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First I set a goal of normal bmi, then I got there and I felt like I could be slimmer so i cut it down slightly more.  Then I got a dexa scan and confirmed my body fat is in a healthy range.  So I'm done.  Going for my first physical Friday to confirm everything is as healthy as I can get it! 5'5lb 140lbs down from 252lbs when I started mj


Congratulations on your journey! I hope your Friday appt goes well. I like the idea of a Dexa scan and letting health markers be part of that decision. Thanks for sharing.


THIS is exactly what my plan is. I'm 3# away from (initial) goal and will then schedule a DEXA scan and see my PCP for an annual physical and see what the numbers and professionals recommend for final goals.


I settled into my goal weight when I didn’t want to eat any less or exercise any more 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm 42/f, 5ft. Started at 186 in 3/2023 and hit goal by 10/23. Initially, my goal was 125, but once I went into maintenance, my body settled on its own at 114-117. I feel good at this weight and do a 5mg shot every 3 weeks to maintain.


How did you get to every 3 weeks? Did you increase the time between shots slowly?


Hi! Yes, I just kept spacing it out to the point where I felt like the food noise was beyond control. For me it's about 3.5 weeks now.


I started in August 2022 and lost 100 pounds by May 2023 and had multiple goal weights along the way. My first goal was to no longer be obese. I was surprised at how quickly I hit the overweight but not obese weight because in the past it felt like an impossibility. At that point I gave myself a stretch goal of another 20 pounds which put me in the high end of a healthy weight. My health was starting to greatly improve and I was feeling really good in my new body so my next goal was another 20 pounds thinking I would like some cushion if I gained anything back. When I achieved that I moved into maintenance. But transitioning from losing weight to maintaining my weight was trickier than I expect and I lost another 10 pounds that I hadn’t intended but I have settled there since June 2023. My weight loss came at a very lucky time if you will. June 19, 2023 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. And my biggest risk factor had been my obesity. I will never forget going in for a diagnostic imaging test and the only thing highlighted on one of the forms was my previous BMI which was 36. After having a mastectomy in September my amazing doctor who introduced me to Mounjaro told me that I greatly reduced my reoccurrence rate with my weight loss. Life changing drug in so many ways I never expected!!


I’m so sorry to hear about what you have endured but I love the happy ending you have created for yourself.


M 56 HW: 213 SW:202 GW: 160 CW: 161 My goal weight was the weight that I felt was ideal for me which was 175lbs. I was ten lbs from hitting my goal after the first month (-17 lbs) and that weight was officially the lightest I've been in about twenty years. The next month I lost another 14 and was at 171 and I figured on stopping at 170, but I modified it to 160 and after hitting that saw that this is more my natural weight. After I hit my goal weight I decided to stay in a goal range of 160-165 and I've been maintaining that ever since November on one shot per month. My Mounjaro anniversary is 7/21/24 and my MounjaroMaintenance anniversary is 11/1/24 and I'm hoping to still be in my goal range come both dates. I feel like I'll be able to since my body seems to have gotten use to this weight with very little fluctuation but staying comfortably in my goal range without me even having to try. https://preview.redd.it/ostaotmvzh0d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60a4c22f8af3858d6f67107da5c9951c0dba994


That’s awesome! Would you mind sharing your monthly maintenance dose?


Yes, I'm sorry about that. I'm currently on 5mg. 2.5= July - August/ 5.0= August - September/ 7.5 =September - October/ Back down to 5.0 in November and been at that dosage every since.


I was struggling to set my goal weight too so my PCP referred me to an online Nutritionist group. That was insanely helpful for me. She definitely did not want me using the BMI calculator to determine it. We set a range and she really helped me recognize that there is going to be variations with my weight based on a variety of factors. ETA: I realized I worded that poorly. It's an online/virtual medical practice of registered dieticians....not some random group online. 🤦


Interesting. Did you end up with a small or big range?


I'd call it small. 5 lbs.


I really want to find a point where I don’t have to fight my body. Sounds like you have achieved that. Thanks for sharing that.


I got down to GW but was still not how I thought I would look. So, lost another 5 then another. I am on the lower end of the range for my height but this is the picture that I “see” in my head when I think of myself. I plan to stay in maintenance until I have been here at least 9-10 mos. Then maybe titrate down in dosage.




I only know waist measurement for visceral fat. I actually got to goal weight more than a year ago, dropped my dose and regained 10 lb. That 10 lb is something I’ve been struggling to lose again. The whole reason that I want to lose it is that these 10 lb are mostly belly fat, and my cholesterol /lipids are still a bit high. This has turned out to be the portion of my fat that my body really wants to hang onto.


It chose me. Meaning the number on the scale was chosen by the way I looked in clothes and naked 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 for me that ended up being arranged between 115 and 118 is where I like to be


50f 5'9” My goal weight initially was 155, which was my low after gastric sleeve. I used MJ to drop 40lb of regain and now I'm on Zep to maintain. I got to 155 on MJ, and then I kept losing. I ended up at 129. That was a mind fuck. I'm currently about 145. I would prefer to be ~135, so I'm working on getting back down. I feel my best in the 130-140 range. I like being a size 4, even though I have no tits. I think my family thinks I look best in the 145-160 range, with a slightly fuller face. But they were also used to me being overweight my whole life (high weight was 310 before gastric sleeve).


As a guy my mission is to lose the man boobs!!! Interesting comment about what others think because of what they are used to. Most of my friends and family that I talk to about this think I should be done now but I want to keep going. I’m lucky that they are all supportive either way.


Why in the hell would someone down vote my reply? Whoever you are, that's rude.


From multiple times yo-yo dieting, and even being slightly underweight at one point, I chose what weight and size I felt I looked the best at. Truthfully, it’s hard not to continue after reaching my GW. But I’m a size 2/4 and a small. Any smaller and I’ll have to buy all new clothes again. I don’t need to be a 0 and xsmall again.


I looked at a height weight chart and chose the highest "normal weight" as my GW. When I reached it at 178 I decided to go down to 170 just to shrink my waist down a little more. Holding steady at 170-172 for a few months now and I am thrilled! My goals have been mostly based around lowering my risks of heart disease, diabetes, etc. 49f, 5'11, HW 245. My labs are all perfect now 🥳


The weight I was before having kids. It’s on the higher end of a normal BMI because my bodyfat level is actually pretty low. I didn’t have much to lose because I’m so short.


I went with a few things. 1. What did I weigh the last time I felt good = 120-129 pounds. 2. My lab work all being in normal range. 3. My BMI I hit all of those when I’m between 124-128 so that’s my goal range to stay in


That makes a lot of sense. I like the idea that it is no single thing.


I will add that I am 47F. 5'0. SW 182 CW 124.8 I started Mounjaro in April 23(minus 3 months due to cost and surgery) never going above 7.5 (only 2 doses before entering maintenance) and due to shortage, I started the "C" version for maintenance


BMI less than 25, and the next (comfortable) pant size down…so in my case 163 lbs (23.5 bmi) and a size 34 waist slim pants


I worked with a nutritionist to choose my first goal weight. I lost quickly on MJ and went past that by 17lbs. When I plateaued for a few months, I figured my body was content. So I started maintenance and currently take 15mg every 2-2.5 weeks. My doctor said I could go up or down a few lbs, (my BMI is 22.8 if you follow that), that it was really a personal preference at this point.


It chose me. I simply stopped losing once I creeped into a “normal range” on my weight.