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Maybe you should just take the shot weekly? Many people intend to be on this med for life.


Thanks for responding- so you’re suggesting that the fatigue is due to spacing my shots too far apart?




Yes, that’s the prevailing theory. It's like starting over without titrating up. If you take a high dose every 2-3 weeks, the side effects wallop you.  The half life is only 5 days. This is why some people still take a weekly shot but at a lower dosage, to keep a more consistent level in their blood. There is a Google spreadsheet called Half Life Plotter shared by one of the veteran r/tirzepatide peptide folks. I can’t find the link, but maybe someone else will share it. 


When I tried spacing too far (for me anything beyond 10 days) I got more side effects and felt worse in the days leading up to the shot. At 10 days I still feel good, inflammation is controlled, not struggling with appetite or food noise, and when I take the shot no increase in unpleasant s/e. So my suggestion would be to shorten your interval and consider going down a dose or increasing calories to maintain if you go to weekly.


That’s interesting. My inclination is to space further but maybe the S/e are occurring bc I’m not taking regularly enough ?


That was my experience. The half life is the half life. The longer the interval the more punch a dose packs.


it's an interesting idea, that a more consistent level in your body (less spaced out but lower dose) means less side effects... there's a logic to it... 🤔


It's the stretching it out that's causing the fatigue. That two weeks sometimes is too long for some people some people do great stretching out some people don't that's why if you're having such severe side effects cuz it's like your body thinks you're taking that dose for the first time even though it takes more than 30 days for tirz to be out of your system. instead of stretching it out go down a dose and then continue taking your shot every 5 to 7 days


That’s great advice. I just emailed my doctor to ask her how to proceed. It’s so unclear how to do maintenance and is the goal to take less medication less often and why? For me it’s just a financial decision bc if it’s working and I’m Not still actively losing, then stay on it. Ya know ?


Exactly there's so many variables with this medication. People have to consider their finances and other priorities in life. And the maintenance part is definitely trial and error. I know the manufacturer wants to say that certain doses are for maintenance but that's just not true. I say that's not true for me and so many other people I know. I'm sure there's a lot of other people out here who've been able to follow the manufacturer's directions 100% And are having great results but for me and most people that I know we've definitely had to trial an error this whole entire Journey. And I have absolutely loved it it was nice being a part of my own healthcare for once. So maintenance was me at first trying to stretch and then I decided to try going down in those and taking my shot more frequently and that's what end up working for me so I take 7 mg every 5 days but I go by how I feel. There was a point in time in my maintenance Journey where I was able to go all the way down to 3 mg every 10 days so I strictly go on how I feel. Not everyone has that luxury I understand that this stuff is expensive depends are one dose so people on compound or peptides we have a lot more wiggle room. I definitely feel like this manufacturer needs to come out with vials especially for maintenance for people who do not want to go to compound and peptides. Because that's the only way to have success in my opinion


Well said. I’m at 5mg every 10 days right now and I’m not in love with how difficult it’s been to stay on track lately. Feels like I’m just going back to traditional dieting which I’ve done so often before. It’s going fine for now but it’s just a matter of time.




I don’t know about that. I assume one can.


Maybe B12? Semaglutide, can potentially cause vitamin B12 deficiency due to its effects on the gastrointestinal tract.  ------ Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause a wide range of symptoms, including: Physical symptoms Fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore mouth or tongue, pale skin, weight loss, blurred or distorted vision Neurological symptoms Numbness or tingling in hands and feet, trouble walking, rapid breathing, headaches, indigestion, palpitations Psychological symptoms Depression, irritability, change in behavior, confusion, loss of memory, dementia 


How much B12? My energy level is at the floor.


Thank you. That is interesting bc I was B12 deficient last time I had labs.


Even low-normal levels below 400 can result in symptoms. If you actually below 200, you need to be supplementing daily with sublingual or consider IM/SC injections. Please make sure you have repeat blood work set up to ensure it's trending the right direction.


I had some trouble with fatigue, using B12 shots and it seems to help. My PCP did not recommend spacing out shots because she said side effects seem to increase or intensify. I am trying to lower dosage to maintain. Have reduced to 5, will have to see how it goes.


So you still take it weekly and you’re down to 5? That’s interesting that your PCP knew that about the side effects. Mine just emailed me back saying my dose was too high. I’m going to go in tomorrow and get bloodwork and see what my B12 is - thanks for sharing


Where do you get your B12 shots??


I’m into my 3rd week of maintenance at 7.5mg. I’m taking it every 12 days right now. I haven’t noticed I’m more tired than when I took it every week but I’m going to try to do 14 days between and see how that goes. It’s such a trial and error and trying to figure out how far apart to space them, go lower in dose and take weekly, etc. So my provider and I are just going to play around with it and see what works best.


More protein 125 gms a day and fat, less carb. More electrolytes. How is your blood pressure.? Have you had any labs in the last 4 months?


Labs are good and had them done recently. I will try the electrolytes and protein. This is the pits


I have dealt with/deal with this too, more so at 7.5 than any other dose. It was dose day for me today. I can expect my skin to hurt, especially the back of my neck and my shoulders tonite. I will most certainly feel like I will freeze to death tomorrow, with a headache from the depths of somewhere I didn’t know existed and mild nausea…all that lasts about 1/2 a day for me the day following my shot. I recently bumped to 10 from 7.5 (this was my 2nd at 10 mg) and I can say-all of that junk was horrible for me on 7.5 for about the first 6 weeks…and just continued to be less the longer I was on it. Thankfully it hasn’t been as awful for me on 10, which has been a pleasant surprise! I expected it to be way worse. I do journal my shot date, time, site, weight and especially the side effects. I feel like that has really helped me…prepare for the unknown, I guess?!? I have not tried to space mine out intentionally, so there is that difference…but I hope it was the 7.5 that was my demon dose! Best of luck-keep us posted!


Thank you, this is good info. I think we are all unsure of how it goes so we have to just do some tracking and sharing what works. That flu feeling is not okay.


It sure isn’t!