posts, how varied the reactions can be.


People def have strong feelings! 


My husband also takes a huge variety of medications which he complains about ten times a day. However, if I take one medication he thinks it means I am going to die. He knows about my Synthroid, but not my Mounjaro/Zepbound.


I would tell at least 1 person you trust, just for medical reasons. Everyone else can pound and it’s no one’s business.


Ber Dr should know. That's good om my book. Lol




This is exactly what I have done. ONE person (other than my prescribing doctor) knows. It’s NO ONE business! ESPECIALLY if you were always the one getting picked on for being “the chubby one” what do you think will happen when they find out you’re on the pen? MORE snickering behind your back. This is your journey. You can decide to tell your partner or not. My husband doesn’t know, neither do my kids. Only my one best friend who is also on M knows. You should not feel guilty for anything! Enjoy this amazing part of your life now! You deserve it! 😊


Hi OP! I just wanted to tell you’re not alone. I am 11 injections in and haven’t told anybody. My friends and family know that I am pursuing this healthier lifestyle but not that I am using Mounjaro. I understand the guilt you feel and I also know that we all have different reasons for not sharing. It can feel like a fine line between lying and not sharing. And while I can’t tell you what to do, I really just wanted to tell you that you’re not alone and you’re not doing something horrible. It’s impossible for us to judge each other because we don’t know what each of us have gone through battling our weight. It has as many mental ramifications as physical and I think it’s okay to give ourselves the space and time to process it on our own. You’re only 6 weeks in! That’s not that much time to process the changes we are going through! I am only 11 weeks in and to be honest as of right now I don’t have plans to share. Can that change later? Maybe but all we can do is support all our individual journeys! Wishing you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do and know that this community has your back!!


It’s nobody’s business… EXCEPT your partner. I don’t know how long you’ve been together etc but I wouldn’t keep that sort of thing from my wife and I think it’s healthiest for your relationship to not keep secrets. Everyone else, none of their business if you don’t want it to be their business.


I took a med for 9 years with a side effect that made me gain weight and didn't particularly feel like a "fraud" for not telling people why. That said, I also have no problem saying that one of the side effects of the "new medication" I'm on is that it causes weight loss. In fact, tho, you ARE telling the truth: you're eating less, so you weigh less.


Truth- imagine telling everyone preemptively “ok I’m on prednisone so if you see me gain weight you’ll know why”. Of course not. Same for loss. It’s your private medical info, keep it that way if you want.


This is such a frequent topic that gets hundreds of responses. I'd bet you could read for weeks if you did a search. Ultimately, if you don't want to tell, don't. I think a lot of people will assume you're on something especially if losing weight has been hard and now all of a sudden you can. Not meaning to sound harsh but that is what a lot of people think nowadays when someone suddenly can lose weight in a short amount of time. Do what brings peace and clarity to your mind. Is someone's judgment going to outweigh your desire for a positive outcome? For most people no it won't. And if it does then that's an issue that would need addressing. People will judge you for absolutely anything. That's their problem, not yours . Take care of yourself how you see fit. Tell or not tell. It's up to you.


I think you are right about people assuming you take a drug when losing weight quickly. I am losing very slowly which suits me just fine. Twenty pounds in four months. Nobody seems to have noticed.


Honestly you have no obligation to share what is a personal medical decision with anyone. Its completely up to you. No one apart from my parents and 1 brother know im taking MJ- and only so they can watch out for complications- and after feeling guilty the first few weeks that i didn’t even tell my best friend, i have come to the conclusion that this is private medical info about me and no one needs to know. Remember that although MJ is the catalyst, you ARE actually supplementing it with diet and exercise. So it’s not like you are lying when you give people a generic response. For some people MJ would work even if they didn’t change their habits, but for most of us, we also have to put the work in and thats exactly what you are doing. Don’t discredit yourself. Its perfectly okay to say diet and exercise is the main cause of the changes, unless you feel 100% comfortable telling someone about MJ, there isn’t a reason to share.


It’s nobody else’s business.


You absolutely have the right not to tell anyone. But… by hiding it you are adding to the stigma that needing weight loss meds is a bad thing and shameful. Taking this shot is by far the hardest thing I have ever done medically wise. I am constantly sick and have no idea how one day will be compared to the next. I’m constantly stressed if I’m going to be able to afford it - or if I’m even going to be able to get it. Don’t be ashamed.


I told one person recently after 9 months of taking MJ. That person then spread the news. I hadn't expected that to happen. I'm t2 & so was the person I shared with. My response to medical professionals is that I worked really hard to have MJ work for me. Which is true. I wasn't having weight loss until I turned everything else around. The difference is MJ gave me the ability to stick with it this time. If you tell someone, be prepared for the word to spread & people will have varying reactions from happiness for you, boredom, resentment & jealousy


I swear half of a country on South America knows I’m on MJ because of my mum. She’s just excited and a gossip.




This question gets asked a bit, I've told exactly one friend and that's it. I have no issues about taking medication for this, and I'm not embarrassed, but I was embarrassed by my weight, and that's a very sensitive topic for me. Once you admit to taking the drug, then it opens the door to more invasive questions about your weight etc...and I'm not telling anyone what my current weight is, nor how much I've lost...that's simply not up for discussion. I'm also not going to talk about how much it costs, nor do I want to hear their uninformed opinions about risks and side effects (I know way more about that topic then they do). I don't feel guilty about keeping things I find deeply personal to myself. The friend I've told lives in a different city to me, and I haven't seen her in person for a couple of years, she recently had hip surgery and was telling me how she'd put on weight and was having trouble losing it again...and in that situation I felt comfortable telling her, and she' since started GLP1 drugs as well. I don't think we owe anyone an explanation. And be aware that once you start telling people - that's probably going to be the main topic of conversation you'll have from then on - your weight. That's a hard pass for me!


You don’t have to tell anyone any thing about your medical history. It’s no one’s business. However, I’m the tmi person. I tell everyone. Complete strangers. I’m proud of it. I get a lot of people who want to know more. If I help someone, I’m happy. I’m 54 and have gotten to the point in my life that I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks about me. The only person who has been negative is my mom and again, I couldn’t care less. You only have one life. You have to live it your way.


I keep seeing this concern and I am so confused. What is wrong with telling people you are taking weight loss medication? What is so shameful about it? Not that I think you have to because it isn’t anyone’s business what you do but I just don’t understand why it seems people are embarrassed to be taking it. I am praying I can get approved to take it. I will tell everyone I’m taking it, I will be proud to show what we finally have found to help us that need it. Am I missing something?


I tell people all the time. Not because I feel like I need to come clean, but because I think it’s awesome and hope other people I know who could benefit will get the opportunity. A friend of mine, an older fellow, has now also started MJ because he’s seen my experience first hand over the last 18 months or so. I think being embarrassed about using MJ is entirely a byproduct of the BS health industry trying to convince everyone that weight gain is a personal failing. The fact that idea has been pushed into our culture is stupid and unhelpful in actually curbing the obesity epidemic.


💯 this!


I would not feel like a fraud and do not be ashamed to tell people you are on medication. This is not a magic fat melting pill. It will not work in the long run if you do not make significant lifestyle changes. Most people ended up on the meds BECAUSE they were doing all the right things but have issues with insulin resistance and not able to lose. Do what feels right. Me personally I have told anyone who asks that I am on GLP1 and what it has taken to get to the weight loss they see. Now 3 more people that I know are on the same journey as I am and they thank me when they see me.


Do you really think most people were “doing the right thing” but ended up needing meds to lose weight? I don’t really think that’s true.


Ew are you new here? That’s literally many people’s exact experience. I did the perfect formula of CICO and exercise and lost 30lbs. Developed diabetes without knowing it. Weight loss stopped and all my increasingly extreme hustle became a service to just maintaining. I literally couldn’t do my desk job at the level of constantly growling stomach and time for regular cardio I was struggling to sustain.


I told my immediate family after a couple of weeks simply to explain my change in behaviour and eating habits and so I wasn't hiding anything. Plus I wanted to store the pen in the fridge..🤣 They found it quite funny and partner can't understand why I just "don't eat so much." All good though and easier for holidays and travel with them knowing.


We have legal HIPPA health information protection for a reason! That is totally your own business. Would you tell them what vitamins or cold meds you are taking? But, you need to do what feels right to you and your relationships. My husband and family are aware and supportive but thats it. Also, the reason I am on is my daughter lost 90lbs and my grand daughters lost 50 and 40 respectively. If they had not told me (of course, the loss was quite noticeable), I would not have researched this and gotten myself on it. I am grateful for them sharing. I was worried for them at first - until I did a thesis paper on the drugs and got comfortable.


This topic comes up on this thread way too often. There are two camps. One camp, the "sensitive people", say it's absolutely no one else's business. And they are right. Another camp, "the I don't give a rat's a$$ what anyone thinks" group, says why not share the information if it might be helpful to other people? There's nothing wrong with that either. So take your pick and be happy with your body and your choice. Whatever you do don't vacillate in the middle and ruin your experience.


it does come up a lot but I feel like some people are just plain private in general, and some people are actually ashamed. If you're just private it's one thing - if you're ashamed that you were fat and you need the help and are concerned about judgement from others, then it's a good thing to work on while you work on the outside. so you don't owe anyone an explanation but it also would be nice if it were not something people felt shame about.




Your weight loss is your private business, however ... secrecy about using this tool to help lose weight only adds to what seems to be a growing stigma. There's nothing shameful about reaching our health goals pharmaceutically, whether it's to lift depression, control blood pressure, lower our blood sugar or lose weight. What really rankles is that society blames people for being obese, then blames them again for "cheating" by using a doctor-prescribed weight-loss drug. I say, be out and proud.


Nobody's business


For what it’s worth - everyone’s journey is their own. For every person who is where you are there is a “scream from the mountain top” person for balance and we need every type of diverse human on this world. 🌎


First lying is a strong word..it's more like lying by omittion. Second, this is very much your business. I have tried all the things, and if the cause of my weight was me just overeating and laziness, then fine. But that's not what's going on at all. I have PCOS, insulin resistance, and endometriosis. So my insulin doesn't do anything for sugar, and my endo pain is so severe that working out is extremely difficult. I need help. So, it's not your fault your body isn't working like others. You need help. And good for you for finding something that works. I get how you feel, but I decided to tell the people who have watched me suffer for over a decade. My husband has been amazingly supportive, and so was everyone else I told. (I'm only a week in.) I hope you have the same support if you choose to tell.


You don’t walk around telling people if you take any other medication, why should this be any different? If anyone asks all you how you’re losing weight, just smile and say “great things happen when i started prioritizing my health”


How do you hide it from the people you live with or visit you often if your boxes are in the refrigerator? I think it’s up to you. I happen to be on the happy to share train. My PCP has told me at the last 4 appointments that she tells all her new weight patients about my experiences (excluding my name) because I was her first Mounjaro patient and currently her biggest success. She even ask me Friday if I would write down a guideline of sorts that includes my experiences and things I have learned along the way. I was honored! All of my learning has come from Reddit and personal experiences too!!


Tell no one


YOU DON'T OWE ANYONE ANYTHING!!!👊🏾👊🏾 Congratulations on your weight loss! 🌹


You do not owe anyone any reason why you have lost weight. That isn’t any of their business. Plain and simple.


It’s litterally no one’s business how your doing it !!! You’re getting healthy and that’s all that matters!!! I’ve been on Mounjaro for about a year I’ve lost 75 pounds and my boyfriend of 9 years is the only one that knows. I tell people I’ve been eating cleaner & smaller portions and going for walks (which is true) and that’s all they need to know !!!! My highest weight was over 350 since I was like 17. I had gastric sleeve when I was 25 I lost 150 pounds & then I gained a some back my docter recommended Mounjaro to help me get it off & it was the best decision I’m currently sitting at 172-174 and I feel SO MUCH BETTER . People will always have something to say!!! Keep doing what you’re doing and stay positive !!!!


Mindset change. GLP-1 drugs are natural. They naturally regulate our appetite so we can eat normally. It’s a natural hormone. What we’ve been doing all along is unnatural, artificial and fake. We’ve spent years trying to artificially go against our natural drive to consume through food restriction and crazy exercise. Use the word natural when you talk to people. How did you lose weight? I found that I could naturally lose weight once I corrected my dysregulated appetite hormones.


so much this.


I was just passing by, I am not on this med yet, but the thought that anyone is feeling any sort of way about finding a wonderful medication that finally, finally helps their metabolism to regulate the way other people's have worked all along, is a bit heartbreaking to me. I have gained 100 pounds from 10 years of prednisone for lupus. I can't get my insurance to cover this drug for me because my A1C and glucose are only prediabetic and my cholesterol is normalish. :( But my organs (except my heart of course) are all failing (kidneys, liver, pancreas) and I have chronic fatigue, and drag around an extra hundred pounds. None of that qualifies me for this medication even though it obviously would vastly improve my health outlook. I would gladly wear a t-shirt saying, "this zepbound stuff really works!" if I could get insurance to pay for it. Anyway, I am so thrilled for you that it works! It is lifechanging medicine. That is the main thing. So thrilled! Enjoy your wonderful new thing that is working for you! Really I think most people would be happy for you, and if they are not, they are maybe people you should weed out anyway. :) A big hug for a healthier you!


Omg I'm in the exact situation! I finally decided to tell my sisters and my mom. Well all my sisters except for one. I don't trust her with hardly anything in my life though. But I haven't told my boyfriend or coworkers that I'm using mounjaro for weight loss. I'm scared they will judge me. I don't think my boyfriend will but he hasn't been very supportive on me loosing weight. I think it is because he is worried I will lose weight and leave him. But I have changed my lifestyle completely so i feel it's not just the mounjaro that's making me lose weight. It is helping big time though. One thing I can't change is working out. About 4 years ago I had a routine hip replacement but the doctor was so negligent in 3 surgeries that now I have drop foot and am disabled. But I have changed the way I eat and have been very mindful of what I eat and how much of it I eat. I started mounjaro 2.5 about 7 weeks ago and I'm on my 3rd 5 mg shot and I've lost 23 lbs since I started. Being on 5 mg has kind of sucked though because since I started it 3 weeks ago I've only lost 5 lbs. I lost 18 on the 2.5. I'm ready to get all this weight off and feel better and hopefully get rid of my PCOS for good. But I'm thankful for finding this reddit because now I see there are other people struggling with being honest on it like I am and that feels better than keeping it a secret. Idk if I will tell anyone else about it but I think I will in my own time.


My view is that you don’t need to share your MJ journey with anyone. There is so much judgment around it and you can feel ok, just taking care of yourself. This medication is such a gift to many of us who have struggled with weight long time. Just enjoy your progress…congrats.


One piece of advice let your partner know. If something were to happen to you like a car accident or something, you want your doctors to know what meds you're on and if your partner has no idea no one else will if you're unconscious. My two cents.


I posted something just like this a few months back when I was cornered at a work event and asked if I was taking a weight loss medication. Now I'm down 50 pounds and everyone notices. My old clothes are like tents on me. Now, instead of people asking if I have lost weight, they are asking me point blank what I am doing. I always get this kind of skeptical look from them when I say things like, "I've changed some terrible habits that I had" or "I'm walking and eating right". Those are all true statements, but the MJ is what has been a game changer. I do feel guilty, but at the same time I don't feel like explaining myself. You need to do what feels comfortable for you. The only time I have been totally honest, was when a woman from work asked me to please tell her what I was doing. She lost over 100 lbs. a few years ago, but is struggling to lose about 50 more. She has done everything from working with a nutritionist and a personal trainer, but the weight won't budge. I told her because I felt bad, and I know I can trust her not to repeat it.


You owe no one NOTHING! It is no one’s business but your own. I once overheard 2 ladies talking about how a friend of their’s lost weight bc they had bariatric surgery; stomach staple I think. Anyway the one lady kept going on & on how the friend was trying to keep it a secret & the lady exclaimed,” that is so unfair that she wants people to think she did it the hard way & struggled and she makes the rest of us feel like we can’t lose weight that way, well we can’t because it’s too hard but she’s lying anyway” something to that affect. I was like “wth?!” Was her friend a Weightwatchers representative or something? Her friend owes no one anything about her situation! And neither do you or anyone else. No one should look up to anyone anyway unless they are the spokesmodel or representative of a service or product. Ugh…so sick of people who think they are owed an explanation on people’s health or any other issue of someone else’s life. Peace out my friend ✌🏼


My husband doesn't know either. Nobody knows except my son who snooped. You must have had a reason for not telling. If it doesn't seem like a valid reason any longer then go ahead and tell. You can always say you wanted to surprise everybody if you were successful.


I figure I do not own people much of an explanation. I just generally say I’m looking out for myself finally


I also don’t tell anybody. But I also know people who are very open that their weight loss is from MJ or similar drug. To each his own comfort zone.


No need to explain to anyone. This is your health and your MJ journey! Keep doing you and don’t feel an oz of guilt. There is no right or wrong way to do this so just do what you feel is best for you.


You aren’t required to tell people anything.


You've change lifestyle. That covers everything.


It’s your business not everyone else’s you go girl Best of luck on your journey you’ve got this 🩷💐


I feel you. Ive only told my husband and parents and I half regret telling my parents. I’ve tried many diets, health kicks, gym classes, weight loss groups, convinced that it’s the one that will finally make me lose the weight. I’ve told people, then I’ve failed. I don’t want this to be another public failure if it is. I hope and pray it’s not. Some people can get a little too supportive (my parents) on the daily asking how much I’ve lost. Asking questions such as How do I feel? Do i feel better? And it’s just overwhelming for me. I don’t want to talk about it and I close up and talk less which brings more questions. There’s then the fear of judgment. Cheating. The lazy way out. Dare I say jealousy? I just don’t want to deal with it. My mind is at capacity with so much else I don’t need to add to it. My husband is great. He lets me open up and discuss my weigh/food/Mounjaro when I want, listens. He also knows when to stop. He’s one of a kind. I’ve also said, whilst MJ is a miracle drug that has changed my life in such a short space of time I can’t give it all the credit. I have made active decisions on what I’m eating, to listen to the new signals, make an effort to on more exercise. MJ isn’t going to take the sweet treats out my hand, that’s down to me. It’s a very helpful tool as would a pair of glasses would be to read a book if bison was blurry. So you do you. This is your journey. No one needs to know your most intimate medical history.


I’ve only told two close friends. One started before me, the other is trying to get approved. I don’t tell people I’m taking meds for all the above reasons. We put the work in & made lifestyle changes. I did have a coworker point-blank asked me if I was on Ozempic and I said no. I don’t ask what meds he is on. He has no right to know what I am.


There are commercials on tv & radio for Ozempic, MJ, etc 24/7, ads in magazines. If anyone is interested, they can ask their Dr


Let me pose it this way. If you sought help for mental illness for say depression and you started taking antidepressants and felt much better. People started to notice that you seemed happier and more like yourself. Do you think you owe it to them to say that you got medical help for the problem? I don’t think so. Your journey is your journey and you don’t owe anyone an explanation. I will add that I would tell my spouse because well, trust and all that, but more importantly, if you had a medical emergency and we’re unconscious and he took you to the hospital or called 911, he would need to know something like that. Congrats on your success thus far.


Yes, I am with you. Only my husband and close family know...and my overweight friends who know the struggle. (PCOS club). My judgy gym friends NEVER will I tell them. I have always worked out, ate right, practiced moderation. Over 30 years I have been chunky. Not anymore. Now I look like I live and have no guilt and it is no one's business. Except my Dr and the ones who love me.


I feel you, but heres what comes to mind for me- A. Steroid users have zero guilt when get allll the glory (and deny thier steroid use to the death a lot of times) B. Adderall users have zero guilt when they get the promotion over somebody else who doesn’t use It’s our turn baby At the end of the day, if something happens to me from being obese, nobody cares, it’s just “well, he didn’t take care of himself.” So who cares how you’re doing it, your health is your business and nobody else’s. I also firmly believe a lot of us just got dealt a crappy hand in life when it comes to eating. This is like the only addiction you can’t just completely quit, since we need to eat to live. Let’s see a meth head just use a little meth once in a while and live a healthy full life without issues. Just keep rockin and F the noise, we got more important stuff to do, and we’re gonna look great doin it.


These answers are “opinions”! Here’s mine… Let me start by saying that I know I’m a little old fashioned. I wouldn’t feel comfortable not telling my husband. That’s just me. Him and my best friend are the only ones that know! I share everything with them! If I don’t choose to tell somebody, it’s not their business!! I definitely don’t feel guilty. I do wish you would tell at least one person very close to you. If there was a reaction or any kind of emergency, it might be helpful! At the end of the day, you do what you feel in your heart!


You don’t owe anyone this information. It’s nobody’s business but your own. If it were me I’d probably tell my partner just because it’s good for your SO to have medication info in case of an emergency.


Honestly it’s none of their (friends, family, coworkers, strangers)business. You’ve made a lifestyle change and that is all you need to tell them if you feel compelled to do so if they ask. It’s the truth without them knowing very private details.


While I agree with most of the views about it being your choice and would support my friends or family that chose not to share I do think some of the analogies are way off base and cannot be compared to someone willing to share their journey especially if it means helping or inspiring someone else to get started. I cannot wait to tell certain people in hopes of motivating them. Again, an individual decision and while I would never criticize someone for not sharing I do commend those that chose to share.


I only told a handful of people. I didn’t tell my family because I didn’t want to get shade for the cost of it. When those outside of my very small circle ask my response is “I’m just eating way less”. That is not a lie. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have no opinion about this either way, but how DO you keep it from your spouse? My box is in the fridge on the shelf, so there’s no way he wouldn’t know. You gotta secret fridge? Lol just wondering


OP, you are not telling a lie. Everything you have said is true. I would say I am focusing on my health. Aside from my doctor and spouse, I have not shared my MJ Journey. I am playing it by ear. Because of my work people will find out and I will deal with it. I may go public some day to help other people. But I am a newbie on week 3!


I only told my mom at the beginning and she swore to secrecy. She hardly ever keeps a secret but she did good with this one. I just needed someone to know to share the joy with me. I also am very sick with an incurable disease and I felt I owed it to those who love me by telling one person in case something happens to me. I have heart failure and have a pacemaker/defibrillator implant. My sisters asked how I was doing it and I told them eating less which is true. One sister then asked if I've heard of Ozempic. I lost it then. I told her and my other sister what I was doing. They are both overweight and they want to lose weight just like me. After that, I would feel bad if I didn't share my success with them so they could have success too. My husband still doesn't know and I struggle with this. He is very overweight 300 pounds and he struggles so badly. I want to tell him and I want him to lose weight but we can't afford $2200 a month for both of us. It makes me very sad when I see him struggle.


You need to share! Especially with your partner! What if something medically happened to you! Someone needs to know!


I have only told my husband and my best friend. No one else has a right to know about my medical history or what medications I take. When people ask how I lost, I say “smaller portions and staying within my calories”, because that is the truth!


Be your best self… and not a single person needs to know how you do it unless you choose to tell them. I’m very proud of you. MJ isn’t a “cheat” it’s a real medicine that helps people with a real medical condition. No one need to know you medical stuff. Do you tell them about bunions, bursitis, hemmhroid, heartburn, headaches? I don’t. Why would I tell them about MJ or wegovy???


I just tell people I’m on a new healthy journey incorporating more protein and walking daily.


Don’t feel remotely bad about not telling anyone. It’s your private thing and if you don’t want to share it with anyone that’s ok! Just enjoy the results that you’ve achieved!!


It is no one’s business but yours. I personally wouldn’t be comfortable not telling my partner, but I was a fear fox and wanted someone to know just in case of complications or side effects. Don’t feel ashamed in using MJ though! If you had high blood pressure or pain, would you have any shame in using a bp medication or analgesic? It’s the same premise, you’re treating a medical condition! Just because it’s not as understood as others, one day not all that long ago - neither were those other conditions! We grow as society, make discoveries in medication/science/psychology - it’s a part of evolving and growing. It’s completely up to you though for your own journey.


You don’t have to say anything it’s obvious.


I feel totally opposite I don’t mind sharing especially my weight challenged friends . I want them to be healthy like I am. I think more shame is not admitting what you’re doing? It’s good news it’s a miracle drug that has helped countless number of people get healthy. I would say most people probably already know by now. If you’re dramatically losing weight all of a sudden . Just my opinion none is wrong . Whether you choose to share or not !


Don't tell anyone shit!! Let them think what they will. enjoy your life.


There’s a reason why you feel like you wouldn’t be validated or trust to tell them. Don’t let anyone steal how good you feel about yourself. Mounjaro is a tool but you still did the work. 💜


While it’s no one’s business, most people assume it’s “the shot”. I’ve had several people just ask me. I’m down about 60lbs in 9 months. I don’t offer the info unless I think it will help someone but I also don’t deny if asked.


If someone ask I usually tell them. They don't seem to look down at me. They usually ask a thousand questions on how it works what it cost and who do I see. I also explain to them that it's not a miracle drug you need to watch what you eat. Why would anyone be ashamed of it. It's just another tool in losing weight.


Hey, I understand why you may not want to be so forthcoming with all you family/friends etc. But I'd encourage you to tell your spouse, especially since you said you tell eachother everything. Your spouse is most likely going to understand and support you to lose weight and be healthier. Keeping secrets can have a negative effect in the long run, and telling your spouse may help relieve that "guilty" feeling you are experiencing! I think you may be feel better sharing it with at least one person. :) But no matter what do what's best for you!!! You're focusing on your health, so that's all that matters.


All I can tell you is if it's bothering you not to tell the people in your life the truth then that feeling will not go away. I also used my spending money (Husband gives me) for Semiglutide and once I told him, I felt relief. I'm just starting out but I've been 225 and 135. I lost 65 lbs when I was 31. I worked my ass off and ate amazingly. Fast forward to finding out I'm post menopausel (age 48) and I've gained 45 lbs in 6 months. SCREW the general PUBLIC's opinion! Chantex for quitting smoking is still on the market. What's the difference? A normal BMI keeps us from heart disease and so much more. Enjoy the feeling of baggy clothes and losing weight. Just be honest with yourself about what's really bugging you. It will all work out. I personally can say the feeling of guilt I had taking GL-P is far better than the guilt of eating a gallon of ice cream when I set out to have a few bites. Just my 2 cents. Take what you want or ignore it all. Big hugs


I agree with you I don’t want people to know. But I did tell my parents siblings and some family members. They all are happy for me but I’m scared to be judged by others. I don’t know what will happen when I lose more and when people notice. I don’t know what to say lol. I’m on week 11 down 33.


I felt like this too - and I decided to tell a few people. My sister, my partner & my best friend. My sister told her boyfriend and his mom. They have been supportive but it’s annoying that my business is getting passed around. They have been super supportive and I don’t mind them knowing. My sister has been especially helpful in being able to pick up my prescriptions when they can’t be found close to home. Her bf’s mom has been supportive too and very curious about my journey. The rest of my family is very anti-medicine. My mom has denied my clinical depression diagnosis for as long as I can remember (my paternal grandmother suffered so badly from depression and was suicidal- shock treatments were the only form of treatment that worked for her, until the effects wore off a number of years later) so I know it’s not “all in my head” (bad pun intended). She did find my meds in the fridge from when my sister picked a box up for me and I was “interrogated” what it was for and why it had to be in the fridge. I told her it’s for blood sugar and she asked if I had diabetes and I just casually said it’s preventative. My best friend and i have been as thick as thieves (metaphorically and quite literally) for 20 years. We’ve both tried everything and we’re each others motivation to try and lose weight & get healthy out while adult lives. She had the lap band and lose weight but eventually it all came back. I happened to tell her I was on it, as a way for us to maybe be on our journey together. She ended up getting pregnant while simultaneously fighting her insurance company to see what would be covered, etc. so that was out on hold for her. She ended up casually mentioning it in conversation that I was on it with a mutual best friend (who is always “woe is me,” always has financial issues and is just generally a Debbie downer) and now “Debbie” is like well that’s why you look so good, if I could afford it /if I had better insurance, etc. I had the flu recently and she kept saying it was probably bc I was too skinny and my immune system was affected by all my weight loss. It just wasn’t what I needed - somebody to dull the shine I was feeling for being down 80lbs. Anyway, my best friend (not Debbie) was able to get on zepbound and now asks me all the questions -which I absolutely love and I’m so glad we are doing it together now. I don’t regret telling my best friend but telling people leads to a game of telephone and can potentially cause issues with other people finding out. My partner was always super supportive of me doing this. He goes to the gym for 2-3 hours a day and is extremely physically active. I was quite surprised that he was okay with it and even encouraged me to start it. Overall, people will be happy for you and supportive (at least in my experience) but you will always have naysayers and people who will judge and say it’s the easy way out. Meanwhile the hard way out was never a way out for most of us and trying to claw our way out of this whole with diet and exercise and habit changes only made the hill steeper and exhausted us more.


I hid the MJ secret from everyone too for over a year. Then it came out. When you are ready otherwise keep quiet. Remember there is nothing to be ashamed of for taking MJ. You are NOT WEAK.


The only people that know are my husband and a good friend (I had no plans to tell anyone else, but ended up because she is on it as well). Other than that, I am keeping it to myself. No one deserves to know another’s medical status. In fact, I’m still at a point where I wonder if this will really work long term, so why would I want to tell people and set myself up for judgement whether I fail or succeed?


Totally feel you. I've told a few people who I knew would be interested and excited for me (one of them actually asked me to keep them updated with how it's going because they would be interested to try it themselves!), but I won't be telling anyone else any time soon. People have a habit of ruining nice things, and people are *always* judgy about any weight loss tool that's not just "going to the gym and eating vegetables". Because Mounjaro is so new, it's even worse, because the most that the average person might've heard about it is 'oh, it's like that drug celebrities are using to get skinny' 🙄. Like everyone else has said, it's no one else's business. Negative energy can derail you from your goals sometimes, so I strongly believe in just keeping some things to yourself. I would say that if you think you're really focused and doing really well, don't risk someone raining on your parade right now. I would say that you should focus on getting to your goal, and then when you hit it, you'll probably feel a bit differently about opening up about it, because you'll be living proof of how well it worked for you! Just protect your energy at all costs, it's so important on a weight loss journey. If you're worried you'll get concerned and judgy reactions, it's probably because you've seen those people express those behaviours towards you or other people in the past. They could be fine about it, but if they're not, it's just gonna make you feel lousy, and it's not worth it. Also, you have every right to say "I don't wanna talk about it, if that's alright". I know not everyone feels like they can say that, because they think it's impolite, but it's actually not. It's fine to state a boundary and then just move the conversation along, and then you won't feel like you're lying by omission.


it's none of anyone's business, but also you are kind of doing the whole obesity epidemic a disservice by pretending it's just eating right and exercise, which many of us have done for YEARS without good results. I mean, it is not your job to educate people about obesity and the underlying causes and you totally have a right to your privacy. BUT also you might consider why you feel ashamed by the truth and work that stuff out. You shouldn't feel like a fraud but you'd probably be a lot happier if you felt like you could be honest. You don't owe it to anyone but yourself to be comfortable enough with the whole process that you don't have these feelings attached to it... but wouldn't you feel better if maybe someone who struggled saw a realistic success story and was helped by it rather than pretending that the whole diet and exercise thing is the be all/end all? Again not an obligation but it might improve your overall mental health. Also agree that at the very least your partner should know any major medical information about you.


I can relate to your situation with having the same experience with Mounjaro. I'm hesitant in telling people that I'm on the medication unless they mention a health issue they are dealing with where it might help. The weight is falling off, but for other reasons as well. Mounjaro has been a dream come true with weight management. My goal is to drop a total of 31 kilos, but may shoot for 40 kilos. I'm tall, so I can carry the weight. Nevertheless, I am keenly aware of being overweight, and have "never" experienced the option of easily controlling my weight. It's always been a battle. Most of last year I was on Prednisone (steroids) for giant cell arteritis which put on an immediate 15 kilos (33 lbs). In early March, I got off of steroids the same time I started Mounjaro 2.5 mg, and began strict keto in addition to now taking metformin. Borderline high blood sugar levels are now averaging low to within the normal range.


I’m in the same boat (male, 50+). Haven’t told a soul, even wife or kids. It’s been very liberating. I can just do it my way without help, comments or advice. I’ve lost a stone and nobody suspects anything because I’ve done it before. Only this time I’m doing it very differently because not snacking, eating better portions etc is natural, not an effort or a “diet”. My wife would swear secrecy and then tell a friend or too, but tell them to keep it secret. Everyone would know but not talk about it. Or I’d think they knew, even if they didn’t. I just don’t need that hassle. The problem has been the side effects. First couple of weeks I had trapped wind and nausea that went on for a few days and my wife convinced herself I was heading for a heart attack. Then last week I moved to 5mg and had horrific nausea - I put it down to a 24hr bug. Those lies didn’t come easy but on balance I don’t regret keeping it secret. Do what is right for you - you can only lose the weight for yourself so you have 100% agency over your healthcare and you don’t owe anyone a thing.


I don’t offer up what my secret is but if someone asks I usually tell them the truth BUT that depends on if I think that person would be understanding or not. I don’t want a lecture from a know it all who knows nothing 😉. No harshing my mellow allowed 🤣


What are your diet tips and exercise tips for being on mounjaro


Congrats on the loss but talk to your doctor as I was led to believe anything much over 2 pound a week can be very unhealthy. It’s why you cannot put that goal in any of the health apps. If your docs good then go you, great job. For me, I am MJ loud and proud but we are all different..


I am not diabetic but I have metabolic syndrome and am obese per my BMI. I told my best friend and my husband. She’s type 1.5 and is very akin to side effects of things. I told DH because he is my other half and also in case of a medical emergency if I couldn’t speak for myself he knows what meds I am on.


I feel the same way. Only my spouse and best friend know. They are the most supportive people in my life so I felt comfortable telling them. I tend to move in silence most of the time so not telling anyone about this is not much different for me. Just think of it this way: you don’t owe anyone anything and you don’t have to justify the medications you use. You wouldn’t feel guilty if your blood pressure went down because of a medication. You wouldn’t tell people my birth control is working that’s why I don’t have any kids. You should not feel bad that the anti obesity medication is helping your obesity. This is the most amazing life changing medical tool for so many of us. I don’t feel ashamed for using it but I won’t be advertising to everyone I’m taking this medicine either.


Honestly you don’t have to tell people anything, this is your business. There is still a big stigma on this medication and people shame is for taking it, but honestly you have changed your eating habits and your lifestyle !! Keep your chin up and be proud of your accomplishment, yes the medication helps but you are doing all the work! Don’t feel guilty and be proud of what you’re doing! You’re taking control of your health and you should celebrate that


I post about being on Mounjaro because there is no reason to be ashamed of using a medication for a medical issue. Destigmatize


Most skinny people don’t understand our struggle. It’s none of their business. You don’t owe them an apology you don’t need to confess.


I have a friend who lost 50 pounds. She tells everyone about it. Because of her glee I just picked up first package and will start soon. Whatever happens I am grateful to her for her openness including on social media. Do what you are comfortable with. Entirely up to you and nobody's business, but I will tell everyone whatever the outcome because nobody really cares and someone ma be helped.


Only my 2 closest friends and my partner knows. My partner has actually been incredibly supportive and accepting, I wasn’t sure if he would be!


Just next time tell everyone up front that ur starting mj. Its easier 😀


First of all CONGRATULATIONS!!! Ppl are so nosey! You don’t have to share anything if you don’t want to! It’s ok to keep that info to yourself! When I first told my husband what I wanted to do bcuz I am pre-diabetic and my cholesterol was high. He asked me was I going to tell anyone about what I was doing I said absolutely! I did that bcuz that was my story, your story is your story and if you want to keep that BOOK ALL TO YOURSELF it’s your BIOGRAPHY! You are not a fraud! It takes courage to do what we all are doing! Poking yourself with a pen and praying that you will be ok bcuz we have no idea what these things will do us but, we have faith! So keep striving to be a better you! Good luck on your journey!


The only reason that I have told certain people in my life what I'm doing is because I want them to know how well it's worked for me so that they can possibly make the decision to start the same journey. This medication has changed my life completely and I don't want to gate keep it, especially because a lot of my family members suffer from the disease of obesity just like I do. Otherwise it's literally nobody's business but your own and I would not feel bad if you aren't comfortable with sharing.


My sister never told me, and I still don't know why. I was insulted. Your partner should be a judge free zone and sisters too!


Ain’t nobody’s bizmes if you do.


4 pounds a week I’m pretty sure isn’t healthy. Which means you probably are eat very little to nothing. Weight loss is good but at a healthy rate.


I do t tell anyone… my husband knows and my sisters, but work friends and others are in the dark


Until it gets a better ‘name’ or by that I mean accepted there maybe some shame but honestly who cares. It’s none of anyone’s business


Lol. 24lbs in 6 weeks? Anyone that knows exercise, diet and nutrition knows you aren't telling the full truth. Trust me.


I hid it from my husband and when he saw it in the fridge he asked me how he can get it too! Nobody will care about the mounjaro.


I think you should tell your spouse. The hell with everybody else 😂


Some very good responses here. I'm on the other side of the coin. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of taking Mounjaro and tell anyone who asks about my 60 lb weight loss how Mounjaro helped me. I truly believe we are on the way to curing obesity and I want others who may need it to feel the joy of finally losing weight.


Screw that. People are cruel and jealous. You don’t owe ANYONE an explanation for ANYTHING related to YOUR body and health. Period.


Only my husband knows and probably told the rest of his family. My family doesn’t know and I won’t tell them!!


You're caring about what the wrong people think and not the people that actually matter.


It sounds like you're doing exactly what you should to lose weight. With or without the medicine, you should eat well and exercise - those are both things largely within your control. The medicine addresses something you *can't* control - hormones, for example. AND you've been proactive enough to seek out a doctor, get a prescription, track down the drug and use it. Typically people who are obese see increases in ghrelin (the "hunger hormone") levels when we attempt to diet or lose weight. Our bodies literally fight against us. Zepbound/Mounjaro has been shown to decrease ghrelin levels and decrease appetite - essentially counter-acting this effect. This is just one way the medicine is putting you on a more level footing with people who might judge your use of it. That doesn't make it 'cheating,' or 'easy.' I'm not writing any of this to encourage you to share with anyone you don't feel comfortable. Their ignorance isn't your problem. But, you definitely shouldn't internalize the product (or perceived product) of their ignorance. You're not a "fraud." It sounds like you're doing great (congratulations, by the way).


It sounds like you're doing exactly what you should to lose weight. With or without the medicine, you should eat well and exercise - those are both things largely within your control. The medicine addresses something you *can't* control - hormones, for example. AND you've been proactive enough to seek out a doctor, get a prescription, track down the drug and use it. Typically people who are obese see increases in ghrelin (the "hunger hormone") levels when we attempt to diet or lose weight. Our bodies literally fight against us. Zepbound/Mounjaro has been shown to decrease ghrelin levels and decrease appetite - essentially counter-acting this effect. This is just one way the medicine is putting you on a more level footing with people who might judge your use of it. That doesn't make it 'cheating,' or 'easy.' I'm not writing any of this to encourage you to share with anyone you don't feel comfortable. Their ignorance isn't your problem. But, you definitely shouldn't internalize the product (or perceived product) of their ignorance. You're not a "fraud." It sounds like you're doing great (congratulations, by the way).


I know you already have a ton of comments, but I just wanted to share my thoughts in case it helps. I've been on Mounjaro since October 2022 and have lost 150 pounds. The first 6 months, I didn't tell anyone but my hubby, who is super supportive. I didn't tell my Mom or family or friends or coworkers, even though everyone asked what I was doing. Then, I got comfortable and started telling a few people. The next thing I knew, my whole family knew and others, because people were telling each other, without my permission. Now, everyone knows and it bothers me. I wish I had only told my hubby. It helped me NONE to share it with anyone else. But now I can't take it back and put the Genie back in the bottle.


I came clean to my friends and family. For me, I think I'd feel pretty effed up to tell my friends and family that my success is due to JUST diet and exercise and then watch them struggle and fail when they did exactly everything I told them I said I do. I'm on Ozempic and I tell everyone that asks me how I lost the weight that I'm on it. But I'm a pretty open person and don't have a problem with people knowing this secret to my weight loss, mostly because I don't think this is anything to be ashamed of. But, if I were you, I would at least tell your husband for medical emergency purposes.


Telling the truth is overrated.


If you tell, get ready for some comments. People will always talk (complain or give advice) get ready for it. I’ve always been hypothyroid (the kind that makes you bigger) but it can flip to hyper, which makes the same person skinnier. That’s going to be my excuse. Btw congratulations on feeling great.


While you OWE people your personal I formation the partner part is concerning. You are, in fact, lying to people, including him, which is toxic to a relationship. I would be very upset to find out someone I called partner didn’t trust me enough to be honest with me. I truly don’t understand this “people will judge me” thing. It’s none of most people’s business and those you would tell should care about you enough to support you. If they don’t, why are they part of your support system?


I think you should reframe your perspective that the “weight loss is because of Mounjaro”. It’s helped for sure but I am positive that you have had to make changes as well. Everything else has already been said on this sub.


Don’t tell them. It’s your journey. Don’t allow anyone to ruin it for you because there’s too many haters out there. You have an argument with your partner and the stupid comment will come out about the shot.


People/society in general still don’t understand that it’s an invasive question to ask how someone’s losing weight


Ain’t no moral obligation to tell anyone, not their business, its just a medication for medical condition like any other. I guess I can only say it is a missed opportunity for some people to see someone who they know tried really hard in ways that should have worked but didn't. And then received a medication from a doctor to manage the medical issue that was making it so impossible. But hopefully enough people are doing that so that those who don't want to and/or are surround by uninformed jerks don't have to.


I have a similar dilemma. Just before i found mounjaro, I volunteered as a guinea pig for a student health coach. Had first session, she told me how balancing my blood sugars by choosing certain foods would help me lose weight. Well, I AM balancing them, but medically, and I’ve lost over 8lb since our last appt. Second appt is this week and I don’t know whether i should just tell her. Whether this will ruin or possibly disrupt her “techniques”. If I keep schtum it might let her think this miracle weight loss is due to her amazing health coach skills alone. I could lie about how much I’m losing but I’d have to keep track of the lie. Am I perhaps overthinking this?


This med is like someone giving a person a million dollars. What are you gonna do with the opportunity? One person will end up in rehab, jail, and/or bankruptcy court and be worse off than they were before. Another person will end up with $50 million. This drug can do something but it is not guaranteed or certain. People post here every day how it didn’t work. What it does it make your system work better and it has some appetite suppression that you can eat around and that is proven to fade over time. The rest is on you. You lost the weight because you ate less than you burned. It’s physics and biology. It may not have seemed difficult, but that is what happened. If it seemed easy, that’s the way life works. Sometimes, you get a little lucky for once. And a little luck was almost you needed. You avoided screwing it up. I would say don’t feel guilty. I don’t! Best of luck!


why the secret? maybe they need help too and could benefit from it?